def example_1d():
    dx = 1
    dz = 1
    A = np.array([1]).reshape(dx, dx)
    B = np.array([1]).reshape(dx, 1) 
    H = np.array([1]).reshape(dz, dx)
    Q = np.array([0.2*0.2]).reshape(dx, dx)
    R = np.array([0.2*0.2]).reshape(dz, dz)
    x0 = np.array([0]).reshape(dx, 1)    
    uts = [0]
    ts = [1000]
    ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts,ts)
    ground_truth,measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(A,B,H,Q,R,x0,ut_sq)
    predict,sigma,estimates = KFprocess(A,B,H,Q,R,measurements)
    ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth,dx)
    measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements,dz)
    estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates,dx)
    predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict,dz)
    plotfgs.multiKf_plot(measurements,ground_truth,estimates,kfest_flag = True)
    error = [[ground_truth[i][j] - estimates[i][j] for j in range(ts[0])] for i in range(len(ground_truth))]    

    CompP2S = CompP2SHist.Compare_pln2statis_hist(mean_pln = uts,Sigma_pln = sigma[-1][0],name='plan')
    mean_error,var_error = CompP2S.numer_compare(error[0])
def example_generate_data_seq_ut_nd():
    dx = 2
    dz = 2
    # 3 by 3
    A = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    B = np.array([[1],[1],[1]]).reshape(dx, 1) 
    H = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]).reshape(dz, dx)
    Q = np.array([[0.2 * 0.2,0,0],[0,0.2*0.2,0],[0,0,0.2 * 0.2]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    R = np.array([[0.2 * 0.2,0,0],[0,0.2*0.2,0],[0,0,0.2 * 0.2]]).reshape(dz, dz)
    x0 = np.array([[0],[0],[0]]).reshape(dx, 1)
    A = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    B = np.array([[1],[1]]).reshape(dx, 1) 
    H = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]).reshape(dz, dx)
    Q = np.array([[0.2 * 0.2,0],[0,0.2 * 0.2]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    R = np.array([[0.2 * 0.2,0],[0,0.2 * 0.2]]).reshape(dz, dz)
    x0 = np.array([[0],[0]]).reshape(dx, 1)
    uts = [0,1,0,2]
    ts = [100,10,20,10]
    ut_sq = generate_sequential_ut(uts,ts)
    gx,zt = generate_seq_data(A,B,H,Q,R,x0,ut_sq)
    ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(gx,dx)
    measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(zt,dx)
    return gx,zt
def example_2d():
    dx = 2
    dz = 2
    q = np.array([[0.2,0.],[0.,0.2]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    r = np.array([[0.2,0],[0,0.2]]).reshape(dz, dz)
    A = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    B = np.array([[1],[1]]).reshape(dx, 1) 
    H = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]).reshape(dz, dx)
    Q = np.dot(q,q.T)
    R = np.dot(r,r.T)
    x0 = np.array([[0],[0]]).reshape(dx, 1)
    uts = [0]
    ts = [1000]
    ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts,ts)
    ground_truth,measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(A,B,H,Q,R,x0,ut_sq)
    predict,sigma,estimates = KFprocess(A,B,H,Q,R,measurements)
    ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth,dx)
    measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements,dz)
    estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates,dx)
    predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict,dz)
    plotfgs.multiKf_plot(measurements,ground_truth,estimates,kfest_flag = True)
def example_test_M22():
    This is just one example to test 2d-state KF estimate
    By running this function, you'll see the visulization of these data
    # specify dimension of dx and dz
    dx = 2
    dz = 2
    # specify the parameters of matrices
    q_std = 1
    q12 = .8
    r_std = 1
    r12 = 0.0
    a11 = 1
    a22 = 1
    a21 = 0
    a12 = 0.0
    h11 = 1
    h22 = h11
    h12 = 0
    h21 = h12
    b1 = 1
    b2 = 1
    q21 = q12
    r21 = r12
    # set up variables to contain error mean and variance
    # between plan and statistics
    Emean_p_stat = []
    Evar_p_stat = []
    # set up inputs
    A = np.array([[a11, a12], [a21, a22]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    B = np.array([[b1], [b2]]).reshape(dx, 1)
    H = np.array([[h11, h12], [h21, h22]]).reshape(dz, dx)
    Q = np.array([[q_std * q_std, -q12 * q12],
                  [-q21 * q21, q_std * q_std]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    R = np.array([[r_std * r_std, r12 * r12],
                  [r21 * r21, r_std * r_std]]).reshape(dz, dz)
    x0 = np.array([[0], [0]]).reshape(dx, 1)
    uts = [0]
    ts = [1000]
    timesteps = np.sum(ts)
    # get sequential ut and simulated data from simulation
    ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts, ts)
    ground_truth, measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(
        A, B, H, Q, R, x0, ut_sq)
    # parse simulated data in KF
    predict, sigma, estimates = kf.KFprocess(A, B, H, Q, R, measurements)
    # calculate sigma from planning
    sigma_dr = kfpln.KF_planning(A, B, H, Q, R, timesteps)
    mean_dr = np.zeros([1, dx]).reshape(1, dx)[0]
    # convert data to a particular format
    ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth, dx)
    measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements, dz)
    estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates, dx)
    predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict, dx)
    # calculate the error between true states and estimated states
    error = [[ground_truth[i][j] - estimates[i][j] for j in range(timesteps)]
             for i in range(len(ground_truth))]

    mean_stats = []
    covar_stats = np.cov(error)
    for i in range(dx):
        meani = np.mean(error[i])

    error_mean_p_stat = list(
        map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(mean_dr, mean_stats)))
    error_var_p_stat = sigma_dr - covar_stats


    plt.plot(error[0], error[1], 'b*')
    plotfgs.plot_1d_var(mean_dr, sigma_dr, False)
    return Emean_p_stat, Evar_p_stat
def comprehensive_test_H_dx2dz3():
    This is a comprehensive test of the different range of 
    the H matrix in dx:2 dz:3 case.
    If you want to try dx:2,dz:1 case
    then you'll need to change line 453 to
    H = np.array([[h11,h12]]).reshape(dz, dx)
    and dz = 1
    dx = 2
    dz = 3

    q_std = 1
    q12 = 0
    r_std = 1
    r12 = 0
    r13 = 0
    r23 = 0
    a11 = 1
    a12 = 0.0
    a21 = a12
    h11 = 1
    h22 = h11
    h32 = 1
    h31 = 0
    h21 = 0
    b1 = 1
    b2 = 1

    Htri = [0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    trials = 1000
    Total_analy_mean = []
    Total_analy_var = []
    for ran in range(len(Htri)):
        Emean_p_stat = []
        Evar_p_stat = []
        Analy_mean = []
        Analy_var = []
        h12 = Htri[ran]
        for sam in range(trials):
            q21 = q12
            a12 = a21
            a22 = a11
            h22 = h11
            h21 = h12
            h31 = h12

            A = np.array([[a11, a12], [a21, a22]]).reshape(dx, dx)
            B = np.array([[b1], [b2]]).reshape(dx, 1)
            H = np.array([[h11, h12], [h21, h22], [h31, h32]]).reshape(dz, dx)
            Q = np.array([[q_std * q_std, q12 * q12],
                          [q21 * q21, q_std * q_std]]).reshape(dx, dx)
            R = np.array([[r_std * r_std, r12 * r12, r13 * r13],
                          [r12 * r12, r_std * r_std, r23 * r23],
                          [r13 * r13, r23 * r23,
                           r_std * r_std]]).reshape(dz, dz)
            x0 = np.array([[0], [0]]).reshape(dx, 1)

            uts = [0]
            ts = [1000]
            timesteps = np.sum(ts)

            ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts, ts)
            ground_truth, measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(
                A, B, H, Q, R, x0, ut_sq)  # need to debug
            predict, sigma, estimates = kf.KFprocess(A, B, H, Q, R,

            sigma_dr = kfpln.KF_planning(A, B, H, Q, R, timesteps)
            mean_dr = np.zeros([1, dx]).reshape(1, dx)[0]

            ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth, dx)
            measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements, dz)
            estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates, dx)
            predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict, dx)
            error = [[
                ground_truth[i][j] - estimates[i][j] for j in range(timesteps)
            ] for i in range(len(ground_truth))]

            mean_stats = []
            covar_stats = np.cov(error)
            for i in range(dx):
                meani = np.mean(error[i])

            error_mean_p_stat = list(
                map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(mean_dr, mean_stats)))
            error_var_p_stat = sigma_dr - covar_stats


        Analy_var.append(analy_var(Evar_p_stat, dx))
    Total_analy_mean = analy_mean(Analy_mean)
    Total_analy_var = analy_var(Analy_var, dx)
    return Emean_p_stat, Evar_p_stat
def comprehensive_test_M33():
    This is a comprehensive test of the different range of 
    the system matrices in dx:3 dz:3 case
    # specify dimension of dx and dz
    dx = 3
    dz = 3
    # specify the parameters of matrices
    a11 = 1
    a22 = 1
    a33 = 1
    a12 = 0
    a13 = 0
    a21 = 0
    a23 = 0
    a31 = 0
    a32 = 0
    h11 = 1
    h22 = 1
    h33 = 1
    h12 = 0
    h13 = 0
    h21 = 0
    h23 = 0
    h31 = 0
    h32 = 0
    rstd = 0.3
    r12 = 0
    r13 = 0
    r23 = 0
    qstd = 1
    q12 = 0
    q13 = 0
    q23 = 0

    Tri = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.9]
    b1 = 1
    b2 = 1
    trials = 1000
    Total_analy_mean = []
    Total_analy_var = []
    for ran in range(len(Tri)):
        Emean_p_stat = []
        Evar_p_stat = []
        Analy_mean = []
        Analy_var = []
        #a21 = Tri[ran]
        q_std = Tri[ran]
        #q12 = Tri[ran]
        #r12 = Tri[ran]
        #q13 = Tri[ran]
        for sam in range(trials):
            #r12 = r13
            #q21 = q11
            #a33 = a11
            #q23 = q13
            # set up inputs
            A = np.array([[a11, a12, a13], [a21, a22, a23],
                          [a31, a32, a33]]).reshape(dx, dx)
            B = np.array([[1], [1], [1]]).reshape(dx, 1)
            H = np.array([[h11, h12, h13], [h21, h22, h23],
                          [h31, h32, h33]]).reshape(dz, dx)
            Q = np.array([[qstd * qstd, q12 * q12, q13 * q13],
                          [q12 * q12, qstd * qstd, q23 * q23],
                          [q13 * q13, q23 * q23,
                           qstd * qstd]]).reshape(dx, dx)
            R = np.array([[rstd * rstd, r12 * r12, r13 * r13],
                          [r12 * r12, rstd * rstd, r23 * r23],
                          [r13 * r13, r23 * r23,
                           rstd * rstd]]).reshape(dz, dz)
            x0 = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]).reshape(dx, 1)

            uts = [0]
            ts = [100]
            timesteps = np.sum(ts)
            # get sequential ut and simulated data from simulation
            ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts, ts)
            ground_truth, measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(
                A, B, H, Q, R, x0, ut_sq)  # need to debug
            # parse simulated data in KF
            predict, sigma, estimates = kf.KFprocess(A, B, H, Q, R,

            sigma_dr = kfpln.KF_planning(A, B, H, Q, R, timesteps)
            mean_dr = np.zeros([1, dx]).reshape(1, dx)[0]

            ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth, dx)
            measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements, dz)
            estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates, dx)
            predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict, dx)
            error = [[
                ground_truth[i][j] - estimates[i][j] for j in range(timesteps)
            ] for i in range(len(ground_truth))]

            mean_stats = []
            covar_stats = np.cov(error)
            for i in range(dx):
                meani = np.mean(error[i])

            error_mean_p_stat = list(
                map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(mean_dr, mean_stats)))
            error_var_p_stat = sigma_dr - covar_stats


        Analy_mean.append(analy_meandx(Emean_p_stat, dx))
        Analy_var.append(analy_var(Evar_p_stat, dx))
    Total_analy_mean = analy_meandx(Analy_mean, dx)
    Total_analy_var = analy_var(Analy_var, dx)
    return Emean_p_stat, Evar_p_stat
def example_test_M33():
    This is just one example to test 3d-state KF estimate
    By running this function, you'll see the visulization of these data
    # specify dimension of dx and dz
    dx = 3
    dz = 3
    # specify the parameters of matrices
    a11 = 1
    a22 = 1
    a33 = 1
    a12 = 0
    a13 = 0
    a21 = 0
    a23 = 0
    a31 = 0
    a32 = 0
    h11 = 1
    h22 = 1
    h33 = 1
    h12 = 0
    h13 = 0
    h21 = 0
    h23 = 0
    h31 = 0
    h32 = 0
    rstd = 0.3
    r12 = 0.2
    r13 = 0.3
    r23 = 0.2
    qstd = 0.3
    q12 = 0
    q13 = 0
    q23 = 0
    # set up inputs
    A = np.array([[a11, a12, a13], [a21, a22, a23], [a31, a32,
                                                     a33]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    B = np.array([[1], [1], [1]]).reshape(dx, 1)
    H = np.array([[h11, h12, h13], [h21, h22, h23], [h31, h32,
                                                     h33]]).reshape(dz, dx)
    Q = np.array([[qstd * qstd, q12 * q12, q13 * q13],
                  [q12 * q12, qstd * qstd, q23 * q23],
                  [q13 * q13, q23 * q23, qstd * qstd]]).reshape(dx, dx)
    R = np.array([[rstd * rstd, r12 * r12, r13 * r13],
                  [r12 * r12, rstd * rstd, r23 * r23],
                  [r13 * r13, r23 * r23, rstd * rstd]]).reshape(dz, dz)
    x0 = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]).reshape(dx, 1)

    uts = [0]
    ts = [100]
    timesteps = np.sum(ts)

    Emean_p_stat = []
    Evar_p_stat = []
    # get sequential ut and simulated data from simulation
    ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts, ts)
    ground_truth, measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(
        A, B, H, Q, R, x0, ut_sq)  # need to debug
    # parse simulated data in KF
    predict, sigma, estimates = kf.KFprocess(A, B, H, Q, R, measurements)
    # calculate sigma from planning
    sigma_dr = kfpln.KF_planning(A, B, H, Q, R, timesteps)
    mean_dr = np.zeros([1, dx]).reshape(1, dx)[0]
    # convert data to a particular format
    ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth, dx)
    measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements, dz)
    estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates, dx)
    predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict, dx)
    # calculate the error between true states and estimated states
    error = [[ground_truth[i][j] - estimates[i][j] for j in range(timesteps)]
             for i in range(len(ground_truth))]

    mean_stats = []
    covar_stats = np.cov(error)
    for i in range(dx):
        meani = np.mean(error[i])

    error_mean_p_stat = list(
        map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(mean_dr, mean_stats)))
    error_var_p_stat = sigma_dr - covar_stats

    return error_mean_p_stat, error_var_p_stat
def comprehensive_test_M22():
    This is a comprehensive test of the different range of the system matrices in dx:2 dz:2 case
    # specify dimension of dx and dz
    dx = 2
    dz = 2
    # specify the parameters of matrices
    q_std = 1
    q12 = 0.0
    r_std = 1
    r12 = 0.0
    q21 = q12
    r21 = r12
    a11 = 1
    a22 = 1
    a21 = 0
    a12 = 0.0
    h11 = 1
    h22 = h11
    h12 = 0
    h21 = h12
    b1 = 1
    b2 = 1

    Tri = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.9]  # test different parameters space
    trials = 1000  # run 1000 trials
    Total_analy_mean = []
    Total_analy_var = []
    Some notes about Q and R matrices
    The diagonal terms >= off-diagonal terms
    for ran in range(len(Tri)):
        Emean_p_stat = []
        Evar_p_stat = []
        Analy_mean = []
        Analy_var = []
        You can change one element at a time 
        to do comprehensive matrix parameters space check 
        #a11 = Tri[ran]
        #q_std = Tri[ran]
        #q12 = Tri[ran]
        #r12 = Tri[ran]
        h11 = Tri[ran]
        for sam in range(trials):  # run 1000 trials
            r21 = r12
            q21 = q12
            a12 = a21
            a22 = a11
            h22 = h11
            h21 = h12

            A = np.array([[a11, a12], [a21, a22]]).reshape(dx, dx)
            B = np.array([[b1], [b2]]).reshape(dx, 1)
            H = np.array([[h11, h12], [h21, h22]]).reshape(dz, dx)
            Q = np.array([[q_std * q_std, q12 * q12],
                          [q21 * q21, q_std * q_std]]).reshape(dx, dx)
            R = np.array([[r_std * r_std, r12 * r12],
                          [r21 * r21, r_std * r_std]]).reshape(dz, dz)
            x0 = np.array([[0], [0]]).reshape(dx, 1)

            uts = [0]
            ts = [1000]
            timesteps = np.sum(ts)

            ut_sq = sim1.generate_sequential_ut(uts, ts)
            ground_truth, measurements = sim1.generate_seq_data(
                A, B, H, Q, R, x0, ut_sq)  # need to debug
            predict, sigma, estimates = kf.KFprocess(A, B, H, Q, R,

            sigma_dr = kfpln.KF_planning(A, B, H, Q, R, timesteps)
            mean_dr = np.zeros([1, dx]).reshape(1, dx)[0]

            ground_truth = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(ground_truth, dx)
            measurements = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(measurements, dz)
            estimates = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(estimates, dx)
            predict = cnvdata.convert_array2list_nd(predict, dx)
            error = [[
                ground_truth[i][j] - estimates[i][j] for j in range(timesteps)
            ] for i in range(len(ground_truth))]

            mean_stats = []
            covar_stats = np.cov(error)
            for i in range(dx):
                meani = np.mean(error[i])

            error_mean_p_stat = list(
                map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(mean_dr, mean_stats)))
            error_var_p_stat = sigma_dr - covar_stats


        Analy_var.append(analy_var(Evar_p_stat, dx))
    Total_analy_mean = analy_mean(Analy_mean)
    Total_analy_var = analy_var(Analy_var, dx)
    return Emean_p_stat, Evar_p_stat