def seek_to_ms_in_current_track(position_ms, device_id=None): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-modify-playback-state') if not utl.RepresentsFloat(position_ms): print("\nModify parameter must be a float number.") print("The number is how long into the song to start in percentage.\n") return -1 if utl.RepresentsFloat(position_ms) and float(position_ms) < 0 or float(position_ms) > 100: print("\nModify parameter must be between 0-100.") print("The number is how long into the song to start in percentage.\n") return -1 else: position_ms = float(position_ms) try: data = sp.currently_playing() track_duration = data['item']['duration_ms'] position_ms = int(position_ms / 100 * int(track_duration)) sp.seek_track(position_ms=position_ms, device_id=device_id) track_name, artist_name, track_uri, playing_type = utl_sp.find_current_song_return_id(sp=sp) print("\nSuccessfully moved to" + str(utl.convertMillis(position_ms)[3]) + " in the song: '" + str(track_name) + "'" "\nCurrent time: " + str(utl.convertMillis(position_ms)[3]) + "\nTotal time: " + " "*2 + str(utl.convertMillis(track_duration)[3]) + "\n") except spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException: print("Player command failed: No active device found, reason: NO_ACTIVE_DEVICE.") print("One device must play music before this can be done.")
def see_who_I_am_following(): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-follow-read') data = sp.current_user_followed_artists(limit=30)['artists'] print("I am following:") for i in data['items']: print(i['name']) print("\n")
def set_repeat(state="track"): """ Set the current playing device on repeat. The device must be active, otherwise an error will occur. :param state: track (set track repeat), context (play the playlist over and over) off (turn off repeat) :return: """ if state == 'playlist': state = 'context' sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-modify-playback-state') if state not in ["track", "context", "off"]: print("\nModify parameter must be either 'track', 'context' or 'off'") print("track: set track repeat \ncontext: play the playlist over and over \noff: turn off repeat") return -1 try: sp.repeat(state=state) if state == "off": print("Repeat: OFF") else: print("\n" + str(state.capitalize()) + " repeat: ON") track_name, artist_name, track_uri, playing_type = utl_sp.find_current_song_return_id(sp=sp) print("Currently playing: '" + str(track_name) + "' by " + str(artist_name) + "\n") except spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException: print("In set_repeat()") print("Player command failed: No active device found, reason: NO_ACTIVE_DEVICE.") print("One device must play music before this can be done.")
def current_user_recently_played(limit=50): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-read-recently-played') data = sp.current_user_recently_played(limit=limit) print(Fore.CYAN + "My recently played songs: " + Fore.WHITE) for idx, i in enumerate(data['items']): print(idx + 1, i['track']['name'], "/", i['track']['artists'][0]['name']) print("\n")
def test_space(): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object() artist_id = '2wwZDwSBHaVaOI6cE2hfhf' artist_related = return_artist_related_artists(artist_id, sp) artist_top_tracks = return_artist_top_tracks(artist_id, sp) #print(utl.print_nice_json_format(artist_related[0])) #print(utl.print_nice_json_format(artist_top_tracks[0])) #print(artist_related, "\n", len(artist_related)) #print(artist_top_tracks,"\n", len(artist_top_tracks)) #print(return_who_user_is_following(sp)) #print(utl.print_nice_json_format(return_who_user_is_following(sp))) #return_all_related_artists_to_list("2wwZDwSBHaVaOI6cE2hfhf", sp) #find_random_artist_from_related_artists(artist_id, sp) tracks_to_add = add_x_random_top_track_from_random_follower( sp, number_of_tracks_to_add=5, how_random="relevance") print(tracks_to_add)
def adjust_volume(volume_percent): if utl.RepresentsInt(volume_percent): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-modify-playback-state') dict_devices, total_active_devices = utl_sp.return_device_info(sp) for device in dict_devices.values(): if device[3] == True and device[2] == 'Computer': try: sp.volume(volume_percent=int(volume_percent)) print("\nVolume changed to " + str(volume_percent) + "\n") return 0 except spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException: print("Player command failed: No active device found, reason: NO_ACTIVE_DEVICE.") print("One device must play music before this can be done.") return 0 print("\nCan't change volume on this device. Must be computer. \n") else: print("Input must be int. ")
def current_user_saved_tracks(limit=50, offset=0): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-library-read') print(Fore.CYAN + "My recently played songs: " + Fore.WHITE) offset, limit, tracks_saved, counter = 0, 50, 0, 1 while True: data = sp.current_user_saved_tracks(limit=limit, offset=offset) for i in data['items']: print(counter, i['track']['name'], "/", i['track']['artists'][0]['name']) counter += 1 temp_num = len(data['items']) if temp_num != 50: tracks_saved += temp_num break tracks_saved += temp_num offset += 50 print("\nTotal tracks saved: ", tracks_saved) return tracks_saved
def modify_spotify(modify="", arg_para=""): if modify == 'repeat': set_repeat(state=str(arg_para)) if modify == 'seek': seek_to_ms_in_current_track(position_ms=arg_para) if modify == 'shuffle': shuffle(state=arg_para) if modify == 'transfer': sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-modify-playback-state') device_info = let_the_user_see_current_active_devices_and_choose_one(sp) transfer_playback(device_info[0], sp) if modify == 'volume': adjust_volume(arg_para) return -1
def shuffle(state=True, device_id=None): if state not in ['false', 'False', 'True', 'true']: print("\nWrong input. The modify parameter must be eiter 'True', 'true', 'False' or 'false'. ") print("False/false = turn off shuffle.") print("True/true = turn on shuffle and reshuffle the shuffle list.\n") return -1 if state == 'false' or state == 'False': state = False else: state = True sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-modify-playback-state') try: if state == True: sp.shuffle(state=False, device_id=device_id) sp.shuffle(state=state, device_id=device_id) if state == True: print("\nShuffle: ", utl.check_or_cross(what='check'), "\n") if state == False: print("\nShuffle: ", utl.check_or_cross(what='cross'), "\n") except spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException: print("Player command failed: No active device found, reason: NO_ACTIVE_DEVICE.") print("One device must play music before this can be done.")
def get_currently_playing_song(): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-read-currently-playing') sys.stdout.write("Song: ") # return to start of line, after '[' while True: data = sp.currently_playing() playlist_uri = data['context']['uri'] current_time_ms = data['progress_ms'] artist_id = data['item']['id'] track_name = data['item']['name'] artist_name = data['item']['artists'][0]['name'] track_duration = data['item']['duration_ms'] playing_type = data['currently_playing_type'] # track, ... is_playing = data['is_playing'] action = data['actions']['disallows'].items() current_action = "" # ('pausing', True) for i in action: current_action = i #print(artist_id, artist_name, track_name, track_duration) #print(playlist_uri) #print(current_time_ms / track_duration * 100) total = 40 percentage = current_time_ms / track_duration played = int(total * percentage) unplayed = total - played sys.stdout.write("Song: " + str(track_name)) # return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.write( "\nArtist: " + str(artist_name)) # return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.write( "\nStatus: " + str(current_action[0])) # return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.write("\n[" + "*" * (played) + " " * unplayed + "]") # return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) clear_terminal()
print("\nYour choice(s): ") for idx, num in enumerate(nice_numbers): return_playlist.append(genre_dict[int(num)]) if show_choosen_genres: print("Genre name: " + str(return_playlist[idx]) + Fore.WHITE) return return_playlist, legal_recommendations def add_recommendation_seeds_to_queue(sp): recommendations = recommendation_function(sp) if recommendations == -1: return 0 for recommendation in recommendations: track_id = recommendation[1] track_name = recommendation[0] main_artist_name = recommendation[6][0][0] # recommendation = ['Motion Picture Soundtrack', '79M3U8vzBBfSFRyxFFGVRl', 34, 179609, 'Motion Picture Soundtrack', '79M3U8vzBBfSFRyxFFGVRl', [['Shallou', '7C3Cbtr2PkH2l4tOGhtCsk']] if utl_sp.add_song_to_queue(sp, track_id, track_name, main_artist_name, ""): continue else: break scope = 'user-read-private user-read-playback-state user-modify-playback-state ' \ 'playlist-modify-public playlist-modify-private user-read-currently-playing ' \ 'user-read-private user-top-read playlist-read-private playlist-read-collaborative' sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope=scope) # add_recommendation_seeds_to_queue(sp)
def get_playlist_tracks(playlist_id): sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope='user-library-read') playlist_tracks = sp.playlist_tracks(playlist_id, limit=5) print(playlist_tracks)
def spotify_terminal_interface(): scope = 'user-read-private user-read-playback-state user-modify-playback-state ' \ 'playlist-modify-public playlist-modify-private user-read-currently-playing ' \ 'user-read-private user-top-read playlist-read-private playlist-read-collaborative' sp = utl_sp.create_spotify_object(scope=scope) current_user_info = sp.current_user() user_uri = current_user_info['uri'] utl.clear_terminal() skip_choice = False user_choice = None print("Welcome! \n" \ "Your are connected with " + str(current_user_info['id']) + "'s account.\n") while True: message = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "What do you want to do? \n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "0 - Get current playback status\n" \ "1 - Modify playback\n" \ "2 - Search artist/track/album \n" \ "3 - Add current song to playlist\n" \ "4 - Add songs to queue\n" \ "5 - Find first occurrence of an artist in your playlists\n" \ "6 - Playlist features\n" number_of_options = utl.find_largest_number_in_string(message) if not skip_choice: user_choice = utl.specify_int_in_range(0, number_of_options, message=message, error='x') utl.clear_terminal() if user_choice == 0: utl.clear_terminal() while True: gcps.get_current_playback_status(sp) print("Do you want to modify playback ? y/n") print("('a' = add current song to playlist)") i, o, e =[sys.stdin], [], [], 10) "TODO: You should only refresh progress bar, if it is not a new song or new device ..." if (i): resp = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if resp == "y" or resp == "n" or resp == "a": response = resp utl.clear_terminal() break utl.clear_terminal() # gcps.get_current_playback_status(sp) # response = utl.proceed_or_refresh(message="Do you want to modify playback (r = refresh) ?") skip_choice = False if response == 'y': user_choice = 1 skip_choice = True if response == 'r': user_choice = 0 skip_choice = True if response == 'a': user_choice = 3 skip_choice = True # modify playback if user_choice == 1: legal_values = modi.print_feedback_info_modify() modify_mod = input("Modify ('x' = exit): ") skip_choice = False if modify_mod == 'x': utl.clear_terminal() continue if modify_mod not in legal_values: utl.clear_terminal() user_choice = 1 skip_choice = True continue modify_para = modi.print_feedback_info_modify_parameter(modify_mod) modi.modify_spotify(modify_mod, modify_para) skip_choice = False # search for artist if user_choice == 2: message_search = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "What do you want to do? \n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "0 - Search Artist \n" \ "1 - Search Track \n" \ "2 - Search Album \n" number_of_options_search = utl.find_largest_number_in_string( message_search) user_choice_search = utl.specify_int_in_range( 0, number_of_options_search, message=message_search, error='x') utl.clear_terminal() if user_choice_search == 0: astq.search_for_artist_show_tracks_grouped_by_album_add_queue( sp) if user_choice_search == 1: print("Not implemented yet") if user_choice_search == 2: print("Not implemented yet") if user_choice == 3: output_log = add_cur_song.add_current_song_to_playlist2( sp=sp, public=True, private=True, collaborative=True) utl.clear_terminal() check_list = isinstance(output_log, list) if utl.RepresentsString(output_log) and check_list == False: print(output_log + "\n") elif len(output_log) > 0: for i in output_log: print(Fore.BLUE + i.split("was")[0] + Fore.WHITE + i.split("was")[1]) print() print() if user_choice == 4: utl.clear_terminal() queue_message = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "How do you want to add songs to queue?\n\n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "1. Search for song and add to queue \n" \ "2. Add random songs based on related artists to the artists you are following\n" \ "3. Add random songs from all your playlists \n" \ "4. Choose artists you are following. (x) \n" \ "5. Search for artists and add songs from related artists. \n" \ "6. Search for artist and choose between his/her songs. \n" \ "7. Search for artists, songs from these artists only.\n" \ "8. Find songs by genre (x) \n" \ "9. Add songs based on tracks, artists and/or genre. \n" add_song_queue_choice = utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 9, message=queue_message + "\nChoose the number " "corresponding to what you want " "to do.", error='x') utl.clear_terminal() if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 1: track_search = input("Track search: ") utl.clear_terminal() track_info = utl_sp.search_one_type(sp, track_search, "track", limit=3) # -1 comes when user says 'x' to quit if track_info != -1: # track_info [name, id, uri] artist_name = utl_sp.get_artist_name_from_track_id( sp, track_info[1]) utl_sp.add_song_to_queue(sp, track_info[1], track_info[0], artist_name, "") # may use this function. Can search for artist, album and track. # you should make a smart way to let the user specify what to search for. # astq.add_desired_song_to_queue("artist:" + track_search, sp, type='track', limit=3) print() if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 2: print( "You will add random songs based on artists relevant to the artists you are following.\n" ) number_of_tracks_to_add = utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 50, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "Specify the number of tracks you want to add to queue (1-50). " + Fore.WHITE) random_dict = {1: "uniform", 2: "relevance"} message_artist = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nWhen a random artist you follow is picked, we will have to pick one of 20 relevant artists.\n" \ "How will you choose the relevant artist? \n\n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "1. Equal probability of picking all the relevant artists. \n" \ "2. Higher probability of picking more relevant artists." message_track = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nWhen a relevant artists is found, we will have to pick one of its top 10 tracks.\n" \ "How will you choose among the top tracks? \n\n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "1. Equal probability of picking all the tracks. \n" \ "2. Higher probability of picking more popular tracks." random_artist = random_dict[utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 2, message_artist)] random_track = random_dict[utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 2, message_track)] print() crq.add_x_random_top_track_from_random_follower_to_queue( sp, int(number_of_tracks_to_add), random_artist, random_track) if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 3: print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nAdd random songs from all of your playlists\n" + Fore.WHITE) number_of_tracks_to_add = utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 50, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "Choose number of tracks to add to queue (1-50). " + Fore.WHITE) crq.queue_from_random_playlist(sp, number_of_tracks_to_add) if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 4: print("not yet implemented") if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 5: number_of_tracks_to_add = utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 50, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nChoose number of tracks to add to queue (1-50). " + Fore.WHITE) random_dict = {1: "uniform", 2: "relevance"} artist_dict = {1: True, 2: False} message_artist = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nWhen a random artist you follow is picked, we will have to pick one of 20 relevant artists.\n" \ "How will you choose the relevant artist? \n\n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "1. Equal probability of picking all the relevant artists. \n" \ "2. Higher probability of picking more relevant artists." message_track = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nWhen a relevant artists is found, we will have to pick one of its top 10 tracks.\n" \ "How will you choose among the top tracks? \n\n" + Fore.WHITE + \ "1. Equal probability of picking all the tracks. \n" \ "2. Higher probability of picking more popular tracks." random_artist = random_dict[utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 2, message_artist)] random_track = random_dict[utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 2, message_track)] add_chosen_artist = artist_dict[utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 2, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nWill you include the chosen artists with the related artists? " + Fore.WHITE + "\n\n1. True\n2. False ")] print() print( Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "You will now search for the artists you want to find related artists to. \n" + Fore.WHITE) crq.add_related_artists_from_searched_artists( sp, number_of_tracks_to_add, random_artist=random_artist, random_track=random_track, include_given_artist=add_chosen_artist) if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 6: artist_info = sfa.search_for_one_artist_until_correct(sp) trackName, trackURIs, artist_name = sfa.show_all_tracks_from_artist_id( artist_info[2], sp, artist_info[3]) astq.let_user_specify_which_songs_to_queue( trackURIs, trackName, artist_name, sp) if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 7: print( "7. Search for artists, songs from these artists only.\n") print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "You will now search for artists: \n" + Fore.WHITE) artists = crq.search_for_artists(sp) number_of_tracks_to_add = utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 50, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nChoose number of tracks to add to queue (1-50). \n" + Fore.WHITE) track_dict = {1: "top", 2: "all"} message_artist = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nHow would you pick songs from your chosen artists?\n" \ + Fore.WHITE + "1. Randomly pick among top 10 songs. \n" \ "2. Randomly pick among all of the artists' songs.\n" top_all = track_dict[utl.specify_int_in_range( 1, 2, message_artist)] crq.add_random_songs_from_searched_artists( artists=artists, spotify_object=sp, number_of_songs_to_add=number_of_tracks_to_add, top_all=top_all) # Find songs by genre (x). if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 8: print("Not implemented. ") # Add songs based on tracks, artists and/or genre. if int(add_song_queue_choice) == 9: reco.add_recommendation_seeds_to_queue(sp=sp) # Find first occurrence of an artist in your playlists. if user_choice == 5: fooc.first_occurance(sp) if user_choice == 6: print("TODO") print("Add next_track() / pause_playback / previous_track() ") print("recommendation_genre_seeds(), recommendations()") print( "Start a track: sp.start_playback(uris=['spotify:track:7lEptt4wbM0yJTvSG5EBof'])" ) print( "Add to queue should also include songs by the artists you are following. " "'Include the artists uou are following?'") print() # break the while loop and end spotipy if user_choice == -1: break # check if the user wants to proceed. Main reason to have this is # that the user can see the output from last spotify feature call. (add random songs to queue. # otherwise it would just call clear terminal and all information would be gone if not skip_choice: if utl.proceed(): utl.clear_terminal() else: break