def main():

    src_path = "../chars/src_dan_svg_simple.png"
    tag_path = "../chars/tag_dan_svg_simple.png"

    src_img = cv2.imread(src_path, 0)
    tag_img = cv2.imread(tag_path, 0)

    # rgt to grayscale

    _, src_img = cv2.threshold(src_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    _, tag_img = cv2.threshold(tag_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    src_img, tag_img = resizeImages(src_img, tag_img)


    # cv2.imwrite('../chars/src_dan_svg_simple_resized.png', src_img)
    # cv2.imwrite('../chars/tag_dan_svg_simple_resized.png', tag_img)

    cv2.imshow("source", src_img)
    cv2.imshow("target", tag_img)

def main():

    src_path = "../characters/src_dan_processed.png"
    tag_path = "../characters/tag_dan_processed.png"

    src_img = cv2.imread(src_path, 0)
    tag_img = cv2.imread(tag_path, 0)

    _, src_img = cv2.threshold(src_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    _, tag_img = cv2.threshold(tag_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    cv2.imshow("source", src_img)
    cv2.imshow("target", tag_img)

    src_img_box = addMinBoundingBox(src_img)
    tag_img_box = addMinBoundingBox(tag_img)

    cv2.imshow("source box", src_img_box)
    cv2.imshow("target box", tag_img_box)

    src_img, tag_img = resizeImages(src_img, tag_img)


    cv2.imshow("resize source", src_img)
    cv2.imshow("resize target", tag_img)

def main():
    # src_path = "../chars/src_dan_svg_simple_resized.png"
    # tag_path = "../chars/tag_dan_svg_simple_resized.png"
    src_path = "../strokes/src_strokes4.png"
    tag_path = "../strokes/tag_strokes4.png"

    # src_path = "../strokes/src_strokes1.png"
    # tag_path = "../strokes/tag_strokes1.png"

    src_img = cv2.imread(src_path, 0)
    tag_img = cv2.imread(tag_path, 0)

    ret, src_img = cv2.threshold(src_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    ret, tag_img = cv2.threshold(tag_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # resize
    src_img, tag_img = resizeImages(src_img, tag_img)

    # Threshold
    ret, src_img = cv2.threshold(src_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    ret, tag_img = cv2.threshold(tag_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # cv2.imwrite("src_resize.png", src_img)
    # cv2.imwrite("tag_resize.png", tag_img)

    # Cover Images

    coverage_img = coverTwoImages(src_img, tag_img)
    cr = calculateCoverageRate(src_img, tag_img)
    print("No shifting cr: %f" % cr)

    # coverage_img = addIntersectedFig(coverage_img)
    # coverage_img = addSquaredFig(coverage_img)

    # Shift images with max CR
    new_tag_img = shiftImageWithMaxCR(src_img, tag_img)

    # Cover images
    coverage_img1 = coverTwoImages(src_img, new_tag_img)
    cr = calculateCoverageRate(src_img, new_tag_img)
    print("Shifting cr: %f" % cr)

    coverage_img_ = addIntersectedFig(coverage_img)
    coverage_img1_ = addIntersectedFig(coverage_img1)

    cv2.imshow("coverage img", coverage_img_)
    cv2.imshow("new coverage img", coverage_img1_)
def main():
    temp_path = "/Users/liupeng/Documents/PythonProjects/templates/templates/ben/char/ben.png"
    targ_path = "/Users/liupeng/Documents/PythonProjects/templates/templates_comparison/ben/char/ben.png"

    temp_img = cv2.imread(temp_path, 0)
    targ_img = cv2.imread(targ_path, 0)

    _, temp_img = cv2.threshold(temp_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    _, targ_img = cv2.threshold(targ_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # resize two images of template and target.
    temp_img, targ_img = resizeImages(temp_img, targ_img)

    temp_img = np.array(temp_img, dtype=np.uint8)
    targ_img = np.array(targ_img, dtype=np.uint8)

    # bounding box of template and target images
    temp_x, temp_y, temp_w, temp_h = getSingleMaxBoundingBoxOfImage(temp_img)
    targ_x, targ_y, targ_w, targ_h = getSingleMaxBoundingBoxOfImage(targ_img)

    temp_ct_x = temp_x + int(temp_w / 2.)
    temp_ct_y = temp_y + int(temp_h / 2.)

    targ_ct_x = targ_x + int(targ_w / 2.)
    targ_ct_y = targ_y + int(targ_h / 2.)

    # new square width
    square_width = max(temp_w, temp_h, targ_w, targ_h)

    # using new square to crop all effective area in template and target images
    # template image
    if temp_ct_x - int(square_width / 2.) <= 0:
        temp_x = 0
        temp_x = temp_ct_x - int(square_width / 2.)

    if temp_ct_y - int(square_width / 2, ) <= 0:
        temp_y = 0
        temp_y = temp_ct_y - int(square_width / 2, )

    if temp_ct_x + int(square_width / 2.) >= temp_img.shape[1]:
        temp_w = temp_img.shape[1] - temp_x
        temp_w = square_width

    if temp_ct_y + int(square_width / 2.) >= temp_img.shape[0]:
        temp_h = temp_img.shape[0] - temp_y
        temp_h = square_width
    # target image
    if targ_ct_x - int(square_width / 2.) <= 0:
        targ_x = 0
        targ_x = targ_ct_x - int(square_width / 2.)

    if targ_ct_x - int(square_width / 2, ) <= 0:
        targ_y = 0
        targ_y = targ_ct_x - int(square_width / 2, )

    if targ_ct_x + int(square_width / 2.) >= targ_img.shape[1]:
        targ_w = targ_img.shape[1] - targ_x
        targ_w = square_width

    if targ_ct_x + int(square_width / 2.) >= targ_img.shape[0]:
        targ_h = targ_img.shape[0] - targ_y
        targ_h = square_width

    # crop effective areas of the template and target images
    temp_reg = temp_img[temp_y:temp_y + temp_h, temp_x:temp_x + temp_w]
    targ_reg = targ_img[targ_y:targ_y + targ_h, targ_x:targ_x + targ_w]

    shape_similarity = calculateShapeSimilarity(temp_reg, targ_reg)
    simi = calculateShapeSimilarity(temp_reg, temp_reg)

    print("Shape similarity: %f" % shape_similarity)
    print("Same image similarity: %f" % simi)

    cv2.imshow("jianti_temp", temp_reg)
    cv2.imshow("targ", targ_reg)

def aesthetic_evaluation(template_path, target_path):
    if template_path == "" or target_path == "":
        print("template path and target path are null!")

        Image pre-processing of template and target.

    # 1. find template and target images and strokes
    template_char_path = template_path + "/char/"
    template_strokes_path = template_path + "/strokes/"

    target_char_path = target_path + "/char/"
    target_strokes_path = target_path + "/strokes/"

    # 2. load image from these image paths
    template_char_img = cv2.imread(template_char_path + "ben.png")
    target_char_img = cv2.imread(target_char_path + "ben.png")

    # 3. rgb imag to grayscale image
    template_char_img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(template_char_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    target_char_img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(target_char_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    # 4. Resize template and target images
    template_char_img_gray, target_char_img_gray = resizeImages(template_char_img_gray, target_char_img_gray)

    template_char_img_gray = np.array(template_char_img_gray, dtype=np.uint8)
    target_char_img_gray = np.array(target_char_img_gray, dtype=np.uint8)
    print("Resized shape:",template_char_img_gray.shape, template_char_img_gray.shape)

    # 5. Stroke extraction and save to fixed directory
    # 6. Load strokes of template and target images;
    template_strokes_img = []
    target_strokes_img = []

    for fl in os.listdir(template_strokes_path):
        if ".png" in fl:
            stroke = cv2.imread(template_strokes_path + "/" + fl)
            if len(stroke.shape) == 3:
                stroke = cv2.cvtColor(stroke, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            _, stroke = cv2.threshold(stroke, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    for fl in os.listdir(target_strokes_path):
        if ".png" in fl:
            stroke = cv2.imread(target_strokes_path + "/" + fl)
            if len(stroke.shape) == 3:
                stroke = cv2.cvtColor(stroke, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            _, stroke = cv2.threshold(stroke, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    print("template stroke num: %d , and target strokes num: %d" % (len(template_strokes_img), len(target_strokes_img)))

    # 2. Aesthetic evaluation of template and target.

        1. Global features

    # 1.1 max CR

    # shift the target image to get maximal CR
    target_char_img_gray = shiftImageWithMaxCR(template_char_img_gray, target_char_img_gray)
    max_cr = calculateCoverageRate(template_char_img_gray, target_char_img_gray)
    print("max cr: %0.3f" % max_cr)

    # 1.2 Center of gravity
    # template_cog = getCenterOfGravity(template_char_img_gray)
    # target_cog = getCenterOfGravity(target_char_img_gray)
    # print("center of gravity: ", template_cog, target_cog)

    # 1.3 convex hull area
    # template_convex_hull = getConvexHullOfImage(template_char_img_gray)
    # target_convex_hull = getConvexHullOfImage(target_char_img_gray)
    # template_convex_area = calculateConvexHullArea(template_convex_hull)
    # target_convex_area = calculateConvexHullArea(target_convex_hull)
    # print("convex area:", template_convex_area, target_convex_area)
    # template_valid_pixel_area = 0
    # target_valid_pixel_area = 0
    # # calculate the valid pixel of template and target images.
    # for y in range(template_char_img_gray.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(template_char_img_gray.shape[1]):
    #         if template_char_img_gray[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             template_valid_pixel_area += 1
    # for y in range(target_char_img_gray.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(target_char_img_gray.shape[1]):
    #         if target_char_img_gray[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             target_valid_pixel_area += 1
    # print("valid pixel area:", template_valid_pixel_area, target_valid_pixel_area)
    # template_convex_size_ratio = template_convex_area / (template_char_img_gray.shape[0] * template_char_img_gray.shape[1])
    # target_convex_size_ratio = target_convex_area / (target_char_img_gray.shape[0] * target_char_img_gray.shape[1])
    # template_valid_convex_ratio = template_valid_pixel_area / template_convex_area
    # target_valid_convex_ratio = target_valid_pixel_area / target_convex_area
    # print("convex size ratio:", template_convex_size_ratio, target_convex_size_ratio)
    # print("valid convex ratio:", template_valid_convex_ratio, target_valid_convex_ratio)

    # 1.4. histograms of template and target images at 0, 45, 90, 135 degree.

    # template_char_img_gray = np.array(template_char_img_gray, np.uint8)
    # target_char_img_gray = np.array(target_char_img_gray, np.uint8)
    # # 0 degree
    # template_x_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray.shape[1], 1))
    # template_y_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray.shape[0], 1))
    # target_x_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray.shape[1], 1))
    # target_y_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray.shape[0], 1))
    # for y in range(template_char_img_gray.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(template_char_img_gray.shape[1]):
    #         if template_char_img_gray[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             template_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             template_y_axis[y] += 1
    # for y in range(target_char_img_gray.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(target_char_img_gray.shape[1]):
    #         if target_char_img_gray[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             target_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             target_y_axis[y] += 1
    # # mean
    # template_x_axis_mean = np.mean(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_mean = np.mean(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_mean = np.mean(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_mean = np.mean(target_y_axis)
    # template_x_axis_median = np.median(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_median = np.median(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_median = np.median(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_median = np.median(target_y_axis)
    # print("0 degree mean:", template_x_axis_mean, template_y_axis_mean, target_x_axis_mean, target_y_axis_mean)
    # print("0 degree median:", template_x_axis_median, template_y_axis_median, target_x_axis_median, target_y_axis_median)
    # # display the template and target x-axis and y-axis
    # labels = list(range(template_char_img_gray.shape[0]))
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_x_axis)
    # plt.title("template x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_y_axis)
    # plt.title("template y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_x_axis)
    # plt.title("target x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_y_axis)
    # plt.title("target y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # # 45 degree
    # template_char_img_gray_45 = rotateImage(template_char_img_gray, 45)
    # target_char_img_gray_45 = rotateImage(target_char_img_gray, 45)
    # template_x_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray_45.shape[0], 1))
    # template_y_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray_45.shape[1], 1))
    # target_x_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray_45.shape[0], 1))
    # target_y_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray_45.shape[1], 1))
    # for y in range(template_char_img_gray_45.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(template_char_img_gray_45.shape[1]):
    #         if template_char_img_gray_45[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             template_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             template_y_axis[y] += 1
    # for y in range(target_char_img_gray_45.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(target_char_img_gray_45.shape[1]):
    #         if target_char_img_gray_45[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             target_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             target_y_axis[y] += 1
    # # mean
    # template_x_axis_mean = np.mean(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_mean = np.mean(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_mean = np.mean(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_mean = np.mean(target_y_axis)
    # template_x_axis_median = np.median(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_median = np.median(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_median = np.median(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_median = np.median(target_y_axis)
    # print("45 degree mean:", template_x_axis_mean, template_y_axis_mean, target_x_axis_mean, target_y_axis_mean)
    # print("45 degree median:", template_x_axis_median, template_y_axis_median, target_x_axis_median,
    #           target_y_axis_median)
    # # display the template and target x-axis and y-axis
    # labels = list(range(template_char_img_gray.shape[0]))
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_x_axis)
    # plt.title("template x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_y_axis)
    # plt.title("template y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_x_axis)
    # plt.title("target x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_y_axis)
    # plt.title("target y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # # 90 degree
    # template_char_img_gray_90 = rotateImage(template_char_img_gray, 90)
    # target_char_img_gray_90 = rotateImage(target_char_img_gray, 90)
    # template_x_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray_90.shape[0], 1))
    # template_y_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray_90.shape[1], 1))
    # target_x_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray_90.shape[0], 1))
    # target_y_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray_90.shape[1], 1))
    # for y in range(template_char_img_gray_90.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(template_char_img_gray_90.shape[1]):
    #         if template_char_img_gray_90[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             template_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             template_y_axis[y] += 1
    # for y in range(target_char_img_gray_90.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(target_char_img_gray_90.shape[1]):
    #         if target_char_img_gray_90[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             target_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             target_y_axis[y] += 1
    # # mean
    # template_x_axis_mean = np.mean(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_mean = np.mean(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_mean = np.mean(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_mean = np.mean(target_y_axis)
    # template_x_axis_median = np.median(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_median = np.median(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_median = np.median(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_median = np.median(target_y_axis)
    # print("90 degree mean:", template_x_axis_mean, template_y_axis_mean, target_x_axis_mean, target_y_axis_mean)
    # print("90 degree median:", template_x_axis_median, template_y_axis_median, target_x_axis_median,
    #           target_y_axis_median)
    # # display the template and target x-axis and y-axis
    # labels = list(range(template_char_img_gray.shape[0]))
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_x_axis)
    # plt.title("template x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_y_axis)
    # plt.title("template y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_x_axis)
    # plt.title("target x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_y_axis)
    # plt.title("target y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # # 135 degree
    # template_char_img_gray_135 = rotateImage(template_char_img_gray, 135)
    # target_char_img_gray_135 = rotateImage(target_char_img_gray, 135)
    # template_x_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray_135.shape[0], 1))
    # template_y_axis = np.zeros((template_char_img_gray_135.shape[1], 1))
    # target_x_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray_135.shape[0], 1))
    # target_y_axis = np.zeros((target_char_img_gray_135.shape[1], 1))
    # for y in range(template_char_img_gray_135.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(template_char_img_gray_135.shape[1]):
    #         if template_char_img_gray_135[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             template_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             template_y_axis[y] += 1
    # for y in range(target_char_img_gray_135.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(target_char_img_gray_135.shape[1]):
    #         if target_char_img_gray_135[y][x] == 0.0:
    #             target_x_axis[x] += 1
    #             target_y_axis[y] += 1
    # # mean
    # template_x_axis_mean = np.mean(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_mean = np.mean(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_mean = np.mean(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_mean = np.mean(target_y_axis)
    # template_x_axis_median = np.median(template_x_axis)
    # template_y_axis_median = np.median(template_y_axis)
    # target_x_axis_median = np.median(target_x_axis)
    # target_y_axis_median = np.median(target_y_axis)
    # print("135 degree mean:", template_x_axis_mean, template_y_axis_mean, target_x_axis_mean, target_y_axis_mean)
    # print("135 degree median:", template_x_axis_median, template_y_axis_median, target_x_axis_median, target_y_axis_median)
    # # display the template and target x-axis and y-axis
    # labels = list(range(template_char_img_gray.shape[0]))
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_x_axis)
    # plt.title("template x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    # plt.plot(labels, template_y_axis)
    # plt.title("template y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of valid pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_x_axis)
    # plt.title("target x axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")
    # plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
    # plt.plot(labels, target_y_axis)
    # plt.title("target y axis")
    # plt.ylabel("Number of vaild pixels")

    # 1.5. Statistics on Jiu-gong grid    1 | 2 | 3
    #                                   4 | 5 | 6
    #                                   7 | 8 | 9

    # mesh_shape = 3
    # template_grids = separateImageWithElesticMesh(template_char_img_gray, mesh_shape)
    # target_grids = separateImageWithElesticMesh(target_char_img_gray, mesh_shape)
    # # statistics of valid pixels in grids
    # template_grids_statis = []
    # target_grids_statis = []
    # for i in range(len(template_grids)):
    #     grid = template_grids[i]
    #     grid = 255 - grid
    #     num = np.sum(grid) / 255.
    #     template_grids_statis.append(num)
    # print(template_grids_statis)
    # for i in range(len(target_grids)):
    #     grid = target_grids[i]
    #     grid = 255 - grid
    #     num = np.sum(grid) / 255.
    #     target_grids_statis.append(num)
    # print(target_grids_statis)

    # 1.6. Aspect ratio
    # _, _, temp_mini_box_w, temp_mini_box_h = getSingleMaxBoundingBoxOfImage(template_char_img_gray)
    # _, _, targ_mini_box_w, targ_mini_box_h = getSingleMaxBoundingBoxOfImage(target_char_img_gray)
    # print(temp_mini_box_w, temp_mini_box_h, (temp_mini_box_w / temp_mini_box_h * 1.))
    # print(targ_mini_box_w, targ_mini_box_h, (targ_mini_box_w / targ_mini_box_h * 1.))

    # 1.7. elastic mesh effective statistics
    # mesh_shape = 9
    # template_mesh_grids = separateImageWithElesticMesh(template_char_img_gray, mesh_shape)
    # target_mesh_grids = separateImageWithElesticMesh(target_char_img_gray, mesh_shape)
    # print(len(template_mesh_grids))
    # print(len(target_mesh_grids))
    # # statistics effective area in grid of effective area of template and target images.
    # template_mesh_effective_area = []
    # target_mesh_effective_area = []
    # # template
    # for i in range(len(template_mesh_grids)):
    #     grid = template_mesh_grids[i]   # grid of template
    #     grid = 255 - grid               # inverse grid
    #     num = np.sum(grid) / 255.       # sum the effective area pixels of template
    #     template_mesh_effective_area.append(num)
    # print(template_mesh_effective_area)
    # # target
    # for i in range(len(target_mesh_grids)):
    #     grid = target_mesh_grids[i]
    #     grid = 255 - grid
    #     num = np.sum(grid) / 255.
    #     target_mesh_effective_area.append(num)
    # print(target_mesh_effective_area)

        2. Radical features

    # 2.1 Radicals layout

    # 2.2 Effective area of radical.

        3. Stroke features
    if len(template_strokes_img) != len(target_strokes_img):
        print("Strokes number is different!!!")
        print("Stroke number is same!")

    # 3.1 Coverage rate
    # strokes_cr = []
    # for i in range(len(template_strokes_img)):
    #     temp_stroke = template_strokes_img[i]
    #     targ_stroke = target_strokes_img[i]
    #     targ_stroke = shiftImageWithMaxCR(temp_stroke, targ_stroke)
    #     cr_ = calculateCoverageRate(temp_stroke, targ_stroke)
    #     strokes_cr.append(cr_)
    # print(strokes_cr)

    # 3.2 Genter of gravity
    # template_strokes_cog = []
    # target_strokes_cog = []
    # for i in range(len(template_strokes_img)):
    #     stroke = template_strokes_img[i]
    #     stroke_cog = getCenterOfGravity(stroke)
    #     template_strokes_cog.append(stroke_cog)
    # for i in range(len(target_strokes_img)):
    #     stroke = target_strokes_img[i]
    #     stroke_cog = getCenterOfGravity(stroke)
    #     target_strokes_cog.append(stroke_cog)
    # print(template_strokes_cog)
    # print(target_strokes_cog)

    # 3.3 Convex hull area
    # template_strokes_convex = []
    # target_strokes_convex = []
    # for i in range(len(template_strokes_img)):
    #     stroke = template_strokes_img[i]
    #     convex_ = getConvexHullOfImage(stroke)
    #     template_strokes_convex.append(convex_)
    # for i in range(len(target_strokes_img)):
    #     stroke = target_strokes_img[i]
    #     convex_ = getConvexHullOfImage(stroke)
    #     target_strokes_convex.append(convex_)
    # # calculate the convex hull area of template and target
    # template_strokes_convex_area = []
    # target_strokes_convex_area = []
    # for convex_ in template_strokes_convex:
    #     area = calculateConvexHullArea(convex_)
    #     template_strokes_convex_area.append(area)
    # for convex_ in target_strokes_convex:
    #     area = calculateConvexHullArea(convex_)
    #     target_strokes_convex_area.append(area)
    # print(template_strokes_convex_area)
    # print(target_strokes_convex_area)

    # 3.4 Begin, end and middle segmentation of stroke

    # 3.5 Angle of stroke: heng and shu
    # for i in range(len(template_strokes_img)):
    #     temp_stroke = template_strokes_img[i]
    #     targ_stroke = target_strokes_img[i]
    #     # detect stroke is heng or shu
    #     _, _, temp_w, temp_h = getSingleMaxBoundingBoxOfImage(temp_stroke)
    #     _, _, targ_w, targ_h = getSingleMaxBoundingBoxOfImage(targ_stroke)
    #     if temp_w > temp_h and temp_h / temp_w * 1. <= 0.5:
    #         print("heng")
    #     elif temp_h > temp_w and temp_w / temp_h * 1. <= 0.2:
    #         print("shu")

def main():
    # src_path = "../strokes/src_strokes4.png"
    src_path = "../chars/src_dan_svg_simple_resized.png"
    tag_path = "../strokes/tag_strokes4.png"

    src_img = cv2.imread(src_path, 0)
    tag_img = cv2.imread(tag_path, 0)

    ret, src_img = cv2.threshold(src_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    ret, tag_img = cv2.threshold(tag_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # resize
    src_img, tag_img = resizeImages(src_img, tag_img)

    ret, src_img = cv2.threshold(src_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    ret, tag_img = cv2.threshold(tag_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # obtain the skeleton of strokes
    src_img_ = src_img != 255
    tag_img_ = tag_img != 255

    src_skel = skeletonize(src_img_)
    tag_skel = skeletonize(tag_img_)

    src_skel = (1 - src_skel) * 255
    tag_skel = (1 - tag_skel) * 255

    src_skel = np.array(src_skel, dtype=np.uint8)
    tag_skel = np.array(tag_skel, dtype=np.uint8)

    src_skel_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(src_skel, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    tag_skel_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(tag_skel, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    src_end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(src_skel)
    tag_end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(tag_skel)

    for (x, y) in src_end_points:
        src_skel_rgb[y][x] = (0, 0, 255)
    for (x, y) in tag_end_points:
        tag_skel_rgb[y][x] = (0, 0, 255)

    print("src end points len: %d" % len(src_end_points))
    print("tag end points len: %d" % len(tag_end_points))

    if len(src_end_points) > 2:
        print("src skeleton line has branch")
    if len(tag_end_points) > 2:
        print("tag skeleton line has branch")
    src_cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(src_skel)
    tag_cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(tag_skel)

    for (x, y) in src_cross_points:
        src_skel_rgb[y][x] = (255, 0, 0)
    for (x, y) in tag_cross_points:
        tag_skel_rgb[y][x] = (255, 0, 0)

    print("src cross len: %d" % len(src_cross_points))
    print("tag cross len: %d" % len(tag_cross_points))

    if len(src_cross_points) > 0:
        # exist branches
        src_skel = removeBranchOfSkeletonLine(src_skel, src_end_points, src_cross_points, )

    if len(tag_cross_points) > 0:
        # exist branches
        tag_skel = removeBranchOfSkeletonLine(tag_skel, tag_end_points, tag_cross_points, )

    # src_skel_no_branch = removeBranchOfSkeletonLine(src_skel, src_end_points, src_cross_points)
    # tag_skel_no_btranch = removeBranchOfSkeletonLine(tag_skel, tag_end_points, tag_cross_points)

    cv2.imshow("coverage img", src_img)
    cv2.imshow("new coverage img", tag_img)

    cv2.imshow("src rgb", src_skel_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("tag rgb", tag_skel_rgb)

    cv2.imshow("src skeleton img", src_skel)
    cv2.imshow("tag skeleton img", tag_skel)

    # cv2.imshow("src skeleton img no branch", src_skel_no_branch)
    # cv2.imshow("tag skeleton img no branch", tag_skel_no_branch)
