 def look_ahead(self):
     Look-ahead step in the current state of the environment to select the real best next action
     :return: best action to take in this state
     options = [
         align_progressive(self.env.permutation + [i], self.sequences,
         if v == 1 else 0 for i, v in enumerate(self.env.available)
     return options.index(max(options))
    def rollout(self, step):
        perform a rollout starting/continuing in this node/state
        :param step: number of games played before
        :return: the score reached in the rollout
        # i this is a leaf return the represented score
        if self.is_leaf:
            return self.scoring
        # if this node has to be expanded, expand and continue
        if self.to_expand:
        # if this node is already expanded or has just been expanded select the
        if self.is_expanded:
            # select a node according to the tree-policy and pass the rollout to this node
            node = select_child(self.children)
            rollout_score = node.rollout(step)

            # update the children of this node according to the received result
            for c in self.children:
                if c != node:
                    node.visit(rollout_score, step)
        # if this is the first explicit, by the tree-policy selected visit after creation, perform a rollout
            rollout_score = 0
            for _ in range(self.mcts_agent.rollouts):
                tmp_state = self.state.copy()
                self.to_expand = True
                possible_actions = list(
                    range(-1, self.num_seqs - 1) if self.mcts_agent.
                    refinement else set(range(self.num_seqs)) - set(tmp_state))

                # append all possible actions in an proper way so that the result is not 0
                while len(tmp_state) < self.num_seqs:
                    action = np.random.choice(possible_actions)
                    tmp_state = tmp_state + [action]
                    if not self.mcts_agent.refinement:

                # compute the alignments score
                if len(tmp_state) == len(set(tmp_state)):
                    if self.mcts_agent.refinement:
                        tmp_score = align_iterative(
                            tmp_state, self.mcts_agent.profile,
                        tmp_score = align_progressive(
                            tmp_state, self.mcts_agent.sequences,
                    if self.mcts_agent.adjust:
                        rollout_score += self.mcts_agent.adjustment(tmp_score)
        return rollout_score
 def estimate_min(self):
     Estimate minimal score for problem by taking the minimal score of 10 random rollouts form the initial node
     :return: estimated minimal score
     return min([
                         range(self.num_seqs -
                               (1 if self.refinement else 0))))),
             self.sequences, self.align_table).score()[self.score]
         for _ in range(10)
     ]) - 1
    def __init__(self, state, num_seqs, score, mcts_agent):
        initialize the node
        :param state: state represented by the node
        :param num_seqs: number of sequences to align in total
        :param score: score to optimize for
        :param mcts_agent: parent agent, used to access algorithmic fields like
            the number of rollouts, the sequences, the UCB-parameter c and the align_table
        self.state = state
        self.num_seqs = num_seqs
        self.children = []
        self.score = score
        self.mcts_agent = mcts_agent

        # search parameters
        self.n = 0
        self.u = 0
        self.v = 0
        self.total_score = 0

        # initialize fields to track state of the node (leaf / (tb.) expanded)
        self.is_leaf = self.num_seqs == len(self.state)
        self.to_expand = False
        self.is_expanded = False

        # compute the score of the alignment represented by this node if this node is a leaf that cannot be expanded
        self.scoring = 0
        if self.is_leaf and len(set(self.state)) == self.num_seqs:
            if self.mcts_agent.refinement:
                self.scoring = align_iterative(
                self.scoring = align_progressive(
                    self.state, self.mcts_agent.sequences,
            if self.mcts_agent.adjust:
                self.scoring = self.mcts_agent.adjustment(self.scoring)
def initialize_benchmark(b_id, best):
    Initialize the execution of any agents on the benchmarks by creating necessary fields needed for search and training
    :param b_id: benchmark-id to train on
    :param best: best result from previous training runs on that benchmark
    :return: - the name of the benchmark used for evaluation tables at the end
             - the sequences of the benchmark as list of stings
             - the names according to the sequences in the same order ( = permutation [0,1,...,n-1,n])
             - basic data of the benchmark-sequences, namely type, count and average length
             - basic comparison of available results for this benchmark
             - best result from previous run on this benchmark
    Things like comparison of different agents, best-marks on benchmarks and align-tables are stored in such nested
    HashMaps and are accessed and modified according to the actually used configuration and its scoring and aligning
    The benchmark_best contains the best results on a benchmark for each alignment setting. Such an refinement-tuple 
    consists of the Profile from the iterative aligning, the according iterative permutation, the permutation for the 
    starting alignment and the configuration that led to the optimal alignment
    comparison = {
        "SP": {
            "Refinement": {},
            "Progressive": {}
        "CS": {
            "Refinement": {},
            "Progressive": {}
    benchmark_best = {
        "SP": {
            "Refinement": (Profile([]), None, None, None),
            "Progressive": (Profile([]), None, None)
        "CS": {
            "Refinement": (Profile([]), None, None, None),
            "Progressive": (Profile([]), None, None)
    # if the benchmark is of this work and known because it is used while development, extract data from constants
    if isinstance(b_id, int):
        name, b, seqs_file = names[b_id], benchmarks[b_id], seq_files[b_id]
        sequences, sequence_names = read_fasta_data(seqs_file)

        # Insert the base-data for each setting, this is the left-hand side of the tables outputted at the end
        comparison["SP"]["Progressive"] = {
            RL: b[0:2],
            DRL: b[2:4],
            CLUSTALW: b[4:6],
            MAFFT: b[6:8],
            MUSCLE: b[8:10]
        comparison["CS"]["Progressive"] = {
            RL: b[0:2],
            DRL: b[2:4],
            CLUSTALW: b[4:6],
            MAFFT: b[6:8],
            MUSCLE: b[8:10]
        comparison["SP"]["Refinement"] = {
            RL: b[0:2],
            DRL: b[2:4],
            CLUSTALW: b[4:6],
            MAFFT: b[6:8],
            MUSCLE: b[8:10]
        comparison["CS"]["Refinement"] = {
            RL: b[0:2],
            DRL: b[2:4],
            CLUSTALW: b[4:6],
            MAFFT: b[6:8],
            MUSCLE: b[8:10]
        base_data = (b_id, types[b_id], sizes[b_id])
    # else read in the benchmark sequences and compute the base data
        name, (sequences, sequence_names
               ) = os.path.basename(b_id).split(".")[0], read_fasta_data(b_id)

        # again the base data as left-hand side of the output tables, but here with zeros as they are not performed
        comparison["SP"]["Progressive"] = {
            RL: (0, 0),
            DRL: (0, 0),
            CLUSTALW: (0, 0),
            MAFFT: (0, 0),
            MUSCLE: (0, 0)
        comparison["CS"]["Progressive"] = {
            RL: (0, 0),
            DRL: (0, 0),
            CLUSTALW: (0, 0),
            MAFFT: (0, 0),
            MUSCLE: (0, 0)
        comparison["SP"]["Refinement"] = {
            RL: (0, 0),
            DRL: (0, 0),
            CLUSTALW: (0, 0),
            MAFFT: (0, 0),
            MUSCLE: (0, 0)
        comparison["CS"]["Refinement"] = {
            RL: (0, 0),
            DRL: (0, 0),
            CLUSTALW: (0, 0),
            MAFFT: (0, 0),
            MUSCLE: (0, 0)
        base_data = (b_id, get_sequence_type(sequences),
    Find and fill in the best alignments per optimization setting that can be found for the individual benchmark in the 
    store of best alignments. If it is not known, the (Profile([]), None, None) tuple remains
    if name in best["SP"]["Progressive"]:
        tmp = best["SP"]["Progressive"][name]
        benchmark_best["SP"]["Progressive"] = (align_progressive(
            sequences), tmp["Permutation"], from_dict(tmp["Configuration"]))
    if name in best["CS"]["Progressive"]:
        tmp = best["CS"]["Progressive"][name]
        benchmark_best["CS"]["Progressive"] = (align_progressive(
            sequences), tmp["Permutation"], from_dict(tmp["Configuration"]))
    if name in best["SP"]["Refinement"]:
        tmp = best["SP"]["Refinement"][name]
        benchmark_best["SP"]["Refinement"] = \
            (align_iterative(tmp["Permutation"], align_progressive(tmp["BasePermutation"], sequences)),
             tmp["Permutation"], tmp["BasePermutation"], from_dict(tmp["Configuration"]))
    if name in best["CS"]["Refinement"]:
        tmp = best["CS"]["Refinement"][name]
        benchmark_best["CS"]["Refinement"] = \
            (align_iterative(tmp["Permutation"], align_progressive(tmp["BasePermutation"], sequences)),
             tmp["Permutation"], tmp["BasePermutation"], from_dict(tmp["Configuration"]))
    insert the baseline (aka score of best progressive alignment) into the results-table to see from which value the 
    agent stared its alignment and to be able to argue on whether the alignment has been improved or not
    comparison["SP"]["Refinement"][TABLE_AGENT] = (
        *(benchmark_best["SP"]["Progressive"][0].score()[0:2]), 0, 0)
    comparison["CS"]["Refinement"][TABLE_AGENT] = (
        *(benchmark_best["CS"]["Progressive"][0].score()[0:2]), 0, 0)

    return name, sequences, sequence_names, base_data, comparison, benchmark_best
def run_agent(config, sequences, align_table, name, best_score, updating,
              total, individual, data_file):
    run the by config specified agent on the sequences and use the given align-table as util to speed up th alignment
    :param config: configuration of the agent to train
    :param sequences: sequences of the benchmark to run the agent on
    :param align_table: table to use for alignment-speedup
    :param name: name of the benchmark, needed for the reports after training
    :param best_score: best_score ever reached on this benchmark
    :param updating: flag indicating to update the json file
    :param total: total number of trainings performed in this run
    :param individual: flag to indicate the use of a fresh align-table
    :param data_file: file to store all data about the computations
    :return: - the message to print and to sent via Telegram,
             - the score reached by the agent,
             - the extended align_table with probably new alignments,
             - the profile computed by this algorithm that leads to the result score and
             - the permutation of the input sequences to get the resulting profile
    print(F"train {config.name} agent result on {name}")

    global number

    if config.id == MCTS_AGENT:
        agent = MCTSAgent(sequences,
        if not individual:

        # compute the alignment using UCT-MCTS to find the most promising sequence
        env = RefinementWrapper(
            sequences, agent,
            config.score) if config.refinement else AlignmentWrapper(
                sequences, agent)
            start = time.time()
            _, permutation, profile, _ = env.run()
            end = time.time()
            runtime = end - start
            print("MCTS-Agent crashed! Return standard results.")
            permutation = [] if config.refinement else list(
            profile = sequences if config.refinement else align_progressive(
                permutation, sequences)
            runtime = 0

        align_table = agent.get_align_table()
        print("Align-Table-Stats:", align_table.stats)

        # extract the score
        score = profile.score() if profile is not None else (0, 0)
        scoring = (score[0], score[1], "-", "-")

        # create the results-message
        mode = "Refinement" if config.refinement else "Progressive"
        optimizing = "C" if config.score == C_SCORE else "SP"
        message = F"MCTS algorithm result on {name}:\n" \
                  F"\tMode: {mode}, Optimizing: {optimizing}-Score\n" \
                  F"\tProgress: {number}/{total} ({round((number / total) * 100, 2)}%)\n" \
                  F"\tRuntime: {runtime} seconds\n" \
                  F"\tbest Alignment found: {score[0]}, {round(score[1], 2)}\n"
            F"MCTS\t{name}\t{mode}\t{optimizing}\t{runtime}\t{score[0]}\t{round(score[1], 2)}\t["
            + ";".join([str(p) for p in permutation]) + "]\t[" +
            ";".join([str(s) for s in align_table.stats]) + "]\n")

        # if not MCTS agent, create one of the other agents
        if config.id == TABLE_AGENT:
            agent, agent_trainer = create_table_agent(sequences, config)
        elif config.id == VALUE_AGENT:
            agent, agent_trainer = create_value_agent(sequences, config)
        elif config.id == POLICY_AGENT:
            agent, agent_trainer = create_policy_agent(sequences, config)
        elif config.id == ACTOR_CRITIC_AGENT:
            agent, agent_trainer = create_actor_critic_agent(sequences, config)
            agent, agent_trainer = create_alpha_zero_agent(sequences, config)

        # train the agent ...
        if not individual:
            _, _, _, runtime = agent_trainer.run(config.print_console,
            align_table = agent_trainer.get_align_table()
            print("Align-Table-Stats:", align_table.stats)

            # ... and compute the final alignment
            (profile, permutation), (reward, _, _,
                                     _) = agent_trainer.evaluate_training()
            print("Error occurred in training of ")
            permutation = list(range(len(sequences)))
            profile = align_progressive(permutation, sequences, align_table)
            reward = 0, 0
            runtime = 0

        # extract the score
        score = profile.score() if profile is not None else (0, 0)
        scoring = (score[0], score[1], reward[0], reward[1])

        # create the results-message
        mode = "Refinement" if config.refinement else "Progressive"
        optimizing = "C" if config.score == C_SCORE else "SP"
        message = F"{agent.name()} algorithm result on {name}:\n" \
                  F"\tMode: {mode}, Optimizing: {optimizing}-Score\n" \
                  F"\tProgress: {number}/{total} ({round((number / total) * 100, 2)}%)\n" \
                  F"\tRuntime: {runtime} seconds\n" \
                  F"\tbest Alignment found: {score[0]}, {round(score[1], 2)}\n" \
                  F"\tlast Alignment found: {reward[0]}, {round(reward[1], 2)}"
            F"{agent.name}\t{name}\t{mode}\t{optimizing}\t{runtime}\t{score[0]}\t{round(score[1], 2)}\t["
            + ";".join([str(p) for p in permutation]) + "]\t[" +
            ";".join([str(s) for s in align_table.stats]) + "]\n")

    # increase counter for configs that have been tested
    number += 1

    # check, whether older alignment has been improved
    if updating and (score[config.score], score[1 - config.score]) > \
            (best_score[config.score], best_score[1 - config.score]):
        message = "NEW BEST ALIGNMENT FOUND!\n" + message

    # print the message of the results and notify via telegram
    if config.notification:

    return message, scoring, align_table, profile, permutation
 def test_align_progressive_2(self):
     seqs = ["ctattg", "ctaccg", "ctatgt"]
     profile = align_progressive([1, 2, 0], seqs)
     self.assertEqual(["ctaccg-", "cta-tgt", "ctattg-"],
 def test_align_progressive_1(self):
     seqs = ["ctattg", "ctaccg", "ctatgt"]
     profile = align_progressive([2, 0, 1], seqs)
     self.assertEqual(["ctatgt-", "ctat-tg", "ctac-cg"],