def local_process(beamLine, shineOnly1stSource=False): # This has to conserve the atomicity of the operation! local_it = rnga = local_it * self.beam_chunk_size rngb = (local_it + 1) * self.beam_chunk_size print 'Taking beam from', rnga, 'to', rngb # This acts as xrt::shine() beam = ub.copy_by_index(self.source_beam, range(rnga, rngb)) # Propagate photons through the capillary beamTotal, _ =\ self.capillary.multiple_reflect(beam,\ maxReflections=50) # Hold photons for export if self.beamTotal is None: self.beamTotal = beamTotal else: self.beamTotal.concatenate(beamTotal) # Use those screens for testing parameters exitScreen = beamLine.exitScreen.expose(beamTotal) farScreen = beamLine.farScreen.expose(beamTotal) # This screen is shown when creating new beam file totalScreen = beamLine.totalScreen.expose(beamTotal) # Show beamlines after exposition outDict = {'ExitScreen' : exitScreen} outDict['FarScreen'] = farScreen return outDict
def create_defects(beam, howmany): """ Try to simulate defect related imaging """ # Container for single-defect ids dids = [] # Define defect radius d_rad = 0.065 for it in range(howmany): # Generate random positions from [-2 :: 2] rx = (-0.5 + np.random.random()) * 4.0 ry = (-0.5 + np.random.random()) * 4.0 pos = [rx, ry] print 'Creating defect at:', pos, 'With radius:', d_rad dids.append(outside_circle(beam, pos, d_rad)) # Get final set of good rays fids = np.ones_like(dids[0]) # Array of truth fids = fids < 2 for ids in dids: fids &= ids ceam = ub.copy_by_index(beam, fids) return ceam
def cut_left_half(beam): """ why not """ ids = beam.x <= 0 ceam = ub.copy_by_index(beam, ids) return ceam
def make_wires(beam, shift = 0): """ Usage example """ ids = cut_wires(beam, shift) ceam = ub.copy_by_index(beam, ids) return ceam
def cut_triangle(beam): """ Or any other irregular shape using matplotlib.path """ triangle = mp.Path([(-0.04, -0.02), (0.08, 0.02), (-0.06, 0.02)]) # Change 2 lists of coordinates into a list of paired coordinates points = zip(beam.x, beam.z) ids = triangle.contains_points(points) ceam = ub.copy_by_index(beam, ids) return ceam
def cut_circle(beam, position = [0, 0], radius = 0.01): """ Pinholes are circular! """ N_ = 100 s = [position[0] + radius * np.sin(2*np.pi*th/N_) for th in range(N_)] c = [position[1] + radius * np.cos(2*np.pi*th/N_) for th in range(N_)] circ = mp.Path(zip(s,c)) ids = circ.contains_points(zip(beam.x, beam.z)) ceam = ub.copy_by_index(beam, ids) return ceam