def main(args): if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) print_config(cfg) logger = log_helper.get_logger()"show information about {}:".format(FLAGS.model)) if FLAGS.model == 'res50': model = Res50DispNet(cfg, logger) else: logger.error('wrong model type: {}'.format(FLAGS.model)) sys.exit(-1)
def main(): config = get_oicr_config() print_config(config) # set torch seed if config.set_seed: torch.manual_seed(0) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) torch.set_printoptions(profile="full") torch.set_printoptions(threshold=5000) torch.set_printoptions(precision=10) # init data loader dataset_tr = Dataset(config, mode='train') dataset_va = Dataset(config, mode='valid') # init dataset metadata metadata_tr = PascalVOCMetaData(config, mode='train') metadata_va = PascalVOCMetaData(config, mode='val') # init network oicr = OICR(config) # init network trainer oicr_trainer = OICRTrainer(config, oicr) # # resume model # if config.resume: # mist_trainer.resume(wsdd) # # wirte meta data if first time run # if not mist_trainer.resumed: # mist_trainer.write_meta_data() # train model oicr_trainer.train(oicr, dataset_tr, dataset_va, metadata_tr, metadata_va)
def main(args): if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) print_config(cfg) output_path = FLAGS.output_path mask_path = FLAGS.mask_path if not os.path.isdir(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) if not os.path.isdir(mask_path): os.makedirs(mask_path) image_h = cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT image_w = cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH logger = log_helper.get_logger() # We use our "load_graph" function"accessing tf graph") graph = load_graph(FLAGS.graph_name) if FLAGS.verbose: # We can verify that we can access the list of operations in the graph for op in graph.get_operations(): # prefix/Placeholder/inputs_placeholder # ... # prefix/Accuracy/predictions # We access the input and output nodes input_img = graph.get_tensor_by_name('import/input/image:0') pred = graph.get_tensor_by_name('import/output/prob:0') # launch a Session with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: total_time_elapsed = 0.0 for image, fname in instance_generator(FLAGS.sample_path):"predicting for {}".format(fname)) begin_ts = time.time() feed_dict = { input_img: image[np.newaxis], } # Note: we didn't initialize/restore anything, everything is stored in the graph_def prediction =, feed_dict=feed_dict) end_ts = time.time()"cost time: {} s".format(end_ts - begin_ts)) total_time_elapsed += end_ts - begin_ts # output_image to verify output_fname = output_path + "/" + os.path.basename(fname) pred_img = np.reshape(prediction, (image_h, image_w, cfg.NUM_CLASSES)) pred_prob = genPredProb(pred_img, cfg.NUM_CLASSES) ret = cv2.imwrite(output_fname, pred_prob) if not ret: logger.error('writing image to {} failed!'.format(output_fname)) sys.exit(-1) # masking image mask_fname = mask_path + "/" + os.path.basename(fname) r, g, b = cv2.split(image.astype(np.uint8)) cv_img = cv2.merge([b, g, r]) masked = image_process.prob_mask(cv_img, pred_prob) ret = cv2.imwrite(mask_fname, masked) if not ret: logger.error('writing image to {} failed!'.format(output_fname)) sys.exit(-1) print("total time elapsed: {} s".format(total_time_elapsed))
def main(args): if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) do_pp = FLAGS.do_pp if FLAGS.do_stereo: do_pp = False cfg.DO_STEREO = True else: cfg.DO_STEREO = False cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 1 if do_pp: cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 2 print_config(cfg) output_path = FLAGS.output_path if output_path != '': if not os.path.isdir(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) logger = log_helper.get_logger() do_recon = FLAGS.recon_path != '' if do_recon: if FLAGS.stereo_path == '': logger.error("to do reconstruction, stereo_path has to be set!") sys.exit(-1) recon_path = FLAGS.recon_path if not os.path.isdir(recon_path): os.makedirs(recon_path) stereo_path = FLAGS.stereo_path if FLAGS.model == 'res50': model = Res50DispNet(cfg, logger) else: logger.error('wrong model type: {}'.format(FLAGS.model)) sys.exit(-1) if FLAGS.use_avg: # get moving avg variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(cfg.MOVING_AVERAGE_DECAY) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) else: saver = tf.train.Saver(model.all_variables) with tf.Session() as sess: # restore model"restoring model ......") saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_path) total_time_elapsed = 0.0 aspect_ratio = float(cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH) / cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT for image, fname in instance_generator(FLAGS.sample_path, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, do_pp, stereo_path, cfg.DO_STEREO, do_recon): if cfg.DO_STEREO or do_recon: sample_name = fname[0] stereo_name = fname[1]"inference for {} & {}".format(fname[0], fname[1])) feed_dict = { model.left_image: image[0], model.right_image: image[1] } fname = sample_name else:"inference for {}".format(fname)) feed_dict = { model.left_image: image } begin_ts = time.time() if not do_recon: pre_disp =[0], feed_dict=feed_dict) else: pre_disp, recon, recon_diff =[model.left_disparity[0], model.left_reconstruction[0], model.left_recon_diff[0]], feed_dict=feed_dict) recon = recon[0,:,:,:] recon_diff = recon_diff[0,:,:,:] #print pre_disp.shape #print recon.shape #print recon_diff.shape end_ts = time.time()"cost time: {} s".format(end_ts - begin_ts)) total_time_elapsed += end_ts - begin_ts if do_pp: disp = post_process_disparity(pre_disp.squeeze()) else: disp = pre_disp[0].squeeze() if FLAGS.resize_ratio != 0 and FLAGS.resize_ratio != 1: disp = cv2.resize(disp, (FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # output disparity if output_path != '': if do_pp: output_fname = output_path + "/pp_" + os.path.basename(fname) else: output_fname = output_path + "/" + os.path.basename(fname) plt.imsave(output_fname, disp, if recon_path is not None: o_image = cv2.resize(image[0][0], (FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) o_recon = cv2.resize(recon, (FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) o_diff = cv2.resize(recon_diff, (FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, FLAGS.resize_ratio*cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) whole_fig = plt.figure(figsize=(int(aspect_ratio*8), 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) a = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) b = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) c = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) d = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) a.imshow(o_image) a.set_title('raw_image') plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) b.imshow(disp, b.set_title('disparity') plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) c.imshow(o_recon) c.set_title('reconstruct') plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) d.imshow(o_diff) d.set_title('recon_diff') #plt.tight_layout() plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) output_fname = recon_path + "/" + os.path.basename(fname) plt.savefig(output_fname) # for release memory plt.clf() plt.close() print("total time elapsed: {} s".format(total_time_elapsed))
def main(args): checkArgs() if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) if FLAGS.stereo_path != '': cfg.DO_STEREO = True else: cfg.DO_STEREO = False base_path = None title_str = "{:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}".format( 'ratio', 'abs_rel_i', 'sq_rel_i', 'rmse_i', 'rmse_log_i', 'd1_all_i', 'a1_i', 'a2_i', 'a3_i', 'abs_rel', 'sq_rel', 'rmse', 'rmse_log', 'd1_all', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3') if FLAGS.base_path != '': base_path = FLAGS.base_path title_str = "{:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}, {:>10}".format( 'ratio', 'abs_rel', 'sq_rel', 'rmse', 'rmse_log', 'd1_all', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'abs_rel_b', 'sq_rel_b', 'rmse_b', 'rmse_log_b', 'd1_all_b', 'a1_b', 'a2_b', 'a3_b') stereo_path = FLAGS.stereo_path if cfg.DO_STEREO else None cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 1 if FLAGS.do_pp and not cfg.DO_STEREO: cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 2 print_config(cfg) if FLAGS.output_path != '': output_path = FLAGS.output_path if not os.path.isdir(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) logger = log_helper.get_logger() if FLAGS.model == 'res50': model = Res50DispNet(cfg, logger) else: logger.error('wrong model type: {}'.format(FLAGS.model)) sys.exit(-1) # get moving avg if FLAGS.use_avg: variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( cfg.MOVING_AVERAGE_DECAY) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) else: saver = tf.train.Saver(model.all_variables) total_time_elapsed = 0 with tf.Session() as sess: # restore model"restoring model ......") saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_path) rate_list = [] rmse_inter_list = [] rmse_log_inter_list = [] abs_rel_inter_list = [] sq_rel_inter_list = [] d1_all_inter_list = [] a1_inter_list = [] a2_inter_list = [] a3_inter_list = [] rmse_list = [] rmse_log_list = [] abs_rel_list = [] sq_rel_list = [] d1_all_list = [] a1_list = [] a2_list = [] a3_list = [] for image, label, fname in instance_label_generator( FLAGS.sample_path, FLAGS.label_path, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, FLAGS.do_pp, stereo_path, base_path=base_path): if cfg.DO_STEREO: sample_name = fname[0] stereo_name = fname[1]"testing for {} & {}".format(fname[0], fname[1])) feed_dict = { model.left_image: image[0], model.right_image: image[1] } fname = sample_name else:"testing for {}".format(fname)) if base_path is None: feed_dict = {model.left_image: image} else: feed_dict = {model.left_image: image[0]} begin_ts = time.time() pre_disp =[0], feed_dict=feed_dict) end_ts = time.time()"cost time: {} s".format(end_ts - begin_ts)) total_time_elapsed += end_ts - begin_ts if FLAGS.do_pp and not cfg.DO_STEREO: disp = post_process_disparity(pre_disp.squeeze()) else: disp = pre_disp[0].squeeze() base_disp = None if base_path is None else image[-1] width = label.shape[1] focal = KITTI_FOCAL[width] base = KITTI_BASE rate, d1_all_inter, abs_rel_inter, sq_rel_inter, rmse_inter, rmse_log_inter, a1_inter, a2_inter, a3_inter, d1_all, abs_rel, sq_rel, rmse, rmse_log, a1, a2, a3 = depth_metrics( label, disp, focal, base, base_disp) print(title_str) print( "{:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}" .format(rate, abs_rel_inter, sq_rel_inter, rmse_inter, rmse_log_inter, d1_all_inter, a1_inter, a2_inter, a3_inter, abs_rel, sq_rel, rmse, rmse_log, d1_all, a1, a2, a3)) rate_list.append(rate) rmse_inter_list.append(rmse_inter) rmse_log_inter_list.append(rmse_log_inter) abs_rel_inter_list.append(abs_rel_inter) sq_rel_inter_list.append(sq_rel_inter) d1_all_inter_list.append(d1_all_inter) a1_inter_list.append(a1_inter) a2_inter_list.append(a2_inter) a3_inter_list.append(a3_inter) rmse_list.append(rmse) rmse_log_list.append(rmse_log) abs_rel_list.append(abs_rel) sq_rel_list.append(sq_rel) d1_all_list.append(d1_all) a1_list.append(a1) a2_list.append(a2) a3_list.append(a3) # output_image to verify if FLAGS.output_path != '': if FLAGS.do_pp and not cfg.DO_STEREO: output_fname = output_path + "/pp_" + os.path.basename( fname) else: output_fname = output_path + "/" + os.path.basename(fname) plt.imsave(output_fname, disp, rate_mean = np.array(rate_list).mean() rmse_inter_mean = np.array(rmse_inter_list).mean() rmse_log_inter_mean = np.array(rmse_log_inter_list).mean() abs_rel_inter_mean = np.array(abs_rel_inter_list).mean() sq_rel_inter_mean = np.array(sq_rel_inter_list).mean() d1_all_inter_mean = np.array(d1_all_inter_list).mean() a1_inter_mean = np.array(a1_inter_list).mean() a2_inter_mean = np.array(a2_inter_list).mean() a3_inter_mean = np.array(a3_inter_list).mean() rmse_mean = np.array(rmse_list).mean() rmse_log_mean = np.array(rmse_log_list).mean() abs_rel_mean = np.array(abs_rel_list).mean() sq_rel_mean = np.array(sq_rel_list).mean() d1_all_mean = np.array(d1_all_list).mean() a1_mean = np.array(a1_list).mean() a2_mean = np.array(a2_list).mean() a3_mean = np.array(a3_list).mean() print("============total metric============") print(title_str) print( "{:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}, {:10.3f}" .format(rate_mean, abs_rel_inter_mean, sq_rel_inter_mean, rmse_inter_mean, rmse_log_inter_mean, d1_all_inter_mean, a1_inter_mean, a2_inter_mean, a3_inter_mean, abs_rel_mean, sq_rel_mean, rmse_mean, rmse_log_mean, d1_all_mean, a1_mean, a2_mean, a3_mean)) print("total time elapsed: {} s".format(total_time_elapsed))
def main(args): if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 1 print_config(cfg) output_path = FLAGS.output_path if not os.path.isdir(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) batch_size = 1 image_h = cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT image_w = cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH image_c = cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH output_name = FLAGS.output_name whole_graph_ext = 'pb' if FLAGS.whole_graph_bin else 'pbtxt' infer_graph_ext = 'pb' if FLAGS.infer_graph_bin else 'pbtxt' whole_graph_name = "{}_whole.{}".format(output_name, whole_graph_ext) infer_graph_name = "{}_infer.{}".format(output_name, whole_graph_ext) uff_graph_name = "{}_uff.{}".format(output_name, whole_graph_ext) output_graph_path = "{}/{}.{}".format(output_path, output_name, infer_graph_ext) output_uff_graph_path = "{}/{}_uff.{}".format(output_path, output_name, infer_graph_ext) print whole_graph_name print infer_graph_name print uff_graph_name print output_graph_path print output_uff_graph_path # We clear devices to allow TensorFlow to control on which device it will load operations clear_devices = True # Build graph logger = log_helper.get_logger() if FLAGS.model == 'sq': model = SQSegNet(cfg, logger) elif FLAGS.model == 'erf': model = ERFSegNet(cfg, logger) output_node_names = "output/prob" if FLAGS.restore_avg: # get moving avg variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(cfg.MOVING_AVERAGE_DECAY) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) else: saver = tf.train.Saver(model.all_variables) saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) with tf.Session() as sess: # Load checkpoint whole_graph_def = sess.graph.as_graph_def() # fix whole_graph_def for bn for node in whole_graph_def.node: if node.op == 'RefSwitch': node.op = 'Switch' for index in xrange(len(node.input)): if 'moving_' in node.input[index]: node.input[index] = node.input[index] + '/read' elif node.op == 'AssignSub': node.op = 'Sub' if 'use_locking' in node.attr: del node.attr['use_locking'] elif node.op == 'AssignAdd': node.op = 'Add' if 'use_locking' in node.attr: del node.attr['use_locking'] print("%d ops in the whole graph." % len(whole_graph_def.node)) tf.train.write_graph(whole_graph_def, output_path, whole_graph_name, as_text=not FLAGS.whole_graph_bin) infer_graph_def = graph_util.extract_sub_graph(whole_graph_def, output_node_names.split(",")) print("%d ops in the infer graph." % len(infer_graph_def.node)) tf.train.write_graph(infer_graph_def, output_path, infer_graph_name, as_text=not FLAGS.whole_graph_bin) # fix infer_graph_def for bn for converstion to tensorRT uff for node in infer_graph_def.node: name_fields ='/') if name_fields[-2] == 'batchnorm': if name_fields[-1] == 'add': for index in xrange(len(node.input)): if 'cond/Merge' in node.input[index]: node.input[index] = '/'.join(name_fields[:-2] + ['moving_variance', 'read']) if name_fields[-1] == 'mul_2': for index in xrange(len(node.input)): if 'cond/Merge' in node.input[index]: node.input[index] = '/'.join(name_fields[:-2] + ['moving_mean', 'read']) uff_graph_def = graph_util.extract_sub_graph(infer_graph_def, output_node_names.split(",")) print("%d ops in the uff graph." % len(uff_graph_def.node)) tf.train.write_graph(uff_graph_def, output_path, uff_graph_name, as_text=not FLAGS.whole_graph_bin) saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_path) output_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, # The session is used to retrieve the weights whole_graph_def, # The graph_def is used to retrieve the nodes output_node_names.split(",") # The output node names are used to select the usefull nodes ) output_uff_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, # The session is used to retrieve the weights infer_graph_def, # The graph_def is used to retrieve the nodes output_node_names.split(",") # The output node names are used to select the usefull nodes ) # Finally we serialize and dump the output graph to the filesystem mode = "wb" if FLAGS.infer_graph_bin else "w" with tf.gfile.GFile(output_graph_path, mode) as f: if FLAGS.infer_graph_bin: f.write(output_graph_def.SerializeToString()) else: f.write(str(output_graph_def)) print("%d ops in the output graph." % len(output_graph_def.node)) with tf.gfile.GFile(output_uff_graph_path, mode) as f: if FLAGS.infer_graph_bin: f.write(output_uff_graph_def.SerializeToString()) else: f.write(str(output_uff_graph_def)) print("%d ops in the output uff graph." % len(output_uff_graph_def.node))
def main(args): if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 1 print_config(cfg) if FLAGS.output_dir and not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.output_dir): os.mkdir(FLAGS.output_dir) logger = log_helper.get_logger() with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: if FLAGS.model == 'sq': model = SQSegNet(cfg, logger) elif FLAGS.model == 'erf': model = ERFSegNet(cfg, logger) if FLAGS.restore_avg: # get moving avg variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( cfg.MOVING_AVERAGE_DECAY) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) else: saver = tf.train.Saver(model.all_variables) graph_def = graph.as_graph_def() sub_graph_def = tf.graph_util.extract_sub_graph( graph_def, ['output/prob']) all_inference_nodes = sub_graph_def.node all_nodes = graph_def.node update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) print('======================================================') print('all nodes:') print('\n'.join([ for x in all_nodes])) print('======================================================') print('all inference nodes:') print('\n'.join([ for x in all_inference_nodes])) print('======================================================') print('all update ops:') print('\n'.join([ for x in update_ops])) print('======================================================') with tf.Session() as sess: print("retoring") saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_path) img = np.array(, np.float32) #imageValue = tf.read_file(FLAGS.input_image) #image_bytes = tf.image.decode_png(imageValue) #image_reshape = tf.reshape(image_bytes, (cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH)) #image = tf.cast(image_reshape, tf.float32) #img = print(img) input_img_ph = graph.get_tensor_by_name('input/image:0') is_training = graph.get_tensor_by_name('input/is_training:0') feed_dict = {input_img_ph: [img], is_training: FLAGS.is_training} for node in all_inference_nodes: if FLAGS.tname: if == FLAGS.tname: print( tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name( + ':0') try: _tensor =, feed_dict=feed_dict) except: print("cannot be fetched!") continue print(_tensor) print(_tensor.shape) print(_tensor.max()) print(_tensor.min()) if == 'output/prob': tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name( + ':0') _tensor =, feed_dict=feed_dict) prob = _tensor.reshape( (cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, 2)) output_img0 = (prob[:, :, 0] * 255).astype(np.uint8) output_img1 = (prob[:, :, 1] * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(FLAGS.output_image0, output_img0) cv2.imwrite(FLAGS.output_image1, output_img1) else: print( name_fields ='/') tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name( + ':0') try: _tensor =, feed_dict=feed_dict) except: print("cannot be fetched!") continue print(_tensor) print(_tensor.shape) print(_tensor.max()) print(_tensor.min()) print( '======================================================' ) if FLAGS.output_dir and == 'output/prob': #tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name( + ':0') #_tensor =, feed_dict=feed_dict) prob = _tensor.reshape( (cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, 2)) output_img0 = (prob[:, :, 0] * 255).astype(np.uint8) output_img1 = (prob[:, :, 1] * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite('{}/out0.png'.format(FLAGS.output_dir), output_img0) cv2.imwrite('{}/out1.png'.format(FLAGS.output_dir), output_img1) if FLAGS.output_dir and output_layers and in output_layers: layer_shape = _tensor.shape output_subdir ='/', '_') output_path = '{}/{}'.format(FLAGS.output_dir, output_subdir) if not os.path.isdir(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) for i in range(layer_shape[3]): output_layer = _tensor[0, :, :, i] output_layer_min = output_layer.min() output_layer_max = output_layer.max() output_layer_range = output_layer_max - output_layer_min if output_layer_range < 1e-8: output_layer[:, :] = 0 else: output_layer = (output_layer - output_layer_min ) / output_layer_range * 255 output_layer = output_layer.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format(output_path, i), output_layer)
def main(args): checkArgs() if FLAGS.cfg_file: print('loading config setting') cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file, cfg) if FLAGS.debug: cfg.BATCH_SIZE = 2 cfg.NUM_EPOCH = 1 cfg.TRAIN_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 10 cfg.DO_VALIDATE = False print('set to DEBUG mode') print_config(cfg) if cfg.DO_VALIDATE: val_step = np.ceil( float(cfg.NUM_EXAMPLES_PER_EPOCH_FOR_EVAL) / cfg.VAL_BATCH_SIZE).astype(np.int32) steps_per_epoch = np.ceil(float(cfg.NUM_EXAMPLES) / cfg.BATCH_SIZE).astype( np.int32) max_step = steps_per_epoch * cfg.NUM_EPOCH if FLAGS.debug: max_step = 1000 ckpt_path = FLAGS.ckpt_path if not os.path.isdir(ckpt_path): os.mkdir(ckpt_path) logger = log_helper.get_logger() if FLAGS.model == 'res50': model = Res50DispNet(cfg, logger) else: logger.error('wrong model type: {}'.format(FLAGS.model)) sys.exit(-1) data_pipeline = TFLoadingPipeline(cfg, logger) data_pipeline.setup(FLAGS.sample_path, FLAGS.label_path, cfg.BATCH_SIZE, cfg.TRAIN_QUEUE_CAPACITY, augment=True) if cfg.DO_VALIDATE: data_pipeline.setup_validate(FLAGS.val_sample_path, FLAGS.val_label_path, cfg.VAL_BATCH_SIZE, cfg.EVAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) train_op, grads = get_train_op(cfg, model.total_loss, global_step, max_step) if FLAGS.debug: nan_checks = [] for grad, var in grads: nan_checks.append(tf.is_nan(grad)) layers = model.layers[-8:] layers += model.left_reconstruction + model.right_reconstruction + model.left_disparity + model.right_disparity if cfg.WEIGHT_DECAY is not None: _, img_loss, img_l1_loss, img_ssim_loss, smth_loss, cons_loss, total_loss = model.model_losses else: img_loss, img_l1_loss, img_ssim_loss, smth_loss, cons_loss, total_loss = model.model_losses layer_grads_total = tf.gradients(total_loss, layers) layer_grads_img = tf.gradients(img_loss, layers) layer_grads_img_l1 = tf.gradients(img_l1_loss, layers) layer_grads_img_ssim = tf.gradients(img_ssim_loss, layers) layer_grads_smth = tf.gradients(smth_loss, layers) layer_grads_cons = tf.gradients(cons_loss, layers) layer_n_grads = zip(layers, layer_grads_img, layer_grads_img_l1, layer_grads_img_ssim, layer_grads_smth, layer_grads_cons, layer_grads_total) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=model.all_variables, max_to_keep=10) # add summaries images = [ model.left_image, model.right_image, model.left_disparity[0], model.right_disparity[0], model.left_reconstruction[0], model.right_reconstruction[0], model.left_recon_diff[0], model.right_recon_diff[0] ] add_summaries(images, 'image', cfg) add_summaries(model.trainables, 'hist') add_summaries(model.bn_variables, 'hist') add_summaries(model.bn_mean_variance, 'hist') add_summaries(model.losses, 'scala') summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() if cfg.DO_VALIDATE: # add evaluation metric summaries val_loss_summary_op, val_loss_summary_ph = add_metric_summary( 'val_loss') metric_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([val_loss_summary_op]) with tf.Session() as sess: total_start_time = time.time() summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(ckpt_path, sess.graph) # initialize'initializing model params...') data_pipeline.start(sess) start_time = time.time() for step in xrange(max_step): image_batch, label_batch = data_pipeline.load_batch() feed_dict = { model.left_image: image_batch, model.train_phase: True, model.right_image: label_batch } # run training if FLAGS.debug: nan_check_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) for i, res in enumerate(nan_check_res[::-1]): if res.any(): grad, var = grads[::-1][i] print('{}\'s gradients has nan'.format( grad_res, var_res =[grad, var], feed_dict=feed_dict) print grad_res.shape print var_res.shape print('========================================') print(grad_res) print('========================================') print(var_res) print('========================================') #print('all grads & vars:') #print('========================================') #for grad, var in grads: #grad_res, var_res =[grad, var], feed_dict=feed_dict) #print('{} gradient'.format( #print(grad_res) #print('========================================') #print( #print(var_res) print('all layers & grads:') for var, grad_img, grad_img_l1, grad_img_ssim, grad_smth, grad_cons, grad_ttl in layer_n_grads: print( var_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print(var_res.shape) print(var_res) print('========================================') if grad_img is not None: grad_img_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{} gradient img'.format( print(grad_img_res.shape) print(grad_img_res) print( '========================================') if grad_img_l1 is not None: grad_img_l1_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{} gradient img l1'.format( print(grad_img_l1_res.shape) print(grad_img_l1_res) print( '========================================') if grad_img_ssim is not None: grad_img_ssim_res = grad_img_ssim, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{} gradient img ssim'.format( print(grad_img_ssim_res.shape) print(grad_img_ssim_res) print( '========================================') if grad_smth is not None: grad_smth_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{} gradient smth'.format( print(grad_smth_res.shape) print(grad_smth_res) print( '========================================') if grad_cons is not None: grad_cons_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{} gradient cons'.format( print(grad_cons_res.shape) print(grad_cons_res) print( '========================================') if grad_ttl is not None: grad_ttl_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{} gradient total'.format( print(grad_ttl_res.shape) print(grad_ttl_res) print( '========================================') print('all losses:') for loss in model.losses: loss_res =, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('{}: {}'.format(, loss_res)) sys.exit(-1) _, loss, summary_str = [train_op, model.total_loss, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) if FLAGS.debug: summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) # every 10 step, output metrics if step and step % 10 == 0: #pred, loss =[model.output, model.total_loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) duration = time.time() - start_time'step {}: {} sec elapsed, loss = {}'.format( step, duration, loss)) start_time = time.time() # every 100 step, do validation & write summary if not FLAGS.debug and step % 500 == 0: # write summary #summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) if cfg.DO_VALIDATE and step:'start validating......') total_val_loss = 0.0 for test_step in range(val_step): val_image_batch, val_label_batch = data_pipeline.load_validate_batch( ) val_feed_dict = { model.left_image: val_image_batch, model.right_image: val_label_batch } val_loss =, feed_dict=val_feed_dict) total_val_loss += val_loss avg_loss = total_val_loss / val_step"val loss: {}".format(avg_loss)) metric_summary_str = metric_summary_op, feed_dict={val_loss_summary_ph: avg_loss}) summary_writer.add_summary(metric_summary_str, step)" end validating.... ") # every 10000 steps, save the model checkpoint if (step and step % 10000 == 0) or (step + 1) == max_step: checkpoint_path = os.path.join( ckpt_path, '{}_model.ckpt'.format(FLAGS.model)), checkpoint_path, global_step=step) # Done training'training complete') data_pipeline.shutdown() total_end_time = time.time()'total time elapsed: {} h'.format( (total_end_time - total_start_time) / 3600.0))