def request_device_readings_max(device_uuid, device_type, start, end): """ This endpoint allows clients to GET the max sensor reading for a device. Mandatory Query Parameters: * type -> The type of sensor value a client is looking for Optional Query Parameters * start -> The epoch start time for a sensor being created * end -> The epoch end time for a sensor being created """ try: # Set the db that we want and open the connection if app.config['TESTING']: conn = sqlite3.connect('test_database.db') else: conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db') conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = conn.cursor() # Check for dates parameters start_date, end_date = getDefaultDatesParams(start, end) # Append optional parameters selectQuery = 'select MAX(value) from readings where device_uuid=?1 AND type=?2 AND date_created BETWEEN ?3 AND ?4' # Execute the query cur.execute(selectQuery, [device_uuid, device_type, start_date, end_date]) max = cur.fetchone()[0] # Return the JSON return jsonify({'value': max}), 200 except: return 'An unexpected error happened', 500
def request_device_readings(device_uuid, device_type, start, end): """ This endpoint allows clients to POST or GET data specific sensor types. POST Parameters: * type -> The type of sensor (temperature or humidity) * value -> The integer value of the sensor reading * date_created -> The epoch date of the sensor reading. If none provided, we set to now. Optional Query Parameters: * start -> The epoch start time for a sensor being created * end -> The epoch end time for a sensor being created * type -> The type of sensor value a client is looking for """ # Set the db that we want and open the connection if app.config['TESTING']: conn = sqlite3.connect('test_database.db') else: conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db') conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = conn.cursor() if request.method == 'POST': # Grab the post parameters post_data = json.loads( # Validate parameters try: DeviceReadingsSchema().load(post_data) except ValidationError as error: return error.messages, 400 sensor_type = post_data.get('type') value = post_data.get('value') date_created = post_data.get('date_created', int(time.time())) # Insert data into db cur.execute('insert into readings (device_uuid,type,value,date_created) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (device_uuid, sensor_type, value, date_created)) conn.commit() # Return success return 'success', 201 else: # Check for dates parameters start_date, end_date = getDefaultDatesParams(start, end) # Append optional parameters selectQuery = 'select * from readings where device_uuid=?1 AND (?2 IS NULL OR type=?2) AND date_created BETWEEN ?3 AND ?4' # Execute the query cur.execute(selectQuery, [device_uuid, device_type, start_date, end_date]) rows = cur.fetchall() # Return the JSON return jsonify([dict(zip(['device_uuid', 'type', 'value', 'date_created'], row)) for row in rows]), 200
def request_readings_summary(device_type, start, end): """ This endpoint allows clients to GET a full summary of all sensor data in the database per device. Optional Query Parameters * type -> The type of sensor value a client is looking for * start -> The epoch start time for a sensor being created * end -> The epoch end time for a sensor being created """ try: # Set the db that we want and open the connection if app.config['TESTING']: conn = sqlite3.connect('test_database.db') else: conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db') conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = conn.cursor() # Check for dates parameters start_date, end_date = getDefaultDatesParams(start, end) # Append optional parameters selectQuery = 'select device_uuid, value from readings where (?1 IS NULL OR type=?1) AND date_created BETWEEN ?2 AND ?3' # Execute the query cur.execute(selectQuery, [device_type, start_date, end_date]) values = cur.fetchall() # Add columns so we can compute for every single device data_frame = DataFrame(values, columns=['device_uuid', 'value']) data_grouped = data_frame.groupby('device_uuid') summary = [] for group in data_grouped: device_uuid = group[0] device_data_frame = data_frame.loc[data_frame['device_uuid'] == device_uuid] device_data = device_data_frame.describe() summary.append({ 'device_uuid':device_uuid, 'number_of_readings': device_data.loc['count'].value, 'max_reading_value': device_data.loc['max'].value, 'median_reading_value': device_data_frame.median()[0], 'mean_reading_value': device_data.loc['mean'].value, 'quartile_1_value': device_data.loc['25%'].value, 'quartile_3_value': device_data.loc['75%'].value }) sorted_summary = sort_summary_by_key(summary, 'number_of_readings', True) return jsonify(sorted_summary), 200 except: return 'An unexpected error happened', 500
def request_device_readings_quartiles(device_uuid, device_type, start, end): """ This endpoint allows clients to GET the 1st and 3rd quartile sensor reading value for a device. Mandatory Query Parameters: * type -> The type of sensor value a client is looking for * start -> The epoch start time for a sensor being created * end -> The epoch end time for a sensor being created """ try: # Set the db that we want and open the connection if app.config['TESTING']: conn = sqlite3.connect('test_database.db') else: conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db') conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = conn.cursor() # Check for dates parameters start_date, end_date = getDefaultDatesParams(start, end) # Append optional parameters selectQuery = 'select value from readings where device_uuid=?1 AND type=?2 AND date_created BETWEEN ?3 AND ?4' # Execute the query cur.execute(selectQuery, [device_uuid, device_type, start_date, end_date]) values = cur.fetchall() #Calculate the mean dataFrame = DataFrame(values) quantile_series = dataFrame.quantile([0.25, 0.75]) response = {'quartile_1': quantile_series.values[0][0], 'quartile_3': quantile_series.values[1][0]} # Return the JSON return jsonify(response), 200 except: return 'An unexpected error happened', 500 return 'Endpoint is not implemented', 501