def process_editor_price(db_spec=getattr(glob, 'DATABASE')['DB_SPEC'], table='products', extra_cond=None): """ 处理editor库中的价格信息 :param table: 需要操作的表。默认为products。 :param db_spec: 需要操作的数据库,默认为editor库。 :param extra_cond: 筛选条件。 """ db = RoseVisionDb() db.conn(db_spec) extra_cond = ' AND '.join( unicode.format(u'({0})', tuple(unicodify(v))) for v in extra_cond) if extra_cond else '1' db.lock([table]) db.start_transaction() try: # 根据update_flag字段判断哪些记录是需要更新的 obj = EditorPriceProcessor( db.query( unicode.format( u'SELECT idproducts,price,region FROM {0} WHERE price IS NOT NULL AND {1}', table, extra_cond).encode('utf-8')), db) core.func_carrier(obj, 1) db.commit() except OperationalError: db.rollback() finally: db.unlock() db.close()
def run(self): db = RoseVisionDb() db.conn(getattr(gs, 'DATABASE')['DB_SPEC']) if not self.brand_list: rs = db.query_match(['brand_id'], 'products', distinct=True) brand_list = [int(val[0]) for val in rs.fetch_row(maxrows=0)] self.brand_list = brand_list else: brand_list = self.brand_list self.progress = 0 self.tot = len(brand_list) for brand in brand_list: print unicode.format(u'PROCESSING {0} / {1}', brand, info.brand_info()[brand]['brandname_e']) self.progress += 1 rs = db.query( str.format( 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT p2.idprice_history,,p2.price,p2.currency,p1.idproducts,p1.brand_id,' 'p1.region,,p1.model,p1.offline FROM products AS p1 JOIN products_price_history AS p2 ON ' 'p1.idproducts=p2.idproducts ' 'WHERE p1.brand_id={0} ORDER BY DESC) AS p3 GROUP BY p3.idproducts', brand)) # 以model为键值,将同一个model下,不同区域的价格放在一起。 records = rs.fetch_row(maxrows=0, how=1) price_data = {} for r in records: model = r['model'] # # 仅有那些price不为None,且offline为0的数据,才加入到price check中。 # if r['price'] and int(r['offline']) == 0: # 这里更改为不管offline,全检查 if r['price']: # 首先检查model是否已存在 if model not in price_data: price_data[model] = [] price_data[model].append(r) # 最大值和最小值之间,如果差别过大,则说明价格可能有问题 for model in price_data: for item in price_data[model]: price = float(item['price']) item['nprice'] = info.currency_info()[ item['currency']]['rate'] * price # 按照nprice大小排序 sorted_data = sorted(price_data[model], key=lambda item: item['nprice']) max_price = sorted_data[-1]['nprice'] min_price = sorted_data[0]['nprice'] if min_price > 0 and max_price / min_price > self.threshold: print unicode.format( u'WARNING: {0}:{6} MODEL={1}, {2} / {3} => {4} / {5}', brand, model, sorted_data[0]['nprice'], sorted_data[0]['region'], sorted_data[-1]['nprice'], sorted_data[-1]['region'], info.brand_info()[brand]['brandname_e']) db.close()
def run(self): db = RoseVisionDb() db.conn(getattr(gs, 'DATABASE')['DB_SPEC']) if not self.brand_list: rs = db.query_match(['brand_id'], 'products', distinct=True) brand_list = [int(val[0]) for val in rs.fetch_row(maxrows=0)] self.brand_list = brand_list else: brand_list = self.brand_list if not brand_list: # 如果没有任何品牌,则直接退出 return self.progress = 0 # 获得检查总数 self.tot = int( db.query( str.format( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products WHERE brand_id IN ({0})', ','.join(str(tmp) for tmp in brand_list))).fetch_row()[0][0]) for brand in brand_list: if not self.silent: print unicode.format(u'\nPROCESSING {0} / {1}\n', brand, info.brand_info()[brand]['brandname_e']) db.start_transaction() try: for model, pid, fingerprint in db.query_match( ['model', 'idproducts', 'fingerprint'], 'products', { 'brand_id': brand }).fetch_row(maxrows=0): self.progress += 1 new_fp = gen_fingerprint(brand, model) if fingerprint != new_fp:{ 'model': model, 'idproducts': pid, 'fingerprint_db': fingerprint, 'fingerprint_gen': new_fp, 'brand_id': brand }) if not self.silent: print unicode.format( u'\nMismatched fingerprints! model={0}, idproducts={1}, brand_id={2}, ' u'fingerprints: {3} => {4}\n', model, pid, brand, fingerprint, new_fp) if self.update_fingerprint: # 自动更新MD5指纹 db.update({'fingerprint': new_fp}, 'products', str.format('idproducts={0}', pid), timestamps=['update_time']) except: db.rollback() raise finally: db.commit() db.close()
def process_editor_tags(db_spec=getattr(glob, 'DATABASE')['DB_SPEC'], db_spider_spec=getattr(glob, 'SPIDER_SPEC'), table='products', extra_cond=None): """ 给editor库的数据添加tags字段 """ db = RoseVisionDb() db.conn(db_spider_spec) try: extra_cond = ' AND '.join( unicode.format(u'({0})', tuple(unicodify(v))) for v in extra_cond) if extra_cond else '1' rs = db.query( unicode.format( u'SELECT tag_name,mapping_list FROM products_tag_mapping WHERE {1}', extra_cond).encode('utf-8')) temp = rs.fetch_row(maxrows=0) mapping_rules = dict(temp) finally: db.close() db.conn(db_spec) db.start_transaction() try: rs = db.query( unicode.format(u'SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}', table, extra_cond)) for i in xrange(rs.num_rows()): record = rs.fetch_row(how=1)[0] extra = json.loads(record['extra']) tags = [] for k in extra: tags.extend(extra[k]) tags = set(tags) tag_names = [] for v in tags: if v in mapping_rules: tag_names.extend(json.loads(mapping_rules[v])) tag_names = list(set(tag_names)) db.update({'tags': json.dumps(tag_names, ensure_ascii=False)}, str.format('idproducts={0}', record['idproducts'])) db.commit() pass except OperationalError: db.rollback() finally: db.close()
def run(self): db = RoseVisionDb() db.conn(getattr(gs, 'DATABASE')['DB_SPEC']) # 如果没有指定brand_list,则默认使用数据库中所有的brand_list if not self.brand_list: rs = db.query_match(['brand_id'], 'products', distinct=True) brand_list = [int(val[0]) for val in rs.fetch_row(maxrows=0)] self.brand_list = brand_list else: brand_list = self.brand_list self.progress = 0 self.tot = len(brand_list) # 最终生成的表格 tot_results = [] for brand in brand_list: results = {} print unicode.format(u'PROCESSING {0} / {1}', brand, info.brand_info()[brand]['brandname_e']) brand_name = info.brand_info()[brand]['brandname_e'] self.progress += 1 rs = db.query( str.format( '''SELECT p1.idproducts,p1.brand_id,p1.model,p1.region,p2.price,p2.price_discount,p2.currency,,,p4.tag,p1.url FROM products AS p1 JOIN products_price_history AS p2 ON p1.idproducts=p2.idproducts LEFT JOIN products_mfashion_tags AS p3 ON p3.idproducts=p1.idproducts LEFT JOIN mfashion_tags AS p4 ON p3.id_mfashion_tags=p4.idmfashion_tags WHERE p1.brand_id={0} AND p1.offline=0''', brand)) records = rs.fetch_row(maxrows=0, how=1) for r in records: pid = int(r['idproducts']) timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(r['date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tag = unicodify(r['tag']) if pid in results: # 如果已经存在相应单品的记录 old_rec = results[pid] old_rec['tag'].add(tag) old_t = datetime.datetime.strptime(old_rec['date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if timestamp > old_t: old_rec['price'] = unicodify(r['price']) old_rec['price_discount'] = unicodify( r['price_discount']) old_rec['currency'] = unicodify(r['currency']) old_rec['date'] = unicodify(r['date']) else: # 如果该单品的记录不存在 results[pid] = {k: unicodify(r[k]) for k in r} tmp = results[pid]['tag'] if tmp: results[pid]['tag'] = {tmp} else: results[pid]['tag'] = set({}) results[pid]['brand'] = brand_name results[pid].pop('idproducts') tot_results.extend(self.random_extract(results.values())) db.close() # 将所有的tag转换为[] data = [] for r in tot_results: r['tag'] = json.dumps(list(r['tag']), ensure_ascii=False) data.append( {k: r[k].encode('utf-8') if r[k] else 'NULL' for k in r}) # 写入CSV文件 with open( str.format('extract_{0}.csv','%Y%m%d%H%M%S')), 'wb') as f: f.write(u'\ufeff'.encode('utf8')) dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=[ 'brand_id', 'brand', 'model', 'region', 'price', 'price_discount', 'currency', 'date', 'name', 'tag', 'url' ]) dict_writer.writeheader() dict_writer.writerows(data)