def test_updateItem_none(self): print("Running updateItem_none test case") self.assertIsNotNone(self.table) self.assertEqual(self.table.table_status, "ACTIVE") # No Key jsonData = { "UpdateExpression": "SET active = :a", "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":a": "T" }, "ReturnValues": "UPDATED_NEW" } response = db.updateItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNone(response) # Key not in table jsonData = { "Key": { "email": "*****@*****.**" }, "UpdateExpression": "REMOVE active", "ReturnValues": "UPDATED_NEW" } response = db.updateItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNone(response)
def test_updateItem_json(self): print("Running updateItem_json test") self.assertIsNotNone(self.table) self.assertEqual(self.table.table_status, "ACTIVE") jsonData = { "Key": { "email": "*****@*****.**" }, "UpdateExpression": "SET active = :a", "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":a": "T" }, "ReturnValues": "UPDATED_NEW" } response = db.updateItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Attributes')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Attributes').get('active'), 'T') # No ExpressionAttributeValues jsonData = { "Key": { "email": "*****@*****.**" }, "UpdateExpression": "REMOVE active", "ReturnValues": "UPDATED_NEW" } db.updateItem(jsonData, self.table) response = self.table.get_item(Key={ "email": "*****@*****.**" }).get("Item") self.assertIsNone(response.get('active'))
def addResetPasswordIdToUser(email, resetPasswordId, dbInstance): success = False; table = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance) if table is not None: user = getUserByEmail(email,dbInstance) if user is not None: jsonData = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET resetPasswordId = :a', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':a': resetPasswordId }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, table) success = True return success
def activate(activationId, dbInstance): response = ControllerResponse() table = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance) items = [] if table is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get table users in activate') response.addError('Could not access table. Error', 'The DB did not give us the table') return response #Scan for the email associated with this activationId scanResponse = dbUtils.scanFilter('activationId', activationId, table) if scanResponse is not None: #scanResponse is a dictionary that has a list of 'Items' items = scanResponse['Items'] if not items or 'email' not in items[0].keys(): response.addError('No user with activationid', 'The DB did not return a user with the passed in activationId') else: email = items[0]['email'] jsonData = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET active = :a', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':a': 'T' }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } #Update using the email we have res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, table) response.addToPayload('status', 'Success') return response
def createClass(dynamoDBInstance, classData, email=None, userRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() #g will be not be available during testing #and email and userRole will need to be passed to the function if g: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] #role is confirmed here incase createClass is called from somewhere other #than create_class() if userRole != 'teacher' and userRole != 'admin': response.addError('Role error', 'Only teachers can create classes') elif classData is None or not checkClassDataValid(classData): response.addError('createClass call Failed.', 'Invalid class data given.') else: classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance) userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if classTable is None or userTable is None: response.addError('createClass call Failed.', 'Unable to locate necessary table(s).') else: classCode = str(uuid.uuid4()) newClass = { 'code': classCode, 'title': classData['title'], 'description': classData['description'] } if 'department' in classData.keys() and classData['department']: newClass['department'] = classData['department'] if 'section' in classData.keys() and classData['section']: newClass['classSection'] = classData['section'] result = dbUtils.putItem(newClass, classTable) if result is None: response.addError('createClass call Failed.', 'Unable to create class in classes table.') else: # Note: if teaching attribute does not previously exist, a set of class codes will be created # otherwise, the class code will be added to the set of class codes codeSet = set([classCode]) jsonData = { 'Key': { 'email': email }, 'UpdateExpression': 'ADD teaching :classCode', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':classCode': codeSet }, 'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, userTable) if res is None: response.addError('createClass call failed', 'Unable to update user data') else: response.addToPayload('Success', 'Class Created') return response
def removeClassFromStudent(dynamoDBInstance, response, email, classCode): usersTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if usersTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to get users table in removeStudentFromClass') response.addError('Remove Student From Class Failed.', 'Unable to locate necessary table(s).') else: # check that user exists and user has that class user = user_ctrl.getUserByEmail(email, dynamoDBInstance) if user is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to get user by email in removeStudentFromClass') response.addError('Failed to remove student from class', 'Unable to find user') else: classCodes = user['classCodes'] #set if classCode not in classCodes: response.addError('Failed to remove class from student', 'Class not found') else: classCodes.remove(classCode) jsonData = buildUpdateJsonData('email', email, 'classCodes', classCodes) res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, usersTable) if res is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to update classes in removeStudentFromClass') response.addError('Failed to remove student from class', 'Unable to update user data') else: MentiiLogging.getLogger().info( 'Class removal success. Removed class from student') return response
def test_updateItem_not_previously_existed(self): print("Running updateItem_not_previously_existed test") self.assertIsNotNone(self.table) self.assertEqual(self.table.table_status, "ACTIVE") jsonData = '{\ "Key": {"email": "*****@*****.**"},\ "UpdateExpression": "SET active = :a",\ "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":a": "F" },\ "ReturnValues" : "UPDATED_NEW"\ }' response = db.updateItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNone(response)
def undoClassCodeRemoval(dynamoDBInstance, email, classCode): # add classCode back to student if there was an error removing student from class usersTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) user = user_ctrl.getUserByEmail(email, dynamoDBInstance) jsonData = {} # if the classCodes attribute was removed, add the attribute if user.get('classCodes') is None: user_ctrl.addClassCodeToStudent(email, classCode, dynamoDBInstance) # update classCodes attribute else: classes = user.get('classCodes') #set classes.add(classCode) #update item jsonData = { 'Key': { 'email': email }, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET classCodes = :cc', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':cc': classes }, 'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW' } dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, usersTable)
def test_updateItem_string(self): print("Running updateItem_string test") self.assertIsNotNone(self.table) self.assertEqual(self.table.table_status, "ACTIVE") jsonData = '{\ "Key": {"email": "*****@*****.**"},\ "UpdateExpression": "SET active = :a",\ "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":a": "F" },\ "ReturnValues" : "UPDATED_NEW"\ }' response = db.updateItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Attributes')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Attributes').get('active'), 'F')
def updatePasswordForEmailAndResetId(email, password, resetPasswordId, dbInstance): res = None user = getUserByEmail(email, dbInstance) if user is not None: storedResetPasswordId = user.get('resetPasswordId', None) if storedResetPasswordId == resetPasswordId: table = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance) if table is not None: hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) jsonData = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET password = :a REMOVE resetPasswordId', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':a': hashedPassword }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, table) return res
def addClassCodeToStudent(email, classCode, dynamoDBInstance): userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if userTable: codeSet = set([classCode]) addClassToUser = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'ADD classCodes :i', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':i': codeSet }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(addClassToUser, userTable) if ( res and 'Attributes' in res and 'classCodes' in res['Attributes'] and classCode in res['Attributes']['classCodes'] ): return res['Attributes']['classCodes'] return None
def changeUserRole(jsonData, dbInstance, adminRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() #g will be not be available during testing #and adminRole will need to be passed to the function if g: # pragma: no cover adminRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] #adminRole is confirmed here incase changeUserRole is called from somewhere #other than changeUserRole() if adminRole != 'admin': response.addError('Role Error', 'Only admins can change user roles') elif 'email' not in jsonData.keys() or 'userRole' not in jsonData.keys(): response.addError('Key Missing Error', 'Email or role missing from json data') else: email = jsonData['email'] userRole = jsonData['userRole'] userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance) if userTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get table "users" in changeUserRole') response.addError('No Access to Data', 'Unable to get data from database') else: if userRole != 'student' and userRole != 'teacher' and userRole != 'admin': MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Invalid role: ' + userRole + ' specified. Unable to change user role') response.addError('Invalid Role Type', 'Invaid role specified') else: data = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET userRole = :ur', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':ur': userRole }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } result = dbUtils.updateItem(data, userTable) if result is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to update the user with email: ' + email + ' in changeUserRole') response.addError('Result Update Error', 'Could not update the user role in database') else: response.addToPayload('Result:', result) response.addToPayload('success', 'true') return response
def addStudentToClass(classCode, email, dynamoDBInstance): classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance) if classTable: emailSet = set([email]) addUserToClass = { 'Key': {'code': classCode}, 'UpdateExpression': 'ADD students :i', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':i': emailSet }, 'ReturnValues' : 'ALL_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(addUserToClass, classTable) if ( res and 'Attributes' in res and 'students' in res['Attributes'] and email in res['Attributes']['students'] and 'title' in res['Attributes'] ): return res['Attributes'] return None
def removeStudentFromClass(dynamoDBInstance, response, email, classCode): classesTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance) if classesTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to get classes table in removeStudentFromClass') response.addError('Remove Student From Class Failed.', 'Unable to locate necessary table(s).') else: # check that class exists and class has that user cl = getClassByCode(classCode, dynamoDBInstance) if cl is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to get class by classCode in removeStudentFromClass') response.addError('Failed to remove student from class', 'Unable to get class') else: students = cl['students'] #set if email not in students: response.addError('Failed to remove student from class', 'Student not found') else: students.remove(email) jsonData = buildUpdateJsonData('code', classCode, 'students', students) res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, classesTable) if res is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to update classes in removeStudentFromClass') response.addError('Failed to remove student from class', 'Unable to update classes data') if response.hasErrors(): undoClassCodeRemoval(dynamoDBInstance, email, classCode) else: MentiiLogging.getLogger().info( 'Student removal success. Removed student from class') return response
def updateClassDetails(jsonData, dynamodb, email=None, userRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() classesTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamodb) if classesTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to get classes table in getPublicClassList') response.addError('Failed to get class list', 'A database error occured') else: # get data from request body code = jsonData.get('code') title = jsonData.get('title') desc = jsonData.get('description') dept = jsonData.get('department') # optional sec = jsonData.get('section') # optional if g: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] #check if teacher is teacher of the class if ((userRole == 'teacher' or userRole == 'admin') and code in getTaughtClassCodesFromUser(dynamodb, email)): updateExprString = 'SET title =:t, description =:dn' expresionAttrDict = {':t': title, ':dn': desc} removeString = '' # if empty string is given, remove the attribute if dept == '' and sec == '': removeString = removeString + ' REMOVE department, classSection' else: if dept == '': removeString = removeString + ' REMOVE department' else: updateExprString = updateExprString + ', department = :dt' expresionAttrDict[':dt'] = dept if sec == '': removeString = removeString + ' REMOVE classSection' else: updateExprString = updateExprString + ', classSection = :s' expresionAttrDict[':s'] = sec updateExprString = updateExprString + removeString # update item updateData = { 'Key': { 'code': code }, 'UpdateExpression': updateExprString, 'ExpressionAttributeValues': expresionAttrDict, 'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(updateData, classesTable) if res is None: response.addError('updateClassDetails has error', 'Unable to update class details') else: response.addToPayload('Success', 'Class Details Updated') else: response.addError('Teacher permissions incorrect', 'Unable to update class details') return response