def worker_pose(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): import tensorflow as tf print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph( r'/home/testuser/tf_tut/tf_image_classifier/tf_files/retrained_graph.pb' ) sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) while True: #print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() while True: frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): im_width = cap_params['im_width'] im_height = cap_params['im_height'] boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) cropped_img = detector_utils.get_box_image( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) frame_processed += 1 output_q.put(frame) cropped_output_q.put(cropped_img) else: output_q.put(frame) cropped_output_q.put(cropped_img)
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) saver = tf.train.Saver(), "./graph_save/saved_graph.ckpt") exit(0) while True: # print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if frame is not None: # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) print("frame: {}\nscores: {}\nboxes: {}".format( frame_processed, scores, boxes)) print(boxes.shape, scores.shape) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) # add frame annotated with bounding box to queue output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def worker(input_q, output_q, output_boxes, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) while True: #print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) # add frame annotated with bounding box to queue output_q.put(frame) output_boxes.put(boxes[0]) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def detect_hand(cap, detection_graph, sess, imw, imh, num_hands=1, thresh=0.15): for i in range(5): cap.grab() # Disregard old frames ret, image_np = while not ret: # In case an image is not captured ret, image_np = #image_np = cv2.undistort(image_np, CAMERAMATRIX, DISTORTION) try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") box, sc = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands, thresh, sc, box, imw, imh, image_np) conts = detector_utils.get_box_size(num_hands, thresh, sc, box, imw, imh, image_np) ret = np.array([ np.concatenate( [pixels_to_cartesian(*get_center(*c)), [get_height(*c), 0, 0, 0]]) for c in conts ]) return ret, image_np
def img_callback(self, data): try: print('Working') cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'bgr8') except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Run image through tensorflow graph boxes, scores, classes = detector_utils.detect_objects( cv_image, self.inference_graph, self.sess) # Draw Bounding box detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(self.num_objects_detect, self.score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, self.im_width, self.im_height, cv_image) # Calculate FPS self.num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - self.start_time).total_seconds() fps = self.num_frames / elapsed_time # Display FPS on frame detector_utils.draw_text_on_image( "FPS : " + str("{0:.2f}".format(fps)), cv_image) # Publish image try: cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) self.publisher.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, 'bgr8')) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e)
def run_session(tup): import tensorflow as tf frame, cap_params, path = tup # sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0, 'CPU': 2}, log_device_placement=False)) print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ") with tf.device("/cpu:0"): detection_graph = tf.Graph() with detection_graph.as_default(): od_graph_def = tf.GraphDef() with tf.gfile.GFile(path, 'rb') as fid: serialized_graph = od_graph_def.ParseFromString(serialized_graph) tf.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='') with tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) as sess: if (frame is not None): # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params['score_thresh'], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame)
def draw_gui(input_frame, detection_graph, sess, num_hands_detect=2, score_thresh=0.2): height, width, channels = input_frame.shape i_count = 0 try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(input_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) for i in range(num_hands_detect): if (scores[i] > score_thresh): i_count += 1 detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, score_thresh, scores, boxes, width, height, image_np) cv2.putText(image_np, "Hands=" + str(i_count), (25, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 0), 1) return cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
def detect_faces(self, image: np.ndarray): # haarclassifiers work better in black and white gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray_image = cv2.equalizeHist(gray_image) faces = self.classifier.detectMultiScale(gray_image, scaleFactor=1.3, minNeighbors=4, flags=cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, minSize=(self._min_size)) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), self._red, self._width) ####################### hand #################### try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, self.detection_graph, self.sess) # draw bounding boxes on frame detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(2, 0.5, scores, boxes, 320, 180, image) touched = False for (x, y, w, h) in faces: for i in range(0, 1): # qDebug("********Face********") # qDebug(str(x)) # qDebug(str(y)) # qDebug(str(x+w)) # qDebug(str(y+h)) # qDebug("########Hand########") # qDebug(str(boxes[i][1]*320)) # qDebug(str(boxes[i][0]*180)) # qDebug(str(boxes[i][3]*320)) # qDebug(str(boxes[i][2]*180)) # qDebug(str(scores[i])) # qDebug(str(self.isTouching(x,y,x+w,y+h,boxes[i][1]*320,boxes[i][0]*180,boxes[i][3]*320,boxes[i][2]*180))) if self.isTouching(x, y, x + w, y + h, boxes[i][0] * 320, boxes[i][1] * 180, boxes[i][2] * 320, boxes[i][3] * 180) and scores[i] > 0.5: touched = True if touched: winsound.Beep(440, 50) # frequency, duration ################################################# self.image = self.get_qimage(image) if self.image.size() != self.size(): self.setFixedSize(self.image.size()) self.update()
def viewCam(self): start_time = num_frames = 0 im_width, im_height = (self.cap.get(3), self.cap.get(4)) # max number of hands we want to detect/track num_hands_detect = 2 # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, None, None, 3] ret, image_np = # image_np = cv2.flip(image_np, 1) try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes on frame detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, args.score_thresh, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) # Calculate Frames per second (FPS) num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds() fps = num_frames / elapsed_time detector_utils.draw_fps_on_image("FPS : " + str(int(fps)), image_np) # cv2.imshow('Single-Threaded Detection', # cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) # convert image to RGB format image = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # get image infos height, width, channel = image_np.shape step = channel * width # create QImage from image qImg = QImage(, width, height, step, QImage.Format_RGB888) # show image in img_label #audio #audio_frame, val = self.player.get_frame() if self.i: self.player = MediaPlayer("vid1.MP4") self.i = False self.player.get_frame() self.ui.image_label.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(qImg))
def worker(input_q, output_q, cropped_output_q, inferences_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) print(">> loading keras model for worker") try: model, classification_graph, session = classifier.load_KerasGraph( "./cnn/cnn.h5") except Exception as e: print(e) while True: #print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # get region of interest res = detector_utils.get_box_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) # classify hand pose if res is not None: res = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) res = cv2.resize(res, (28, 28), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) class_res = classifier.classify(model, classification_graph, session, res) inferences_q.put(class_res) # add frame annotated with bounding box to queue cropped_output_q.put(res) output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def detection(detection_graph): with tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) as sess: if (frame is not None): boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, args.score_thresh, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, frame, detection_graph, sess) # label, score = detector_utils.classify_object(frame, detection_graph, sess) return scores, boxes
def img_callback(self, data): try: print('Working') cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'bgr8') except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Run image through tensorflow graph boxes, scores, classes = detector_utils.detect_objects( cv_image, self.inference_graph, self.sess) # Draw Bounding box detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( self.num_objects_detect, self.score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, self.im_width, self.im_height, cv_image) # Calculate FPS self.num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - self.start_time).total_seconds() fps = self.num_frames / elapsed_time # Display FPS on frame detector_utils.draw_text_on_image( "FPS : " + str("{0:.2f}".format(fps)), cv_image) # Publish image try: cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) self.publisher.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, 'bgr8')) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) for i in range(self.num_objects_detect): if (scores[i] > self.score_thresh): (left, right, top, bottom) = (boxes[i][1] * self.im_width, boxes[i][3] * self.im_width, boxes[i][0] * self.im_height, boxes[i][2] * self.im_height) # top left corner of bbox p1 = np.array([int(left), int(top)]) # bottom right corner of bbox p2 = np.array([int(right), int(bottom)]) mid_point = (p1 + p2) / 2 self.dice_publisher.publish( Point(mid_point[0], mid_point[1], classes[i]))
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=detection_graph) while True: frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes boxes_to_recog, scores_to_show = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) b_have_hand, img_roi, img_extend = recognizer_utils.drawBoxOfROI( scores_to_show, boxes_to_recog, 0.2, 0.8, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) img_roi, str_gesture = recognizer_utils.processROI(b_have_hand, img_roi, img_extend) # add frame annotated with bounding box to queue output_q.put(frame) output_q.put(img_roi) output_q.put(str_gesture) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def movie_controler_predict(imagebase64): global oi image_np = stringToRGB(imagebase64) cv2.imwrite("test/{}.jpg".format(oi), image_np) im_height, im_width, channels = image_np.shape print(str(im_height), str(im_width)) boxes, scores, classes, num_hand = detector_utils.detect_objects( image_np, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes on frame img = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(1, SCORE_THRESH, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) x = np.argmax(scores) if scores[x] > SCORE_THRESH: print('predict') a = classes[x] if TWO_STATE: # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) a = model2_predict(img, graph2, sess2) label = np.argmax(a) print('result ' + str(label)) print("score:" + str(np.max(a))) if np.max(a) > 0.5: cv2.imwrite("test/{}.jpg".format(str(label) + str(scores[x])), img) return label else: return 5 return 5
def main(): emojis = get_emojis() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720) im_width, im_height = (cap.get(3), cap.get(4)) # max number of hands we want to detect/track num_hands_detect = 1 cv2.namedWindow('Single-Threaded Detection', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) while True: # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, None, None, 3] ret, image_np = image_np = cv2.flip(image_np, 1) # image_np = cv2.flip(image_np, 1) try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes on frame img = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, 0.4, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, np.array([2, 50, 60]), np.array([25, 150, 255])) res = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask2) gray = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) median = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) kernel_square = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) dilation = cv2.dilate(median, kernel_square, iterations=2) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(dilation, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel_square) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) newImage = cv2.resize(thresh, (50, 50)) pred_probab, pred_class = keras_predict(model, newImage) print(pred_class, pred_probab) image_np = overlay(image_np, emojis[pred_class], 400, 300, 90, 90) cv2.imshow('Single-Threaded Detection', image_np) cv2.imshow('img', img) if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
def hand_detection(ini_time): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.video_source) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, args.width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, args.height) start_time = num_frames = 0 im_width, im_height = (cap.get(3), cap.get(4)) # max number of hands we want to detect/track num_hands_detect = 2 cv2.namedWindow('Single-Threaded Detection', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.namedWindow('Hand wash status', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) count = 0 while (time.time() - ini_time) <= 30: # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, None, None, 3] ret, image_np = # image_np = cv2.flip(image_np, 1) try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes on frame count += detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, args.score_thresh, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) # Calculate Frames per second (FPS) num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds() fps = num_frames / elapsed_time if (args.display > 0): # Display FPS on frame if (args.fps > 0): detector_utils.draw_fps_on_image("FPS : " + str(int(fps)), image_np) cv2.imshow('Single-Threaded Detection', cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyWindow('Single-Threaded Detection') break else: print("frames processed: ", num_frames, "elapsed time: ", elapsed_time, "fps: ", str(int(fps))) cv2.destroyWindow('Single-Threaded Detection')
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) while True: #print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) # add frame annotated with bounding box to queue output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def img_callback(self, data): self.parse_label_map() # if self.check_timestamp(): # return None cv_image = data cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) self.im_height, self.im_width, channels = cv_image.shape print("Height ", self.im_height, " Width: ", self.im_width) # cv_image = cv2.resize(cv_image, (256, 144)) # Run image through tensorflow graph boxes, scores, classes = detector_utils.detect_objects( cv_image, self.inference_graph, self.sess) # Draw Bounding box labelled_image, bbox = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( self.num_objects_detect, self.score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, self.im_width, self.im_height, cv_image, # Calculate FPS self.num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - self.start_time).total_seconds() fps = self.num_frames / elapsed_time # Display FPS on frame detector_utils.draw_text_on_image( "FPS : " + str("{0:.2f}".format(fps)), cv_image) print("bbox:", bbox) if len(bbox) > 0: pointx = (bbox[0][0] + bbox[1][0]) / 2 pointy = (bbox[0][1] + bbox[1][1]) / 2 pointxdist = abs(bbox[0][0] - bbox[1][0]) pointydist = abs(bbox[0][1] - bbox[1][1]) print(pointxdist) msg = Point(x=pointx, y=pointy, z=self.see_sub.last_image_time.to_sec()) print("X: ", pointx, "Y: ", pointy, "TIMESTAMP: ", msg.z) self.bbox_pub.publish(msg) roi = RegionOfInterest(x_offset=int(bbox[0][0]), y_offset=int(bbox[0][1]), height=int(pointydist), width=int(pointxdist)) self.roi_pub.publish(roi) # Publish image try: cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) self.debug_image_pub.publish( self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, 'bgr8')) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e)
def detect_image(input_img): image_np = cv2.imread(input_img) im_width = np.size(image_np, 1) im_height = np.size(image_np, 0) try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") start = time() boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) t = time() - start print(t, "sec") detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, score_thresh,\ scores, boxes, im_width, im_height,image_np) cv2.namedWindow('Single-Threaded Detection', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('Single-Threaded Detection', cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) if cv2.waitKey() & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed, points): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) prevPoint = None while True: #print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detectedPoint = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) point = detectedPoint if detectedPoint is not None: #print(detectedPoint) if prevPoint is not None: if aboveThreshhold( prevPoint, cap_params["im_height"]) and not aboveThreshhold( detectedPoint, cap_params["im_height"]): print("Detected: " + str(detectedPoint) + "Prev: " + str(prevPoint)) print("Under") points.put(detectedPoint) #else: #points.put((-1, -1)) #callHits.get()(detectedPoint[0], cap_params["im_height"], cap_params["im_width"]) #call circle collision thing #else: #points.put((-1, -1)) prevPoint = detectedPoint #else: #points.put((-1, -1)) # add frame annotated with bounding box to queue output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: #points.put((-1, -1)) output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
def start(self): self.is_kill=False self.is_pause=False self.stop_button.setEnabled(True) self.pause_button.setEnabled(True) self.start_button.setEnabled(False) score_thresh = 0.25 if args['is_cv2vidcap']: vs = cv2.VideoCapture(args['vid_path']) else: vs = VideoStream(args['vid_path']).start() while True: if not self.is_pause: if args['is_cv2vidcap']: _,frame = else: frame = frame= np.array(frame) h, w = frame.shape[:2] # print(frame.shape) new_width=self.label_width new_height=int(h*(self.label_width/w)) frame=imutils.resize(frame,width=new_width,height=new_height) h, w = frame.shape[:2] frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # print(frame.shape) boxes, scores, classes,num_detections = du.detect_objects(frame, model) frame=du.draw_box_on_image(frame,boxes, scores, classes, score_thresh) cars_in_danger=finding_cars_in_danger(int(num_detections), score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, self.current_safety_distance_value) locate_cars_in_danger(cars_in_danger,frame) frame=np.ascontiguousarray(frame[:,:,::-1]) # BGR to RGB frame = QImage(frame, frame.shape[1],frame.shape[0],frame.strides[0],QImage.Format_RGB888) image=frame.scaled(w, h, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.image_label.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image)) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF ### important line if self.is_kill: break
def worker_hand(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph( r'/home/testuser/tf_tut/obj_detection/handtracking/hand_inference_graph/frozen_inference_graph.pb' ) while True: print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) break sess.close()
def detect_video(input_vid, output_vid): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_vid) im_width, im_height = (cap.get(3), cap.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_vid, fourcc, 20.0, (int(im_width), int(im_height))) count = 0 while (cap.isOpened()): ret, image_np = if ret == True: count += 1 try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") if (count % 3 == 0): boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( image_np, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes on frame detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, score_thresh, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) out.write(image_np) if (count % 30 == 0): print("save " + str(count), end="\r", flush=True) cv2.namedWindow('Single-Threaded Detection', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('Single-Threaded Detection', image_np) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break else: break cap.release() out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def callback(self, data): try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) return (rows, cols, channels) = cv_image.shape # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(cv_image, self.detection_graph, self.sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(self.hands, self.thr, scores, boxes, cols, rows, cv_image) # cv2.imshow("Image window", cv_image) cv2.waitKey(25) return
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): global called, c, ges, score if not called: gesture.load_model() called =True print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) while True: print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if frame is not None: # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) details = { 'boxes': boxes, 'scores': scores } # draw bounding boxes cropped_image = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['width'] , cap_params['height'], frame) if cropped_image is not None and c == 0: cropped_image = cv2.flip(cropped_image, 1) ges, score = gesture.predict(cropped_image/255) print(ges, score) details['frame'] = frame details['cropped_image'] = cropped_image details['ges'] = ges details['score'] = score output_q.put(details) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put({ 'boxes': [], 'frame': frame, 'ges': ges, 'score': score }) c = (c+1) % 10 sess.close()
# image_np = cv2.flip(image_np, 1) try: image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") cv2.imshow("source image np", image_np) # actual detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) # print boxes # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, args.score_thresh, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) if (scores[0] > args.score_thresh): (left, right, top, bottom) = (boxes[0][1] * im_width, boxes[0][3] * im_width, boxes[0][0] * im_height, boxes[0][2] * im_height) p1 = (int(left), int(top)) p2 = (int(right), int(bottom)) # print p1,p2,int(left),int(top),int(right),int(bottom) image_hand = image_np[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] cv2.namedWindow("hand", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('hand', cv2.cvtColor(image_hand, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) align_hand = color_image[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)]
def worker(input_q, output_q, cap_params, frame_processed): print(">> loading frozen model for worker") detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph) prev_areas = [] prev_toplefts = [] frame_count = 0 while True: #print("> ===== in worker loop, frame ", frame_processed) frame = input_q.get() if (frame is not None): # Actual detection. Variable boxes contains the bounding box cordinates for hands detected, # while scores contains the confidence for each of these boxes. # Hint: If len(boxes) > 1 , you may assume you have found atleast one hand (within your score threshold) boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'], frame) toplefts, bottomrights, areas = detector_utils.get_corners( cap_params['num_hands_detect'], cap_params["score_thresh"], scores, boxes, cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height']) if frame_count >= 2: if len(prev_areas) == 0 or len(areas) == 0: pass else: dist = {} for current_index in range(len(toplefts)): for prev_index in range(len(prev_toplefts)): dist[point_distance( toplefts[current_index], prev_toplefts[prev_index])] = (current_index, prev_index) indices = dist[min(dist.keys())] current_area = areas[current_index] prev_area = prev_areas[prev_index] if compare_areas(current_area, prev_area, 2): print("current:", current_area) print("prev:", prev_area) splatters.append( Splatter(toplefts[current_index], bottomrights[current_index])) frame_count = 0 if len(toplefts) == 2 and len(prev_toplefts) == 2: if compare_areas(areas[1 - current_index], prev_areas[1 - prev_index], 2): print("current:", current_area) print("prev:", prev_area) splatters.append( Splatter(toplefts[1 - current_index], bottomrights[1 - current_index])) frame_count = 0 else: frame_count += 1 # for x in range(0, len(toplefts)): # splatters.append(Splatter(toplefts[x], bottomrights[x])) for splotch in splatters: if splotch.opacity == 0: splatters.remove(splotch) continue roi = frame[splotch.topleft[1]:splotch.bottomright[1], splotch.topleft[0]:splotch.bottomright[0]] background = roi.copy() overlap = roi.copy() background[splotch.outline[:, :, 3] != 0] = (0, 0, 0) overlap[splotch.outline[:, :, 3] == 0] = (0, 0, 0) overlap_area = cv2.addWeighted(overlap, 1 - splotch.opacity, splotch.outline[:, :, 0:3], splotch.opacity, 0) dst = cv2.add(overlap_area, background) frame[splotch.topleft[1]:splotch.bottomright[1], splotch.topleft[0]:splotch.bottomright[0]] = dst splotch.fade() prev_areas = areas.copy() prev_toplefts = toplefts.copy() # add frame with splatters to queue (below) output_q.put(frame) frame_processed += 1 else: output_q.put(frame) sess.close()
try: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # cv2.line(img=frame, pt1=(0, Line_Position1), pt2=(frame.shape[1], Line_Position1), color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2, lineType=8, shift=0) # cv2.line(img=frame, pt1=(0, Line_Position2), pt2=(frame.shape[1], Line_Position2), color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2, lineType=8, shift=0) # Run image through tensorflow graph boxes, scores, classes = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) Line_Position2 = orien_lines.drawsafelines(frame, Orientation, Line_Perc1, Line_Perc2) # Draw bounding boxes and text a, b = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( num_hands_detect, score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, im_width, im_height, frame, Line_Position2, Orientation) lst1.append(a) lst2.append(b) no_of_time_hand_detected = no_of_time_hand_crossed = 0 # Calculate Frames per second (FPS) num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds() fps = num_frames / elapsed_time if args['display']: # Display FPS on frame detector_utils.draw_text_on_image("FPS : " + str("{0:.2f}".format(fps)), frame) cv2.imshow('Detection', cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
if im_height == None: im_height, im_width = frame.shape[:2] # Convert image to rgb since opencv loads images in bgr, if not accuracy will decrease try: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # Run image through tensorflow graph boxes, scores, classes = detector_utils.detect_objects( frame, detection_graph, sess) # Draw bounding boxeses and text a, b = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_obj_detect, score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, im_width, im_height, frame) # Calculate Frames per second (FPS) num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds() fps = num_frames / elapsed_time if args['display']: # Display FPS on frame detector_utils.draw_text_on_image( "FPS : " + str("{0:.2f}".format(fps)), frame) cv2.imshow('Detection', cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def img_callback(self, data): if self.check_timestamp(data): return None try: print('Working') cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'bgr8') except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Run image through tensorflow graph boxes, scores, classes = detector_utils.detect_objects( cv_image, self.inference_graph, self.sess) # Draw Bounding box labelled_image, bbox = detector_utils.draw_box_on_image( self.num_objects_detect, self.score_thresh, scores, boxes, classes, self.im_width, self.im_height, cv_image) # Calculate FPS self.num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - self.start_time).total_seconds() fps = self.num_frames / elapsed_time # Display FPS on frame detector_utils.draw_text_on_image( "FPS : " + str("{0:.2f}".format(fps)), cv_image) # Publish image try: cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) self.debug_image_pub.publish( self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, 'bgr8')) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) # Find midpoint of the region of interest bbox_midpoint = [((bbox[0][1] + bbox[1][1]) / 2), ((bbox[0][0] + bbox[1][0]) / 2)] # print(cv_image[int(bbox[0][0]):int(bbox[1][0]), # int(bbox[0][1]):int(bbox[1][1])]) ''' Confirm region of interest has orange where the bbox[0] contains the topleft coord and bbox[1] contains bottom right ''' # create NumPy arrays from the boundaries lower = np.array(self.lower, dtype="uint8") upper = np.array(self.upper, dtype="uint8") # Run through the mask function, returns all black image if no orange check = self.mask_image(cv_image[int(bbox[0][1]):int(bbox[1][1]), int(bbox[0][0]):int(bbox[1][0])], lower, upper) ''' Find if we are centered on the region of interest, if not display its position relative to the center of the camera. Perform the check to see if we are looking at an image with orange in it. If not we are done here. ''' check = cv2.cvtColor(check, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if cv2.countNonZero(check) == 0: print('Check Failed.') return None else: # Where [0] is X coord and [1] is Y coord. self.find_direction(bbox_midpoint[1], bbox_midpoint[0]) ''' Once we center on the region of interest, assuming we are still locked on, calculate the curve of the marker. ''' if self.centered: self.find_curve(check)