    def get_events(self):
        """Get events from discovery service
        Paginate through responses, and execute more responses when no more
        event items.  End requests, when no more event data received.
        Each event is validated as appropriate data for EventClass, then stored
        against their timestamp (float) in instance.
        # HTTP Requests
            print("getEvents -- Starting calendar HTTP Requests...")
            # Scanner Operator Availability
            # Loop until all pages have been processed.
            while self.source != None:
                # Get the next page.
                response = self.source.execute()
                # Accessing the response like a dict object with an 'items' key
                # returns a list of item objects (events).
                for event in response.get('items', []):
                    # The event object is a dict object.
                    # Store event as EventClass
                    if EventClass.validate(event):
                        obj = EventClass(event)
                        self.dat[obj.get_start()] = obj

                    # Get the next request object by passing the previous request object to
                    # the list_next method.
                    self.source = Configure.config['SERVICE'].events().list_next(self.source, response)
        except client.AccessTokenRefreshError:
            print ("The credentials have been revoked or expired, please re-run"
              "the application to re-authorize")
            print("getEvents -- Finished calendar HTTP Requests...")
    def get_events(self):
        Get events from saved local JSON data
        'source' is a path directory for 'history' files
        result = True

        # Read from source
        print("History (read) -- Reading from {0}".format(self.source))
            listing = os.listdir(self.source)
            for filename in listing:
                # TODO, deprecate JSON
                event_json = open(os.path.join(self.source + os.sep + filename))
                time_s = float(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) ## Filename (timestamp) to float
                json_data = json.load(event_json)
                if EventClass.validate(json_data):
                    self.dat[time_s] = EventClass(json_data)
##                        print(EventClass.timestamp_to_datetime(time_s))
        except IOError as e:
            print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
            result = False
            print("History (read) -- read() finished.")

        return result

##    # Search SLEIC json
##    def _get_event_ref(pi=None,project=None):
##        out = []
##        for pi_line in self.config['REQUEST']['EVENT_PARSE']['SLEIC_REF']:
##            if pi is not None:
##                print('looking for',pi)
##                if pi_line["pi"]==pi:
##                    print('found',pi_line["pi"])
##                    for project_line in pi_line["project"]:
##                        if project is not None:
##                            print('looking for',project)
##                            if project_line["id"]==project:
##                                print('found',project_line["id"])
##                                out = project_line["subject"]
##                        else:
##                            out.append(project_line["id"])
##            else:
##                out.append(pi_line["pi"])
##        return out

### Open SLEIC dictionary resource
##    try:
##        sleic_json = open(SLEIC)
##    except IOError as e:
##        print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
##    # SLEIC PI, project, and subject parsing
##    try:
##        sleic_data = json.load(sleic_json)
####            head = ['pi', 'project-id', 'full-event','date', 'start', 'end', 'duration', 'hrs-use-category','subject-id']
####        fwrite = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
####        write_csv(fwrite,head)
##        lastweek = (datetime.today() - timedelta(weeks=1)).timestamp()
##        tomorrow = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1)).timestamp()
##        for event in mrislots_events.keys():
##            if (event > lastweek) and (event < tomorrow):
####                print(mrislots_events[event].event)
##                summary = mrislots_events[event].event.get('summary')
##                print('Full Event:', summary)
##                pi = re.search('\w{3}\d{1,4}',summary)
##                if pi:
##                    print('PI:',pi.group(0))
##                    sub1 = re.sub(pi.group(0),'',summary,1) ## Remove PI
##                    sub2 = re.sub('^[_\s]*(?<=\w)','',sub1) ## Remove leading underscores
##                    sumsplit = re.split('[_\s]',sub2,1) ## Split one underscore or space
####                    proj = re.search('([^_\s]{3,4})(?=\W)?',sub1)
##                    if len(sumsplit)==1:
##                        if len(sumsplit[0])==4:
##                            proj = sumsplit[0]
##                            print('Suggested project ID:',proj)
##                        else:
##                            print('Unclear segment:',sumsplit[0])
##                    elif len(sumsplit) == 2:
##                        print('Segment 1:',sumsplit[0])
##                        print('Segment 2:',sumsplit[1])
####                        print('Project ID:',proj.group(0))
####                        sub2 = re.sub(proj.group(0),'',sub1,1)
####                        sub3 = re.sub('[_\s]','',sub2)
####                        if sub3:
####                            print('Subject:',sub3)
##                print(mrislots_events[event].event.get('start').get('dateTime'))
##                print(mrislots_events[event].event.get('end').get('dateTime'))
##                print(mrislots_events[event].duration('m'))
##    except IOError as e:
##        print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
##    finally:
##        sleic_json.close()
##def main():
##    pass
##if __name__ == '__main__':
##    main()