def create_user(self, user: str, password: str, name: str): """Insert info about the user into the database.""" validations = { "username": validate_username(user), "password": validate_pwd(password), "name": validate_name(name)} if all(validations.values()): # user_id autoincremented, password hashed, avatar_id by default stmt = """INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, ?, hash(?), ?, 0)""" params = (user, password, name) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: error_message = "User already exists in the database." raise exceptions.UsernameExistsError(user, error_message) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the insertion." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit() # Server-side validation failed else: error_message = "Fields validation failed, insertion aborted." columns = tuple(col for col in validations if not validations[col]) raise exceptions.ValidationError(columns, error_message)
def setup(self): """Create structure of the database for the first time.""" stmt_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, password TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, avatar_id INTEGER NOT NULL )""" try: self.conn.execute(stmt_table) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "Cannot create table `users`." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) # Store dates as floats (UNIX Epoch time) stmt_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS library ( note_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, user_id INTEGER, content TEXT NOT NULL, creation REAL NOT NULL, last_update REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL )""" try: self.conn.execute(stmt_table) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "Cannot create table `library`." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) stmt_index = """CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS owner_index ON library (user_id ASC)""" try: self.conn.execute(stmt_index) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "Cannot create index for table `library`." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message)
def set_avatar(self, user_id: int, avatar_id: int): """Add avatar for the given user.""" stmt = """UPDATE users SET avatar_id=? WHERE user_id=?""" params = (avatar_id, user_id) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the insertion." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit()
def __init__(self, name: str): = name self.current_user = None try: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(name) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = f"Cannot connect to {name}." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: # Function creation routine (name, num_params, function) self.conn.create_function("hash", 1, encrypt_password)
def delete_item(self, user_id: int, item_id: int): """Delete the given note from the database.""" stmt = """DELETE FROM library WHERE user_id=? AND note_id=?""" params = (user_id, item_id) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the deletion." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit()
def add_item(self, user_id: int, item_text: str): """Add a note to the database.""" stmt = """INSERT INTO library VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?)""" epoch_time = time.time() params = (user_id, item_text, epoch_time, epoch_time) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the insertion." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit()
def update_item(self, user_id: int, item_id: int, item_text: str): """Update the given note with a new text.""" stmt = """ UPDATE library SET content=?, last_update=? WHERE user_id=? AND note_id=?""" epoch_time = time.time() params = (item_text, epoch_time, user_id, item_id) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the edition." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit()
def delete_user(self, user_id: int): """Delete the user with the given id from the database. `user_id` of their notes, if any, will be set to NULL.""" stmt = """DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id=?""" params = (user_id,) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the deletion." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit()
def get_user_info(self, user_id: int) -> List[UserInfo]: """Return info and notes of the user with the given id.""" stmt = """SELECT username, name, avatar_id, note_id, content, creation, last_update FROM users LEFT JOIN library ON users.user_id = library.user_id WHERE users.user_id=?""" params = (user_id,) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = ("Cannot retrieve data from tables " "`users` & `library`.") raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: return cur.fetchall()
def check_password(self, user_id: int, password: str) -> bool: """Return `True` if `password` matches the password of the user with the given id.""" stmt = """SELECT password FROM users WHERE user_id=?""" params = (user_id,) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "Cannot retrieve data from table `users`." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: if check_encrypted_password(password, cur.fetchone()[0]): return True # Passwords do not match return False
def update_user(self, user_id: int, user: str, name: str, password: Optional[str]=None): """Edit info about the user with the given id.""" validations = { "username": validate_username(user), "password": validate_pwd(password) if password else True, "name": validate_name(name)} if all(validations.values()): if password: stmt = """UPDATE users SET username=?, password=hash(?), name=? WHERE user_id=?""" params = (user, password, name, user_id) else: stmt = """UPDATE users SET username=?, name=? WHERE user_id=?""" params = (user, name, user_id) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: error_message = "User already exists in the database." raise exceptions.UsernameExistsError(user, error_message) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "An operational error prevented the edition." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: self.conn.commit() # Server-side validation failed else: error_message = "Fields validation failed, edition aborted." columns = tuple(col for col in validations if not validations[col]) raise exceptions.ValidationError(columns, error_message)
def login(self, user: str, password: str) -> int: """Return `user_id` of the given user if passwords match.""" stmt = """SELECT user_id, password FROM users WHERE username=?""" params = (user,) cur = self.conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.OperationalError: error_message = "Cannot retrieve data from table `users`." raise exceptions.DatabaseError(error_message) else: # Check password if user found user_pass_combo = cur.fetchone() if user_pass_combo: if check_encrypted_password(password, user_pass_combo[1]): return user_pass_combo[0] # User was not found or passwords do not match error_message = "Invalid user and/or password." raise exceptions.LoginError(user, error_message)