def cluster(self,k,sample_count,outPath): def makePointsAndRects(h,w,r=None): if r is None: return np.array([-w/2.0,0,w/2.0,0,0,-h/2.0,0,h/2.0, 0,0, 0, h,w]) else: lx= -math.cos(r)*w ly= -math.sin(r)*w rx= math.cos(r)*w ry= math.sin(r)*w tx= math.sin(r)*h ty= -math.cos(r)*h bx= -math.sin(r)*h by= math.cos(r)*h return np.array([lx,ly,rx,ry,tx,ty,bx,by, 0,0, r, h,w]) meanH=62.42 stdH=87.31 meanW=393.03 stdW=533.53 ratios=[4.0,7.18,11.0,15.0,19.0,27.0] pointsAndRects=[] for inst in self.images: annotationPath = inst['annotationPath'] #rescaled = inst['rescaled'] with open(annotationPath) as annFile: annotations = json.loads( fixAnnotations(self,annotations) for i in range(sample_count): if i==0: s = (self.rescale_range[0]+self.rescale_range[1])/2 else: s = np.random.uniform(self.rescale_range[0], self.rescale_range[1]) #partial_rescale = s/rescaled bbs = getBBWithPoints(annotations['byId'].values(),s) #field_bbs = self.getBBGT(annotations['fieldBBs'],s,fields=True) #bbs = np.concatenate([text_bbs,field_bbs],axis=1) bbs = convertBBs(bbs,self.rotate,2).numpy()[0] cos_rot = np.cos(bbs[:,2]) sin_rot = np.sin(bbs[:,2]) p_left_x = -cos_rot*bbs[:,4] p_left_y = -sin_rot*bbs[:,4] p_right_x = cos_rot*bbs[:,4] p_right_y = sin_rot*bbs[:,4] p_top_x = sin_rot*bbs[:,3] p_top_y = -cos_rot*bbs[:,3] p_bot_x = -sin_rot*bbs[:,3] p_bot_y = cos_rot*bbs[:,3] points = np.stack([p_left_x,p_left_y,p_right_x,p_right_y,p_top_x,p_top_y,p_bot_x,p_bot_y],axis=1) pointsAndRects.append(np.concatenate([points,bbs[:,:5]],axis=1)) pointsAndRects = np.concatenate(pointsAndRects,axis=0) #all_points = pointsAndRects[:,0:8] #all_heights = pointsAndRects[:,11] #all_widths = pointsAndRects[:,12] bestDistsFromMean=None for attempt in range(20 if k>0 else 1): if k>0: randomIndexes = np.random.randint(0,pointsAndRects.shape[0],(k)) means=pointsAndRects[randomIndexes] else: #minH=5 #minW=5 means=[] ##smaller than mean #for step in range(5): # height = minH + (meanH-minH)*(step/5.0) # width = minW + (meanW-minW)*(step/5.0) # for ratio in ratios: # means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,ratio*height)) # means.append(makePointsAndRects(width/ratio,width)) #for stddev in range(0,5): # for step in range(5-stddev): # height = meanH + stddev*stdH + stdH*(step/(5.0-stddev)) # width = meanW + stddev*stdW + stdW*(step/(5.0-stddev)) # for ratio in ratios: # means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,ratio*height)) # means.append(makePointsAndRects(width/ratio,width)) rots = [0,math.pi/2,math.pi,1.5*math.pi] if self.rotate: for height in np.linspace(15,200,num=4): for width in np.linspace(30,1200,num=4): for rot in rots: means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,width,rot)) #long boxes for width in np.linspace(1600,4000,num=3): #for height in np.linspace(30,100,num=3): # for rot in rots: # means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,width,rot)) for rot in rots: means.append(makePointsAndRects(50,width,rot)) else: #rotated boxes #for height in np.linspace(13,300,num=4): for height in np.linspace(13,300,num=3): means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,20)) #general boxes #for height in np.linspace(15,200,num=4): #for width in np.linspace(30,1200,num=4): for height in np.linspace(15,200,num=2): for width in np.linspace(30,1200,num=3): means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,width)) #long boxes for width in np.linspace(1600,4000,num=3): #for height in np.linspace(30,100,num=3): # means.append(makePointsAndRects(height,width)) means.append(makePointsAndRects(50,width)) k=len(means) print('K: {}'.format(k)) means = np.stack(means,axis=0) #pointsAndRects [0:p_left_x, 1:p_left_y,2:p_right_x,3:p_right_y,4:p_top_x,5:p_top_y,6:p_bot_x,7:p_bot_y, 8:xc, 9:yc, 10:rot, 11:h, 12:w cluster_centers=means distsFromMean=None prevDistsFromMean=None for iteration in range(100000): #intended to break out print('attempt:{}, bestDistsFromMean:{}, iteration:{}, bestDistsFromMean:{}'.format(attempt,bestDistsFromMean,iteration,prevDistsFromMean), end='\r') #means_points = means[:,0:8] #means_heights = means[:,11] #means_widths = means[:,12] # = groups = assignGroups(means,pointsAndRects) expanded_all_points = pointsAndRects[:,None,0:8] expanded_all_heights = pointsAndRects[:,None,11] expanded_all_widths = pointsAndRects[:,None,12] expanded_means_points = means[None,:,0:8] expanded_means_heights = means[None,:,11] expanded_means_widths = means[None,:,12] #expanded_all_points = expanded_all_points.expand(all_points.shape[0], all_points.shape[1], means_points.shape[1], all_points.shape[2]) expanded_all_points = np.tile(expanded_all_points,(1,means.shape[0],1)) expanded_all_heights = np.tile(expanded_all_heights,(1,means.shape[0])) expanded_all_widths = np.tile(expanded_all_widths,(1,means.shape[0])) #expanded_means_points = expanded_means_points.expand(means_points.shape[0], all_points.shape[0], means_points.shape[0], means_points.shape[2]) expanded_means_points = np.tile(expanded_means_points,(pointsAndRects.shape[0],1,1)) expanded_means_heights = np.tile(expanded_means_heights,(pointsAndRects.shape[0],1)) expanded_means_widths = np.tile(expanded_means_widths,(pointsAndRects.shape[0],1)) point_deltas = (expanded_all_points - expanded_means_points) #avg_heights = ((expanded_means_heights+expanded_all_heights)/2) #avg_widths = ((expanded_means_widths+expanded_all_widths)/2) avg_heights=avg_widths = (expanded_means_heights+expanded_all_heights+expanded_means_widths+expanded_all_widths)/4 #print point_deltas normed_difference = ( np.linalg.norm(point_deltas[:,:,0:2],2,2)/avg_widths + np.linalg.norm(point_deltas[:,:,2:4],2,2)/avg_widths + np.linalg.norm(point_deltas[:,:,4:6],2,2)/avg_heights + np.linalg.norm(point_deltas[:,:,6:8],2,2)/avg_heights )**2 #print normed_difference #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() groups = normed_difference.argmin(1) #this should list the mean (index) for each element of all distsFromMean = normed_difference.min(1).mean() if prevDistsFromMean is not None and distsFromMean >= prevDistsFromMean: break prevDistsFromMean = distsFromMean #means = computeMeans(groups,pointsAndRects) #means = np.zeros(k,13) for ki in range(k): selected = (groups==ki)[:,None] numSel = float(selected.sum()) if (numSel==0): break means[ki,:] = (pointsAndRects*np.tile(selected,(1,13))).sum(0)/numSel if bestDistsFromMean is None or distsFromMean<bestDistsFromMean: bestDistsFromMean = distsFromMean cluster_centers=means #cluster_centers=means dH=600 dW=3000 draw = np.zeros([dH,dW,3],dtype=np.float) toWrite = [] final_k=k for ki in range(k): pop = (groups==ki).sum().item() if pop>2: color = np.random.uniform(0.2,1,3).tolist() #d=math.sqrt(mean[ki,11]**2 + mean[ki,12]**2) #theta = math.atan2(mean[ki,11],mean[ki,12]) + mean[ki,10] h=cluster_centers[ki,11] w=cluster_centers[ki,12] rot=cluster_centers[ki,10] toWrite.append({'height':h.item(),'width':w.item(),'rot':rot.item(),'popularity':pop}) tr = ( int(math.cos(rot)*w-math.sin(rot)*h)+dW//2, int(math.sin(rot)*w+math.cos(rot)*h)+dH//2 ) tl = ( int(math.cos(rot)*-w-math.sin(rot)*h)+dW//2, int(math.sin(rot)*-w+math.cos(rot)*h)+dH//2 ) br = ( int(math.cos(rot)*w-math.sin(rot)*-h)+dW//2, int(math.sin(rot)*w+math.cos(rot)*-h)+dH//2 ) bl = ( int(math.cos(rot)*-w-math.sin(rot)*-h)+dW//2, int(math.sin(rot)*-w+math.cos(rot)*-h)+dH//2 ) cv2.line(draw,tl,tr,color) cv2.line(draw,tr,br,color) cv2.line(draw,br,bl,color) cv2.line(draw,bl,tl,color,2) else: final_k-=1 #print(toWrite) with open(outPath.format(final_k),'w') as out: out.write(json.dumps(toWrite)) print('saved '+outPath.format(final_k)) cv2.imshow('clusters',draw) cv2.waitKey()
def getitem(self, index, scaleP=None, cropPoint=None): ##ticFull=timeit.default_timer() imagePath = self.images[index]['imagePath'] imageName = self.images[index]['imageName'] annotationPath = self.images[index]['annotationPath'] #print(annotationPath) rescaled = self.images[index]['rescaled'] with open(annotationPath) as annFile: annotations = json.loads( ##tic=timeit.default_timer() np_img = cv2.imread(imagePath, 1 if self.color else 0) #/255.0 if np_img is None or np_img.shape[0] == 0: print("ERROR, could not open " + imagePath) return self.__getitem__((index + 1) % self.__len__()) if scaleP is None: s = np.random.uniform(self.rescale_range[0], self.rescale_range[1]) else: s = scaleP partial_rescale = s / rescaled if self.transform is None: #we're doing the whole image #this is a check to be sure we don't send too big images through pixel_count = partial_rescale * partial_rescale * np_img.shape[ 0] * np_img.shape[1] if pixel_count > self.pixel_count_thresh: partial_rescale = math.sqrt(partial_rescale * partial_rescale * self.pixel_count_thresh / pixel_count) print('{} exceed thresh: {}: {}, new {}: {}'.format( imageName, s, pixel_count, rescaled * partial_rescale, partial_rescale * partial_rescale * np_img.shape[0] * np_img.shape[1])) s = rescaled * partial_rescale max_dim = partial_rescale * max(np_img.shape[0], np_img.shape[1]) if max_dim > self.max_dim_thresh: partial_rescale = partial_rescale * (self.max_dim_thresh / max_dim) print('{} exceed thresh: {}: {}, new {}: {}'.format( imageName, s, max_dim, rescaled * partial_rescale, partial_rescale * max(np_img.shape[0], np_img.shape[1]))) s = rescaled * partial_rescale ##tic=timeit.default_timer() #np_img = cv2.resize(np_img,(target_dim1, target_dim0), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC) np_img = cv2.resize(np_img, (0, 0), fx=partial_rescale, fy=partial_rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) if not self.color: np_img = np_img[..., None] #add 'color' channel ##print('resize: {} [{}, {}]'.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic,np_img.shape[0],np_img.shape[1])) ##tic=timeit.default_timer() bbs, ids, numClasses, trans = self.parseAnn(annotations, s) #start_of_line, end_of_line = getStartEndGT(annotations['byId'].values(),s) #Try: # table_points, table_pixels = self.getTables( # fieldBBs, # s, # np_img.shape[0], # np_img.shape[1], # annotations['samePairs']) #Except Exception as inst: # if imageName not in self.errors: # table_points=None # table_pixels=None # print(inst) # print('Table error on: '+imagePath) # self.errors.append(imageName) #pixel_gt = table_pixels ##ticTr=timeit.default_timer() if self.transform is not None: out, cropPoint = self.transform( { "img": np_img, "bb_gt": bbs, 'bb_auxs': ids, #"line_gt": { # "start_of_line": start_of_line, # "end_of_line": end_of_line # }, #"point_gt": { # "table_points": table_points # }, #"pixel_gt": pixel_gt, }, cropPoint) np_img = out['img'] bbs = out['bb_gt'] ids = out['bb_auxs'] ##tic=timeit.default_timer() if np_img.shape[2] == 3: np_img = augmentation.apply_random_color_rotation(np_img) np_img = augmentation.apply_tensmeyer_brightness(np_img) else: np_img = augmentation.apply_tensmeyer_brightness(np_img) ##print('augmentation: {}'.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic)) ##print('transfrm: {} [{}, {}]'.format(timeit.default_timer()-ticTr,org_img.shape[0],org_img.shape[1])) pairs = set() #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() numNeighbors = [0] * len(ids) for index1, id in enumerate(ids): #updated responseBBIdList = self.getResponseBBIdList(id, annotations) for bbId in responseBBIdList: try: index2 = ids.index(bbId) #adjMatrix[min(index1,index2),max(index1,index2)]=1 pairs.add((min(index1, index2), max(index1, index2))) numNeighbors[index1] += 1 except ValueError: pass #ones = torch.ones(len(pairs)) #if len(pairs)>0: # pairs = torch.LongTensor(list(pairs)).t() #else: # pairs = torch.LongTensor(pairs) #adjMatrix = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(pairs,ones,(len(ids),len(ids))) # This is an upper diagonal matrix as pairings are bi-directional #if len(np_img.shape)==2: # img=np_img[None,None,:,:] #add "color" channel and batch #else: img = np_img.transpose( [2, 0, 1])[None, ...] #from [row,col,color] to [batch,color,row,col] img = img.astype(np.float32) img = torch.from_numpy(img) img = 1.0 - img / 128.0 #ideally the median value would be 0 #if pixel_gt is not None: # pixel_gt = pixel_gt.transpose([2,0,1])[None,...] # pixel_gt = torch.from_numpy(pixel_gt) #start_of_line = None if start_of_line is None or start_of_line.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(start_of_line) #end_of_line = None if end_of_line is None or end_of_line.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(end_of_line) bbs = convertBBs(bbs, self.rotate, numClasses) if len(numNeighbors) > 0: numNeighbors = torch.tensor(numNeighbors)[None, :] #add batch dim else: numNeighbors = None #if table_points is not None: # table_points = None if table_points.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(table_points) return { "img": img, "bb_gt": bbs, "num_neighbors": numNeighbors, "adj": pairs, #adjMatrix, "imgName": imageName, "scale": s, "cropPoint": cropPoint, "transcription": [trans[id] for id in ids if id in trans] }
def getitem(self, index, scaleP=None, cropPoint=None): if self.useRandomAugProb is not None and np.random.rand( ) < self.useRandomAugProb and scaleP is None and cropPoint is None: return self.getRandomImage() ##ticFull=timeit.default_timer() imagePath = self.images[index]['imagePath'] imageName = self.images[index]['imageName'] annotationPath = self.images[index]['annotationPath'] #print(annotationPath) rescaled = self.images[index]['rescaled'] with open(annotationPath) as annFile: annotations = json.loads( ##tic=timeit.default_timer() np_img = cv2.imread(imagePath, 1 if self.color else 0) #/255.0 if np_img is None or np_img.shape[0] == 0: print("ERROR, could not open " + imagePath) return self.__getitem__((index + 1) % self.__len__()) if scaleP is None: s = np.random.uniform(self.rescale_range[0], self.rescale_range[1]) else: s = scaleP partial_rescale = s / rescaled if self.transform is None: #we're doing the whole image #this is a check to be sure we don't send too big images through pixel_count = partial_rescale * partial_rescale * np_img.shape[ 0] * np_img.shape[1] if pixel_count > self.pixel_count_thresh: partial_rescale = math.sqrt(partial_rescale * partial_rescale * self.pixel_count_thresh / pixel_count) print('{} exceed thresh: {}: {}, new {}: {}'.format( imageName, s, pixel_count, rescaled * partial_rescale, partial_rescale * partial_rescale * np_img.shape[0] * np_img.shape[1])) s = rescaled * partial_rescale max_dim = partial_rescale * max(np_img.shape[0], np_img.shape[1]) if max_dim > self.max_dim_thresh: partial_rescale = partial_rescale * (self.max_dim_thresh / max_dim) print('{} exceed thresh: {}: {}, new {}: {}'.format( imageName, s, max_dim, rescaled * partial_rescale, partial_rescale * max(np_img.shape[0], np_img.shape[1]))) s = rescaled * partial_rescale ##tic=timeit.default_timer() #np_img = cv2.resize(np_img,(target_dim1, target_dim0), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC) np_img = cv2.resize(np_img, (0, 0), fx=partial_rescale, fy=partial_rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) if not self.color: np_img = np_img[..., None] #add 'color' channel ##print('resize: {} [{}, {}]'.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic,np_img.shape[0],np_img.shape[1])) bbs, line_gts, point_gts, pixel_gt, numClasses, numNeighbors, pairs = self.parseAnn( np_img, annotations, s, imagePath) if self.coordConv: #add absolute position information xs = 255 * np.arange(np_img.shape[1]) / (np_img.shape[1]) xs = np.repeat(xs[None, :, None], np_img.shape[0], axis=0) ys = 255 * np.arange(np_img.shape[0]) / (np_img.shape[0]) ys = np.repeat(ys[:, None, None], np_img.shape[1], axis=1) np_img = np.concatenate( (np_img, xs.astype(np_img.dtype), ys.astype(np_img.dtype)), axis=2) ##ticTr=timeit.default_timer() if self.transform is not None: pairs = None out, cropPoint = self.transform( { "img": np_img, "bb_gt": bbs, "bb_auxs": numNeighbors, "line_gt": line_gts, "point_gt": point_gts, "pixel_gt": pixel_gt, }, cropPoint) np_img = out['img'] bbs = out['bb_gt'] numNeighbors = out['bb_auxs'] #if 'table_points' in out['point_gt']: # table_points = out['point_gt']['table_points'] #else: # table_points=None point_gts = out['point_gt'] pixel_gt = out['pixel_gt'] #start_of_line = out['line_gt']['start_of_line'] #end_of_line = out['line_gt']['end_of_line'] line_gts = out['line_gt'] ##tic=timeit.default_timer() if self.color: np_img[:, :, :3] = augmentation.apply_random_color_rotation( np_img[:, :, :3]) np_img[:, :, :3] = augmentation.apply_tensmeyer_brightness( np_img[:, :, :3]) else: np_img[:, :, 0:1] = augmentation.apply_tensmeyer_brightness( np_img[:, :, 0:1]) ##print('augmentation: {}'.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic)) ##print('transfrm: {} [{}, {}]'.format(timeit.default_timer()-ticTr,org_img.shape[0],org_img.shape[1])) #if len(np_img.shape)==2: # img=np_img[None,None,:,:] #add "color" channel and batch #else: img = np_img.transpose( [2, 0, 1])[None, ...] #from [row,col,color] to [batch,color,row,col] img = img.astype(np.float32) img = torch.from_numpy(img) img = 1.0 - img / 128.0 #ideally the median value would be 0 #img = 1.0 - img / 255.0 #this way ink is on, page is off if pixel_gt is not None: pixel_gt = pixel_gt.transpose([2, 0, 1])[None, ...] pixel_gt = torch.from_numpy(pixel_gt) #start_of_line = None if start_of_line is None or start_of_line.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(start_of_line) #end_of_line = None if end_of_line is None or end_of_line.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(end_of_line) for name in line_gts: line_gts[name] = None if line_gts[name] is None or line_gts[ name].shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(line_gts[name]) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #bbs = None if bbs.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(bbs) bbs = convertBBs(bbs, self.rotate, numClasses) if len(numNeighbors) > 0: numNeighbors = torch.tensor(numNeighbors)[None, :] #add batch dim else: numNeighbors = None #start_of_line = convertLines(start_of_line,numClasses) #end_of_line = convertLines(end_of_line,numClasses) for name in point_gts: #if table_points is not None: #table_points = None if table_points.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(table_points) if point_gts[name] is not None: point_gts[name] = None if point_gts[name].shape[ 1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(point_gts[name]) ##print('__getitem__: '+str(timeit.default_timer()-ticFull)) if self.only_types is None: return { "img": img, "bb_gt": bbs, "num_neighbors": numNeighbors, "line_gt": line_gts, "point_gt": point_gts, "pixel_gt": pixel_gt, "imgName": imageName, "scale": s, "cropPoint": cropPoint, "pairs": pairs } else: if 'boxes' not in self.only_types or not self.only_types['boxes']: bbs = None line_gt = {} if 'line' in self.only_types: for ent in self.only_types['line']: if type(ent) == list: toComb = [] for inst in ent[1:]: einst = line_gts[inst] if einst is not None: toComb.append(einst) if len(toComb) > 0: comb =, dim=1) line_gt[ent[0]] = comb else: line_gt[ent[0]] = None else: line_gt[ent] = line_gts[ent] point_gt = {} if 'point' in self.only_types: for ent in self.only_types['point']: if type(ent) == list: toComb = [] for inst in ent[1:]: einst = point_gts[inst] if einst is not None: toComb.append(einst) if len(toComb) > 0: comb =, dim=1) point_gt[ent[0]] = comb else: line_gt[ent[0]] = None else: point_gt[ent] = point_gts[ent] pixel_gtR = None #for ent in self.only_types['pixel']: # if type(ent)==list: # comb = ent[1] # for inst in ent[2:]: # comb = (comb + inst)==2 #:eq(2) #pixel-wise AND # pixel_gt[ent[0]]=comb # else: # pixel_gt[ent]=eval(ent) if 'pixel' in self.only_types: # and self.only_types['pixel'][0]=='table_pixels': pixel_gtR = pixel_gt return { "img": img, "bb_gt": bbs, "num_neighbors": numNeighbors, "line_gt": line_gt, "point_gt": point_gt, "pixel_gt": pixel_gtR, "imgName": imageName, "scale": s, "cropPoint": cropPoint, "pairs": pairs, }
def getitem(self, index, scaleP=None, cropPoint=None): ##ticFull=timeit.default_timer() imagePath = self.images[index]['imagePath'] imageName = self.images[index]['imageName'] annotationPath = self.images[index]['annotationPath'] #print(annotationPath) rescaled = self.images[index]['rescaled'] with open(annotationPath) as annFile: annotations = json.loads( ##tic=timeit.default_timer() np_img = img_f.imread(imagePath, 1 if self.color else 0) #*255.0 if np_img.max() < 200: np_img *= 255 if np_img is None or np_img.shape[0] == 0: print("ERROR, could not open " + imagePath) return self.__getitem__((index + 1) % self.__len__()) if scaleP is None: s = np.random.uniform(self.rescale_range[0], self.rescale_range[1]) else: s = scaleP partial_rescale = s / rescaled if self.transform is None: #we're doing the whole image #this is a check to be sure we don't send too big images through pixel_count = partial_rescale * partial_rescale * np_img.shape[ 0] * np_img.shape[1] if pixel_count > self.pixel_count_thresh: partial_rescale = math.sqrt(partial_rescale * partial_rescale * self.pixel_count_thresh / pixel_count) print('{} exceed thresh: {}: {}, new {}: {}'.format( imageName, s, pixel_count, rescaled * partial_rescale, partial_rescale * partial_rescale * np_img.shape[0] * np_img.shape[1])) s = rescaled * partial_rescale max_dim = partial_rescale * max(np_img.shape[0], np_img.shape[1]) if max_dim > self.max_dim_thresh: partial_rescale = partial_rescale * (self.max_dim_thresh / max_dim) print('{} exceed thresh: {}: {}, new {}: {}'.format( imageName, s, max_dim, rescaled * partial_rescale, partial_rescale * max(np_img.shape[0], np_img.shape[1]))) s = rescaled * partial_rescale ##tic=timeit.default_timer() #np_img = img_f.resize(np_img,(target_dim1, target_dim0)) np_img = img_f.resize( np_img, (0, 0), fx=partial_rescale, fy=partial_rescale, ) if len(np_img.shape) == 2: np_img = np_img[..., None] #add 'color' channel if self.color and np_img.shape[2] == 1: np_img = np.repeat(np_img, 3, axis=2) ##print('resize: {} [{}, {}]'.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic,np_img.shape[0],np_img.shape[1])) ##tic=timeit.default_timer() bbs, ids, numClasses, trans, groups, metadata, form_metadata = self.parseAnn( annotations, s) #trans = {i:v for i,v in enumerate(trans)} #metadata = {i:v for i,v in enumerate(metadata)} #start_of_line, end_of_line = getStartEndGT(annotations['byId'].values(),s) #Try: # table_points, table_pixels = self.getTables( # fieldBBs, # s, # np_img.shape[0], # np_img.shape[1], # annotations['samePairs']) #Except Exception as inst: # if imageName not in self.errors: # table_points=None # table_pixels=None # print(inst) # print('Table error on: '+imagePath) # self.errors.append(imageName) #pixel_gt = table_pixels ##ticTr=timeit.default_timer() if self.questions: #we need to do questions before crop to have full context #we have to relationships to get questions pairs = set() for index1, id in enumerate(ids): #updated responseBBIdList = self.getResponseBBIdList(id, annotations) for bbId in responseBBIdList: try: index2 = ids.index(bbId) pairs.add((min(index1, index2), max(index1, index2))) except ValueError: pass groups_adj = set() if groups is not None: for n0, n1 in pairs: g0 = -1 g1 = -1 for i, ns in enumerate(groups): if n0 in ns: g0 = i if g1 != -1: break if n1 in ns: g1 = i if g0 != -1: break if g0 != g1: groups_adj.add((min(g0, g1), max(g0, g1))) questions_and_answers = self.makeQuestions(bbs, trans, groups, groups_adj) else: questions_and_answers = None if self.transform is not None: if 'word_boxes' in form_metadata: word_bbs = form_metadata['word_boxes'] dif_f = bbs.shape[2] - word_bbs.shape[1] blank = np.zeros([word_bbs.shape[0], dif_f]) prep_word_bbs = np.concatenate([word_bbs, blank], axis=1)[None, ...] crop_bbs = np.concatenate([bbs, prep_word_bbs], axis=1) crop_ids = ids + [ 'word{}'.format(i) for i in range(word_bbs.shape[0]) ] else: crop_bbs = bbs crop_ids = ids out, cropPoint = self.transform( { "img": np_img, "bb_gt": crop_bbs, 'bb_auxs': crop_ids, #'word_bbs':form_metadata['word_boxes'] if 'word_boxes' in form_metadata else None #"line_gt": { # "start_of_line": start_of_line, # "end_of_line": end_of_line # }, #"point_gt": { # "table_points": table_points # }, #"pixel_gt": pixel_gt, }, cropPoint) np_img = out['img'] if 'word_boxes' in form_metadata: saw_word = False word_index = -1 for i, ii in enumerate(out['bb_auxs']): if not saw_word: if type(ii) is str and 'word' in ii: saw_word = True word_index = i else: assert 'word' in ii bbs = out['bb_gt'][:, :word_index] ids = out['bb_auxs'][:word_index] form_metadata['word_boxes'] = out['bb_gt'][0, word_index:, :8] word_ids = out['bb_auxs'][word_index:] form_metadata['word_trans'] = [ form_metadata['word_trans'][int(id[4:])] for id in word_ids ] else: bbs = out['bb_gt'] ids = out['bb_auxs'] if questions_and_answers is not None: questions = [] answers = [] questions_and_answers = [ (q, a, qids) for q, a, qids in questions_and_answers if all((i in ids) for i in qids) ] if questions_and_answers is not None: if len(questions_and_answers) > self.questions: questions_and_answers = random.sample(questions_and_answers, k=self.questions) if len(questions_and_answers) > 0: questions, answers, _ = zip(*questions_and_answers) else: return self.getitem((index + 1) % len(self)) else: questions = answers = None ##tic=timeit.default_timer() if np_img.shape[2] == 3: np_img = augmentation.apply_random_color_rotation(np_img) np_img = augmentation.apply_tensmeyer_brightness( np_img, **self.aug_params) else: np_img = augmentation.apply_tensmeyer_brightness( np_img, **self.aug_params) ##print('augmentation: {}'.format(timeit.default_timer()-tic)) newGroups = [] for group in groups: newGroup = [ids.index(bbId) for bbId in group if bbId in ids] if len(newGroup) > 0: newGroups.append(newGroup) #print(len(newGroups)-1,newGroup) groups = newGroups ##print('transfrm: {} [{}, {}]'.format(timeit.default_timer()-ticTr,org_img.shape[0],org_img.shape[1])) pairs = set() #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() numNeighbors = [0] * len(ids) for index1, id in enumerate(ids): #updated responseBBIdList = self.getResponseBBIdList(id, annotations) for bbId in responseBBIdList: try: index2 = ids.index(bbId) #adjMatrix[min(index1,index2),max(index1,index2)]=1 pairs.add((min(index1, index2), max(index1, index2))) numNeighbors[index1] += 1 except ValueError: pass #ones = torch.ones(len(pairs)) #if len(pairs)>0: # pairs = torch.LongTensor(list(pairs)).t() #else: # pairs = torch.LongTensor(pairs) #adjMatrix = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(pairs,ones,(len(ids),len(ids))) # This is an upper diagonal matrix as pairings are bi-directional #if len(np_img.shape)==2: # img=np_img[None,None,:,:] #add "color" channel and batch #else: img = np_img.transpose( [2, 0, 1])[None, ...] #from [row,col,color] to [batch,color,row,col] img = img.astype(np.float32) img = torch.from_numpy(img) img = 1.0 - img / 128.0 #ideally the median value would be 0 #if pixel_gt is not None: # pixel_gt = pixel_gt.transpose([2,0,1])[None,...] # pixel_gt = torch.from_numpy(pixel_gt) #start_of_line = None if start_of_line is None or start_of_line.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(start_of_line) #end_of_line = None if end_of_line is None or end_of_line.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(end_of_line) bbs = convertBBs(bbs, self.rotate, numClasses) if 'word_boxes' in form_metadata: form_metadata['word_boxes'] = convertBBs( form_metadata['word_boxes'][None, ...], self.rotate, 0)[0, ...] if len(numNeighbors) > 0: numNeighbors = torch.tensor(numNeighbors)[None, :] #add batch dim else: numNeighbors = None #if table_points is not None: # table_points = None if table_points.shape[1] == 0 else torch.from_numpy(table_points) groups_adj = set() if groups is not None: for n0, n1 in pairs: g0 = -1 g1 = -1 for i, ns in enumerate(groups): if n0 in ns: g0 = i if g1 != -1: break if n1 in ns: g1 = i if g0 != -1: break if g0 != g1: groups_adj.add((min(g0, g1), max(g0, g1))) for group in groups: for i in group: assert (i < bbs.shape[1]) targetIndexToGroup = {} for groupId, bbIds in enumerate(groups): targetIndexToGroup.update({bbId: groupId for bbId in bbIds}) transcription = [trans[id] for id in ids] return { "img": img, "bb_gt": bbs, "num_neighbors": numNeighbors, "adj": pairs, #adjMatrix, "imgName": imageName, "scale": s, "cropPoint": cropPoint, "transcription": transcription, "metadata": [metadata[id] for id in ids if id in metadata], "form_metadata": form_metadata, "gt_groups": groups, "targetIndexToGroup": targetIndexToGroup, "gt_groups_adj": groups_adj, "questions": questions, "answers": answers }