def generate_random_crops(config):

    crop_size = config['crop_size']
    scene_crop_size = config['scene_crop_size']
    loss_object = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()

    count = 0
    pos_count = 0
    neg_count = 0
    room_count = 0

    null_value = 0.0

    scan_dirs = [x[0] for x in os.walk(config['in_dir'])]

    bar = helpers.progbar(len(scan_dirs[1:]))

    with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(
            config['out_train_file']) as train_writer, tf.io.TFRecordWriter(
                config['out_test_file']) as test_writer:

        for i, scan_dir in enumerate(scan_dirs[1:]):

            room_count += 1

            scene_id = scan_dir.split('/')[-1]

            pts_path = os.path.join(
                scan_dir, '{}_vh_clean_2.labels.ply'.format(scene_id))
            agg_path = os.path.join(
                scan_dir, '{}_vh_clean.aggregation.json'.format(scene_id))
            segmap_path = os.path.join(
                scan_dir, '{}_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json'.format(scene_id))

            with open(agg_path, 'r') as f:
                agg = json.load(f)
            segmap = su.load_segmap(segmap_path)
            room_cloud = su.load_pointcloud(pts_path)
            objects, obj_means = su.load_objects(room_cloud, agg, segmap,
            object_thetas, object_extents = helpers.get_oabb(objects)

            for obj_count, obj in enumerate(objects):

                if i != 5 and np.random.rand() > config['train_ratio']:
                    continue  # ignore object

                obj_mean = obj_means[obj_count]

                for j in range(config['n_crops_per_object']):

                    crop_x = np.random.uniform(
                        obj_mean[0] - (crop_size[0] / 2),
                        obj_mean[0] + (crop_size[0] / 2))
                    crop_y = np.random.uniform(
                        obj_mean[1] - (crop_size[1] / 2),
                        obj_mean[1] + (crop_size[1] / 2))
                    crop_z = np.random.uniform(
                        obj_mean[2] - (crop_size[2] / 2),
                        obj_mean[2] + (crop_size[2] / 2))

                    scene_bbox = np.array([
                        crop_x - (scene_crop_size[0] / 2.),
                        crop_y - (scene_crop_size[1] / 2.),
                        crop_z - 1e10,
                        crop_x + (scene_crop_size[0] / 2.),
                        crop_y + (scene_crop_size[1] / 2.),
                        crop_z + 1e10,

                    bbox = np.array([
                        crop_x - (crop_size[0] / 2.),
                        crop_y - (crop_size[1] / 2.),
                        crop_z - (crop_size[2] / 2.),
                        crop_x + (crop_size[0] / 2.),
                        crop_y + (crop_size[1] / 2.),
                        crop_z + (crop_size[2] / 2.),

                    crop_centre = np.array([crop_x, crop_y, crop_z])

                    l_dist = [
                        helpers.euc_dist([crop_x, crop_y, crop_z], c)
                        for c in obj_means

                    obj_mean = obj_means[np.argmin(l_dist)]
                    obj_ext = object_extents[np.argmin(l_dist)]
                    obj_theta = object_thetas[np.argmin(l_dist)]

                    curr_obj = objects[np.argmin(l_dist)]

                    norm_bbox = np.array([
                        bbox[0] - crop_centre[0], bbox[1] - crop_centre[1],
                        bbox[2] - crop_centre[2], bbox[3] - crop_centre[0],
                        bbox[4] - crop_centre[1], bbox[5] - crop_centre[2]

                    label_mean = obj_mean - crop_centre

                    for _ in range(config['n_rotations_per_object']):

                        tmp_room_cloud = helpers.crop_bbox(
                            room_cloud, scene_bbox)
                        _, tmp_room_cloud = helpers.get_fixed_pts(
                            tmp_room_cloud, config['n_scene_pts'])
                        tmp_room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(tmp_room_cloud, bbox)
                        tmp_room_crop[:, :3] -= crop_centre

                        theta = np.random.uniform() * 2.0 * np.pi
                        tmp_room_crop[:, :3] = helpers.rotate_euler(
                            tmp_room_crop[:, :3], theta)
                        label_mean_r = helpers.rotate_euler(
                            label_mean.reshape(1, 3), theta)[0]

                        new_angle = np.arctan2(obj_theta[1],
                                               obj_theta[0]) - theta
                        theta_r = np.array(

                        tmp_room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(
                            tmp_room_crop, norm_bbox)

                        check = helpers.check_occupancy(
                            curr_obj[:, :3] - crop_centre, norm_bbox)
                        if check == 0: continue

                        dist = np.min(l_dist)
                        dir = (label_mean_r - np.array([0, 0, 0])) / dist

                        pred_dummy = tf.Variable([0., 0., 0.])

                        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
                            loss = loss_object(tf.Variable(label_mean_r),
                        grad = tape.gradient(loss, pred_dummy).numpy()

                        ret, tmp_room_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(
                            tmp_room_crop, config['n_pts'])

                        if ret == False: continue

                        label = np.array([
                            1, dist, grad[0], grad[1], grad[2], obj_ext[0],
                            obj_ext[1], obj_ext[2], theta_r[0], theta_r[1]

                        # Uncomment to visualise training data
                        # plot(tmp_room_crop[:, :3], tmp_room_crop[:, 3:6], -grad, label_mean_r, label)

                        tf_example = create_example(tmp_room_crop[:, :3],
                                                                  3:6], label)

                        assert tmp_room_crop.shape[0] == config[
                            'n_pts'], '{}'.format(tmp_room_crop.shape)

                        # 80/20 train/test split
                        if count % 5 != 0:
                        if count % 5 == 0:

                        count += 1
                        pos_count += 1

                for j in range(config['n_negative_samples']):

                    for _ in range(1000):

                        crop_x = np.random.uniform(np.min(room_cloud[:, 0]),
                                                   np.max(room_cloud[:, 0]))
                        crop_y = np.random.uniform(np.min(room_cloud[:, 1]),
                                                   np.max(room_cloud[:, 1]))
                        crop_z = np.random.uniform(np.min(room_cloud[:, 2]),
                                                   np.max(room_cloud[:, 2]))
                        crop_point = np.array([crop_x, crop_y, crop_z])

                        scene_bbox = np.array([
                            crop_point[0] - (scene_crop_size[0] / 2.),
                            crop_point[1] - (scene_crop_size[1] / 2.),
                            crop_point[2] - (scene_crop_size[2] / 2.),
                            crop_point[0] + (scene_crop_size[0] / 2.),
                            crop_point[1] + (scene_crop_size[1] / 2.),
                            crop_point[2] + (scene_crop_size[2] / 2.),

                        bbox = np.array([
                            crop_point[0] - (crop_size[0] / 2),
                            crop_point[1] - (crop_size[1] / 2),
                            crop_point[2] - (crop_size[2] / 2),
                            crop_point[0] + (crop_size[0] / 2),
                            crop_point[1] + (crop_size[1] / 2),
                            crop_point[2] + (crop_size[2] / 2),

                        check = np.array([
                            helpers.check_occupancy(obj_pts, bbox)
                            for obj_pts in objects
                        check = check.astype(np.bool)
                        if True in check: continue

                        norm_bbox = np.array([
                            bbox[0] - crop_point[0], bbox[1] - crop_point[1],
                            bbox[2] - crop_point[2], bbox[3] - crop_point[0],
                            bbox[4] - crop_point[1], bbox[5] - crop_point[2]

                        for _ in range(config['n_rotations_per_object']):

                            tmp_room_cloud = helpers.crop_bbox(
                                room_cloud, scene_bbox)
                            ret, tmp_room_cloud, = helpers.get_fixed_pts(
                                tmp_room_cloud, config['n_scene_pts'])
                            room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(tmp_room_cloud, bbox)
                            room_crop[:, :3] -= crop_point[:3]

                            tmp_room_crop = room_crop.copy()

                            theta = np.random.uniform() * 2.0 * np.pi
                            tmp_room_crop[:, :3] = helpers.rotate_euler(
                                tmp_room_crop[:, :3], theta)

                            tmp_room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(
                                tmp_room_crop, norm_bbox)
                            ret, tmp_room_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(
                                tmp_room_crop, config['n_pts'])

                            label = np.array([
                                0, 10, null_value, null_value, null_value,
                                null_value, null_value, null_value, null_value,

                            tf_example = create_example(
                                tmp_room_crop[:, :3], tmp_room_crop[:, 3:6],

                            assert tmp_room_crop.shape[0] == config[
                                'n_pts'], '{}'.format(

                            if count % 5 != 0:
                            if count % 5 == 0:

                            count += 1
                            neg_count += 1


    print('[info] total scenes saved: {}, {} positive, {} negative'.format(
        count, pos_count, neg_count))
def create_records():

	dataset = ['training', 'testing']
	max_objects = cfg['max_objects']

	train = True if cfg['dataset'] == 'training' else False
	img_dir = os.path.join(cfg['in_dir'], 'data_object_image_2', cfg['dataset'], 'image_2')
	scan_dir = os.path.join(cfg['in_dir'], 'data_object_velodyne', cfg['dataset'], 'velodyne')
	calib_dir = os.path.join(cfg['in_dir'], 'data_object_calib', cfg['dataset'], 'calib')
	label_dir = os.path.join(cfg['in_dir'], 'data_object_label_2', 'training', 'label_2')

	img_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(img_dir, '*.png'))

	n_scenes = cfg['n_scenes'] if cfg['n_scenes'] > 0 else len(img_files)
	bar = helpers.progbar(n_scenes)

	with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(cfg['out_train']) as train_writer, tf.io.TFRecordWriter(cfg['out_val']) as val_writer:

		for scene_id, img_file in enumerate(img_files):

			if scene_id == n_scenes: break


			base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_file))[0]

			scan_file = os.path.join(scan_dir, base+'.bin')
			calib_file = os.path.join(calib_dir, base+'.txt')
			label_file = os.path.join(label_dir, base+'.txt')

			img_arr = kitti_utils.load_img(img_file)
			orig_img_size = img_arr.shape[:2]
			img_arr = cv.resize(img_arr, (cfg['img_size'][1], cfg['img_size'][0]), interpolation=cv.INTER_CUBIC)
			_, img = cv.imencode('.png', img_arr)
			img = img.tobytes()

			scan = kitti_utils.load_scan(scan_file)
			calib = kitti_utils.load_calib(calib_file)
			label_k = kitti_utils.load_label(label_file)

			if label_k.shape[0] == 0: continue

			scan = kitti_utils.scan_to_camera_coords(scan, calib)
			_, scan = helpers.get_fixed_pts(scan, cfg['n_points'])

			label = {}

			n_inst = label_k.shape[0]

			label['calib'] = calib['P2']
			label['orig'] = np.array(orig_img_size).astype(np.float32)

			label['clf'] = label_k[:, 0, None].astype(int)
			label['clf'] = np.pad(label['clf'], [[0, max_objects-n_inst],[0, 0]], 'constant', constant_values=8)
			label['c_3d'] = label_k[:, 11:14]
			label['c_3d'] = np.pad(label['c_3d'], [[0, max_objects-n_inst],[0, 0]])

			label['extent'] = label_k[:, 8:11]
			label['extent'] = np.pad(label['extent'], [[0, max_objects-n_inst],[0, 0]])

			label['bbox_3d'] = kitti_utils.extract_3d_boxes(label_k)
			c_2d, bbox_2d = kitti_utils.extract_2d_boxes(label['bbox_3d'], calib, orig_img_size)
			label['c_2d'] = np.pad(c_2d, [[0, max_objects-n_inst],[0, 0]]).astype(np.float32)
			label['bbox_2d'] = np.pad(bbox_2d, [[0, max_objects-n_inst],[0, 0]]).astype(np.float32)
			label['bbox_3d'] = np.concatenate(
				[label['bbox_3d'], np.zeros((max_objects-n_inst, 8, 3))]

			ri = np.cos(label_k[:, 14])
			rj = np.sin(label_k[:, 14])
			label['ri'] = np.pad(ri.reshape(-1, 1), [[0, max_objects-n_inst], [0, 0]])
			label['rj'] = np.pad(rj.reshape(-1, 1), [[0, max_objects-n_inst], [0, 0]])

			label = kitti_utils.remove_dontcare(label)

			tf_example = create_example(img, scan, label)

			if scene_id % 5 != 0:
def generate_random_crops(config):

	crop_size = config['crop_size']
	scene_crop_size = config['scene_crop_size']
	loss_object = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()

	pos_count = 0
	neg_count = 0
	room_count = 0

	n_rooms = np.array([len(os.listdir(os.path.join(config['root_dir'], 'Area_{}'.format(i+1)))) for i in range(6)]).sum()

	bar = helpers.progbar(n_rooms)

	with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(config['out_train_file']) as train_writer, tf.io.TFRecordWriter(config['out_test_file']) as test_writer:
		for i in range(1, 7):
			area_path = os.path.join(config['root_dir'], 'Area_{}'.format(i))
			for room_folder in os.listdir(area_path):
				room_path = os.path.join(area_path, room_folder)

				if not os.path.isdir(room_path): continue

				room_count += 1

				# You can speed this script up by pre loading .txt files and saving as .npy
				room_cloud = np.loadtxt(glob.glob(room_path+'/*.txt')[0], delimiter=' ')

				obj_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(room_path, 'Annotations', '*{}*.npy'.format(config['object'])))

				objects = np.array([np.load(obj_path) for obj_path in obj_paths])
				object_thetas, object_extents = helpers.get_oabb(objects)
				obj_means = np.array([np.mean(p[:, :3], axis=0) for p in objects])

				for obj_count, obj in enumerate(objects):

					if i != 5 and np.random.rand() > config['train_ratio']: continue # ignore object

					obj_mean = obj_means[obj_count]

					for j in range(config['n_crops_per_object']):

						crop_x = np.random.uniform(obj_mean[0]-(crop_size[0]/2), obj_mean[0]+(crop_size[0]/2))
						crop_y = np.random.uniform(obj_mean[1]-(crop_size[1]/2), obj_mean[1]+(crop_size[1]/2))
						crop_z = np.random.uniform(obj_mean[2]-(crop_size[2]/2), obj_mean[2]+(crop_size[2]/2))

						scene_bbox = np.array([
						crop_x - (scene_crop_size[0]/2.), crop_y - (scene_crop_size[1]/2.), crop_z - 1e10,
						crop_x + (scene_crop_size[0]/2.), crop_y + (scene_crop_size[1]/2.), crop_z + 1e10,

						bbox = np.array([
							crop_x - (crop_size[0]/2.), crop_y - (crop_size[1]/2.), crop_z - (crop_size[2]/2.),
							crop_x + (crop_size[0]/2.), crop_y + (crop_size[1]/2.), crop_z + (crop_size[2]/2.),

						crop_centre = np.array([crop_x, crop_y, crop_z])

						l_dist = [helpers.euc_dist([crop_x, crop_y, crop_z], c) for c in obj_means]

						obj_mean = obj_means[np.argmin(l_dist)]
						obj_ext = object_extents[np.argmin(l_dist)]
						obj_theta = object_thetas[np.argmin(l_dist)]

						curr_obj = objects[np.argmin(l_dist)]

						norm_bbox = np.array([
							bbox[0] - crop_centre[0], bbox[1] - crop_centre[1], bbox[2] - crop_centre[2],
							bbox[3] - crop_centre[0], bbox[4] - crop_centre[1], bbox[5] - crop_centre[2]

						label_mean = obj_mean - crop_centre

						for _ in range(config['n_rotations_per_object']):

							tmp_room_cloud = helpers.crop_bbox(room_cloud, scene_bbox)
							_, tmp_room_cloud = helpers.get_fixed_pts(tmp_room_cloud, config['n_scene_pts'])
							tmp_room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(tmp_room_cloud, bbox)
							tmp_room_crop[:, :3] -= crop_centre

							theta = np.random.uniform() * 2.0 * np.pi
							tmp_room_crop[:, :3] = helpers.rotate_euler(tmp_room_crop[:, :3], theta)
							label_mean_r = helpers.rotate_euler(label_mean.reshape(1, 3), theta)[0]

							new_angle = np.arctan2(obj_theta[1], obj_theta[0]) - theta
							theta_r = np.array([np.cos(new_angle), np.sin(new_angle)])

							tmp_room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(tmp_room_crop, norm_bbox)

							check = helpers.check_occupancy(curr_obj[:, :3]-crop_centre, norm_bbox)
							if check == 0: continue

							dist = np.min(l_dist)
							dir = (label_mean_r - np.array([0, 0, 0])) / dist

							pred_dummy = tf.Variable([0., 0., 0.])

							with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
								loss = loss_object(tf.Variable(label_mean_r), pred_dummy)
							grad = tape.gradient(loss, pred_dummy).numpy()

							ret, tmp_room_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(tmp_room_crop, config['n_pts'])

							if ret == False: continue

							label = np.array([

							# Uncomment to visualise training data
							# plot(tmp_room_crop[:, :3], tmp_room_crop[:, 3:6], -grad, label_mean_r, label)

							tf_example = create_example(tmp_room_crop[:, :3], tmp_room_crop[:, 3:6], label)

							assert tmp_room_crop.shape[0] == config['n_pts'], '{}'.format(tmp_room_crop.shape)

							if i != 5: train_writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString())
							if i == 5: test_writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString())

							pos_count += 1

					for j in range(config['n_negative_samples']):

						for _ in range(1000):

							crop_x = np.random.uniform(np.min(room_cloud[:, 0]), np.max(room_cloud[:, 0]))
							crop_y = np.random.uniform(np.min(room_cloud[:, 1]), np.max(room_cloud[:, 1]))
							crop_z = np.random.uniform(np.min(room_cloud[:, 2]), np.max(room_cloud[:, 2]))
							crop_point = np.array([crop_x, crop_y, crop_z])

							scene_bbox = np.array([
							crop_point[0] - (scene_crop_size[0]/2.), crop_point[1] - (scene_crop_size[1]/2.), crop_point[2] - (scene_crop_size[2]/2.),
							crop_point[0] + (scene_crop_size[0]/2.), crop_point[1] + (scene_crop_size[1]/2.), crop_point[2] + (scene_crop_size[2]/2.),

							bbox = np.array([
								crop_point[0] - (crop_size[0]/2), crop_point[1] - (crop_size[1]/2), crop_point[2] - (crop_size[2]/2),
								crop_point[0] + (crop_size[0]/2), crop_point[1] + (crop_size[1]/2), crop_point[2] + (crop_size[2]/2),

							check = np.array([helpers.check_occupancy(obj_pts, bbox) for obj_pts in objects])
							check = check.astype(np.bool)
							if True in check: continue

							norm_bbox = np.array([
								bbox[0]-crop_point[0], bbox[1]-crop_point[1], bbox[2]-crop_point[2],
								bbox[3]-crop_point[0], bbox[4]-crop_point[1], bbox[5]-crop_point[2]

							for _ in range(config['n_rotations_per_object']):

								tmp_room_cloud = helpers.crop_bbox(room_cloud, scene_bbox)
								ret, tmp_room_cloud, = helpers.get_fixed_pts(tmp_room_cloud, config['n_scene_pts'])
								room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(tmp_room_cloud, bbox)
								room_crop[:, :3] -= crop_point[:3]

								tmp_room_crop = room_crop.copy()

								theta = np.random.uniform() * 2.0 * np.pi
								tmp_room_crop[:, :3] = helpers.rotate_euler(tmp_room_crop[:, :3], theta)

								tmp_room_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(tmp_room_crop, norm_bbox)
								ret, tmp_room_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(tmp_room_crop, config['n_pts'])

								null_value = 0.0

								label = np.array([

								tf_example = create_example(tmp_room_crop[:, :3], tmp_room_crop[:, 3:6], label)

								assert tmp_room_crop.shape[0] == config['n_pts'], '{}'.format(tmp_room_crop.shape[0].shape)

								if i != 5: train_writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString())
								if i == 5: test_writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString())

								neg_count += 1


	print('[info] total scenes saved: {}, {} positive, {} negative'.format(
		pos_count+neg_count, pos_count, neg_count)
def crop_s3dis():

    filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(config['in_dir'], '*.npy'))
    box_size = config['box_size']
    overlap = config['overlap']

    saved = 0

    with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(
            config['out_train_file']) as train_writer, tf.io.TFRecordWriter(
                config['out_test_file']) as test_writer:

        bar = helpers.progbar(len(filelist))

        max_labels = 0

        rotations = np.radians(np.array(
            [0, 90, 180, 270])) if config['rotate'] == True else np.array([0.])

        for i, f in enumerate(filelist):

            bar.update(i + 1)

            scene = np.load(f)

            area = '_'.join(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[:2])
            room = '_'.join(f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[2:])

            area_n = int(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1])

            object_paths = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(config['root_dir'], area, room, 'Annotations',
            objects = np.array([np.load(o_f)[:, :3] for o_f in object_paths])
            object_means_orig = np.array([np.mean(o, axis=0) for o in objects])

            if object_means_orig.shape[0] == 0: continue

            object_thetas_orig, object_extents = helpers.get_oabb(objects)

            area = int(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1])

            scene_extent = [
                np.min(scene[:, 0]),
                np.min(scene[:, 1]),
                np.min(scene[:, 2]),
                np.max(scene[:, 0]),
                np.max(scene[:, 1]),
                np.max(scene[:, 2])

            x_stride_len = box_size[0]
            y_stride_len = box_size[1]

            num_xstrides = int(
                np.ceil((scene_extent[3] - scene_extent[0]) / box_size[0]))
            num_ystrides = int(
                np.ceil((scene_extent[4] - scene_extent[1]) / box_size[1]))

            for x_stride in range(num_xstrides):

                for y_stride in range(num_ystrides):

                    bbox = [
                        scene_extent[0] + (x_stride * x_stride_len) -
                        overlap[0] / 2, scene_extent[1] +
                        (y_stride * y_stride_len) - overlap[0] / 2, -1e10,
                        scene_extent[0] +
                        ((x_stride * x_stride_len) + x_stride_len) +
                        overlap[0] / 2, scene_extent[1] +
                        ((y_stride * y_stride_len) + y_stride_len) +
                        overlap[0] / 2, 1e10

                    scene_crop_orig = helpers.crop_bbox(scene, bbox)

                    if scene_crop_orig.shape[0] < config['n_pts'] / 2: continue

                    for angle in rotations:

                        _, scene_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(
                            scene_crop_orig, config['n_pts'])

                        object_means = object_means_orig.copy()
                        object_thetas = object_thetas_orig.copy()

                        scene_crop[:, :3] = helpers.rotate_euler(
                            scene_crop[:, :3], angle)
                        object_means = helpers.rotate_euler(
                            object_means_orig, angle)

                        radians = np.arctan2(object_thetas[:, 1],
                                             object_thetas[:, 0])
                        radians -= angle
                        object_thetas[:, 0] = np.cos(radians)
                        object_thetas[:, 1] = np.sin(radians)

                        pts = scene_crop[:, :3]
                        scene_mean = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
                        pts -= scene_mean

                        colors = scene_crop[:, 3:6] / 255.

                        obj_occ = np.array([
                            helpers.check_occupancy(obj_pts, bbox)
                            for obj_pts in objects
                        obj_occ[obj_occ < 1000] = 0
                        obj_occ = obj_occ.astype(np.bool)

                        if True in obj_occ:
                                labels = object_means[np.where(
                                    obj_occ == True)]
                                labels -= scene_mean
                                labels = np.hstack(
                                    (labels, object_extents[np.where(
                                        obj_occ == True)]))
                                labels = np.hstack(
                                     object_thetas[np.where(obj_occ == True)]))
                                max_labels = labels.shape[0] if labels.shape[
                                    0] > max_labels else max_labels
                                labels = np.pad(labels, [[
                                    0, config['max_labels'] - labels.shape[0]
                                ], [0, 0]])

                        # Uncomment to visualise training data
                        # plot(pts, colors, labels)

                        tf_example = create_example(pts, colors, labels)

                        if area_n != 5:
                        saved += 1

        print('[info] total scenes generated: {}'.format(saved))
        print('[info] max label count: {}'.format(max_labels))
def parse_room():

    model = ObjDetectorModel(1, config['n_pred'])
    model(tf.zeros((1, config['n_pts'], 3), tf.float32))

    if config['dataset'] == 's3d':
        room = 'Area_' + str(config['area']) + '_' + config['room'] + '.npy'
        scene = np.load(os.path.join(config['dataset_dir'], 'processed', room))

    scene_extent = [
        np.min(scene[:, 0]),
        np.min(scene[:, 1]),
        np.min(scene[:, 2]),
        np.max(scene[:, 0]),
        np.max(scene[:, 1]),
        np.max(scene[:, 2])

    object_paths = glob.glob(
        os.path.join(config['dataset_dir'], 'Area_' + str(config['area']),
                     config['room'], 'Annotations', '*chair*.npy'))

    objects = np.array([np.load(o_f)[:, :3] for o_f in object_paths])
    gt_pts = np.array([np.mean(o, axis=0) for o in objects])
    gt_theta, gt_ext = helpers.get_oabb(objects)
    gt_ext = np.hstack((gt_ext, gt_theta))

    x_stride_len = config['box_size'][0]
    y_stride_len = config['box_size'][1]

    num_xstrides = int(
        np.ceil((scene_extent[3] - scene_extent[0]) / x_stride_len))
    num_ystrides = int(
        np.ceil((scene_extent[4] - scene_extent[1]) / y_stride_len))

    scene_pts = []
    scene_ext = []

    for x_stride in range(num_xstrides):

        for y_stride in range(num_ystrides):

            bbox = [
                scene_extent[0] + (x_stride * x_stride_len),
                scene_extent[1] + (y_stride * y_stride_len), -1e10,
                scene_extent[0] + ((x_stride * x_stride_len) + x_stride_len),
                scene_extent[1] + ((y_stride * y_stride_len) + y_stride_len),

            scene_crop = helpers.crop_bbox(scene, bbox)
            _, scene_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(scene_crop, config['n_pts'])

            pts = scene_crop[:, 0:3]
            cols = scene_crop[:, 3:6] / 256.

            pts_mean = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
            pts -= pts_mean

            xyz, score, ext, _ = model(tf.expand_dims(pts, 0))
            xyz, score, ext = tf_utils.objectness_mask(xyz, score[:, :,
                                                                  1], ext,

            labels = gt_pts[(gt_pts[:, 0] >= bbox[0])
                            & (gt_pts[:, 0] <= bbox[3]) &
                            (gt_pts[:, 1] >= bbox[1]) &
                            (gt_pts[:, 1] <= bbox[4]) &
                            (gt_pts[:, 2] >= bbox[2]) &
                            (gt_pts[:, 2] <= bbox[5])]

            labels = tf.expand_dims(labels - pts_mean, 0)

            if xyz.shape[1] > 1 and config['nms'] == True:
                boxes = helpers.make_boxes(xyz, ext)
                nms_inds = tf_utils.nms(xyz, boxes, score, 15, 0,

                xyz = tf.gather(xyz, nms_inds, batch_dims=1)
                score = tf.gather(score, nms_inds, batch_dims=1)
                boxes = tf.gather(boxes, nms_inds, batch_dims=1)
                ext = tf.gather(ext, nms_inds, batch_dims=1)

            if xyz.shape[1] > 0:
                for i, pred in enumerate(xyz[0]):
                    scene_pts.append((pred.numpy() + pts_mean).tolist())
                    scene_ext.append(ext[0, i].numpy().tolist())

    scene_pts = np.array(scene_pts)
    scene_ext = np.array(scene_ext)

    plot_scene(scene, scene_pts, scene_ext, gt_pts, gt_ext)
def crop_scannet(config):

    scan_dirs = [x[0] for x in os.walk(config['in_dir'])]
    box_size = config['box_size']
    overlap = config['overlap']
    max_labels = 0

    with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(
            config['out_train_file']) as train_writer, tf.io.TFRecordWriter(
                config['out_test_file']) as test_writer:

        bar = helpers.progbar(len(scan_dirs[1:]))

        save_count = 0
        train_count = 0
        test_count = 0
        max_labels = 0

        rotations = np.radians(np.array(
            [0, 90, 180, 270])) if config['rotate'] == True else np.array([0.])

        for i, scan_dir in enumerate(scan_dirs[1:]):

            bar.update(i + 1)

            scene_id = scan_dir.split('/')[-1]

            pts_path = os.path.join(
                scan_dir, '{}_vh_clean_2.labels.ply'.format(scene_id))
            agg_path = os.path.join(
                scan_dir, '{}_vh_clean.aggregation.json'.format(scene_id))
            segmap_path = os.path.join(
                scan_dir, '{}_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json'.format(scene_id))

            with open(agg_path, 'r') as f:
                agg = json.load(f)
            segmap = su.load_segmap(segmap_path)
            scene = su.load_pointcloud(pts_path)
            objects, object_means_orig = su.load_objects(
                scene, agg, segmap, config['label_objects'])

            if object_means_orig.shape[0] == 0: continue

            object_thetas_orig, object_extents = helpers.get_oabb(objects)

            scene_extent = [
                np.min(scene[:, 0]),
                np.min(scene[:, 1]),
                np.min(scene[:, 2]),
                np.max(scene[:, 0]),
                np.max(scene[:, 1]),
                np.max(scene[:, 2])

            x_stride_len = box_size[0]
            y_stride_len = box_size[1]

            num_xstrides = int(
                np.ceil((scene_extent[3] - scene_extent[0]) / box_size[0]))
            num_ystrides = int(
                np.ceil((scene_extent[4] - scene_extent[1]) / box_size[1]))

            for x_stride in range(num_xstrides):

                for y_stride in range(num_ystrides):

                    bbox = [
                        scene_extent[0] + (x_stride * x_stride_len) -
                        overlap[0] / 2, scene_extent[1] +
                        (y_stride * y_stride_len) - overlap[0] / 2, -1e10,
                        scene_extent[0] +
                        ((x_stride * x_stride_len) + x_stride_len) +
                        overlap[0] / 2, scene_extent[1] +
                        ((y_stride * y_stride_len) + y_stride_len) +
                        overlap[0] / 2, 1e10

                    scene_crop_orig = helpers.crop_bbox(scene, bbox)

                    if scene_crop_orig.shape[0] < config['n_pts'] / 2: continue

                    for angle in rotations:

                        _, scene_crop = helpers.get_fixed_pts(
                            scene_crop_orig, config['n_pts'])

                        object_means = object_means_orig.copy()
                        object_thetas = object_thetas_orig.copy()

                        scene_crop[:, :3] = helpers.rotate_euler(
                            scene_crop[:, :3], angle)
                        object_means = helpers.rotate_euler(
                            object_means_orig, angle)

                        radians = np.arctan2(object_thetas[:, 1],
                                             object_thetas[:, 0])
                        radians -= angle
                        object_thetas[:, 0] = np.cos(radians)
                        object_thetas[:, 1] = np.sin(radians)

                        pts = scene_crop[:, :3]
                        scene_mean = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
                        pts -= scene_mean

                        colors = scene_crop[:, 3:6] / 255.

                        obj_occ = np.array([
                            helpers.check_occupancy(obj_pts, bbox)
                            for obj_pts in objects
                        obj_occ[obj_occ < 1000] = 0
                        obj_occ = obj_occ.astype(np.bool)

                        if True in obj_occ:
                            labels = object_means[np.where(obj_occ == True)]
                            labels -= scene_mean
                            labels = np.hstack(
                                 object_extents[np.where(obj_occ == True)]))
                            labels = np.hstack(
                                 object_thetas[np.where(obj_occ == True)]))
                            max_labels = labels.shape[0] if labels.shape[
                                0] > max_labels else max_labels
                            labels = np.pad(
                                [[0, config['max_labels'] - labels.shape[0]],
                                 [0, 0]])

                        # Uncomment to visualise training data
                        # plot(pts, colors, labels)

                        tf_example = create_example(pts, colors, labels)

                        if i % 5 != 0:
                            train_count += 1
                            test_count += 1
                        save_count += 1


        print('[info] saved {} examples, {} train, {} test'.format(
            save_count, train_count, test_count))
        print('[info] max label count: {}'.format(max_labels))