def gen_train(self): for ele in self.train_list: feats = kaldi_io.read_mat(ele[0]) gender = kaldi_io.read_vec_int(ele[1]) yield feats, gender self.epoch += 1 if self.epoch >= self.start_shuffle_epoch: self.shuffle()
def gen(): global train_set for ele in train_set: feats = kaldi_io.read_mat(ele[0]) gender = kaldi_io.read_vec_int(ele[1]) yield feats, gender chunks = [sort_set[i:i + batch] for i in range(0, len(sort_set), batch)] random.shuffle(chunks) train_set = [] for i in range(len(chunks)): train_set.extend(chunks[i])
def main_(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="") # positional args ap.add_argument("--floor_value", default=0, type=float) ap.add_argument("uv_rspecifier", help="input uv") ap.add_argument("feature_rspecifier", help="input feat") ap.add_argument("feature_wspecifier", help="output feat") args = ap.parse_args() thresh = 0.5 floor = args.floor_value with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(args.uv_rspecifier, "rb") as uv_reader: with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(args.feature_wspecifier, "wb") as feature_writer: for key, feats in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(args.feature_rspecifier): assert (key == kaldi_io.read_key(uv_reader)) uv = kaldi_io.read_mat(uv_reader) new_feats = np.where(uv>=thresh, feats, floor) kaldi_io.write_mat(feature_writer, new_feats, key=key)
def main_(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="") # positional args ap.add_argument("uv_rspecifier", help="input uv") ap.add_argument("feature_rspecifier", help="input feat") ap.add_argument("feature_wspecifier", help="output feat") args = ap.parse_args() thresh = 0.5 with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(args.uv_rspecifier, "rb") as uv_reader: with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(args.feature_wspecifier, "wb") as feature_writer: for key, feats in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(args.feature_rspecifier): assert (key == kaldi_io.read_key(uv_reader)) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() uv = kaldi_io.read_mat(uv_reader) idx = np.where(uv < thresh) new_feats = np.delete(feats, idx[0], axis=0) if new_feats.shape[0] < 1: continue kaldi_io.write_mat(feature_writer, new_feats, key=key) del uv, idx, new_feats
def gen_valid(self): for ele in self.valid_list: feats = kaldi_io.read_mat(ele[0]) gender = kaldi_io.read_vec_int(ele[1]) yield feats, gender
def gen_eval(self): for ele in self.data_list: feats = kaldi_io.read_mat(ele[0]) frames = ele[1] yield feats, frames
from utils.kaldi_io import read_mat decay = 0.9999 data_type = ['tr', 'cv', 'tt'] feats_dim = 129 dir_pattern = "/mnt/hd8t/fsl/SpeechSeparation/mix/data/2speakers/wav8k/min/{}/record" def moving_average(mean_var, variance_var, value, decay): variance_var = decay * (variance_var + (1 - decay) * (value - mean_var) ** 2) mean_var = decay * mean_var + (1 - decay) * value return mean_var, variance_var for i_type in data_type: dir_path = dir_pattern.format(i_type) cmvn_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'global.cmvn.log') feats_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'feats.scp') mean_var = np.zeros(feats_dim) variance_var = np.ones(feats_dim) with open(feats_path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip().split() feats = read_mat(line[1]) frames = int(len(feats) / 3) # use log(1+x) log_feats_input = np.log(feats[0:frames, 0:feats_dim] + 1) for item in log_feats_input: mean_var, variance_var = moving_average(mean_var, variance_var, item, decay) cmvn = np.stack([mean_var, variance_var], axis=1) np.savetxt(cmvn_path, cmvn)
def __init__(self, tsv_path, dict_path, unit, batch_size, nlsyms=False, n_epochs=None, is_test=False, min_n_frames=40, max_n_frames=2000, shuffle=False, sort_by_input_length=False, short2long=False, sort_stop_epoch=None, n_ques=None, dynamic_batching=False, ctc=False, subsample_factor=1, wp_model=False, corpus='', concat_prev_n_utterances=0, n_caches=0, tsv_path_sub1=False, dict_path_sub1=False, unit_sub1=False, wp_model_sub1=False, ctc_sub1=False, subsample_factor_sub1=1, wp_model_sub2=False, tsv_path_sub2=False, dict_path_sub2=False, unit_sub2=False, ctc_sub2=False, subsample_factor_sub2=1, wp_model_sub3=False, tsv_path_sub3=False, dict_path_sub3=False, unit_sub3=False, ctc_sub3=False, subsample_factor_sub3=1): """A class for loading dataset. Args: tsv_path (str): path to the dataset tsv file dict_path (str): path to the dictionary unit (str): word or wp or char or phone or word_char batch_size (int): size of mini-batch nlsyms (str): path to the non-linguistic symbols file n_epochs (int): max epoch. None means infinite loop. is_test (bool): min_n_frames (int): exclude utterances shorter than this value max_n_frames (int): exclude utterances longer than this value shuffle (bool): shuffle utterances. This is disabled when sort_by_input_length is True. sort_by_input_length (bool): sort all utterances in the ascending order short2long (bool): sort utterances in the descending order sort_stop_epoch (int): After sort_stop_epoch, training will revert back to a random order n_ques (int): number of elements to enqueue dynamic_batching (bool): change batch size dynamically in training ctc (bool): subsample_factor (int): wp_model (): path to the word-piece model for sentencepiece corpus (str): name of corpus concat_prev_n_utterances (int): number of utterances to concatenate n_caches (int): number of previous tokens for cache (for training) """ super(Dataset, self).__init__() self.set = os.path.basename(tsv_path).split('.')[0] self.is_test = is_test self.unit = unit self.unit_sub1 = unit_sub1 self.batch_size = batch_size self.max_epoch = n_epochs self.shuffle = shuffle self.sort_stop_epoch = sort_stop_epoch self.sort_by_input_length = sort_by_input_length self.n_ques = n_ques self.dynamic_batching = dynamic_batching self.corpus = corpus self.concat_prev_n_utterances = concat_prev_n_utterances self.n_caches = n_caches self.vocab = self.count_vocab_size(dict_path) self.eos = 2 self.pad = 3 # NOTE: reserved in advance self.idx2token = [] self.token2idx = [] # Set index converter if unit in ['word', 'word_char']: self.idx2token += [Idx2word(dict_path)] self.token2idx += [ Word2idx(dict_path, word_char_mix=(unit == 'word_char')) ] elif unit == 'wp': self.idx2token += [Idx2wp(dict_path, wp_model)] self.token2idx += [Wp2idx(dict_path, wp_model)] elif unit == 'char': self.idx2token += [Idx2char(dict_path)] self.token2idx += [Char2idx(dict_path, nlsyms=nlsyms)] elif 'phone' in unit: self.idx2token += [Idx2phone(dict_path)] self.token2idx += [Phone2idx(dict_path)] else: raise ValueError(unit) for i in range(1, 4): dict_path_sub = locals()['dict_path_sub' + str(i)] wp_model_sub = locals()['wp_model_sub' + str(i)] unit_sub = locals()['unit_sub' + str(i)] if dict_path_sub: setattr(self, 'vocab_sub' + str(i), self.count_vocab_size(dict_path_sub)) # Set index converter if unit_sub: if unit_sub == 'wp': self.idx2token += [Idx2wp(dict_path_sub, wp_model_sub)] self.token2idx += [Wp2idx(dict_path_sub, wp_model_sub)] elif unit_sub == 'char': self.idx2token += [Idx2char(dict_path_sub)] self.token2idx += [ Char2idx(dict_path_sub, nlsyms=nlsyms) ] elif 'phone' in unit_sub: self.idx2token += [Idx2phone(dict_path_sub)] self.token2idx += [Phone2idx(dict_path_sub)] else: raise ValueError(unit_sub) else: setattr(self, 'vocab_sub' + str(i), -1) # Load dataset tsv file self.df = pd.read_csv(tsv_path, encoding='utf-8', delimiter='\t') self.df = self.df.loc[:, [ 'utt_id', 'speaker', 'feat_path', 'xlen', 'xdim', 'text', 'token_id', 'ylen', 'ydim' ]] for i in range(1, 4): if locals()['tsv_path_sub' + str(i)]: df_sub = pd.read_csv(locals()['tsv_path_sub' + str(i)], encoding='utf-8', delimiter='\t') df_sub = df_sub.loc[:, [ 'utt_id', 'speaker', 'feat_path', 'xlen', 'xdim', 'text', 'token_id', 'ylen', 'ydim' ]] setattr(self, 'df_sub' + str(i), df_sub) else: setattr(self, 'df_sub' + str(i), None) if corpus == 'swbd': self.df['session'] = self.df['speaker'].apply( lambda x: str(x).split('-')[0]) else: self.df['session'] = self.df['speaker'].apply(lambda x: str(x)) if concat_prev_n_utterances > 0 or n_caches > 0: max_n_frames = 10000 min_n_frames = 1 # Sort by onset self.df = self.df.assign(prev_utt='') if corpus == 'swbd': self.df['onset'] = self.df['utt_id'].apply( lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1].split('-')[0])) elif corpus == 'csj': self.df['onset'] = self.df['utt_id'].apply( lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1])) else: raise NotImplementedError self.df = self.df.sort_values(by=['session', 'onset'], ascending=True) # Extract previous utterances if not (is_test and n_caches > 0): self.df = self.df.assign(line_no=list(range(len(self.df)))) groups = self.df.groupby('session').groups # dict self.df['prev_utt'] = self.df.apply(lambda x: [ self.df.loc[i, 'line_no'] for i in groups[x['session']] if self.df.loc[i, 'onset'] < x['onset'] ], axis=1) elif is_test and corpus == 'swbd': # Sort by onset self.df['onset'] = self.df['utt_id'].apply( lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1].split('-')[0])) self.df = self.df.sort_values(by=['session', 'onset'], ascending=True) if concat_prev_n_utterances > 0: assert n_caches == 0 self.pad_xlen = 20 # Truncate history self.df['prev_utt'] = self.df['prev_utt'].apply( lambda x: x[-concat_prev_n_utterances:]) # Update xlen, ylen, text self.pad_xlen = 20 self.df['xlen'] = self.df.apply(lambda x: sum([ self.df.loc[i, 'xlen'] + self.pad_xlen for i in x['prev_utt'] ] + [x['xlen']]) if len(x['prev_utt']) > 0 else x['xlen'], axis=1) # self.df['text'] = self.df.apply( # lambda x: ' '.join([self.df.loc[i, 'text'] # for i in x['prev_utt']] + [x['text']]) if len(x['prev_utt']) > 0 else x['text'], axis=1) if n_caches > 0: assert concat_prev_n_utterances == 0 # Remove inappropriate utterances if is_test: print('Original utterance num: %d' % len(self.df)) n_utts = len(self.df) self.df = self.df[self.df.apply(lambda x: x['ylen'] > 0, axis=1)] print('Removed %d empty utterances' % (n_utts - len(self.df))) else: print('Original utterance num: %d' % len(self.df)) n_utts = len(self.df) self.df = self.df[self.df.apply( lambda x: min_n_frames <= x['xlen'] <= max_n_frames, axis=1)] self.df = self.df[self.df.apply(lambda x: x['ylen'] > 0, axis=1)] print('Removed %d utterances (threshold)' % (n_utts - len(self.df))) if ctc and subsample_factor > 1: n_utts = len(self.df) self.df = self.df[self.df.apply( lambda x: x['ylen'] <= (x['xlen'] // subsample_factor), axis=1)] print('Removed %d utterances (for CTC)' % (n_utts - len(self.df))) for i in range(1, 4): df_sub = getattr(self, 'df_sub' + str(i)) ctc_sub = locals()['ctc_sub' + str(i)] subsample_factor_sub = locals()['subsample_factor_sub' + str(i)] if df_sub is not None: if ctc_sub and subsample_factor_sub > 1: df_sub = df_sub[df_sub.apply( lambda x: x['ylen'] <= (x['xlen'] // subsample_factor_sub), axis=1)] if len(self.df) != len(df_sub): n_utts = len(self.df) self.df = self.df.drop( self.df.index.difference(df_sub.index)) print('Removed %d utterances (for CTC, sub%d)' % (n_utts - len(self.df), i)) for j in range(1, i + 1): setattr( self, 'df_sub' + str(j), getattr(self, 'df_sub' + str(j)).drop( getattr(self, 'df_sub' + str(j)).index.difference( self.df.index))) # Sort tsv records if not is_test: if sort_by_input_length: self.df = self.df.sort_values(by='xlen', ascending=short2long) elif shuffle: self.df = self.df.reindex(np.random.permutation(self.df.index)) = set(list(self.df.index)) self.input_dim = kaldi_io.read_mat(self.df['feat_path'][0]).shape[-1]
def make_batch(self, df_indices): """Create mini-batch per step. Args: df_indices (np.ndarray): Returns: batch (dict): xs (list): input data of size `[T, input_dim]` xlens (list): lengths of each element in xs ys (list): reference labels in the main task of size `[L]` ys_sub1 (list): reference labels in the 1st auxiliary task of size `[L_sub1]` ys_sub2 (list): reference labels in the 2nd auxiliary task of size `[L_sub2]` ys_sub3 (list): reference labels in the 3rd auxiliary task of size `[L_sub3]` utt_ids (list): name of each utterance speakers (list): name of each speaker sessions (list): name of each session """ # inputs xs = [kaldi_io.read_mat(self.df['feat_path'][i]) for i in df_indices] if self.concat_prev_n_utterances > 0: for j, i in enumerate(df_indices): for idx in self.df['prev_utt'][i][::-1]: x_prev = kaldi_io.read_mat(self.df['feat_path'][idx]) xs[j] = np.concatenate([ x_prev, np.zeros((self.pad_xlen, self.input_dim), dtype=np.float32), xs[j] ], axis=0) # outputs ys = [ list(map(int, str(self.df['token_id'][i]).split())) for i in df_indices ] if self.concat_prev_n_utterances > 0: for j, i in enumerate(df_indices): for idx in self.df['prev_utt'][i][::-1]: y_prev = list( map(int, str(self.df['token_id'][idx]).split())) ys[j] = y_prev + [self.eos] + ys[j][:] ys_cache = [] if self.n_caches > 0: ys_cache = [[] for _ in range(len(df_indices))] for j, i in enumerate(df_indices): for idx in self.df['prev_utt'][i]: y_prev = list( map(int, str(self.df['token_id'][idx]).split())) ys_cache[j] += [self.eos] + y_prev # Truencate ys_cache = [y[-self.n_caches:] for y in ys_cache] ys_sub1 = [] if self.df_sub1 is not None: ys_sub1 = [ list(map(int, self.df_sub1['token_id'][i].split())) for i in df_indices ] if self.concat_prev_n_utterances > 0: for j, i in enumerate(df_indices): for idx in self.df['prev_utt'][i][::-1]: y_prev = list( map(int, str(self.df_sub1['token_id'][idx]).split())) ys_sub1[j] = y_prev + [self.eos] + ys_sub1[j][:] elif self.vocab_sub1 > 0: ys_sub1 = [ self.token2idx[1](self.df['text'][i]) for i in df_indices ] ys_sub2 = [] if self.df_sub2 is not None: ys_sub2 = [ list(map(int, self.df_sub2['token_id'][i].split())) for i in df_indices ] if self.concat_prev_n_utterances > 0: raise NotImplementedError elif self.vocab_sub2 > 0: ys_sub2 = [ self.token2idx[2](self.df['text'][i]) for i in df_indices ] ys_sub3 = [] if self.df_sub3 is not None: ys_sub3 = [ list(map(int, self.df_sub3['token_id'][i].split())) for i in df_indices ] if self.concat_prev_n_utterances > 0: raise NotImplementedError elif self.vocab_sub3 > 0: ys_sub3 = [ self.token2idx[3](self.df['text'][i]) for i in df_indices ] batch_dict = { 'xs': xs, 'xlens': [self.df['xlen'][i] for i in df_indices], 'ys': ys, 'ys_cache': ys_cache, 'ys_sub1': ys_sub1, 'ys_sub2': ys_sub2, 'ys_sub3': ys_sub3, 'utt_ids': [self.df['utt_id'][i] for i in df_indices], 'speakers': [self.df['speaker'][i] for i in df_indices], 'sessions': [self.df['session'][i] for i in df_indices], 'text': [self.df['text'][i] for i in df_indices], 'feat_path': [self.df['feat_path'][i] for i in df_indices] # for plot } return batch_dict