def fit_lmk3d(target_3d_lmks, model_fname, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords, weights, show_fitting=True): ''' Fit FLAME to 3D landmarks :param target_3d_lmks: target 3D landmarks provided as (num_lmks x 3) matrix :param model_fname: saved Tensorflow FLAME model :param lmk_face_idx: face indices of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology :param lmk_b_coords: barycentric coordinates of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology (i.e. weighting of the three vertices for the trinagle, the landmark is embedded in :param weights: weights of the individual objective functions :return: a mesh with the fitting results ''' tf_trans = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,3)), name="trans", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_rot = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,3)), name="pose", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_pose = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,12)), name="pose", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_shape = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,300)), name="shape", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_exp = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,100)), name="expression", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) smpl = SMPL(model_fname) tf_model = tf.squeeze(smpl(tf_trans, tf.concat((tf_shape, tf_exp), axis=-1), tf.concat((tf_rot, tf_pose), axis=-1))) with tf.Session() as session: lmks = tf_get_model_lmks(tf_model, smpl.f, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords) lmk_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(1000 * tf.subtract(lmks, target_3d_lmks))) neck_pose_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:,:3])) jaw_pose_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:,3:6])) eyeballs_pose_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:,6:])) shape_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_shape)) exp_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_exp)) # Optimize global transformation first vars = [tf_trans, tf_rot] loss = weights['lmk'] * lmk_dist optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6}) print('Optimize rigid transformation') optimizer.minimize(session) # Optimize for the model parameters vars = [tf_trans, tf_rot, tf_pose, tf_shape, tf_exp] loss = weights['lmk'] * lmk_dist + weights['shape'] * shape_reg + weights['expr'] * exp_reg + \ weights['neck_pose'] * neck_pose_reg + weights['jaw_pose'] * jaw_pose_reg + weights['eyeballs_pose'] * eyeballs_pose_reg optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6}) print('Optimize model parameters') optimizer.minimize(session) print('Fitting done') if show_fitting: # Visualize landmark fitting mv = MeshViewer() mv.set_static_meshes(create_lmk_spheres(target_3d_lmks, 0.001, [255.0, 0.0, 0.0])) mv.set_dynamic_meshes([Mesh(, smpl.f)] + create_lmk_spheres(, 0.001, [0.0, 0.0, 255.0]), blocking=True) six.moves.input('Press key to continue') return Mesh(, smpl.f)
def fit_lmk2d(target_img, target_2d_lmks, template_fname, model_fname, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords, weights): ''' Fit FLAME to 2D landmarks :param target_2d_lmks: target 2D landmarks provided as (num_lmks x 3) matrix :param template_fname: template mesh in FLAME topology (only the face information are used) :param model_fname: saved FLAME model :param lmk_face_idx: face indices of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology :param lmk_b_coords: barycentric coordinates of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology (i.e. weighting of the three vertices for the trinagle, the landmark is embedded in :param weights: weights of the individual objective functions :return: a mesh with the fitting results ''' template_mesh = Mesh(filename=template_fname) tf_trans = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1, 3)), name="trans", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_rot = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1, 3)), name="pose", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_pose = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1, 12)), name="pose", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_shape = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1, 300)), name="shape", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_exp = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1, 100)), name="expression", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) smpl = SMPL(model_fname) tf_model = tf.squeeze( smpl(tf_trans, tf.concat((tf_shape, tf_exp), axis=-1), tf.concat((tf_rot, tf_pose), axis=-1))) with tf.Session() as session: # Mirror landmark y-coordinates target_2d_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - target_2d_lmks[:, 1] lmks_3d = tf_get_model_lmks(tf_model, template_mesh, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords) s2d = np.mean( np.linalg.norm(target_2d_lmks - np.mean(target_2d_lmks, axis=0), axis=1)) s3d = tf.reduce_mean( tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(lmks_3d - tf.reduce_mean(lmks_3d, axis=0))[:, :2], axis=1))) tf_scale = tf.Variable(s2d / s3d, dtype=lmks_3d.dtype) # trans = 0.5*np.array((target_img.shape[0], target_img.shape[1]))/tf_scale # trans = 0.5 * s3d * np.array((target_img.shape[0], target_img.shape[1])) / s2d lmks_proj_2d = tf_project_points(lmks_3d, tf_scale, np.zeros(2)) factor = max( max(target_2d_lmks[:, 0]) - min(target_2d_lmks[:, 0]), max(target_2d_lmks[:, 1]) - min(target_2d_lmks[:, 1])) lmk_dist = weights['lmk'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.subtract(lmks_proj_2d, target_2d_lmks))) / (factor**2) neck_pose_reg = weights['neck_pose'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf_pose[:3])) jaw_pose_reg = weights['jaw_pose'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf_pose[3:6])) eyeballs_pose_reg = weights['eyeballs_pose'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf_pose[6:])) shape_reg = weights['shape'] * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_shape)) exp_reg = weights['expr'] * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_exp)) def on_step(verts, scale, faces, target_img, target_lmks, opt_lmks, lmk_dist=0.0, shape_reg=0.0, exp_reg=0.0, neck_pose_reg=0.0, jaw_pose_reg=0.0, eyeballs_pose_reg=0.0): import cv2 import sys import numpy as np from psbody.mesh import Mesh from utils.render_mesh import render_mesh if lmk_dist > 0.0 or shape_reg > 0.0 or exp_reg > 0.0 or neck_pose_reg > 0.0 or jaw_pose_reg > 0.0 or eyeballs_pose_reg > 0.0: print( 'lmk_dist: %f, shape_reg: %f, exp_reg: %f, neck_pose_reg: %f, jaw_pose_reg: %f, eyeballs_pose_reg: %f' % (lmk_dist, shape_reg, exp_reg, neck_pose_reg, jaw_pose_reg, eyeballs_pose_reg)) plt_target_lmks = target_lmks.copy() plt_target_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - plt_target_lmks[:, 1] for (x, y) in plt_target_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) plt_opt_lmks = opt_lmks.copy() plt_opt_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - plt_opt_lmks[:, 1] for (x, y) in plt_opt_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): rendered_img = render_mesh(Mesh(scale * verts, faces), height=target_img.shape[0], width=target_img.shape[1]) for (x, y) in plt_opt_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) target_img = np.hstack((target_img, rendered_img)) cv2.imshow('img', target_img) cv2.waitKey(10) print('Optimize rigid transformation') vars = [tf_scale, tf_trans, tf_rot] loss = lmk_dist optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6 }) optimizer.minimize(session, fetches=[ tf_model, tf_scale, tf.constant(template_mesh.f), tf.constant(target_img), tf.constant(target_2d_lmks), lmks_proj_2d ], loss_callback=on_step) print('Optimize model parameters') vars = [tf_scale, tf_trans[:2], tf_rot, tf_pose, tf_shape, tf_exp] loss = lmk_dist + shape_reg + exp_reg + neck_pose_reg + jaw_pose_reg + eyeballs_pose_reg optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'disp': 0, 'ftol': 1e-7 }) optimizer.minimize(session, fetches=[ tf_model, tf_scale, tf.constant(template_mesh.f), tf.constant(target_img), tf.constant(target_2d_lmks), lmks_proj_2d, lmk_dist, shape_reg, exp_reg, neck_pose_reg, jaw_pose_reg, eyeballs_pose_reg ], loss_callback=on_step) print('Fitting done') np_verts, np_scale =[tf_model, tf_scale]) def _get_verts(expr): assign_expr = tf.assign(tf_exp, expr[np.newaxis, :])[assign_expr]) _verts, _scale =[tf_model, tf_scale]) return _verts expr_basis = [] neutral_verts = _get_verts(np.zeros((100), np.float64)) for i in range(100): expr_i = np.zeros((100), np.float64) expr_i[i] = 1 verts_i = _get_verts(expr_i) - neutral_verts expr_basis.append(verts_i.flatten()) expr_basis = np.asarray(expr_basis, np.float32).transpose(1, 0) return Mesh(np_verts, template_mesh.f), np_scale, expr_basis
def fit_lmk2d(target_img, target_2d_lmks, template_fname, tf_model_fname, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords, weights): ''' Fit FLAME to 2D landmarks :param target_2d_lmks: target 2D landmarks provided as (num_lmks x 3) matrix :param template_fname: template mesh in FLAME topology (only the face information are used) :param tf_model_fname: saved Tensorflow FLAME model :param lmk_face_idx: face indices of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology :param lmk_b_coords: barycentric coordinates of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology (i.e. weighting of the three vertices for the trinagle, the landmark is embedded in :param weights: weights of the individual objective functions :return: a mesh with the fitting results ''' template_mesh = Mesh(filename=template_fname) saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(tf_model_fname + '.meta') graph = tf.get_default_graph() tf_model = graph.get_tensor_by_name(u'vertices:0') with tf.Session() as session: saver.restore(session, tf_model_fname) # Workaround as existing tf.Variable cannot be retrieved back with tf.get_variable # tf_v_template = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'v_template' in][0] tf_trans = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'trans' in][0] tf_rot = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'rot' in][0] tf_pose = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'pose' in][0] tf_shape = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'shape' in][0] tf_exp = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'exp' in][0] # Mirror landmark y-coordinates target_2d_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - target_2d_lmks[:, 1] lmks_3d = tf_get_model_lmks(tf_model, template_mesh, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords) s2d = np.mean( np.linalg.norm(target_2d_lmks - np.mean(target_2d_lmks, axis=0), axis=1)) s3d = tf.reduce_mean( tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(lmks_3d - tf.reduce_mean(lmks_3d, axis=0))[:, :2], axis=1))) tf_scale = tf.Variable(s2d / s3d, dtype=lmks_3d.dtype) # trans = 0.5*np.array((target_img.shape[0], target_img.shape[1]))/tf_scale # trans = 0.5 * s3d * np.array((target_img.shape[0], target_img.shape[1])) / s2d lmks_proj_2d = tf_project_points(lmks_3d, tf_scale, np.zeros(2)) factor = max( max(target_2d_lmks[:, 0]) - min(target_2d_lmks[:, 0]), max(target_2d_lmks[:, 1]) - min(target_2d_lmks[:, 1])) lmk_dist = weights['lmk'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.subtract(lmks_proj_2d, target_2d_lmks))) / (factor**2) neck_pose_reg = weights['neck_pose'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf_pose[:3])) jaw_pose_reg = weights['jaw_pose'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf_pose[3:6])) eyeballs_pose_reg = weights['eyeballs_pose'] * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf_pose[6:])) shape_reg = weights['shape'] * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_shape)) exp_reg = weights['expr'] * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_exp)) def on_step(verts, scale, faces, target_img, target_lmks, opt_lmks, lmk_dist=0.0, shape_reg=0.0, exp_reg=0.0, neck_pose_reg=0.0, jaw_pose_reg=0.0, eyeballs_pose_reg=0.0): import cv2 import sys import numpy as np from psbody.mesh import Mesh from utils.render_mesh import render_mesh if lmk_dist > 0.0 or shape_reg > 0.0 or exp_reg > 0.0 or neck_pose_reg > 0.0 or jaw_pose_reg > 0.0 or eyeballs_pose_reg > 0.0: print( 'lmk_dist: %f, shape_reg: %f, exp_reg: %f, neck_pose_reg: %f, jaw_pose_reg: %f, eyeballs_pose_reg: %f' % (lmk_dist, shape_reg, exp_reg, neck_pose_reg, jaw_pose_reg, eyeballs_pose_reg)) plt_target_lmks = target_lmks.copy() plt_target_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - plt_target_lmks[:, 1] for (x, y) in plt_target_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) plt_opt_lmks = opt_lmks.copy() plt_opt_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - plt_opt_lmks[:, 1] for (x, y) in plt_opt_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): rendered_img = render_mesh(Mesh(scale * verts, faces), height=target_img.shape[0], width=target_img.shape[1]) for (x, y) in plt_opt_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) target_img = np.hstack((target_img, rendered_img)) cv2.imshow('img', target_img) cv2.waitKey(10) print('Optimize rigid transformation') vars = [tf_scale, tf_trans, tf_rot] loss = lmk_dist optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6 }) optimizer.minimize(session, fetches=[ tf_model, tf_scale, tf.constant(template_mesh.f), tf.constant(target_img), tf.constant(target_2d_lmks), lmks_proj_2d ], loss_callback=on_step) print('Optimize model parameters') vars = [tf_scale, tf_trans[:2], tf_rot, tf_pose, tf_shape, tf_exp] loss = lmk_dist + shape_reg + exp_reg + neck_pose_reg + jaw_pose_reg + eyeballs_pose_reg optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'disp': 0, 'ftol': 1e-7 }) optimizer.minimize(session, fetches=[ tf_model, tf_scale, tf.constant(template_mesh.f), tf.constant(target_img), tf.constant(target_2d_lmks), lmks_proj_2d, lmk_dist, shape_reg, exp_reg, neck_pose_reg, jaw_pose_reg, eyeballs_pose_reg ], loss_callback=on_step) print('Fitting done') np_verts, np_scale =[tf_model, tf_scale]) return Mesh(np_verts, template_mesh.f), np_scale
def fit_lmk2d(target_img, target_2d_lmks, model_fname, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords, weights, visualize): ''' Fit FLAME to 2D landmarks :param target_2d_lmks target 2D landmarks provided as (num_lmks x 3) matrix :param model_fname saved FLAME model :param lmk_face_idx face indices of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology :param lmk_b_coords barycentric coordinates of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology (i.e. weighting of the three vertices for the trinagle, the landmark is embedded in :param weights weights of the individual objective functions :param visualize visualize fitting progress :return: a mesh with the fitting results ''' ''' pred_types = {'face': pred_type(slice(0, 17), (0.682, 0.780, 0.909, 0.5)), 'eyebrow1': pred_type(slice(17, 22), (1.0, 0.498, 0.055, 0.4)), 'eyebrow2': pred_type(slice(22, 27), (1.0, 0.498, 0.055, 0.4)), 'nose': pred_type(slice(27, 31), (0.345, 0.239, 0.443, 0.4)), 'nostril': pred_type(slice(31, 36), (0.345, 0.239, 0.443, 0.4)), 'eye1': pred_type(slice(36, 42), (0.596, 0.875, 0.541, 0.3)), 'eye2': pred_type(slice(42, 48), (0.596, 0.875, 0.541, 0.3)), 'lips': pred_type(slice(48, 60), (0.596, 0.875, 0.541, 0.3)), 'teeth': pred_type(slice(60, 68), (0.596, 0.875, 0.541, 0.4)) } ''' lmks_weights = [[1,1]] * 68 for idx in range(36, 48): lmks_weights[idx] = [100, 100] tf_lmks_weights = tf.constant( lmks_weights, tf.float64 ) tf_trans = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,3)), name="trans", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_rot = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,3)), name="rot", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_pose = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,12)), name="pose", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_shape = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,300)), name="shape", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) tf_exp = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,100)), name="expression", dtype=tf.float64, trainable=True) smpl = SMPL(model_fname) tf_model = tf.squeeze(smpl(tf_trans, tf.concat((tf_shape, tf_exp), axis=-1), tf.concat((tf_rot, tf_pose), axis=-1))) with tf.Session() as session: # # Mirror landmark y-coordinates target_2d_lmks[:,1] = target_img.shape[0]-target_2d_lmks[:,1] lmks_3d = tf_get_model_lmks(tf_model, smpl.f, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords) s2d = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(target_2d_lmks-np.mean(target_2d_lmks, axis=0), axis=1)) s3d = tf.reduce_mean(tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(lmks_3d-tf.reduce_mean(lmks_3d, axis=0))[:, :2], axis=1))) tf_scale = tf.Variable(s2d/s3d, dtype=lmks_3d.dtype) # trans = 0.5*np.array((target_img.shape[0], target_img.shape[1]))/tf_scale # trans = 0.5 * s3d * np.array((target_img.shape[0], target_img.shape[1])) / s2d lmks_proj_2d = tf_project_points(lmks_3d, tf_scale, np.zeros(2)) factor = max(max(target_2d_lmks[:,0]) - min(target_2d_lmks[:,0]),max(target_2d_lmks[:,1]) - min(target_2d_lmks[:,1])) #lmk_dist = weights['lmk']*tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(lmks_proj_2d, target_2d_lmks))) / (factor ** 2) lmk_dist = weights['lmk']*tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.subtract(lmks_proj_2d, target_2d_lmks)) * tf_lmks_weights ) / (factor ** 2) neck_pose_reg = weights['neck_pose']*tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:,:3])) jaw_pose_reg = weights['jaw_pose']*tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:,3:6])) eyeballs_pose_reg = weights['eyeballs_pose']*tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:,6:])) shape_reg = weights['shape']*tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_shape)) exp_reg = weights['expr']*tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_exp)) if visualize: def on_step(verts, scale, faces, target_img, target_lmks, opt_lmks, lmk_dist=0.0, shape_reg=0.0, exp_reg=0.0, neck_pose_reg=0.0, jaw_pose_reg=0.0, eyeballs_pose_reg=0.0): import cv2 import sys import numpy as np from psbody.mesh import Mesh from utils.render_mesh import render_mesh if lmk_dist>0.0 or shape_reg>0.0 or exp_reg>0.0 or neck_pose_reg>0.0 or jaw_pose_reg>0.0 or eyeballs_pose_reg>0.0: print('lmk_dist: %f, shape_reg: %f, exp_reg: %f, neck_pose_reg: %f, jaw_pose_reg: %f, eyeballs_pose_reg: %f' % (lmk_dist, shape_reg, exp_reg, neck_pose_reg, jaw_pose_reg, eyeballs_pose_reg)) plt_target_lmks = target_lmks.copy() plt_target_lmks[:, 1] = target_img.shape[0] - plt_target_lmks[:, 1] for (x, y) in plt_target_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) plt_opt_lmks = opt_lmks.copy() plt_opt_lmks[:,1] = target_img.shape[0] - plt_opt_lmks[:,1] for (x, y) in plt_opt_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): rendered_img = render_mesh(Mesh(scale*verts, faces), height=target_img.shape[0], width=target_img.shape[1]) for (x, y) in plt_opt_lmks:, (int(x), int(y)), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) target_img = np.hstack((target_img, rendered_img)) #cv2.imshow('img', target_img) #cv2.waitKey(10) else: def on_step(*_): pass print('Optimize rigid transformation') vars = [tf_scale, tf_trans, tf_rot] loss = lmk_dist optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6}) optimizer.minimize(session, fetches=[tf_model, tf_scale, tf.constant(smpl.f), tf.constant(target_img), tf.constant(target_2d_lmks), lmks_proj_2d], loss_callback=on_step) print('Optimize model parameters') vars = [tf_scale, tf_trans[:2], tf_rot, tf_pose, tf_shape, tf_exp] loss = lmk_dist + shape_reg + exp_reg + neck_pose_reg + jaw_pose_reg + eyeballs_pose_reg optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': 0, 'ftol': 1e-7}) optimizer.minimize(session, fetches=[tf_model, tf_scale, tf.constant(smpl.f), tf.constant(target_img), tf.constant(target_2d_lmks), lmks_proj_2d, lmk_dist, shape_reg, exp_reg, neck_pose_reg, jaw_pose_reg, eyeballs_pose_reg], loss_callback=on_step) print('Fitting done') np_verts, np_scale =[tf_model, tf_scale]) return Mesh(np_verts, smpl.f), np_scale
def fit_lmk3d(target_3d_lmks, template_fname, tf_model_fname, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords, weights, show_fitting=True): ''' Fit FLAME to 3D landmarks :param target_3d_lmks: target 3D landmarks provided as (num_lmks x 3) matrix :param template_fname: template mesh in FLAME topology (only the face information are used) :param tf_model_fname: saved Tensorflow FLAME model :param lmk_face_idx: face indices of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology :param lmk_b_coords: barycentric coordinates of the landmark embedding in the FLAME topology (i.e. weighting of the three vertices for the trinagle, the landmark is embedded in :param weights: weights of the individual objective functions :return: a mesh with the fitting results ''' template_mesh = Mesh(filename=template_fname) saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(tf_model_fname + '.meta') graph = tf.get_default_graph() tf_model = graph.get_tensor_by_name(u'vertices:0') with tf.Session() as session: saver.restore(session, tf_model_fname) # Workaround as existing tf.Variable cannot be retrieved back with tf.get_variable # tf_v_template = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'v_template' in][0] tf_trans = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'trans' in][0] tf_rot = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'rot' in][0] tf_pose = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'pose' in][0] tf_shape = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'shape' in][0] tf_exp = [x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if 'exp' in][0] lmks = tf_get_model_lmks(tf_model, template_mesh, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords) lmk_dist = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(1000 * tf.subtract(lmks, target_3d_lmks))) neck_pose_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[:3])) jaw_pose_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[3:6])) eyeballs_pose_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_pose[6:])) shape_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_shape)) exp_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf_exp)) # Optimize global transformation first vars = [tf_trans, tf_rot] loss = weights['lmk'] * lmk_dist optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6 }) print('Optimize rigid transformation') optimizer.minimize(session) # Optimize for the model parameters vars = [tf_trans, tf_rot, tf_pose, tf_shape, tf_exp] loss = weights['lmk'] * lmk_dist + weights['shape'] * shape_reg + weights['expr'] * exp_reg + \ weights['neck_pose'] * neck_pose_reg + weights['jaw_pose'] * jaw_pose_reg + weights['eyeballs_pose'] * eyeballs_pose_reg optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=vars, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'disp': 1, 'ftol': 5e-6 }) print('Optimize model parameters') optimizer.minimize(session) print('Fitting done') if show_fitting: # Visualize landmark fitting mv = MeshViewer() mv.set_static_meshes( create_lmk_spheres(target_3d_lmks, 0.001, [255.0, 0.0, 0.0])) mv.set_dynamic_meshes( [Mesh(, template_mesh.f)] + create_lmk_spheres(, 0.001, [0.0, 0.0, 255.0]), blocking=True) six.moves.input('Press key to continue') return Mesh(, template_mesh.f)