def settings_ivlist(self): try: identifier = request.args.get('id') current_mons = self._data_manager.get_data(identifier)['mon_ids_iv'] except Exception as err: current_mons = [] all_pokemon = self.get_pokemon() mondata = all_pokemon['mondata'] current_mons_list = [] for mon_id in current_mons: try: mon_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]) except KeyError: mon_name = "No-name-in-file-please-fix" current_mons_list.append({"mon_name": mon_name, "mon_id": str(mon_id)}) required_data = { 'identifier': 'id', 'base_uri': '/api/monivlist', 'redirect': '/settings/ivlists', 'html_single': 'settings_singleivlist.html', 'html_all': 'settings_ivlists.html', 'subtab': 'monivlist', 'passthrough': { 'current_mons_list': current_mons_list } } return self.process_element(**required_data)
def get_mons(): mons = [] monList =[] mondata = open_json_file('pokemon') with open('raidmons.json') as f: raidmon = json.load(f) for mons in raidmon: for mon in mons['DexID']: lvl = mons['Level'] if str(mon).find("_") > -1: mon_split = str(mon).split("_") mon = mon_split[0] frmadd = mon_split[1] else: frmadd = "00" mon = '{:03d}'.format(int(mon)) monPic = '/asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png' monName = 'unknown' monid = int(mon) if str(monid) in mondata: monName = i8ln(mondata[str(monid)]["name"]) monJson = ({'filename': monPic, 'mon': monid, 'name': monName, 'lvl': lvl}) monList.append(monJson) return jsonify(monList)
def get_map_mons(self): import traceback neLat, neLon, swLat, swLon, oNeLat, oNeLon, oSwLat, oSwLon = getBoundParameter( request) timestamp = request.args.get("timestamp", None) data = self._db.get_mons_in_rectangle(neLat=neLat, neLon=neLon, swLat=swLat, swLon=swLon, oNeLat=oNeLat, oNeLon=oNeLon, oSwLat=oSwLat, oSwLon=oSwLon, timestamp=timestamp) mons_raw = {} for i, mon in enumerate(data): try: id = data[i]["mon_id"] if str(id) in mons_raw: mon_raw = mons_raw[str(id)] else: mon_raw = get_raid_boss_cp(id) mons_raw[str(id)] = mon_raw data[i]["encounter_id"] = str(data[i]["encounter_id"]) data[i]["name"] = i8ln(mon_raw["name"]) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify(data)
def game_stats_mon(self): minutes_spawn = request.args.get('minutes_spawn', 10) # Spawn iv = [] noniv = [] sumg = [] sumup = {} data = self._db_stats_reader.get_pokemon_count(minutes_spawn) for dat in data: if dat[2] == 1: iv.append([(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000), dat[1]]) else: noniv.append([(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000), dat[1]]) if (self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000) in sumup: sumup[(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000)] += dat[1] else: sumup[(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000)] = dat[1] for dat in sumup: sumg.append([dat, sumup[dat]]) spawn = {'iv': iv, 'noniv': noniv, 'sum': sumg} # good_spawns avg good_spawns = [] data = self._db_stats_reader.get_best_pokemon_spawns() if data is not None: for dat in data: mon = "%03d" % dat[1] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat[1])) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) if self._args.db_method == "rm": lvl = calculate_mon_level(dat[6]) else: lvl = dat[6] good_spawns.append({ 'id': dat[1], 'iv': round(calculate_iv(dat[3], dat[4], dat[5]), 0), 'lvl': lvl, 'cp': dat[7], 'img': monPic, 'name': monName, 'periode': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.utc2local( dat[2])).strftime(self._datetimeformat) }) stats = {'spawn': spawn, 'good_spawns': good_spawns} return jsonify(stats)
def generate_quest(quest): gettext.find('quest', 'locales', all=True) lang = gettext.translation('quest', localedir='locale', fallback=True) lang.install() quest_reward_type = questreward(quest['quest_reward_type']) quest_type = questtype(quest['quest_type']) if '{0}' in quest_type: quest_type = quest_type.replace('{0}', str(quest['quest_target'])) item_id = 0 item_amount = 1 pokemon_id = '000' pokemon_name = '' item_type = '' pokemon_form = extractForm(quest["quest_reward"]) if quest_reward_type == _('Item'): item_amount = quest['quest_item_amount'] item_type = rewarditem(quest['quest_item_id']) item_id = quest['quest_item_id'] elif quest_reward_type == _('Stardust'): item_amount = quest['quest_stardust'] item_type = _('Stardust') elif quest_reward_type == _('Pokemon'): item_type = 'Pokemon' pokemon_name = i8ln(pokemonname(str(quest['quest_pokemon_id']))) pokemon_id = quest['quest_pokemon_id'] if not quest['task']: quest_task = questtask( quest['quest_type'], quest['quest_condition'], quest['quest_target']) else: quest_task = quest['task'] quest_raw = ({ 'pokestop_id': quest['pokestop_id'], 'name': quest['name'], 'url': quest['image'], 'latitude': quest['latitude'], 'longitude': quest['longitude'], 'timestamp': quest['quest_timestamp'], 'item_id': item_id, 'item_amount': item_amount, 'item_type': item_type, 'pokemon_id': pokemon_id, 'pokemon_name': pokemon_name, 'pokemon_form': pokemon_form, 'quest_type': quest_type, 'quest_type_raw': quest['quest_type'], 'quest_reward_type': quest_reward_type, 'quest_reward_type_raw': quest['quest_reward_type'], 'quest_task': quest_task, 'quest_target': quest['quest_target'], 'quest_condition': quest['quest_condition'], 'quest_template': quest['quest_template'] }) return quest_raw
def get_pokemon(self): mondata = open_json_file('pokemon') # Why o.O stripped_mondata = {} for mon_id in mondata: stripped_mondata[mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]] = mon_id if os.environ['LANGUAGE'] != "en": try: localized_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]) stripped_mondata[localized_name] = mon_id except KeyError: pass return {'mondata': mondata, 'locale': stripped_mondata}
def generate_quest(quest): gettext.find('quest', 'locales', all=True) lang = gettext.translation('quest', localedir='locale', fallback=True) lang.install() pokestop_id = (quest['pokestop_id']) quest_reward_type = (questreward(quest['quest_reward_type'])) quest_reward_type_raw = quest['quest_reward_type'] quest_type_raw = quest['quest_type'] quest_type = (questtype(quest['quest_type'])) quest_condition = quest['quest_condition'] name = quest['name'] latitude = quest['latitude'] longitude = quest['longitude'] url = quest['image'] timestamp = quest['quest_timestamp'] quest_target = str(quest['quest_target']) if quest_reward_type == _("Item"): item_amount = str(quest['quest_item_amount']) item_id = quest['quest_item_id'] item_type = str(rewarditem(quest['quest_item_id'])) pokemon_id = "0" pokemon_name = "" elif quest_reward_type == _("Stardust"): item_amount = str(quest['quest_stardust']) item_type = _("Stardust") item_id = "000" pokemon_id = "0" pokemon_name = "" elif quest_reward_type == _("Pokemon"): item_amount = "1" item_type = "Pokemon" item_id = "000" pokemon_name = i8ln(pokemonname(str(quest['quest_pokemon_id']))) pokemon_id = str(quest['quest_pokemon_id']) if '{0}' in quest_type: quest_type_text = quest_type.replace('{0}', quest_target) if not quest['task']: quest_task = questtask(quest['quest_type'], quest['quest_condition'], quest['quest_target']) else: quest_task = quest['task'] quest_raw = ({'pokestop_id': pokestop_id, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'quest_type_raw': quest_type_raw, 'quest_type': quest_type_text, 'quest_condition': quest_condition, 'item_amount': item_amount, 'item_type': item_type, 'quest_target': quest_target, 'name': name, 'url': url, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'pokemon_id': pokemon_id, 'item_id': item_id, 'pokemon_name': pokemon_name, 'quest_reward_type': quest_reward_type, 'quest_reward_type_raw': quest_reward_type_raw, 'quest_task': quest_task, 'quest_condition': quest_condition}) return quest_raw
def get_raids(): raids = [] eggIdsByLevel = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3] data = db_wrapper.get_gym_infos() mondata = open_json_file('pokemon') hashdata = json.loads(getAllHash('raid')) for file in glob.glob("ocr/www_hash/raid_*.jpg"): unkfile ='raid_(-?\d+)_(-?\d+)_((?s).*)\.jpg', file) hashvalue = ( if str(hashvalue) in hashdata: monName = 'unknown' raidjson = hashdata[str(hashvalue)]["id"] count = hashdata[hashvalue]["count"] modify = hashdata[hashvalue]["modify"] raidHash_ = decodeHashJson(raidjson) gymid = raidHash_[0] lvl = raidHash_[1] mon = int(raidHash_[2]) monid = int(raidHash_[2]) mon = "%03d" % mon if mon == '000': type = 'egg' monPic = '' else: type = 'mon' monPic = '/asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png' if str(monid) in mondata: monName = i8ln(mondata[str(monid)]["name"]) eggId = eggIdsByLevel[int(lvl) - 1] if eggId == 1: eggPic = '/asset/static_assets/png/ic_raid_egg_normal.png' if eggId == 2: eggPic = '/asset/static_assets/png/ic_raid_egg_rare.png' if eggId == 3: eggPic = '/asset/static_assets/png/ic_raid_egg_legendary.png' creationdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(creation_date(file)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if conf_args.madmin_time == "12": creationdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(creationdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p') modify = datetime.datetime.strptime(modify, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p') name = 'unknown' lat = '0' lon = '0' url = '0' description = '' gymImage = 'ocr/gym_img/_' + str(gymid) + '_.jpg' if str(gymid) in data: name = data[str(gymid)]["name"].replace("\\", r"\\").replace('"', '') lat = data[str(gymid)]["latitude"] lon = data[str(gymid)]["longitude"] if data[str(gymid)]["description"]: description = data[str(gymid)]["description"].replace("\\", r"\\").replace('"', '').replace("\n", "") raidJson = ({'id': gymid, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'hashvalue': hashvalue, 'filename': file[4:], 'name': name, 'description': description, 'gymimage': gymImage, 'count': count, 'creation': creationdate, 'modify': modify, 'level': lvl, 'mon': mon, 'type': type, 'eggPic': eggPic, 'monPic': monPic, 'monname': monName }) raids.append(raidJson) else: log.debug("File: " + str(file) + " not found in Database") os.remove(str(file)) continue return jsonify(raids)
def questtask(typeid, condition, target): gettext.find('quest', 'locales', all=True) lang = gettext.translation('quest', localedir='locale', fallback=True) lang.install() pokemonTypes = open_json_file('pokemonTypes') items = open_json_file('items') throwTypes = {"10": _("Nice"), "11": _("Great"), "12": _("Excellent"), "13": _("Curveball")} arr = {} arr['0'] = target text = questtype(typeid) if typeid == 4: arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" text = _("Catch {0} {type}Pokemon{wb}.") match_object ='"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ') else: for ty in pt: arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \ pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (_('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ') cur += 1 if"'type': 3", condition) is not None: arr['wb'] = _(" with weather boost") match_object ='"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0])) else: for ty in pt: arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \ i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ('' if last == cur else ', ') cur += 1 text = _('Catch {0} {poke}.') elif typeid == 5: text = _("Spin {0} Pokestops or Gyms.") if'"type": 12', condition) is not None: text = _("Spin {0} never visited Pokestops or Gyms.") elif typeid == 6: text = _("Hatch {0} Eggs.") elif typeid == 7: if'"type": 9', condition) is not None: text = _("Win {0} Gym Battles.") elif'"type": 10', condition) is not None: text = _("Use a supereffective Charged Attack in {0} Gym battles.") else: text = _("Battle in a Gym {0} times.") elif typeid == 8: if'"type": 6', condition) is not None: text = _("Win {0} Raids.") if'"raid_level": \[3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None: text = _('Win a level 3 or higher raid.') if'"raid_level": \[2, 3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None: text = _('Win a level 2 or higher raid.') else: text = _("Battle in {0} Raids.") elif typeid == 10: text = _("Transfer {0} Pokemon.") elif typeid == 11: test = _("Favourite {0} Pokemon.") elif typeid == 13: text = _('Use {0} {type}Berries to help catch Pokemon.') arr['type'] = "" match_object ='"item": ([0-9]+)', condition) if match_object is not None: arr['type'] = items[ 1)]['name'].replace(_(' Berry'), '')+" " elif typeid == 14: text = _('Power up Pokemon {0} times.') elif typeid == 15: text = _("Evolve {0} Pokemon.") # [{'type': 1, 'with_pokemon_type': {'pokemon_type': [12]}}] if'"type": 11', condition) is not None: text = _("Use an item to evolve a Pokemon.") elif'"type": 1', condition) is not None: text = _("Evolve {0} {type}Pokemon") arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" match_object = r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ') else: for ty in pt: arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + pokemonTypes[ty].title() + ( _('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ') cur += 1 elif'"type": 2', condition) is not None: arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" match_object = r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0])) else: for ty in pt: arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ( '' if last == cur else ', ') cur += 1 text = _('Evolve {0} {poke}.') elif typeid == 16: arr['inrow'] = "" arr['curve'] = "" arr['type'] = "" if'"type": 14', condition) is not None: arr['inrow'] = _(" in a row") if'"type": 15', condition) is not None: arr['curve'] = _("Curveball ") match_object ='"throw_type": ([0-9]{2})', condition) if match_object is not None: arr['type'] = throwTypes[]+" " text = _("Make {0} {type}{curve}Throws{inrow}.") elif typeid == 17: text = _('Earn {0} Candies walking with your buddy.') elif typeid == 23: text = _('Trade {0} Pokemon.') elif typeid == 24: text = _('Send {0} gifts to friends.') if int(target) == int(1): text = text.replace(_(' Eggs'), _('n Egg')) text = text.replace(_(' Raids'), _(' Raid')) text = text.replace(_(' Battles'), _(' Battle')) text = text.replace(_(' candies'), _(' candy')) text = text.replace(_(' gifts'), _(' gift')) text = text.replace(_(' {0} times'), '') arr['0'] = _("a") for key, val in arr.items(): text = text.replace('{'+key+'}', str(val)) text = text.replace(' .', '.') text = text.replace(' ', ' ') return text
def questtask(typeid, condition, target): gettext.find('quest', 'locales', all=True) lang = gettext.translation('quest', localedir='locale', fallback=True) lang.install() pokemonTypes = open_json_file('pokemonTypes') items = open_json_file('items') throwTypes = {"10": _("Nice"), "11": _("Great"), "12": _("Excellent"), "13": _("Curveball")} arr = {} arr['0'] = target text = questtype(typeid) if typeid == 4: arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" arr['different'] = "" text = _("Catch {0}{different} {type}Pokemon{wb}") match_object ='"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ') else: for ty in pt: arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \ pokemonTypes[ty].title() + (_('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ') cur += 1 if'"type": 3', condition) is not None: arr['wb'] = _(" with weather boost") elif'"type": 21', condition) is not None: arr['different'] = _(" different species of") match_object ='"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0])) else: for ty in pt: arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + \ i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ('' if last == cur else ', ') cur += 1 text = _('Catch {0} {poke}') elif typeid == 5: text = _("Spin {0} Pokestops or Gyms") if'"type": 12', condition) is not None: text = _("Spin {0} Pokestops you haven't visited before") elif typeid == 6: text = _("Hatch {0} Eggs") elif typeid == 7: if'"type": 9', condition) is not None: text = _("Win {0} Gym Battles") elif'"type": 10', condition) is not None: text = _("Use a supereffective Charged Attack in {0} Gym battles") else: text = _("Battle in a Gym {0} times") elif typeid == 8: if'"type": 6', condition) is not None: text = _("Win {0} Raids") if'"raid_level": \[3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None: text = _('Win a level 3 or higher raid') if'"raid_level": \[2, 3, 4, 5\]', condition) is not None: text = _('Win a level 2 or higher raid') else: text = _("Battle in {0} Raids") elif typeid == 10: text = _("Transfer {0} Pokemon") elif typeid == 11: text = _("Favourite {0} Pokemon") elif typeid == 13: text = _('Use {0} {type}Berries to help catch Pokemon') arr['type'] = "" match_object ='"item": ([0-9]+)', condition) if match_object is not None: arr['type'] = items[ 1)]['name'].replace(_(' Berry'), '')+" " elif typeid == 14: text = _('Power up Pokemon {0} times') elif typeid == 15: text = _("Evolve {0} Pokemon") if'"type": 11', condition) is not None: text = _("Use an item to evolve a Pokemon") elif'"type": 1', condition) is not None: text = _("Evolve {0} {type}Pokemon") arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" match_object = r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ') else: for ty in pt: arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + pokemonTypes[ty].title() + ( _('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ') cur += 1 elif'"type": 2', condition) is not None: arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" match_object = r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0])) else: for ty in pt: arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ( '' if last == cur else ', ') cur += 1 text = _('Evolve {0} {poke}') elif typeid == 16: arr['inrow'] = "" arr['curve'] = "" arr['type'] = "" if'"type": 14', condition) is not None: arr['inrow'] = _(" in a row") if'"type": 15', condition) is not None: arr['curve'] = _("Curveball ") match_object ='"throw_type": ([0-9]{2})', condition) if match_object is not None: arr['type'] = throwTypes[]+" " text = _("Make {0} {type}{curve}Throws{inrow}") elif typeid == 17: text = _('Earn {0} Candies walking with your buddy') elif typeid == 22: if int(target) == int(1): text = _('Make a new friend') else: text = _('Make {0} new friends') elif typeid == 23: text = _('Trade {0} Pokemon') arr['distance'] = "" if'"type": 25', condition) is not None: arr['distance'] ='"distance_km": ([0-9, ]+)', condition).group(1) if int(target) == int(1): text = _('Trade Pokemon caught {distance} km apart') else: text = _('Trade {0} Pokemon caught {distance} km apart') elif typeid == 24: text = _('Send {0} gifts to friends') elif typeid == 27: # PVP against trainer or team leader. if'"type": 22', condition) is not None: text = _('Battle a Team Leader {0} times') elif'"type": 23', condition) is not None: text = _('Battle another Trainer {0} times') elif typeid == 28: # Take snapshots quest if'"type": 28', condition) is not None: text = _("Take {0} snapshots of your Buddy") elif'"type": 2', condition) is not None: arr['poke'] = "" match_object = r'"pokemon_ids": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['poke'] = i8ln(pokemonname(pt[0])) else: for ty in pt: arr['poke'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + i8ln(pokemonname(ty)) + ( '' if last == cur else ', ') cur += 1 text = _("Take {0} snapshots of {poke}") elif'"type": 1', condition) is not None: text = _("Take {0} snapshots of {type} Pokemon") arr['wb'] = "" arr['type'] = "" arr['poke'] = "" match_object = r'"pokemon_type": \[([0-9, ]+)\]', condition) if match_object is not None: pt =', ') last = len(pt) cur = 1 if last == 1: arr['type'] = pokemonTypes[pt[0]].title() + _('-type ') else: for ty in pt: arr['type'] += (_('or ') if last == cur else '') + pokemonTypes[ty].title() + ( _('-type ') if last == cur else '-, ') cur += 1 elif typeid == 29: # QUEST_BATTLE_TEAM_ROCKET Team Go rucket grunt batles. # Condition type 27 means against a grunt leader WITH_INVASION_CHARACTER if'"type": 27', condition) is not None: text = _('Battle {0} times against the Team GO Rocket Leaders') elif int(target) == int(1): text = _('Battle against a Team Rocket Grunt') # Condition type 18 means win a battle if'"type": 18', condition) is not None: text = text.replace(_('Battle'), _('Win')) if int(target) == int(1): text = text.replace(_(' Eggs'), _('n Egg')) text = text.replace(_(' Raids'), _(' Raid')) text = text.replace(_(' Battles'), _(' Battle')) text = text.replace(_(' candies'), _(' candy')) text = text.replace(_(' gifts'), _(' gift')) text = text.replace(_(' Pokestops'), _(' Pokestop')) text = text.replace(_(' {0} snapshots'), _(' a snapshot')) text = text.replace(_('Make {0} {type}{curve}Throws'), _('Make a {type}{curve}Throw')) text = text.replace(_(' {0} times'), '') text = text.replace(_('{0} hearts'), _('a heart')) arr['0'] = _("a") for key, val in arr.items(): text = text.replace('{'+key+'}', str(val)) text = text.replace(' ', ' ').strip() return text
def game_stats_shiny_v2(self): logger.debug('game_stats_shiny_v2') timestamp_from = request.args.get('from', None) if (timestamp_from): timestamp_from = self.local2utc(int(timestamp_from)) logger.debug('using timestamp_from: {}', timestamp_from) timestamp_to = request.args.get('to', None) if (timestamp_to): timestamp_to = self.local2utc(int(timestamp_to)) logger.debug('using timestamp_to: {}', timestamp_to) tmp_perworker_v2 = {} data = self._db.statistics_get_shiny_stats_v2(timestamp_from, timestamp_to) # SELECT pokemon.pokemon_id, pokemon.form, pokemon.latitude, pokemon.longitude, pokemon.gender, pokemon.costume, tr.count, tr.timestamp_scan, tr.worker, pokemon.encounter_id found_shiny_mon_id = [] shiny_count = {} mon_names = {} tmp_perhour_v2 = {} if data is None or len(data) == 0: return jsonify({'empty': True}) shiny_stats_v2 = [] for dat in data: form_suffix = "%02d" % form_mapper(dat[0], dat[1]) mon = "%03d" % dat[0] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_' + form_suffix + '_shiny.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat[0])) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) mon_names[dat[0]] = monName found_shiny_mon_id.append( mon ) # append everything now, we will set() it later to remove duplicates if dat[8] not in tmp_perworker_v2: tmp_perworker_v2[dat[8]] = 0 tmp_perworker_v2[dat[8]] += 1 if dat[0] not in shiny_count: shiny_count[dat[0]] = {} if dat[1] not in shiny_count[dat[0]]: shiny_count[dat[0]][dat[1]] = 0 shiny_count[dat[0]][dat[1]] += 1 # there is later strftime which converts to local time too, can't use utc2local - it will do double shift timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dat[7]) if timestamp.hour in tmp_perhour_v2: tmp_perhour_v2[timestamp.hour] += 1 else: tmp_perhour_v2[timestamp.hour] = 1 shiny_stats_v2.append({ 'img': monPic, 'name': monName, 'worker': dat[8], 'lat': dat[2], 'lat_5': "{:.5f}".format(dat[2]), 'lng_5': "{:.5f}".format(dat[3]), 'lng': dat[3], 'timestamp': timestamp.strftime(self._datetimeformat), 'form': dat[1], 'mon_id': dat[0], 'encounter_id': dat[9] }) #print(shiny_count) global_shiny_stats_v2 = [] data = self._db.statistics_get_shiny_stats_global_v2( set(found_shiny_mon_id), timestamp_from, timestamp_to) for dat in data: if dat[1] in shiny_count and dat[2] in shiny_count[dat[1]]: odds = round(dat[0] / shiny_count[dat[1]][dat[2]], 0) form_suffix = "%02d" % form_mapper(dat[1], dat[2]) mon = "%03d" % dat[1] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_' + form_suffix + '_shiny.png' global_shiny_stats_v2.append({ 'name': mon_names[dat[1]], 'count': dat[0], 'img': monPic, 'shiny': shiny_count[dat[1]][dat[2]], 'odds': odds, 'mon_id': dat[1], 'form': dat[2], 'gender': dat[3], 'costume': dat[4] }) shiny_stats_perworker_v2 = [] for worker in tmp_perworker_v2: shiny_stats_perworker_v2.append({ 'name': worker, 'count': tmp_perworker_v2[worker] }) shiny_stats_perhour_v2 = [] for hour in tmp_perhour_v2: shiny_stats_perhour_v2.append([hour, tmp_perhour_v2[hour]]) stats = { 'empty': False, 'shiny_statistics': shiny_stats_v2, 'global_shiny_statistics': global_shiny_stats_v2, 'per_worker': shiny_stats_perworker_v2, 'per_hour': shiny_stats_perhour_v2 } return jsonify(stats)
def shiny_stats_data(self): # shiny hour shiny_hour_temp = {} shiny_hour_calc = {} shiny_hour = [] data = self._db.statistics_get_shiny_stats_hour() for dat in data: if dat[1] not in shiny_hour_temp: shiny_hour_temp[dat[1]] = dat[0] for dat in shiny_hour_temp: if shiny_hour_temp[dat] not in shiny_hour_calc: shiny_hour_calc[shiny_hour_temp[dat]] = 0 shiny_hour_calc[shiny_hour_temp[dat]] += 1 for dat in sorted(shiny_hour_calc): sht = ([ self.utc2local(dat * 60 * 60) * 1000, shiny_hour_calc[dat] ]) shiny_hour.append(sht) shiny_stats = [] shiny_worker = {} shiny_avg = {} data = self._db.statistics_get_shiny_stats() for dat in data: form_suffix = "%02d" % form_mapper(dat[2], dat[5]) mon = "%03d" % dat[2] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_' + form_suffix + '_shiny.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat[2])) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) diff: int = dat[0] if diff == 0: logger.warning( 'No deeper mon stats are possible - not enought data ' '(check config.ini // game_stats_raw)') diff = 1 ratio = round(dat[1] * 100 / diff, 2) if dat[3] not in shiny_worker: shiny_worker[dat[3]] = 0 shiny_worker[dat[3]] += dat[1] if dat[2] not in shiny_avg: shiny_avg[dat[2]] = {} if dat[5] not in shiny_avg[dat[2]]: shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]] = {} shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_shiny'] = [] shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_nonshiny'] = [] shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_shiny'].append(dat[1]) shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_nonshiny'].append(diff) shiny_stats.append({ 'sum': dat[0], 'shiny': dat[1], 'img': monPic, 'name': monName, 'ratio': ratio, 'worker': dat[3], 'encounterid': dat[4], 'periode': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dat[6]).strftime( self._datetimeformat) }) shiny_stats_avg = [] for dat in shiny_avg: for form_dat in shiny_avg[dat]: form_suffix = "%02d" % form_mapper(dat, form_dat) mon = "%03d" % dat monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_' + form_suffix + '_shiny.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat)) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) total_shiny_encounters = sum( shiny_avg[dat][form_dat]['total_shiny']) total_nonshiny_encounters = sum( shiny_avg[dat][form_dat]['total_nonshiny']) shiny_avg_click = round( total_nonshiny_encounters / total_shiny_encounters, 0) shiny_stats_avg.append({ 'name': monName, 'img': monPic, 'total_shiny_encounters': total_shiny_encounters, 'total_nonshiny_encounters': total_nonshiny_encounters, 'click_for_shiny': shiny_avg_click }) shiny_stats_worker = [] for dat in shiny_worker: shiny_stats_worker.append({ 'sum': shiny_worker[dat], 'worker': dat }) stats = { 'shiny': shiny_stats, 'shiny_worker': shiny_stats_worker, 'shiny_hour': shiny_hour, 'shiny_stats_avg': shiny_stats_avg } return jsonify(stats)
def showmonsidpicker(self): edit = request.args.get('edit') type = request.args.get('type') header = "" title = "" if request.method == 'GET' and (not edit or not type): return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', error_msg="How did you end up here? Missing params.", header=header, title=title) with open('configs/mappings.json') as f: mapping = json.load(f) if "areas" not in mapping: return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', error_msg="No areas defined at all, please configure first.", header=header, title=title) this_area = None this_area_index = -1 for t_area in mapping["areas"]: this_area_index += 1 if t_area["name"] == edit and t_area["mode"] == type: this_area = t_area break if this_area == None: return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', error_msg="No area (" + edit + " with mode: " + type + ") found in mappings, add it first.", header=header, title=title) title = "Mons ID Picker for " + edit header = "Editing area " + edit + " (" + type + ")" backurl = "config?type=" + type + "&area=areas&block=settings&edit=" + edit if "settings" not in this_area: return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', error_msg="No settings key found for area " + edit + "(" + type + "). Configure it first.", header=header, title=title) if request.method == 'POST': new_mons_list = request.form.get('current_mons_list') if not new_mons_list: return redirect("/showsettings", code=302) mapping["areas"][this_area_index]["settings"]["mon_ids_iv"] = ast.literal_eval(new_mons_list) with open('configs/mappings.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(mapping, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) return redirect(backurl, code=302) if "mon_ids_iv" not in this_area["settings"]: current_mons = [] else: current_mons = this_area["settings"]["mon_ids_iv"] mondata = open_json_file('pokemon') current_mons_list = [] for mon_id in current_mons: try: mon_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]) except KeyError: mon_name = "No-name-in-file-please-fix" current_mons_list.append({"mon_name": mon_name, "mon_id": str(mon_id)}) # Why o.O stripped_mondata = {} for mon_id in mondata: stripped_mondata[mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]] = mon_id if os.environ['LANGUAGE'] != "en": try: localized_name = i8ln(mondata[str(mon_id)]["name"]) stripped_mondata[localized_name] = mon_id except KeyError: pass formhiddeninput = '<form action="showmonsidpicker?edit=' + edit + '&type=' + type + '" id="showmonsidpicker" method="post">' formhiddeninput += '<input type="hidden" id="current_mons_list" name="current_mons_list" value="' + str( current_mons) + '">' formhiddeninput += '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Save</button></form>' return render_template('showmonsidpicker.html', backurl=backurl, formhiddeninput=formhiddeninput, current_mons_list=current_mons_list, stripped_mondata=stripped_mondata, header=header, title=title)
def game_stats(self): minutes_usage = request.args.get('minutes_usage', 10) minutes_spawn = request.args.get('minutes_spawn', 10) data = self._db.statistics_get_location_info() location_info = [] for dat in data: location_info.append({'worker': str(dat[0]), 'locations': str(dat[1]), 'locationsok': str(dat[2]), 'locationsnok': str(dat[3]), 'ratio': str(dat[4]), }) # empty scans data = self._db.statistics_get_all_empty_scanns() detection_empty = [] for dat in data: detection_empty.append({'lat': str(dat[1]), 'lng': str(dat[2]), 'worker': str(dat[3]), 'count': str(dat[0]), 'type': str(dat[4]), 'lastscan': str(dat[5]), 'countsuccess': str(dat[6])}) # statistics_get_detection_count data = self._db.statistics_get_detection_count(grouped=False) detection = [] for dat in data: detection.append({'worker': str(dat[1]), 'mons': str(dat[2]), 'mons_iv': str(dat[3]), 'raids': str(dat[4]), 'quests': str(dat[5])}) # Stop stop = [] data = self._db.statistics_get_stop_quest() for dat in data: stop.append({'label': dat[0], 'data': dat[1]}) # Quest quest: list = [] quest_db = self._db.statistics_get_quests_count(1) for ts, count in quest_db: quest_raw = (ts * 1000, count) quest.append(quest_raw) # Usage insta = {} usage = [] idx = 0 usa = self._db.statistics_get_usage_count(minutes_usage) for dat in usa: if 'CPU-' + dat[4] not in insta: insta['CPU-' + dat[4]] = {} insta['CPU-' + dat[4]]["axis"] = 1 insta['CPU-' + dat[4]]["data"] = [] if 'MEM-' + dat[4] not in insta: insta['MEM-' + dat[4]] = {} insta['MEM-' + dat[4]]['axis'] = 2 insta['MEM-' + dat[4]]["data"] = [] if self._args.stat_gc: if 'CO-' + dat[4] not in insta: insta['CO-' + dat[4]] = {} insta['CO-' + dat[4]]['axis'] = 3 insta['CO-' + dat[4]]["data"] = [] insta['CPU-' + dat[4]]['data'].append([dat[3] * 1000, dat[0]]) insta['MEM-' + dat[4]]['data'].append([dat[3] * 1000, dat[1]]) if self._args.stat_gc: insta['CO-' + dat[4]]['data'].append([dat[3] * 1000, dat[2]]) for label in insta: usage.append( {'label': label, 'data': insta[label]['data'], 'yaxis': insta[label]['axis'], 'idx': idx}) idx += 1 # Gym gym = [] data = self._db.statistics_get_gym_count() for dat in data: if dat[0] == 'WHITE': color = '#999999' text = 'Uncontested' elif dat[0] == 'BLUE': color = '#0051CF' text = 'Mystic' elif dat[0] == 'RED': color = '#FF260E' text = 'Valor' elif dat[0] == 'YELLOW': color = '#FECC23' text = 'Instinct' gym.append({'label': text, 'data': dat[1], 'color': color}) # Spawn iv = [] noniv = [] sum = [] sumup = {} data = self._db.statistics_get_pokemon_count(minutes_spawn) for dat in data: if dat[2] == 1: iv.append([(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000), dat[1]]) else: noniv.append([(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000), dat[1]]) if (self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000) in sumup: sumup[(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000)] += dat[1] else: sumup[(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000)] = dat[1] for dat in sumup: sum.append([dat, sumup[dat]]) spawn = {'iv': iv, 'noniv': noniv, 'sum': sum} # good_spawns avg good_spawns = [] data = self._db.get_best_pokemon_spawns() for dat in data: mon = "%03d" % dat[1] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat[1])) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) if self._args.db_method == "rm": lvl = calculate_mon_level(dat[6]) else: lvl = dat[6] good_spawns.append({'id': dat[1], 'iv': round(calculate_iv(dat[3], dat[4], dat[5]), 0), 'lvl': lvl, 'cp': dat[7], 'img': monPic, 'name': monName, 'periode': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dat[2]).strftime(self._datetimeformat)}) stats = {'spawn': spawn, 'gym': gym, 'detection': detection, 'detection_empty': detection_empty, 'quest': quest, 'stop': stop, 'usage': usage, 'good_spawns': good_spawns, 'location_info': location_info} return jsonify(stats)
def game_stats_mon(self): minutes_spawn = request.args.get('minutes_spawn', 10) # Spawn iv = [] noniv = [] sumg = [] sumup = {} data = self._db.statistics_get_pokemon_count(minutes_spawn) for dat in data: if dat[2] == 1: iv.append([(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000), dat[1]]) else: noniv.append([(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000), dat[1]]) if (self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000) in sumup: sumup[(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000)] += dat[1] else: sumup[(self.utc2local(dat[0]) * 1000)] = dat[1] for dat in sumup: sumg.append([dat, sumup[dat]]) spawn = {'iv': iv, 'noniv': noniv, 'sum': sumg} #shiny hour shiny_hour_temp = {} shiny_hour_calc = {} shiny_hour = [] data = self._db.statistics_get_shiny_stats_hour() for dat in data: if dat[1] not in shiny_hour_temp: shiny_hour_temp[dat[1]] = dat[0] for dat in shiny_hour_temp: if shiny_hour_temp[dat] not in shiny_hour_calc: shiny_hour_calc[shiny_hour_temp[dat]] = 0 shiny_hour_calc[shiny_hour_temp[dat]] += 1 for dat in sorted(shiny_hour_calc): sht = ([ self.utc2local(dat * 60 * 60) * 1000, shiny_hour_calc[dat] ]) shiny_hour.append(sht) # good_spawns avg good_spawns = [] data = self._db.get_best_pokemon_spawns() for dat in data: mon = "%03d" % dat[1] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_00.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat[1])) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) if self._args.db_method == "rm": lvl = calculate_mon_level(dat[6]) else: lvl = dat[6] good_spawns.append({ 'id': dat[1], 'iv': round(calculate_iv(dat[3], dat[4], dat[5]), 0), 'lvl': lvl, 'cp': dat[7], 'img': monPic, 'name': monName, 'periode': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.utc2local( dat[2])).strftime(self._datetimeformat) }) shiny_stats = [] shiny_worker = {} shiny_avg = {} data = self._db.statistics_get_shiny_stats() for dat in data: form_suffix = "%02d" % form_mapper(dat[2], dat[5]) mon = "%03d" % dat[2] monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_' + form_suffix + '_shiny.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat[2])) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) diff: int = dat[0] if diff == 0: logger.warning( 'No deeper mon stats are possible - not enought data ' '(check config.ini // game_stats_raw)') diff = 1 ratio = round(dat[1] * 100 / diff, 2) if dat[3] not in shiny_worker: shiny_worker[dat[3]] = 0 shiny_worker[dat[3]] += dat[1] if dat[2] not in shiny_avg: shiny_avg[dat[2]] = {} if dat[5] not in shiny_avg[dat[2]]: shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]] = {} shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_shiny'] = [] shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_nonshiny'] = [] shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_shiny'].append(dat[1]) shiny_avg[dat[2]][dat[5]]['total_nonshiny'].append(diff) shiny_stats.append({ 'sum': dat[0], 'shiny': dat[1], 'img': monPic, 'name': monName, 'ratio': ratio, 'worker': dat[3], 'encounterid': dat[4], 'periode': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.utc2local( dat[6])).strftime(self._datetimeformat) }) shiny_stats_avg = [] for dat in shiny_avg: for form_dat in shiny_avg[dat]: form_suffix = "%02d" % form_mapper(dat, form_dat) mon = "%03d" % dat monPic = 'asset/pokemon_icons/pokemon_icon_' + mon + '_' + form_suffix + '_shiny.png' monName_raw = (get_raid_boss_cp(dat)) monName = i8ln(monName_raw['name']) total_shiny_encounters = sum( shiny_avg[dat][form_dat]['total_shiny']) total_nonshiny_encounters = sum( shiny_avg[dat][form_dat]['total_nonshiny']) shiny_avg_click = round( total_nonshiny_encounters / total_shiny_encounters, 0) shiny_stats_avg.append({ 'name': monName, 'img': monPic, 'total_shiny_encounters': total_shiny_encounters, 'total_nonshiny_encounters': total_nonshiny_encounters, 'click_for_shiny': shiny_avg_click }) shiny_stats_worker = [] for dat in shiny_worker: shiny_stats_worker.append({ 'sum': shiny_worker[dat], 'worker': dat }) stats = { 'spawn': spawn, 'good_spawns': good_spawns, 'shiny': shiny_stats, 'shiny_worker': shiny_stats_worker, 'shiny_hour': shiny_hour, 'shiny_stats_avg': shiny_stats_avg } return jsonify(stats)