def run(self): """ Run the benchmark on all the files. """ logger.log_report('starting', self.fixer_repr) score_rows = {} mean_dict = {} files = self.reader.read_test_pairs() if self.random_sample_files: files = take_first_n(files, 10) logger.start() num_files = 0 csv_path = os.path.join(self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'results.csv') open_or_create_write_file(csv_path) for chunk_id, files_collection in enumerate(gen_chunker(files, 200)): logger.start() if NUM_THREADS == 1: rows = list(map(self.run_benchmark, files_collection)) else: with multiprocessing.Pool(NUM_THREADS) as pool: rows = list(, files_collection)) pool.close() pool.join() del pool num_files += len(rows) for row in rows: for fil, values in row.items(): score_rows[fil] = values # self.update_csv(rows, csv_path, files_collection, # first_row=(chunk_id == 0)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(score_rows, columns=self.metrics, orient='index') df.to_csv(csv_path) micro_scores = self.get_scores(df) mean_dict[' %d files, macro' % num_files] = np.array( list(score_rows.values())).mean(axis=0) mean_dict[' %d files, micro' % num_files] = np.array(micro_scores) logger.log_report('%d files, seq accuracy %.5f, avg. duration %.2fs' % ( num_files, df['acc'].mean(), df['duration'].mean())) self.summarize(mean_dict) logger.log_full_report_into_file(os.path.join( self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'chunk'), keep_log=True) #logger.log_full_report_into_file(os.path.join( # self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), # 'chunk%d_' % (chunk_id + 1)), keep_log=True) #logger.log_full_report_into_file('%s-chunk%d_' % ( # self.dump_dir, chunk_id + 1)) logger.log_seperator() mean_dict[' %d files' % num_files] = np.array( list(score_rows.values())).mean(axis=0) self.summarize(mean_dict) logger.log_full_report_into_file(os.path.join( self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'all_'), keep_log=True) logger.log_full_report_into_file('%s-all_' % self.dump_dir)
def create_network(self, X, Y, combiner_val): bias = np.zeros(X.shape[1:]) weights = np.ones(X.shape[1:]) if X.shape[0] == 0: return weights, bias import keras.backend as K from keras.layers import Input, Conv1D, Dense, Reshape, Activation, Lambda, Add from keras.models import Model from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD, Adadelta from .custom_layers import Sparse logger.log_debug("\n", X.shape, Y.shape, np.unique(Y, return_counts=True), '\n', X.mean(axis=0), '\n\n', X.std(axis=0)) inp = Input(X.shape[1:]) sparse = Sparse(use_kernel=self.use_kernel, use_bias=self.use_bias) if X.ndim > 2: sum_layer = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(x, axis=-1)) else: sum_layer = Activation('linear') print(combiner_val.shape) combiner = Dense(combiner_val.shape[-1], activation='softmax', use_bias=False) combiner.trainable = False out = combiner(sum_layer(sparse(inp))) combiner.set_weights([combiner_val]) model = Model(inp, out) model.summary() lr = 0.1 decay = 5e-2 model.compile(Adam(lr), loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['sparse_categorical_accuracy']) bar = tqdm(range(10000), ncols=160) for epoch in bar: K.set_value(, lr / (1 + epoch * decay)) vals = model.train_on_batch(X, Y) # vals =, Y, verbose=0, batch_size=min(X.shape[0], 1 << 17)) names = [ name.replace('sparse_categorical_accuracy', 'acc') for name in model.metrics_names ] dicts = dict(zip(names, vals)) if epoch % 400 == 1: for arr in sparse.get_weights(): logger.log_debug("\n" + str(np.round(arr, 3))) bar.set_postfix(**dicts) bar.refresh() loss, acc = model.evaluate(X, Y, verbose=0) logger.log_report('loss:', loss, 'acc:', acc, highlight=2) if self.use_kernel: weights = sparse.get_weights()[0] if self.use_bias: bias = sparse.get_weights()[-1] return weights, bias
def summarize(self, mean_dict): """ Summarize the evaluated results. :param dict mean_dict: Evaluation dictionary of the metric evaluations of the fixed files """ viewer = MultiViewer() logger.log_report(viewer.metric_comparison(mean_dict, self.metrics))
def summarize_html(self, mean_dict, viewer): html_comparison = viewer.metric_comparison(mean_dict, self.metrics, modes=HTML) result = [html_comparison] path = os.path.join(self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'comparisons', 'htmls') result.extend((open(fil, 'r').read() for fil in get_all_files(path, ext='.html') if fil != 'summary.html')) path = os.path.join(path, 'summary.html') with open(path, 'w') as summary_file: summary_file.write(viewer.merge_wrapped_pages(*result, mode=HTML, seperate=True)) summary_file.close() logger.log_report('summarized files in %s' % path)
def sample_analysis(self): for temp in [0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.2]: text = 'Hello America, this is the new capitalism' state = None char = self.str_codes(text) for _ in range(500): preds, state = self.predict(char, state=state, return_state=True, encode=False) # preds = self.predict(text) char = self.sample_char(preds, temperature=temp) if self.direction == BACKWARD: text = char + text elif self.direction == FORWARD: text = text + char char = self.str_codes(char) logger.log_report('Temperature %.2f\n' % temp, text) logger.log_seperator()
def load_model(self, model_load_path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(model_load_path)): path, fil, ext = extract_file_name(model_load_path) all_files = [ os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith(fil + '.' + ext) ] # logger.log_debug(model_load_path, all_files) if all_files: load_path = max(all_files) from keras.models import load_model from models.custom_layers import all_custom_layers self.model = load_model(load_path, custom_objects=all_custom_layers) logger.log_report(load_path, 'loaded..', highlight=4) try: self.initial_epoch = int( extract_file_name(load_path)[1][2:7]) except ValueError: pass return True logger.log_error(model_load_path, 'not found..', highlight=6) return False
def run_benchmark(self, key): """ Run the benchmarks of a given file or directory. :param str path: Correct file path :rtype: dict :returns: Evaluation dictionary of the metric evaluations of the fixed file. """ fixer = self.fixer if NUM_THREADS > 1: fixer = construct_and_load_fixer(self.config) file_name, correct_text, corrupt_text = key correct_text = re.sub(r' +', ' ', correct_text).strip() corrupt_text = re.sub(r' +', ' ', corrupt_text).strip() corrupt_path = file_name fixed_path = os.path.join(self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'fixed', file_name + '_fixed.txt') pklfixed_path = os.path.join(self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'fixed', file_name + '_fixed.pkl') row = {} comparisons = [] # html_comparisons = [] evaluator = MultiViewer() if len(correct_text) >= 12000: logger.log_info("%s is too big, won't fix.." % corrupt_path) row[file_name] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] return row # Fixing if os.path.isfile(pklfixed_path): logger.log_info("already done", pklfixed_path) with open(pklfixed_path, 'rb') as fl: row = pickle.load(fl) return row else: logger.log_info("with %s Fixing.. " % str(fixer) + corrupt_path + '\n') t0 = fixed_text = fixer.fix(corrupt_text) duration = - t0 caption = 'fixing %s with %s' % (file_name, str(fixer)) # comparing # metrics_vals, comparison, html_comparison = evaluator.evaluate( # correct_text, corrupt_text, fixed_text, # modes=[TERMINAL, HTML], caption=caption) metrics_vals, comparison = evaluator.evaluate( correct_text, corrupt_text, fixed_text, modes=TERMINAL, caption=caption) row[file_name] = metrics_vals + (duration.total_seconds(),) comparisons.append(comparison) # html_comparisons.append(html_comparison) # Fixed file # logger.log_info('with %s Fixed.. ' % str(fixer) + corrupt_path + '\n', print('with %s Fixed.. ' % str(fixer) + corrupt_path + '\n', comparison, 'with a duration of', int(round(duration.total_seconds())), 's') with open_or_create_write_file(fixed_path) as fixed_file: fixed_file.write(fixed_text) fixed_file.close() logger.log_report('dumped fixed file into:', fixed_path) # metric results metric_comparison = evaluator.metric_comparison( row, self.metrics, modes=TERMINAL) # metric_comparison,html_metric_comparison= evaluator.metric_comparison( # row, self.metrics, modes=[TERMINAL, HTML]) comparisons.append(metric_comparison) # html_comparisons.append(html_metric_comparison) print(metric_comparison) # logger.log_report(metric_comparison) # Terminal dumps """ comparisons = evaluator.merge_wrapped_pages(*comparisons, mode=TERMINAL) comparison_path = os.path.join(self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), 'comparisons', file_name + '.fix') with open_or_create_write_file(comparison_path, 'w') as output: output.write(cleanstr('Results of fixing: %s' % corrupt_path)) output.write(cleanstr(comparisons)) output.close() logger.log_report('dumped comparison into:', comparison_path) """ # HTML dumps # html_comparisons = evaluator.merge_wrapped_pages(*html_comparisons, # mode=HTML) # html_comparison_path = os.path.join(self.get_timestamp_folder_name(), # 'comparisons', 'htmls', # file_name + '.html') # with open_or_create_write_file(html_comparison_path, 'w') as output: # output.write(cleanstr(html_comparisons)) # output.close() # logger.log_report('dumped html comparison into:', # html_comparison_path) with open(pklfixed_path, 'wb') as fl: pickle.dump(row, fl) return row
import os import multiprocessing from tqdm import tqdm from configs import get_dataset_config from constants import NUM_THREADS from handlers.reader import Reader from utils.logger import logger from utils.utils import get_vocab, take_first_n if __name__ == '__main__': config = get_dataset_config() reader = Reader(config) total, gen = reader.read_train_lines() vocab = {} with multiprocessing.Pool(NUM_THREADS) as pool: for cnt_dict in tqdm(pool.imap(get_vocab, gen), total=total): for word, cnt in cnt_dict.items(): vocab[word] = vocab.get(word, 0) + cnt pool.close() pool.join() vocab = sorted([(word, cnt) for word, cnt in vocab.items() if cnt > 2]) logger.log_report("writing into:", config.vocab_path) with open(config.vocab_path, 'w') as fl: for word, cnt in tqdm(vocab): fl.write("%s\t%d\n" % (word, cnt)) logger.log_report("done.. wrote all into:", config.vocab_path)