def check_scaling_metrics(): print("Collecting redis metrics and checking for scaling...", now()) cur_time = now() rss = RedisSetting.objects.all() for rs in rss: try: collect_valid = check_frequency(rs.metric_rate, cur_time) if collect_valid: collect_metrics(rs) check_alarm(rs) except Exception as e: print(e) mail_admins( 'Exception in collecting redis metrics', 'Could not collect metrics for redis ' + str(rs.redis_name) + '\n' + str(traceback.format_exc())) try: scale_valid = check_frequency(rs.scaling_rate, cur_time, rs.enable_scaling) if scale_valid: redis_auto_scale(rs) except Exception as e: print(e) mail_admins( 'Exception in redis auto scaling', 'Could not perform scaling action for redis ' + str(rs.redis_name) + '\n' + str(traceback.format_exc())) return True
def clean_db_logs(): print("Checking logs to clean..", file=sys.stderr) try: ft = now() - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.N_RETENTION_DAYS) rms = RedisMetric.objects.filter(sts__lte=ft) rms.delete() except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) mail_admins("Exception in clean_db_logs cron", traceback.format_exc())
def get_redis_instances(REDIS_INST_DICT): rss = RedisSetting.objects.all() for rs in rss: try: url = hi.get_env_var_value(rs.app_name, rs.redis_heroku_name) REDIS_INST_DICT[rs.redis_name] = redis.from_url(url) except Exception as e: print(e) mail_admins( 'Exception in connecting to redis instance', 'Redis name = ' + str(rs.redis_name) + "\n" + str(traceback.format_exc()))
def get_redis_instances(REDIS_INST_DICT): rss = RedisSetting.objects.all() for rs in rss: try: url = hi.get_env_var_value(rs.app_name, rs.redis_heroku_name) url_res = parse.urlparse(url) REDIS_INST_DICT[rs.redis_name] = redis.Redis(host=url_res.hostname, port=url_res.port, password=url_res.password) except Exception as e: print(e) mail_admins('Exception in connecting to redis instance', 'Redis name = ' + str(rs.redis_name) + "\n" + str(traceback.format_exc()))
def collect_metrics(redissetting_object, redis_inst_dict=REDIS_INST_DICT): try: rso = redissetting_object redis_name = rso.redis_name current_plan = rso.current_plan # get instance from dictionary. Do not create new instance each time if (not redis_inst_dict) or (redis_name not in redis_inst_dict) or ( not redis_inst_dict.get(redis_name)): # Reload instance dict if instance not found get_redis_instances(REDIS_INST_DICT) return if not current_plan: redis_info = hi.get_addon_info(rso.app_name, rso.redis_heroku_name) rso.current_plan = RedisPlan.objects.get( service_name=redis_info['addon_service'], plan_name=redis_info['addon_plan']) current_plan = rso.current_plan r = redis_inst_dict.get(redis_name) # Get plan's limits max_mem = current_plan.mem_limit * 1000000 max_conn = current_plan.conn_limit # Get consumption data redis_info = used_memory = redis_info.get('used_memory') if redis_info.get( 'used_memory') else 0 n_clients_connected = redis_info.get( 'connected_clients') if redis_info.get('connected_clients') else 0 # Get percentage mem_percent = float(used_memory / max_mem) * 100 conn_percent = float(n_clients_connected / max_conn) * 100 if max_conn > 0 else 0 # Save to table redis_metric = RedisMetric(redis_fk=rso, used_memory=used_memory, n_connections=n_clients_connected, existing_plan=current_plan, percentage_memory=mem_percent, percentage_connections=conn_percent) except Exception as e: get_redis_instances(REDIS_INST_DICT) print(e) mail_admins("Exception in Redis Health Check schedular", traceback.format_exc()) return
def redis_auto_scale(redissetting_object): rso = redissetting_object redis_info = hi.get_addon_info(rso.app_name, rso.redis_heroku_name) addon_id = redis_info['addon_id'] if rso.current_plan.plan_name != redis_info['addon_plan']: rso.current_plan = RedisPlan.objects.get( service_name=redis_info['addon_service'], plan_name=redis_info['addon_plan']) ft = now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(rso.scaling_rate.split()[0])*2) rms = RedisMetric.objects.filter(redis_fk=rso, sts__gte=ft).order_by('-sts') avg_mem = rms.aggregate(Avg('percentage_memory'))['percentage_memory__avg'] avg_conn = rms.aggregate(Avg('percentage_connections'))['percentage_connections__avg'] if rms.exclude(action_performed='No Action'): print('Auto scaling action was taken recently. Giving buffer time before retrying.') return mem_upgrade_reqd = (avg_mem and avg_mem > rso.avg_memory_percent) conn_upgrade_reqd = (avg_conn and avg_conn > rso.avg_connection_percent) if mem_upgrade_reqd or conn_upgrade_reqd: print("Redis upgrade is required.") if rso.current_plan == rso.max_plan: sub = 'SOS ' + str(rso.app_name) + ': Redis Upgrade required' msg = "Upgrade is required for {0} in {1}. But redis plan is already at the max plan limit".format( rso.redis_name, rso.app_name) mail_admins(sub, msg) return source = 'mem' if mem_upgrade_reqd else 'conn' new_plan = get_next_plan_for_scale(rso.current_plan, scale=1, source=source) result = hi.change_addon_plan(rso.app_name, addon_id, new_plan.plan_name) if (not result) and (rso.notification_policies.filter(notification_rule='on_failure')): sub = "FAILURE: Redis Autoscaling" msg = "Upgrade is required for {0} in {1}. But could not be done through heroku API. Heroku API limit might have reached. Please upgrade manually.".format( rso.redis_name, rso.app_name) send_email(sub, msg) return # Store action to latest log and send mail rm = rms[0] rm.action_performed = 'Upgrade' rso.current_plan = new_plan if rso.notification_policies.filter(notification_rule='on_success'): msg = "In {0} app, Redis plan for {1} is Upgraded to '{2}'." .format( rso.app_name, rso.redis_name, new_plan.plan_name) send_email("SUCCESS: Redis Autoscaling", msg) return # Check if we can downgrade if rso.current_plan == rso.min_plan: sub = 'Redis downgrade possible' msg = "Redis {0} in {1} can be downgraded to a lower plan. But redis plan is already at the min plan limit. Reduce the min plan if you want to save further cost".format( rso.redis_name, rso.app_name) mail_admins(sub, msg) return # Check if mem & conn would be within limits if we downgrade down_plan = get_next_plan_for_scale(rso.current_plan, scale=0, source=None) if not down_plan: return downgrade_allowed = check_downgrade_allowed(avg_conn, avg_mem, down_plan, rso.current_plan, rso.avg_connection_percent, rso.avg_memory_percent) if not downgrade_allowed: print('If we downgrade, either connection limit or memory limit would be exceeded.') return # Scale down redis result = hi.change_addon_plan(rso.app_name, addon_id, down_plan.plan_name) if (not result) and (rso.notification_policies.filter(notification_rule='on_failure')): sub = "FAILURE: Redis Autoscaling" msg = "Downgrade is required for {0} in {1}. But could not be done through heroku API. Heroku API limit might have reached. Please downgrade manually.".format( rso.redis_name, rso.app_name) send_email(sub, msg) return # Store action to latest log and send mail rm = rms[0] rm.action_performed = 'Downgrade' rso.current_plan = down_plan if rso.notification_policies.filter(notification_rule='on_success'): msg = "In {0} app, Redis plan for {1} is downgraded to '{2}'." .format( rso.app_name, rso.redis_name, down_plan.plan_name) send_email("SUCCESS: Redis Autoscaling", msg) return