    def add_new_lm(self, particle, z):
        Initializes a yet unknown landmark using measurement
        :param particle: Particle that will be updated
        :param z: Measurement
        :return: Particle with a new landmark location and landmark uncertainty added
        r = z[0]
        b = z[1]

        measured_x = cos(normalize_angle(particle.theta + b))
        measured_y = sin(normalize_angle(particle.theta + b))
        # Calculate landmark location
        new_lm = np.array(
            [particle.x + r * measured_x,
             particle.y + r * measured_y]).reshape(1, self.landmark_state_size)
        particle.lm = np.vstack((particle.lm, new_lm))

        # Calculate initial covariance
        Gz = np.array([[measured_x, -r * measured_y],
                       [measured_y, r * measured_x]])
        particle.lmP = np.vstack((particle.lmP, Gz @ self.sensor_noise @ Gz.T))

        return particle
 def motion_model(x, u, dt):
     Noise-free motion model method
     :param x: The robot's pose
     :param u: Motion command as a tuple of translational and angular velocities
     :param dt: (Discrete) Time for which the motion command is executed
     :return: Resulting robot's pose
     # No angular velocity means following a straight line
     if u[1, 0] == 0:
         B = np.array([[dt * cos(x[2, 0]) * u[0, 0]],
                       [dt * sin(x[2, 0]) * u[0, 0]], [0.0]])
     # Otherwise the robot follows a circular arc
         B = np.array([[
             u[0, 0] / u[1, 0] *
             (sin(x[2, 0] + dt * u[1, 0]) - sin(x[2, 0]))
                           u[0, 0] / u[1, 0] *
                           (-cos(x[2, 0] + dt * u[1, 0]) + cos(x[2, 0]))
                       ], [u[1, 0] * dt]])
     res = x + B
     res[2] = normalize_angle(res[2])
     return res
    def correction_step(self, z):
        Update the predicted state and uncertainty using the sensor measurements.
        :param z: List of sensor measurements. A single measurement is a tuple of measured distance, measured angle and identify.
        # Iterate through all sensor readings
        for i, measurement in enumerate(z):
            # Only execute if sensor observed landmark
            if not self.supervisor.proximity_sensor_positive_detections()[i]\
                or measurement[2] == -1: # not a feature
            if not self.landmark_correspondence_given:
                lm_id = self.data_association(self.mu, self.Sigma,
                lm_id = self.data_association_v2(self.mu, measurement[2])
            nLM = self.get_n_lm(self.mu)
            if lm_id == nLM:  # If the landmark is new
                self.add_new_landmark(measurement[0:2], measurement[2])
            lm = self.get_landmark_position(self.mu, lm_id)
            innovation, Psi, H = self.calc_innovation(lm, self.mu, self.Sigma,
                                                      measurement[0:2], lm_id)

            K = (self.Sigma @ H.T) @ np.linalg.inv(Psi)
            self.mu += K @ innovation
            # Normalize robot angle so it is between -pi and pi
            self.mu[2] = normalize_angle(self.mu[2])
            self.Sigma = (np.identity(len(self.mu)) - (K @ H)) @ self.Sigma
  def __init__( self, *args ):
    if len( args ) == 2: # initialize using a vector ( vect, theta )
      vect = args[0]
      theta = args[1]

      self.x = vect[0]
      self.y = vect[1]
      self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle( theta )
    elif len( args ) == 3: # initialize using scalars ( x, y theta )
      x = args[0]
      y = args[1]
      theta = args[2]

      self.x = x
      self.y = y
      self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle( theta )
      raise TypeError( "Wrong number of arguments. Pose requires 2 or 3 arguments to initialize" )
    def execute(self, theta_d):
        Executes the controllers update during one simulation cycle
        :param theta_d: The angle in which the robot should drive
        theta = self.supervisor.estimated_pose().theta
        e = math_util.normalize_angle(theta_d - theta)
        omega = self.k_p * e

        self.supervisor.set_outputs(1.0, omega)
    def calc_innovation(self, lm, mu, Sigma, z, LMid):
        Calculates the innovation, uncertainty and Jacobian
        :param lm: Position of observed landmark
        :param mu: Combined state vector
        :param Sigma: Covariance matrix
        :param z: Measurement, consisting of tuple of measured distance and measured angle
        :param LMid: Id of the observed landmark
        :return: The innovation, the uncertainty of the measurement and the Jacobian
        delta = lm - mu[0:2]
        q = (delta.T @ delta)[0, 0]
        zangle = atan2(delta[1, 0], delta[0, 0]) - mu[2, 0]
        expected_measurement = np.array([[sqrt(q), normalize_angle(zangle)]])
        innovation = (z - expected_measurement).T
        innovation[1] = normalize_angle(innovation[1])
        H = self.jacob_sensor(q, delta, self.get_n_lm(mu), LMid)
        Psi = H @ Sigma @ H.T + self.sensor_noise

        return innovation, Psi, H
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 2:  # initialize using a vector ( vect, theta )
            vect = args[0]
            theta = args[1]

            self.x = vect[0]
            self.y = vect[1]
            self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle(theta)
        elif len(args) == 3:  # initialize using scalars ( x, y theta )
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            theta = args[2]

            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle(theta)
            raise TypeError(
                "Wrong number of arguments. Pose requires 2 or 3 arguments to initialize"
    def update_landmark(self, particle, z, lm_id):
        Updates the estimated landmark position and uncertainties as well as the particles importance factor
        :param particle: Particle that is being updated
        :param z: Measurement
        :param lm_id: Id of the landmark that is associated to the measurement
        :return: Updated particle
        landmark = np.array(particle.lm[lm_id, :]).reshape(2, 1)
        landmark_cov = np.array(particle.lmP[2 * lm_id:2 * lm_id + 2, :])

        # Computing difference between landmark and robot position
        delta_x = landmark[0, 0] - particle.x
        delta_y = landmark[1, 0] - particle.y
        # Computing squared distance
        q = delta_x**2 + delta_y**2
        sq = sqrt(q)
        # Computing the measurement that would be expected
        expected_measurement = np.array([
            sq, normalize_angle(atan2(delta_y, delta_x) - particle.theta)
        ]).reshape(2, 1)
        # Computing the Jacobian
        H = np.array([[delta_x / sq, delta_y / sq],
                      [-delta_y / q, delta_x / q]])
        # Computing the covariance of the measurement
        Psi = H @ landmark_cov @ H.T + self.sensor_noise
        # Computing the innovation, the difference between actual measurement and expected measurement
        innovation = z.reshape(2, 1) - expected_measurement
        innovation[1, 0] = normalize_angle(innovation[1, 0])

        landmark, landmark_cov = self.ekf_update(landmark, landmark_cov,
                                                 innovation, H, Psi)
        particle.lm[lm_id, :] = landmark.T
        particle.lmP[2 * lm_id:2 * lm_id + 2, :] = landmark_cov
        # Multiplying importance factors, since this is just the weight for a single sensor measurement
        particle.w *= self.compute_importance_factor(innovation, Psi)

        return particle
 def motion_model(x, u, dt):
     Noise-free motion model method
     :param x: The robot's pose
     :param u: Motion command as a tuple of translational and angular velocities
     :param dt: (Discrete) Time for which the motion command is executed
     :return: Resulting robot's pose
     v, w = u[0, 0], u[1, 0]
     s1, s12 = sin(x[2, 0]), sin(x[2, 0] + dt * w)
     c1, c12 = cos(x[2, 0]), cos(x[2, 0] + dt * w)
     # No angular velocity means following a straight line
     if w == 0:
         B = np.array([[dt * c1 * v], [dt * s1 * v], [0.0]])
     # Otherwise the robot follows a circular arc
         r = v / w
         B = np.array([[-r * s1 + r * s12], [r * c1 - r * c12], [w * dt]])
     x = x + B
     x[2] = normalize_angle(x[2])
     return x
    def execute(self, theta_d):
        theta = self.supervisor.estimated_pose().theta
        e = math_util.normalize_angle(theta_d - theta)
        omega = self.k_p * e

        self.supervisor.set_outputs(1.0, omega)
 def normalize_angles(self, vertices):
     for v in vertices:
         if isinstance(v, PoseVertex):
             v.pose[2, 0] = normalize_angle(v.pose[2, 0])
 def supdate(self, x, y, theta):
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle(theta)
 def vupdate(self, vect, theta):
     self.x = vect[0]
     self.y = vect[1]
     self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle(theta)
  def execute( self, theta_d ):
    theta = self.supervisor.estimated_pose().theta
    e = math_util.normalize_angle( theta_d - theta )
    omega = self.k_p * e

    self.supervisor.set_outputs( 1.0, omega )
 def supdate( self, x, y, theta ):
   self.x = x
   self.y = y
   self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle( theta )
 def vupdate( self, vect, theta ):
   self.x = vect[0]
   self.y = vect[1]
   self.theta = math_util.normalize_angle( theta )