async def now_playing(self, ctx): _("""Displays some information about the currently playing song.""") current_song = self.queue[][0] if not (ctx.guild and == discord.Color.default()): embed_color = else: embed_color = playing_embed = discord.Embed(title=_("Now playing..."), colour=embed_color) playing_embed.add_field(name=_("Title"), value=f"```{current_song.title}```", inline=False) playing_embed.add_field( name=_("Artist"), value=nice_join([ for a in current_song.track_obj.artists]), ) text = _("Click me!") if current_song.uri: playing_embed.add_field( name=_("Link to the original"), value=f"**[{text}]({current_song.track_obj.url})**", ) if current_song.track_obj.album.images: best_image = sorted(current_song.track_obj.album.images, key=lambda x: -x["width"])[0] playing_embed.set_thumbnail(url=best_image["url"]) playing_embed.add_field(name=_("Volume"), value=f"{ctx.player.volume} %") if ctx.player.paused: playing_embed.add_field(name=_("Playing status"), value=_("`⏸Paused`")) playing_embed.add_field(name=_("DJ"), playing_embed.add_field( name=_("Locked"), value=_("Yes") if ctx.player.locked else _("No")) playing_embed.add_field(name=_("Looping"), value=_("Yes") if ctx.player.loop else _("No")) playing_embed.add_field( name=_("Explicit"), value=_("Yes") if current_song.track_obj.explicit else _("No"), ) playing_embed.add_field(name=_("Equalizer"), value=ctx.player.eq) button_position = int( 100 * (ctx.player.position / current_song.length) / 2.5) controller = ( "```ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ:" f" {current_song.title}\n{(button_position - 1) * '─'}⚪{(40 - button_position) * '─'}\n" f" ◄◄⠀{'▐▐' if not ctx.player.paused else '▶'} ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀" f" {str(timedelta(milliseconds=ctx.player.position)).split('.')[0]} /" f" {timedelta(seconds=int(current_song.length / 1000))}```") playing_embed.description = controller playing_embed.set_footer( text=_("Song requested by: {user}").format( user=current_song.requester.display_name), icon_url=current_song.requester.avatar_url_as(format="png", size=64), ) await ctx.send(embed=playing_embed)
async def stats(self, ctx): _("""Show some stats about the bot, ranging from hard- and software statistics, over performance to ingame stats.""" ) async with as conn: characters = await conn.fetchval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM profile;") items = await conn.fetchval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allitems;") pg_version = conn.get_server_version() temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures() temps = temps[list(temps.keys())[0]] cpu_temp = statistics.mean(x.current for x in temps) pg_version = f"{pg_version.major}.{pg_version.micro} {pg_version.releaselevel}" d0 = d1 = delta = d1 - d0 myhours = delta.days * 1.5 sysinfo = distro.linux_distribution() if owner = nice_join([ str(await for u in ]) else: owner = str(await guild_count = sum(await["Sharding"].handler( "guild_count", meminfo = psutil.virtual_memory() cpu_freq = psutil.cpu_freq() cpu_name = await get_cpu_name() compiler =".*\[(.*)\]", sys.version)[1] embed = discord.Embed( title=_("IdleRPG Statistics"), colour=0xB8BBFF,, description=_( "Official Support Server Invite:"), ) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.set_footer( text=f"IdleRPG {} | By {owner}",, ) embed.add_field( name=_("Hosting Statistics"), value=_("""\ CPU: **{cpu_name}** CPU Usage: **{cpu}%**, **{cores}** cores/**{threads}** threads @ **{freq}** GHz RAM Usage: **{ram}%** (Total: **{total_ram}**) CPU Temperature: **{cpu_temp}°C** Python Version **{python}** <:python:445247273065250817> Version **{dpy}** Compiler: **{compiler}** Operating System: **{osname} {osversion}** Kernel Version: **{kernel}** PostgreSQL Version: **{pg_version}** Redis Version: **{redis_version}**""").format( cpu_name=cpu_name, cpu=psutil.cpu_percent(), cores=psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), threads=psutil.cpu_count(), cpu_temp=round(cpu_temp, 2), freq=cpu_freq.max / 1000 if cpu_freq.max else round(cpu_freq.current / 1000, 2), ram=meminfo.percent, total_ram=humanize.naturalsize(, python=platform.python_version(), dpy=pkg.get_distribution("").version, compiler=compiler, osname=sysinfo[0].title(), osversion=sysinfo[1], kernel=os.uname().release if == "posix" else "NT", pg_version=pg_version,, ), inline=False, ) embed.add_field( name=_("Bot Statistics"), value=_("""\ Code lines written: **{lines}** Shards: **{shards}** Servers: **{guild_count}** Characters: **{characters}** Items: **{items}** Average hours of work: **{hours}**""").format(,, guild_count=guild_count, characters=characters, items=items, hours=myhours, ), inline=False, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def get_inputs(self): all_actions = [ ( _("Gather as much food as you can"), _("gathers as much food as they can"), None, ), ( _("Grab a backpack and retreat"), _("grabs a backpack and retreats"), "leave", ), (_("Take a pistol and suicide"), _("gives themselves the bullet"), "leave"), (_("Ram a knife in your body"), _("commits suicide with a knife"), "leave"), ( _("Run away from the Cornucopia"), _("runs away from the Cornucopia"), None, ), ( _("Search for a pair of Explosives"), _("finds a bag full of explosives"), None, ), (_("Look for water"), _("finds a canteen full of water"), None), ( _("Get a first aid kit"), _("clutches a first aid kit and runs away"), None, ), ( _("Grab a backpack"), _("grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty"), None, ), (_("Try to assault USER"), _("kills USER"), ("kill", "USER")), ( _("Kill USER at the water"), _("assaults USER while they were drinking water at the river"), ("kill", "USER"), ), ( _("Try to hide some landmines"), _("hides landmines at a few locations"), None, ), (_("Take a bath"), _("baths in the water and enjoys the silence"), None), ] team_actions = [ (_("kill USER"), ("kill", "USER")), (_("grill at the fireplace and tell each other spooky stories"), None), (_("annoy USER"), "user"), (_("kill themselves by walking into a landmine"), "killall"), (_("have a small party and get drunk"), None), (_("watch animes together"), None), (_("enjoy the silence"), None), (_("attempt to kill USER but fail"), "user"), (_("watch a movie together"), "user"), (_("track down USER and kill them silently"), ("kill", "USER")), ] team_actions_2 = [ (_("kill themselves by walking into a landmine"), "killall"), (_("decide they want out of here and commit suicide"), "killall"), (_("watch a movie together"), None), (_("dance YMCA together"), None), (_("sing songs together"), None), (_("have a nice romantic evening"), None), (_("watch the others being dumb"), None), (_("kiss in the moonlight"), None), ( _("watch a movie together when USER suddenly gets shot by a stranger" ), ("killtogether", "USER"), ), ] user_actions = [] roundtext = _("**Round {round}**") status = await self.ctx.send(roundtext.format(round=self.round), delete_after=60) killed_this_round = [] for p in self.rand_chunks(self.players): if len(p) == 1: text = _("Letting {user} choose their action...").format( user=p[0]) try: await status.edit(content=f"{status.content}\n{text}") except discord.errors.NotFound: status = await self.ctx.send( f"{roundtext.format(round=self.round)}\n{text}", delete_after=60) actions = random.sample(all_actions, 3) possible_kills = [ item for item in self.players if item not in killed_this_round and item != p[0] ] if len(possible_kills) > 0: kill = random.choice(possible_kills) okay = True else: kill = random.choice( [i for i in self.players if i != p[0]]) okay = False actions2 = [] for a, b, c in actions: if c == ("kill", "USER"): actions2.append(( a.replace("USER",, b.replace("USER",, ("kill", kill), )) else: actions2.append((a, b, c)) actions_desc = [a[0] for a in actions2] try: action = actions2[await entries=actions_desc, return_index=True, title=_("Choose an action"), ).paginate(self.ctx, location=p[0])] except (, discord.Forbidden, asyncio.TimeoutError, ): await self.ctx.send( _("I couldn't send a DM to {user}! Choosing random action..." ).format(user=p[0]), delete_after=30, ) action = random.choice(actions2) if okay or (not okay and isinstance(action[2], tuple)): user_actions.append((p[0], action[1])) else: user_actions.append( (p[0], _("attempts to kill {user} but fails").format( user=kill))) if action[2]: if action[2] == "leave": killed_this_round.append(p[0]) else: if okay: killed_this_round.append(action[2][1]) text = _("Done") try: await status.edit(content=f"{status.content} {text}") except discord.errors.NotFound: pass else: possible_kills = [ item for item in p if p not in killed_this_round ] if len(possible_kills) > 0: target = random.choice(possible_kills) else: target = None if len(p) > 2: action = random.choice(team_actions) else: action = random.choice(team_actions_2) users = [u for u in p if u != target] if not action[1]: user_actions.append( (nice_join([ for u in p]), action[0])) elif not target: # fix user_actions.append( (nice_join([ for u in p]), _("do nothing."))) elif action[1] == "user": user_actions.append(( nice_join([ for u in users]), action[0].replace("USER",, )) elif action[1] == "killall": user_actions.append( (nice_join([ for u in p]), action[0])) killed_this_round.extend(p) else: if action[1][0] == "kill": user_actions.append(( nice_join([ for u in users]), action[0].replace("USER",, )) elif action[1][0] == "killtogether": user_actions.append(( nice_join([ for u in p]), action[0].replace("USER",, )) killed_this_round.append(target) await asyncio.sleep(2) for p in killed_this_round: try: self.players.remove(p) except ValueError: pass paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix="", suffix="") for u, a in user_actions: paginator.add_line(f"{u} {a}") for page in paginator.pages: await self.ctx.send(page, delete_after=60) self.round += 1
ids,, ) if not reminders: return await ctx.send( _("None of these reminder IDs belong to you.")) for reminder in reminders: fake_task = Task(0, reminder["internal_id"], 0) await 'DELETE FROM reminders WHERE "id"=ANY($1);', ids := [reminder["id"] for reminder in reminders], ) await ctx.send( _("Removed the following reminders: `{ids}`").format( ids=nice_join(ids))) @commands.command(brief=_("Shows a list of your running reminders.")) @locale_doc async def reminders(self, ctx): _("""Shows you a list of your currently running reminders Reminders can be cancelled using `{prefix}reminder cancel <id>`. (serves as an alias for `{prefix}reminder list`)""") await ctx.invoke("reminder list")) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Scheduling(bot))