def on_release_print(self): # This is the only custom method for hist2d_alex() E1, E2 = min((self.xs, self.xe)), max((self.xs, self.xe)) S1, S2 = min((self.ys,, max((self.ys, self.selection = dict(E1=E1, E2=E2, S1=S1, S2=S2) pprint("Selection: \nE1=%.2f, E2=%.2f, S1=%.2f, S2=%.2f\n" %\ (E1,E2,S1,S2))
def on_press_print(self): if self.debug: pprint("%s %s %s\n" % (self.xp, self.yp, self.ich)) mburst = self.d.mburst[self.ich] t_clk = self.xp/self.d.clk_p mask = (b_start(mburst) < t_clk)*(b_end(mburst) > t_clk) if mask.any(): burst_index = np.where(mask)[0][0] ts = b_start(mburst)[burst_index]*self.d.clk_p width = b_width(mburst)[burst_index]*self.d.clk_p asym = self.asymmetry(self.ich)[burst_index] msg = "Burst [%d-CH%d]: " % (burst_index, self.ich+1) msg += "t = %7.2f ms" % (ts*1e3) msg += " width=%4.2f ms" % (width*1e3) msg += " size=(T%3d, D%3d, A%3d" % \ (self.d.nt[self.ich][burst_index], self.d.nd[self.ich][burst_index],[self.ich][burst_index]) if self.d.ALEX: msg += ", AA%3d" % self.d.naa[self.ich][burst_index] msg += ") E=%4.2f" % self.d.E[self.ich][burst_index] if self.d.ALEX: msg += " S=%4.2f" % self.d.E[self.ich][burst_index] msg += " Asym(D-A)=%5.2f ms" % asym pprint(msg + '\n')
def __init__(self, fig, scroll_step=10, debug=False): # Setup data range variables for scrolling self.debug = debug if self.debug: pprint('ScrollingToolQT init\n') self.fig = fig self.scroll_step = scroll_step self.xmin, self.xmax = fig.axes[0].get_xlim() self.width = 1 # axis units self.pos = 0 # axis units self.scale = 1e3 # conversion betweeen scrolling units and axis units # Some handy shortcuts = self.fig.axes[0] self.draw = self.fig.canvas.draw #self.draw_idle = self.fig.canvas.draw_idle # Retrive the QMainWindow used by current figure and add a toolbar # to host the new widgets QMainWin = fig.canvas.parent() toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar(QMainWin) QMainWin.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.BottomToolBarArea, toolbar) # Create the slider and spinbox for x-axis scrolling in toolbar self.set_slider(toolbar) self.set_spinbox(toolbar) # Set the initial xlimits coherently with values in slider and spinbox, self.pos + self.width) self.draw()
def xwidth_changed(self, width): if self.debug: pprint("Width (axis units) %f\n" % width) if width <= 0: return self.width = width self.slider.setSingleStep(self.width*self.scale/5.) self.slider.setPageStep(self.scroll_step*self.width*self.scale) old_xlim = self.xpos_changed(old_xlim[0]*self.scale)
def on_motion(self, event): if event.inaxes != return if self.debug: pprint('MOTION x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f\n' % ( event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.xe, = event.xdata, event.ydata self.on_motion_draw() self.fig.canvas.draw()
def on_release(self, event): if not self.pressed: return self.pressed = False if self.debug: pprint('RELEASE button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f\n' % ( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.id_motion) self.on_release_print()
def __init__(self, fig, ax, debug=False): = ax self.fig = fig self.pressed = False self.debug = debug self.id_press = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press) if self.debug: pprint('Figure: ' + str(fig) + '\nAxis: ' + str(ax) + '\n')
def set_spinbox(self, parent): if self.debug: pprint('ScrollingToolQT set_spinbox\n') self.spinb = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox(parent=parent) self.spinb.setDecimals(3) self.spinb.setRange(0.001,3600.) self.spinb.setSuffix(" s") self.spinb.setValue(self.width) # set the initial width self.spinb.valueChanged.connect(self.xwidth_changed) parent.addWidget(self.spinb)
def set_slider(self, parent): if self.debug: pprint('ScrollingToolQT set_slider\n') self.slider = QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, parent=parent) self.slider.setTickPosition(QtGui.QSlider.TicksAbove) self.slider.setTickInterval((self.xmax-self.xmin)/10.*self.scale) self.slider.setMinimum(self.xmin*self.scale) self.slider.setMaximum((self.xmax-self.width)*self.scale) self.slider.setSingleStep(self.width*self.scale/4.) self.slider.setPageStep(self.scroll_step*self.width*self.scale) self.slider.setValue(self.pos*self.scale) # set the initial position self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.xpos_changed) parent.addWidget(self.slider)
def on_press(self, event): if event.inaxes != return self.pressed = True self.xs, self.ys = event.xdata, event.ydata if self.debug: pprint('PRESS button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f\n' % ( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.on_press_draw() self.fig.canvas.draw() self.id_motion = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_release)
def smart_bg(d, ich=0, bin_=50e-3, step=1): """BG calculation through binning (WARNING: very slow!).""" bg = [] t = d.ph_times_m[ich]*d.clk_p t_max = np.floor(t.max()) pprint(" Calculation started:") for s in np.arange(step, t_max, step): #if (s % (t_max/50) == 0): pprint(" %d %%" % (s/t_max*100)) h = np.histogram(t[(t<s)*(t>(s-step))], bins=np.arange(s-step, s+1e-3, bin_)) print h[0] bg.append(h[0].min()) pprint('\n') return np.array(bg)/bin_
def burst_search_and_gate(dx, F=6, m=10, ph_sel1=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'), ph_sel2=Ph_sel(Aex='Aem'), mute=False): """Return a Data object containing bursts obtained by and-gate burst-search. The and-gate burst search is a composition of 2 burst searches performed on different photon selections. The bursts in the and-gate burst search are the overlapping bursts in the 2 initial burst searches, and their duration is the intersection of the two overlapping bursts. By default the 2 photon selections are D+A photons during D excitation (`Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')`) and A photons during A excitation (`Ph_sel(Aex='Aex')`). Arguments: dx (Data object): contains the data on which to perform the burst search. Background estimation must be performed before the search. F (float): Burst search parameter F. m (int): Burst search parameter m. ph_sel1 (Ph_sel object): photon selections used for bursts search 1. ph_sel2 (Ph_sel object): photon selections used for bursts search 2. mute (bool): if True nothing is printed. Default: False. Return: A new `Data` object containing bursts from the and-gate search. See also :meth:`fretbursts.burstlib.Data.burst_search_t`. """ dx_d = dx dx_a = dx.copy(mute=mute) dx_and = dx.copy(mute=mute) dx_d.burst_search_t(L=m, m=m, F=F, ph_sel=ph_sel1, mute=mute) dx_a.burst_search_t(L=m, m=m, F=F, ph_sel=ph_sel2, mute=mute) mburst_and = [] for mburst_d, mburst_a in zip(dx_d.mburst, dx_a.mburst): mburst_and.append(bslib.burst_and(mburst_d, mburst_a)) dx_and.add(mburst=mburst_and) pprint(" - Calculating burst periods ...", mute) dx_and._calc_burst_period() # writes bp pprint("[DONE]\n", mute) # Note: dx_and.bg_bs will not be meaningful dx_and.add(m=m, L=m, F=F, P=None, ph_sel='AND-gate') dx_and.add(bg_corrected=False, leakage_corrected=False, dir_ex_corrected=False, dithering=False) pprint(" - Counting D and A ph and calculating FRET ... \n", mute) dx_and.calc_fret(count_ph=True, corrections=True, mute=mute) pprint(" [DONE Counting D/A]\n", mute) return dx_and
def load_dat_file(): pprint(' - Loading DAT file: %s ... ' % fname_dat) ## Load data from raw file and store it in a HDF5 file data = load_xavier_manta_data(fname_dat, i_start=i_start, i_stop=i_stop, debug=debug) pprint('DONE.\n - Extracting timestamps and detectors ... ') timestamps, det = get_timestamps_detectors(data, nbits=24) pprint('DONE.\n - Processing and storing ... ') ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo = process_store(timestamps, det, out_fname=fname_h5, fifo_flag=True, debug=False) pprint('DONE.\n') return ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo
def multispot48(fname, leakage=0, gamma=1., reprocess=False, i_start=0, i_stop=None, debug=False): """Load a 48-ch multispot file and return a Data() object. """ import tables basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) fname_h5 = basename + '.hdf5' fname_dat = basename + '.dat' def load_dat_file(): pprint(' - Loading DAT file: %s ... ' % fname_dat) ## Load data from raw file and store it in a HDF5 file data = load_xavier_manta_data(fname_dat, i_start=i_start, i_stop=i_stop, debug=debug) pprint('DONE.\n - Extracting timestamps and detectors ... ') timestamps, det = get_timestamps_detectors(data, nbits=24) pprint('DONE.\n - Processing and storing ... ') ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo = process_store(timestamps, det, out_fname=fname_h5, fifo_flag=True, debug=False) pprint('DONE.\n') return ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo if not (os.path.isfile(fname_dat) or os.path.isfile(fname_h5)): raise IOError('Data file "%s" not found' % basename) if os.path.exists(fname_h5) and not reprocess: ## There is a HDF5 file try: pprint(' - Loading HDF5 file: %s ... ' % fname_h5) ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo = \ load_manta_timestamps_pytables(fname_h5) pprint('DONE.\n') except tables.HDF5ExtError: pprint('\n Ops! File may be truncated.\n') ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo = load_dat_file() else: ph_times_m, big_fifo, ch_fifo = load_dat_file() ## Current data has only acceptor ch A_em = [True] * len(ph_times_m) dx = Data(fname=fname, clk_p=10e-9, nch=48, leakage=leakage, gamma=gamma) dx.add(ph_times_m=ph_times_m, A_em=A_em, ALEX=False, data_file=ph_times_m.data_file, bg_data_file=ph_times_m.data_file) big_fifo_full = np.array([b[:].any() for b in big_fifo]).any() ch_fifo_full = np.array([b[:].any() for b in ch_fifo]).any() if big_fifo_full: print 'WARNING: Big-FIFO full, flags saved in Data()' dx.add(big_fifo=big_fifo) if ch_fifo_full: print 'WARNING: CH-FIFO full, flags saved in Data()' dx.add(ch_fifo=ch_fifo) return dx
def on_press(self, event): if self.debug: pprint('PRESS button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f\n' % ( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) iax = [i for i, ax in enumerate(self.ax_list) if ax == event.inaxes] if len(iax) == 0: if self.debug: pprint('NO axis found. event.inaxes "%s".\n' % event.inaxes) pprint('self.ax_list: ' + str(self.ax_list)) return self.ich = iax[0] self.xp, self.yp = event.xdata, event.ydata self.on_press_print()
def multispot8(fname, bytes_to_read=-1, swap_D_A=True, leakage=0, gamma=1.): """Load a 8-ch multispot file and return a Data() object. Cached version. """ fname_c = fname + '_cache.pickle' try: var = pickle.load(open(fname_c, 'rb')) dx = Data(fname=fname, clk_p=12.5e-9, nch=8, leakage=leakage, gamma=gamma) dx.add(ph_times_m=var['ph_times_m'], A_em=var['A_em'], ALEX=False) pprint(" - File loaded from cache: %s\n" % fname) except IOError: dx = multispot8_core(fname, bytes_to_read=bytes_to_read, swap_D_A=swap_D_A, leakage=leakage, gamma=gamma) D = {'ph_times_m': dx.ph_times_m, 'A_em': dx.A_em} pprint(" - Pickling data ... ") pickle.dump(D, open(fname_c, 'wb'), -1) pprint("DONE\n") return dx
default='./ckpts/miniImageNet/netFeatBest.pth') parser.add_argument('--base_lr_sib', type=float, default=0.001) parser.add_argument('--sib_lr_mode', type=str, default='EBL', choices=['HPL', 'EBL']) parser.add_argument('--phase_sib', type=str, default='meta_train', choices=['meta_train', 'meta_eval']) parser.add_argument('--meta_eval_load_path', type=str, default='./ckpts/miniImageNet/e3bm_ckpt.pth') args = parser.parse_args() pprint(vars(args)) print('Experiment label: ' + args.label) set_gpu(args.gpu) occupy_memory(args.gpu) print('Occupy GPU memory in advance.') if args.baseline == 'MTL': if args.seed == 0: torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True else: torch.manual_seed(args.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
def __init__(self, args): param = configs.__dict__[args.config]() args.shot = param.shot args.test = param.test args.debug = param.debug args.deconfound = param.deconfound args.meta_label = param.meta_label args.init_weights = param.init_weights self.test_iter = param.test_iter args.param = param pprint(vars(args)) # Set the folder to save the records and checkpoints log_base_dir = '/data2/yuezhongqi/Model/mtl/logs/' if not osp.exists(log_base_dir): os.mkdir(log_base_dir) meta_base_dir = osp.join(log_base_dir, 'meta') if not osp.exists(meta_base_dir): os.mkdir(meta_base_dir) save_path1 = '_'.join([args.dataset, args.model_type, 'MTL']) save_path2 = 'shot' + str(args.shot) + '_way' + str(args.way) + '_query' + str(args.train_query) + \ '_step' + str(args.step_size) + '_gamma' + str(args.gamma) + '_lr1' + str(args.meta_lr1) + '_lr2' + str(args.meta_lr2) + \ '_batch' + str(args.num_batch) + '_maxepoch' + str(args.max_epoch) + \ '_baselr' + str(args.base_lr) + '_updatestep' + str(args.update_step) + \ '_stepsize' + str(args.step_size) + '_' + args.meta_label args.save_path = meta_base_dir + '/' + save_path1 + '_' + save_path2 ensure_path(args.save_path) # Set args to be shareable in the class self.args = args # Load meta-train set self.trainset = Dataset('train', self.args, dataset=self.args.param.dataset, train_aug=False) num_workers = 8 if args.debug: num_workers = 0 self.train_sampler = CategoriesSampler( self.trainset.label, self.args.num_batch, self.args.way, self.args.shot + self.args.train_query) self.train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=self.trainset, batch_sampler=self.train_sampler, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True) # Load meta-val set self.valset = Dataset('val', self.args, dataset=self.args.param.dataset, train_aug=False) self.val_sampler = CategoriesSampler( self.valset.label, self.test_iter, self.args.way, self.args.shot + self.args.val_query) self.val_loader = DataLoader(dataset=self.valset, batch_sampler=self.val_sampler, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True) # Build meta-transfer learning model self.model = MtlLearner(self.args) # load pretrained model without FC classifier self.model.load_pretrain_weight(self.args.init_weights) ''' self.model_dict = self.model.state_dict() if self.args.init_weights is not None: pretrained_dict = torch.load(self.args.init_weights)['params'] else: pre_base_dir = osp.join(log_base_dir, 'pre') pre_save_path1 = '_'.join([args.dataset, args.model_type]) pre_save_path2 = 'batchsize' + str(args.pre_batch_size) + '_lr' + str(args.pre_lr) + '_gamma' + str(args.pre_gamma) + '_step' + \ str(args.pre_step_size) + '_maxepoch' + str(args.pre_max_epoch) pre_save_path = pre_base_dir + '/' + pre_save_path1 + '_' + pre_save_path2 pretrained_dict = torch.load(osp.join(pre_save_path, 'max_acc.pth'))['params'] pretrained_dict = {'encoder.'+k: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items()} pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if k in self.model_dict} print(pretrained_dict.keys()) self.model_dict.update(pretrained_dict) self.model.load_state_dict(self.model_dict) ''' # Set model to GPU if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True self.model = self.model.cuda() if self.args.param.model == "wideres": print("Using Parallel") self.model.encoder = torch.nn.DataParallel( self.model.encoder).cuda() # Set optimizer self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( [{ 'params': filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.encoder.parameters()) }, { 'params': self.model.base_learner.parameters(), 'lr': self.args.meta_lr2 }], lr=self.args.meta_lr1) # Set learning rate scheduler self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR( self.optimizer, step_size=self.args.step_size, gamma=self.args.gamma) if not self.args.deconfound: self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() else: self.criterion = torch.nn.NLLLoss().cuda() # Enable evaluation with Cross if args.cross: args.param.dataset = "cross"
def store(d, compression=dict(complevel=6, complib='zlib'), h5_fname=None, verbose=True): """ Saves the `Data` object `d` in the HDF5-Ph-Data format. As a side effect the `d` object is modified by adding the attribute `data_file` that contains a reference to the pytables file. Arguments: d (Data object): the Data object containing the smFRET measurement. compression (dict): a dictionary containing the compression type and level. Passed to pytables `tables.Filters()`. h5_fname (string or None): if not None, contains the file name to be used for the HDF5 file. If None, the file name is generated from `d.fname`, by replacing the original extension with '.hdf5'. verbose (bool): if True prints the name of the saved file. For description and specs of the HDF5-Ph-Data format see: """ comp_filter = tables.Filters(**compression) if 'lifetime' not in d: # Test on different fields for ALEX and non-ALEX d.add(lifetime = ('nanotimes_t' in d) or ('nanotimes' in d)) if h5_fname is None: basename, extension = os.path.splitext(d.fname) h5_fname = basename + '.hdf5' if os.path.exists(h5_fname): basename, extension = os.path.splitext(h5_fname) h5_fname = basename + '_new_copy.hdf5' pprint('Saving: %s' % h5_fname, not verbose) data_file = tables.open_file(h5_fname, mode = "w", title = "Confocal smFRET data") writer = H5Writer(data_file, d, comp_filter) ## Save the root-node metadata for name, value in _format_meta.items(): data_file.root._f_setattr(name, value) ## Save the mandatory parameters mandatory_fields = ['timestamps_unit', 'num_spots', 'alex', 'lifetime'] for field in mandatory_fields: writer.add_array('/', field) if d.ALEX: writer.add_array('/', 'alex_period') writer.add_array('/', 'alex_period_donor') writer.add_array('/', 'alex_period_acceptor') ## Save the photon-data if d.nch == 1: # Single-spot: using "basic layout" ph_group = writer.add_group('/', 'photon_data') if d.ALEX: for field in ['timestamps', 'detectors']: writer.add_carray(ph_group, field) donor, accept = d.det_donor_accept else: writer.add_carray(ph_group, 'timestamps', obj=d.ph_times_m[0]) writer.add_carray(ph_group, 'detectors', obj=d.A_em[0]) donor, accept = 0, 1 det_group = writer.add_group(ph_group, 'detectors_specs') writer.add_array(det_group, 'donor', obj=donor) writer.add_array(det_group, 'acceptor', obj=accept) # If present save nanotime data if d.lifetime: if d.ALEX: writer.add_carray(ph_group, 'nanotimes', obj=d.nanotimes_t) else: writer.add_carray(ph_group, 'nanotimes') nt_group = writer.add_group(ph_group, 'nanotimes_specs') # Mandatory specs nanotimes_specs = ['tcspc_bin', 'tcspc_nbins', 'tcspc_range'] for spec in nanotimes_specs: writer.add_array(nt_group, spec, obj=d.nanotimes_params[spec]) # Optional specs nanotimes_specs = ['tau_accept_only', 'tau_donor_only', 'tau_fret_donor', 'tau_fret_trans'] for spec in nanotimes_specs: if spec in d.nanotimes_params: writer.add_array(nt_group, spec, obj=d.nanotimes_params[spec]) if 'par' in d: writer.add_carray(ph_group, 'particles', obj=d.par[0]) else: # Multi-spot: using "multi-spot layout" for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times()): ch_group = writer.add_group('/', 'photon_data_%d' % ich, metakey='photon_data') writer.add_carray(ch_group, 'timestamps', obj=ph) # If A_em[ich] is a slice we have a single color so we don't # save the detector (there is only one detector per channel). a_em = d.A_em[ich] if type(a_em) is not slice: writer.add_carray(ch_group, 'detectors', obj=a_em) # Detector specs det_group = writer.add_group(ch_group, 'detectors_specs') writer.add_array(det_group, 'donor', obj=False) writer.add_array(det_group, 'acceptor', obj=True) data_file.flush() d.add(data_file=data_file)
def on_release_print(self): pprint('X Span: (%d, %d)\n' % (self.xs, self.xe))
def xpos_changed(self, pos): if self.debug: pprint("Position (in scroll units) %f\n" %pos) pos /= self.scale, pos+self.width) self.draw()