def export_run(self, run_num, model):
        val_with_targ, pred_with_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(model,
                                                run_num,'patrol_with_targ', 'sample_evaluation_data') 

        val_no_targ, pred_no_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(model, 
                                                run_num,'patrol_non_targ', 'sample_evaluation_data') 

        val_following, pred_following = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(model,
                                                run_num,'following_images', 'sample_evaluation_data')
    def write_predictions(self, model, weight_file_name):
        #write predictions for various scenarios to file, return path to files for each scenario

        run_num = 'run_{}'.format(weight_file_name)

        val_with_targ, pred_with_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(model,
                                                run_num,'patrol_with_targ', 'sample_evaluation_data') 

        val_no_targ, pred_no_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(model, 
                                                run_num,'patrol_non_targ', 'sample_evaluation_data') 

        val_following, pred_following = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(model,
                                                run_num,'following_images', 'sample_evaluation_data')

        return [val_with_targ, pred_with_targ, val_no_targ, pred_no_targ, val_following, pred_following]
        steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,  # the number of batches per epoch,
        epochs=num_epochs,  # the number of epochs to train for,
        validation_data=val_iter,  # validation iterator
        validation_steps,  # the number of batches to validate on

    weight_file_name = 'model_weights_' + run
    model_tools.save_network(model, weight_file_name)

    run_num = 'run_' + run

    val_with_targ, pred_with_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
        model, run_num, 'patrol_with_targ', 'evaluation')

    val_no_targ, pred_no_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
        model, run_num, 'patrol_non_targ', 'evaluation')

    val_following, pred_following = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
        model, run_num, 'following_images', 'evaluation')

    print("Scores for while the quad is following behind the target")
    true_pos1, false_pos1, false_neg1, iou1 = scoring_utils.score_run_iou(
        val_following, pred_following)
    print("true_pos1: " + str(true_pos1))
    print("false_pos1: " + str(false_pos1))
model_tools.save_network(model, weight_file_name)

# ## Prediction<a id='prediction'></a>

# In[123]:

# If you need to load a model which you previously trained you can uncomment the codeline that calls the function below.

# weight_file_name = 'model_weights'
# restored_model = model_tools.load_network(weight_file_name)

# In[124]:

# generate predictions, save in the runs, directory.
run_number = 'run1'
validation_path, output_path = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
    model, run_number, 'validation')

# In[127]:

# take a look at predictions
# validation_path = 'validation'
im_files = plotting_tools.get_im_file_sample(run_number, validation_path)
for i in range(10):
    im_tuple = plotting_tools.load_images(im_files[i])

# ## Evaluation<a id='evaluation'></a>
# Let's evaluate your model!

# In[128]:
def train_net(x):
    """Trains the network with the suggested hyper-parameters passed in x
    argument. Returns -final_score as a result to let ski-opt library find the
    desired minimum, corresponding to the maximum final_score"""

    learning_rate = x[0]  # 0.001
    batch_size = x[1]  # 32
    num_epochs = x[2]  # 12
    layers_num = x[3]  #2
    conv_layers_num = x[4]  #1
    external_features = x[5]  #128
    internal_features = x[6]  #16
    conv_features = x[7]  #16

    print("learning_rate", learning_rate)
    print("batch_size", batch_size)
    print("num_epochs", num_epochs)
    print("layers_num", layers_num)
    print("conv_layers_num", conv_layers_num)
    print("external_features", external_features)
    print("internal_features", internal_features)
    print("conv_features", conv_features)

    image_hw = 160
    image_shape = (image_hw, image_hw, 3)
    inputs = layers.Input(image_shape)
    num_classes = 3

    # Call fcn_model()
    output_layer = fcn_model(inputs, num_classes, layers_num,
                             external_features, internal_features,
                             conv_layers_num, conv_features)

    # Define the Keras model and compile it for training
    model = models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=output_layer)


    # Data iterators for loading the training and validation data
    train_iter = data_iterator.BatchIteratorSimple(batch_size=batch_size,
                                                       '..', 'data',

    val_iter = data_iterator.BatchIteratorSimple(batch_size=batch_size,
                                                     '..', 'data',

        steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,  # the number of batches per epoch,
        epochs=num_epochs,  # the number of epochs to train for,
        validation_data=val_iter,  # validation iterator
        validation_steps,  # the number of batches to validate on

    run_num = 'run_1'

    val_with_targ, pred_with_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
        model, run_num, 'patrol_with_targ', 'sample_evaluation_data')

    val_no_targ, pred_no_targ = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
        model, run_num, 'patrol_non_targ', 'sample_evaluation_data')

    val_following, pred_following = model_tools.write_predictions_grade_set(
        model, run_num, 'following_images', 'sample_evaluation_data')

    # Scores for while the quad is following behind the target.
    true_pos1, false_pos1, false_neg1, iou1 = scoring_utils.score_run_iou(
        val_following, pred_following)

    # Scores for images while the quad is on patrol and the target is not
    # visible
    true_pos2, false_pos2, false_neg2, iou2 = scoring_utils.score_run_iou(
        val_no_targ, pred_no_targ)

    # This score measures how well the neural network can detect the target
    # from far away
    true_pos3, false_pos3, false_neg3, iou3 = scoring_utils.score_run_iou(
        val_with_targ, pred_with_targ)

    # Sum all the true positives, etc from the three datasets to get a weight
    # for the score
    true_pos = true_pos1 + true_pos2 + true_pos3
    false_pos = false_pos1 + false_pos2 + false_pos3
    false_neg = false_neg1 + false_neg2 + false_neg3

    weight = true_pos / (true_pos + false_neg + false_pos)

    # The IoU for the dataset that never includes the hero is excluded from
    # grading
    final_IoU = (iou1 + iou3) / 2

    # And the final grade score is
    final_score = final_IoU * weight

    weight_file_name = 'model_weights_' + str(final_score)
    model_tools.save_network(model, weight_file_name)
    print("Saved", weight_file_name)

    print("final_score", final_score)

    return -final_score