def main(FLAGS): scale_width, scale_height = select_things.select_scale( FLAGS.scale, FLAGS.width, FLAGS.height) '''--------Creat palceholder--------''' datas, labels, train = net.create_placeholder(FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.width, FLAGS.height, scale_width, scale_height) '''--------net--------''' pre_scale1, pre_scale2, pre_scale3 = net.feature_extractor(datas, train) scale1, scale2, scale3 = net.scales(pre_scale1, pre_scale2, pre_scale3, train) '''--------get labels_filenames and datas_filenames--------''' datas_filenames = reader.images(FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.datas_path) labels_fienames = reader.labels(FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.labels_path) normalize_labels = extract_labels.labels_normalizer( labels_fienames, FLAGS.width, FLAGS.height, scale_width, scale_height) '''---------partition the train data and val data--------''' train_filenames = datas_filenames[:int(len(datas_filenames) * 0.9)] train_labels = normalize_labels[:int(len(normalize_labels) * 0.9)] val_filenames = datas_filenames[len(datas_filenames) - int(len(datas_filenames) * 0.9):] val_labels = normalize_labels[len(normalize_labels) - int(len(normalize_labels) * 0.9):] '''--------calculate loss--------''' if FLAGS.scale == 1: loss = get_loss.calculate_loss(scale1, labels) if FLAGS.scale == 2: loss = get_loss.calculate_loss(scale2, labels) if FLAGS.scale == 3: loss = get_loss.calculate_loss(scale3, labels) '''--------Optimizer--------''' update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate).minimize(loss) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) merged = tf.summary.merge_all() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("logs/", sess.graph) number = 0 saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10) save_path = select_things.select_checkpoint(FLAGS.scale) last_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(save_path, 'checkpoint') if last_checkpoint: saver.restore(sess, last_checkpoint) number = int(last_checkpoint[28:]) + 1 print('Reuse model form: ', format(last_checkpoint)) else: for epoch in range(FLAGS.epoch): epoch_loss = tf.cast(0, tf.float32) for i in range(len(train_filenames)): normalize_datas = [] for data_filename in train_filenames[i]: image = reader.get_image(data_filename, FLAGS.width, FLAGS.height) image = np.array(image, np.float32) normalize_datas.append(image) normalize_datas = np.array(normalize_datas) _, batch_loss, rs =[optimizer, loss, merged], feed_dict={ datas: normalize_datas, labels: train_labels[i], train: True }) print('batch_loss after epoch %i: %f' % (i, batch_loss)) epoch_loss = +batch_loss writer.add_summary(rs, epoch + number) if epoch % 1 == 0 & epoch != 0: print('Cost after epoch %i: %f' % (epoch + number, epoch_loss)) name = 'scale' + str(FLAGS.scale) + '.ckpt', os.path.join(save_path, name), global_step=epoch + number) if epoch % 10 == 0 & epoch != 0: val_loss = tf.cast(0, tf.float32) for i in range(len(val_filenames)): normalize_datas = [] for val_filename in val_filenames[i]: image = reader.get_image(val_filename, FLAGS.width, FLAGS.height) image = np.array(image, np.float32) image = np.divide(image, 255) normalize_datas.append(image) normalize_datas = np.array(normalize_datas) batch_loss =, feed_dict={ datas: normalize_datas, labels: val_labels[i], train: False }) val_loss = +batch_loss print('VAL_Cost after epoch %i: %f' % (epoch + number, val_loss))
def main(FLAGS): if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.save_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.save_dir) input_image = reader.get_image(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.image_width, FLAGS.image_height) output_image = np.copy(input_image) '''--------Create placeholder--------''' image = net.create_eval_placeholder(FLAGS.image_width, FLAGS.image_height) '''--------net--------''' pre_scale1, pre_scale2, pre_scale3 = net.feature_extractor(image, False) scale1, scale2, scale3 = net.scales(pre_scale1, pre_scale2, pre_scale3, False) with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path = select_things.select_checkpoint(FLAGS.scale) #ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state() #获取checkpoints对象 #if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:##判断ckpt是否为空,若不为空,才进行模型的加载,否则从头开始训练 #print('Restoring weights from: ' + ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) #saver.restore(sess,'yolov3.ckpt')#恢复保存的神经网络结构,实现断点续训 print('load-weight-start') load_ops = load_weights(tf.global_variables(), 'yolov3.weights') print('laod-weights-done') #last_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( save_path, 'checkpoint' ) #if last_checkpoint: #saver.restore(sess, last_checkpoint) #print( 'Success load model from: ', format( last_checkpoint ) ) #else: #print( 'Model has not trained' ), save_path) start_time = time.time() scale1, scale2, scale3 =[scale1, scale2, scale3], feed_dict={image: [output_image]}) if FLAGS.scale == 1: scale = scale1 if FLAGS.scale == 2: scale = scale2 if FLAGS.scale == 3: scale = scale3 boxes_labels = eval_uitls.label_extractor(scale[0]) bdboxes = eval_uitls.get_bdboxes(boxes_labels) for bdbox in bdboxes: font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX output_image = cv2.rectangle( output_image, (int(bdbox[0] - bdbox[2] / 2), int(bdbox[1] - bdbox[3] / 2)), (int(bdbox[0] + bdbox[2] / 2), int(bdbox[1] + bdbox[3] / 2)), (200, 0, 0), 1) output_image = cv2.putText( output_image, bdbox[4], (int(bdbox[0] - bdbox[2] / 2), int(bdbox[1] - bdbox[3] / 2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 255, 0), 1) # output_image = np.multiply( output_image, 255 ) generate_image = FLAGS.save_dir + '/res.jpg' if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.save_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.save_dir) cv2.imwrite(generate_image, cv2.cvtColor(output_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) end_time = time.time() print('Use time: ', end_time - start_time) plt.imshow(output_image)
def main(FLAGS): if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.save_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.save_dir) input_image = reader.get_image(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.image_width, FLAGS.image_height) output_image = np.copy(input_image) '''--------Create placeholder--------''' image = net.create_eval_placeholder(FLAGS.image_width, FLAGS.image_height) '''--------net--------''' pre_scale1, pre_scale2, pre_scale3 = net.feature_extractor(image) scale1, scale2, scale3 = net.scales(pre_scale1, pre_scale2, pre_scale3) with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path = select_things.select_checkpoint(FLAGS.scale) last_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(save_path, 'checkpoint') if last_checkpoint: saver.restore(sess, last_checkpoint) print('Success load model from: ', format(last_checkpoint)) else: print('Model has not trained') start_time = time.time() scale1, scale2, scale3 =[scale1, scale2, scale3], feed_dict={image: [output_image]}) if FLAGS.scale == 1: scale = scale1 if FLAGS.scale == 2: scale = scale2 if FLAGS.scale == 3: scale = scale3 boxes_labels = eval_uitls.label_extractor(scale[0]) bdboxes = eval_uitls.get_bdboxes(boxes_labels) for bdbox in bdboxes: font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX output_image = cv2.rectangle( output_image, (int(bdbox[0] - bdbox[2] / 2), int(bdbox[1] - bdbox[3] / 2)), (int(bdbox[0] + bdbox[2] / 2), int(bdbox[1] + bdbox[3] / 2)), (200, 0, 0), 1) output_image = cv2.putText( output_image, bdbox[4], (int(bdbox[0] - bdbox[2] / 2), int(bdbox[1] - bdbox[3] / 2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.1, (0, 255, 0), 1) # output_image = np.multiply( output_image, 255 ) generate_image = FLAGS.save_dir + '/res.jpg' if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.save_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.save_dir) cv2.imwrite(generate_image, cv2.cvtColor(output_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) end_time = time.time() print('Use time: ', end_time - start_time) plt.imshow(output_image)