def test_arenstorf(): """ Q: какие участки траектории наиболее быстрые? """ ode = Arenstorf() t0, t1 = 0, 1 * ode.t_period y0 = ode.y0 atol = 1e-6 rtol = 1e-3 tss = [] yss = [] methods = ( # (ExplicitEulerMethod(), AdaptType.RUNGE), (RungeKuttaMethod(coeffs.rk4_coeffs), AdaptType.RUNGE), (EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod(coeffs.dopri_coeffs), AdaptType.EMBEDDED), ) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(num='traj') fig1.suptitle('Arenstorf orbit: trajectory') ax1.set_xlabel('x1'), ax1.set_ylabel('x2') fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(num='dt(t)') fig2.suptitle('Arenstorf orbit: step sizes') ax2.set_xlabel('t'), ax2.set_ylabel('dt') fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(num='|f|') fig3.suptitle('Arenstorf orbit: RHS analysis') ax3.set_xlabel('t') for method, adapt_type in methods: ts, ys = adaptive_step_integration(method=method, ode=ode, y_start=y0, t_span=(t0, t1), adapt_type=adapt_type, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) tss.append(np.array(ts)) yss.append(ys) for (m, _), ts, ys in zip(methods, tss, yss): ax1.plot([y[0] for y in ys], [y[1] for y in ys], ':', ax2.plot(ts[:-1], ts[1:] - ts[:-1], '.-', #derivatives = [np.linalg.norm(ode(t, y)) for t, y in zip(ts, ys)] derivatives = [1/(np.linalg.norm(ode(t, y))) for t, y in zip(ts, ys)] ax1.plot(0, 0, 'bo', label='Earth') ax1.plot(1, 0, '.', color='grey', label='Moon') ax3.plot(ts, derivatives, label='|f(t, y)|') ax1.legend() ax2.legend()
def test_arenstorf(): """ Q: which parts of the orbit are fastest? """ problem = Arenstorf() t0, t1 = 0, 1 * problem.t_period y0 = problem.y0 atol = 1e-6 rtol = 1e-3 tss = [] yss = [] methods = ( # (ExplicitEulerMethod(), AdaptType.RUNGE), (RungeKuttaMethod(coeffs=collection.rk4_coeffs), AdaptType.RUNGE), (EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod(coeffs=collection.dopri_coeffs), AdaptType.EMBEDDED), ) plt.figure('traj'), plt.suptitle( 'Arenstorf orbit: trajectory'), plt.xlabel('x1'), plt.ylabel('x2') plt.figure('dt(t)'), plt.suptitle( 'Arenstorf orbit: step sizes'), plt.xlabel('t'), plt.ylabel('dt') for method, adapt_type in methods: ts, ys = adaptive_step_integration(method=method, func=problem, y_start=y0, t_span=(t0, t1), adapt_type=adapt_type, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) tss.append(np.array(ts)) yss.append(ys) for (m, _), ts, ys in zip(methods, tss, yss): plt.figure('traj'), plt.plot([y[0] for y in ys], [y[1] for y in ys], ':', plt.figure('dt(t)'), plt.plot(ts[:-1], ts[1:] - ts[:-1], '.-', plt.figure('traj') plt.plot(0, 0, 'bo', label='Earth') plt.plot(1, 0, '.', color='grey', label='Moon') plt.legend() plt.figure('dt(t)'), plt.legend()