    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the image to a file."""
        assert self.is_valid()
        assert filename.endswith('.hdr')
        assert not (self.rotated or self.xFlipped or
                    self.yFlipped), 'Flip or rotation flags are not supported.'

        with open(filename, "wb") as f:
                ('-Y %d +X %d\n' % (self.height, self.width)).encode('ascii'))
            for i in range(self.width * self.height):
                r = pow(self.data[3 * i], GAMMA)
                g = pow(self.data[3 * i + 1], GAMMA)
                b = pow(self.data[3 * i + 2], GAMMA)
                v = max(r, g, b)
                e = math.ceil(math.log(v, 2)) if v != 0.0 else 0.0
                s = pow(2, e - 8)
                arr = [
                    clamp_int(r / s, 0, 255),
                    clamp_int(g / s, 0, 255),
                    clamp_int(b / s, 0, 255),
                    clamp_int(e + 128, 0, 255)
 def to_pil(self):
     """Create a PIL image to test the script."""
     assert self.is_valid()
     from PIL import Image
     im = Image.new('RGB', (self.width, self.height))
     pixels = im.load()
     for y in range(self.height):
         for x in range(self.width):
             i = 3 * (y * self.width + x)
             r = clamp_int(255.0 * self.data[i], 0, 255)
             g = clamp_int(255.0 * self.data[i + 1], 0, 255)
             b = clamp_int(255.0 * self.data[i + 2], 0, 255)
             pixels[x, y] = (r, g, b)
     return im
            theta = math.atan2(y, x)  # range -pi to pi
            r = math.hypot(x, y)
            phi = math.atan2(z, r)  # range -pi/2 to pi/2

            uf = -0.5 * equi.width * (math.pi / 2.0 + theta) / math.pi
            vf = equi.height * (math.pi / 2.0 - phi) / math.pi
            u1 = int(math.floor(uf))  # coord of pixel to bottom left
            v1 = int(math.floor(vf))
            u2 = u1 + 1  # coords of pixel to top right
            v2 = v1 + 1
            mu = uf - u1  # fraction of way across pixel
            nu = vf - v1

            # Bilinear interpolation
            A = equi.get_pixel(u1 % equi.width,
                               clamp_int(v1, 0, equi.height - 1))
            B = equi.get_pixel(u2 % equi.width,
                               clamp_int(v1, 0, equi.height - 1))
            C = equi.get_pixel(u1 % equi.width,
                               clamp_int(v2, 0, equi.height - 1))
            D = equi.get_pixel(u2 % equi.width,
                               clamp_int(v2, 0, equi.height - 1))
            P = (A[0] * (1 - mu) * (1 - nu) + B[0] * (mu) * (1 - nu) + C[0] *
                 (1 - mu) * nu + D[0] * mu * nu, A[1] * (1 - mu) * (1 - nu) +
                 B[1] * (mu) * (1 - nu) + C[1] * (1 - mu) * nu +
                 D[1] * mu * nu, A[2] * (1 - mu) * (1 - nu) + B[2] * (mu) *
                 (1 - nu) + C[2] * (1 - mu) * nu + D[2] * mu * nu)
            cubemap.set_pixel(i, j, P)
print('Load the HDR image...')
hdr = HDR.load_from_file(hdr_path)
assert hdr.is_valid(), 'Invalid input HDR file.'

print('Create the result image...')
result = HDR.create_black_image(args.width, args.height)
for y in range(args.height):
    for x in range(args.width):
        uf = float(x) * hdr.width / args.width
        vf = float(y) * hdr.height / args.height
        u1 = int(math.floor(uf))  # coord of pixel to bottom left
        v1 = int(math.floor(vf))
        u2 = u1 + 1  # coords of pixel to top right
        v2 = v1 + 1
        mu = uf - u1  # fraction of way across pixel
        nu = vf - v1

        # Bilinear interpolation
        A = hdr.get_pixel(u1 % hdr.width, clamp_int(v1, 0, hdr.height - 1))
        B = hdr.get_pixel(u2 % hdr.width, clamp_int(v1, 0, hdr.height - 1))
        C = hdr.get_pixel(u1 % hdr.width, clamp_int(v2, 0, hdr.height - 1))
        D = hdr.get_pixel(u2 % hdr.width, clamp_int(v2, 0, hdr.height - 1))
        P = (A[0] * (1 - mu) * (1 - nu) + B[0] * (mu) * (1 - nu) + C[0] *
             (1 - mu) * nu + D[0] * mu * nu, A[1] * (1 - mu) * (1 - nu) +
             B[1] * (mu) * (1 - nu) + C[1] * (1 - mu) * nu + D[1] * mu * nu,
             A[2] * (1 - mu) * (1 - nu) + B[2] * (mu) * (1 - nu) + C[2] *
             (1 - mu) * nu + D[2] * mu * nu)
        result.set_pixel(x, y, P)
    help='specifies the output quality (this affects only the JPG format)')
args = parser.parse_args()

hdr_path = args.input
result_path = hdr_path.replace('.hdr', '.' + args.format)

assert hdr_path.endswith('.hdr'), 'Invalid input extension.'
assert hdr_path != result_path, 'Identical input and output paths.'
assert os.path.isfile(hdr_path), 'Input file doest not exits.'

print('Load the HDR image...')
hdr = HDR.load_from_file(hdr_path)
assert hdr.is_valid(), 'Invalid input HDR file.'

print('Create the result image')
result = RegularImage.create_black_image(hdr.width, hdr.height)
for y in range(hdr.height):
    for x in range(hdr.width):
        pixel = hdr.get_pixel(x, y)
        pixel = (clamp_int(255.0 * pixel[0], 0,
                           255), clamp_int(255.0 * pixel[1], 0, 255),
                 clamp_int(255.0 * pixel[2], 0, 255))
        result.set_pixel(x, y, pixel)
if format == 'png':
    result.save(result_path, quality=args.quality)