def get_comments_by_post_id(post_id: Union[str, int]) -> list[CommentModel]:
    Get all comments on the specified post. post_id is either base 10 (int) or base 36 (str)

    if isinstance(post_id, str):
        post_id = base36decode(post_id)

    return _comment_data.get_comments_by_post_id(post_id)
def get_post_by_id(post_id: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[PostModel]:
    Gets a single post from the database. post_id is either base 10 (int) or base 36 (str)

    if isinstance(post_id, str):
        post_id = reddit.base36decode(post_id)

    return _post_data.get_post_by_id(post_id)
def get_comment_by_id(comment_id: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[CommentModel]:
    Gets a single comment from the database. comment_id is either base 10 (int) or base 36 (str)

    if isinstance(comment_id, str):
        comment_id = base36decode(comment_id)

    return _comment_data.get_comment_by_id(comment_id)
def _create_comment_model(reddit_comment: Comment) -> CommentModel:
    Creates a model without inserting it into the database.

    comment = CommentModel()

    comment.score = reddit_comment.score
    comment.created_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(reddit_comment.created_utc,
    comment.body = reddit_comment.body
    comment.post_id = base36decode(reddit_comment.submission.id)

    if not reddit_comment.is_root:
        comment.parent_id = base36decode(

    # Comments by deleted users won't have an author, same for deleted comments.
    if reddit_comment.author is not None:
        comment.author = reddit_comment.author.name

    # edited is either a timestamp or False if it hasn't been edited.
    if reddit_comment.edited:
        comment.edited = datetime.fromtimestamp(reddit_comment.edited,

    # distinguished is a string (usually "moderator", maybe "admin"?) or None.
    comment.distinguished = True if reddit_comment.distinguished else False

    # No easy way to verify that a comment is deleted, but it's unlikely that a user would make a comment
    # with a body of "[deleted]" or "[removed]" *and* delete their account afterward.
    if reddit_comment.author is None and reddit_comment.body in ("[deleted]",
        comment.deleted = True

    # Unlike with posts, removed is still true if the post has been removed and deleted.
    comment.removed = True if reddit_comment.removed else False

    return comment
def add_mod_action(reddit_mod_action: ModAction) -> ModActionModel:
    Parses some basic information for a mod action and adds it to the database.
    Assumes acting mod and target user/post/comment are already created if necessary,
    may raise an error on database integrity (foreign key relationship) if not.

    mod_action = ModActionModel()

    mod_action.id = reddit_mod_action.id.replace("ModAction_", "")
    mod_action.mod = reddit_mod_action.mod.name
    mod_action.action = reddit_mod_action.action
    mod_action.details = reddit_mod_action.details
    mod_action.description = reddit_mod_action.description
    mod_action.created_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(
        reddit_mod_action.created_utc, tz=timezone.utc)

    if reddit_mod_action.target_author:
        mod_action.target_user = reddit_mod_action.target_author

    # If the target is either a post or comment, target_permalink will be set and have the post id in it,
    # e.g. /r/anime/comments/kp906e/meta_thread_month_of_january_03_2021/ghvmptk/
    # The extra "/comments/" check looks superfluous for now but is a safety measure.
    if reddit_mod_action.target_permalink and "/comments/" in reddit_mod_action.target_permalink:
        post_id = reddit_mod_action.target_permalink.split("/")[4]
        mod_action.target_post_id = base36decode(post_id)

    # Only need this section if comments are the target, posts should be handled by permalink section.
    if reddit_mod_action.target_fullname and reddit_mod_action.target_fullname.startswith(
        comment_id = reddit_mod_action.target_fullname.replace("t1_", "")
        mod_action.target_comment_id = base36decode(comment_id)

    new_mod_action = _mod_action_data.insert(mod_action,
    return new_mod_action
def migrate_snapshots(date, hour):

    conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

    row = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM snapshots WHERE date=? and hour=?;",
                       (date, hour)).fetchone()

    # No data, past the last recorded snapshot?
    if not row:

    old_snapshot_psk = row["psk"]
    snapshot = SnapshotModel()
    snapshot.created_time = row["datetime"]
    snapshot.date = date
    snapshot.hour = hour
    snapshot.subscribers = row["subscribers"]

    new_snapshot = _snapshot_data.insert(snapshot)

    rows = conn.execute(
        "SELECT sf.*, p.id FROM snapshot_frontpage sf JOIN posts p on sf.post_psk = p.psk WHERE snapshot_psk=?;",
        (old_snapshot_psk, ),


    for row in rows:
        sfp_model = SnapshotFrontpageModel()
        sfp_model.post_id = base36decode(row["id"])
        sfp_model.snapshot_id = new_snapshot.id
        sfp_model.rank = row["rank"]
        sfp_model.score = row["score"]

 def set_id(self, id_base36: str):
     """Sets both base 10 and base 36 forms of the id field."""
     self.id = base36decode(id_base36)
     self.id36 = id_base36