def step1(): print('''Welcome to the data wizard! In step-by-step process, you will be able to build the configuration files. Type: 1. To create owner data. 2. To create client data. 3. To generate sample data. 4. To change settings. 5. To exit. Any other key to exit. Select option:''') user_input = Getch().__call__() if user_input == '1': createOwner() elif user_input == '2': createClient() elif user_input == '3': owner = Owner( 'Sample Owner Company', Address('43-190', 'Mikołów', street='Fajna', house_number='77'), 1111111111, Account('Cool bank', '33 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555', "123", "Przelew")) client = Client( 'Sample client company', Address('43-190', 'Mikołów', street='Fajna', house_number='77'), 2222222222, 60, 'templatePL', 14) deliver_to = Client( 'Sample deliver company', Address('43-190', 'Mikołów', street='Not Cool', house_number='66'), 3333333333, 20, None, 0) create(Settings.owner_file('owner.json'), owner) create(Settings.client_file('client.json'), client) create(Settings.client_file('delivery.json'), deliver_to) print('Created sample clients!') elif user_input == '4': change_settings(Settings.get()) elif user_input == '5': exit() else: clear() step1()
import sys from utils.htmlToPdf import generate_pdf from utils.json_helper import Json from utils.models import Invoice from utils.settings import Settings # region script parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("owner", help="The seller of products issued on the invoice.", type=str) parser.add_argument("client", help="The receiver of the products issued on the invoice.", type=str) parser.add_argument("amount", help="The amount of the service in invoice.", type=str) parser.add_argument("--delivery", help="The company's that is receiving the delivery of the invoice.", type=str) arguments = parser.parse_args() with open(Settings.owner_file("{}.json".format(arguments.owner)), 'r') as new_file: owner = json.loads('utf-8'), object_hook=Json) with open(Settings.client_file("{}.json".format(arguments.client)), 'r') as new_file: client = json.loads('utf-8'), object_hook=Json) invoice = Invoice(owner, client, arguments.amount, None) # jpk.generate(owner) with open("templates/{}.html".format(client.template), 'r') as htmlInput: html ='utf-8').format(**invoice.asFormatter()) shutil.copyfile('templates/pdf.css', os.path.join(Settings.output_dir(), 'pdf.css')) with open(os.path.join(Settings.output_dir(), 'fakturka.html'), 'w') as htmlOutput: htmlOutput.write(html.encode('utf-8'))
def createOwner(): clear() name = raw_input("Nazwa firmy: ") street = raw_input("Ulica: ") house_number = raw_input("Numer domu: ") flat_number = raw_input("Numer mieszkania: ") provinces = DB().get_province_list() for province in DB().get_province_list(): print u'{}'.format(province.__str__().decode("utf-8")) print u'Podaj numer województwa:', province = provinces[int(raw_input()) - 1] print u'Wybrano: {}'.format( print u'Wyszukaj miejscowość: ', cities = db.search_city(province, raw_input()) if len(cities) > 1: print u'Znaleziono więcej miast, wybierz jedno z poniższych: ' for i, city in enumerate(cities): print u'{}. {}'.format(i + 1, city.as_string()) print u'Wybierz miejscowość: ', city = cities[int(raw_input()) - 1] print u'Wybrano: {}, {}'.format(, city.commune) else: city = cities[0] print u'Znaleziono: {}'.format( province_id = province = city.province district = city.district commune = city = postal = raw_input("Kod pocztowy: ") nip = raw_input("NIP/VAT ID: ") troublemaker = raw_input( "Wpisz miasto urzedu skarbowego (puste, jesli to samo co wyzej): ") if len(troublemaker) == 0: troublemaker = city troublemaker = db.search_for_trouble(province_id, troublemaker) if len(troublemaker) > 1: print u'Znaleziono więcej urzędów, wybierz jeden z poniższych: ' for i, x in enumerate(troublemaker): print u'{}. {}'.format(i + 1, x[1]) print u'Wybierz urząd:', troublemaker = troublemaker[int(raw_input()) - 1] print u'Wybrano: {}'.format(troublemaker[1]) else: troublemaker = troublemaker[0] print u'Znaleziono: {}'.format(troublemaker[1]) troublemaker = troublemaker[0] bank_name = raw_input("Nazwa banku: ") account = raw_input("Numer konta: ") swift = raw_input("Numer SWIFT (tylko FVAT UE, PL puste):") print('''Numerowanie faktur: 1. Roczne 2. Miesieczne''') annual_number = Getch().__call__() == '1' transfer = "Przelew" save_name = raw_input("Nazwa (nazwa pliku, bez spacji): ") create( Settings.owner_file(u'{}.json'.format(save_name)), Owner(name, Address(postal, city, province, district, commune, street, house_number, flat_number), nip, gov_code=troublemaker, annual_number=annual_number, account=Account(bank_name, account, swift, transfer))) clear() print("Owner {} utworzony".format(save_name)) step1()