def invalid_args(event): """ send invalid arguments message """ s.sendReply( event, f'Please provide the proper arguments. Use "@{s.BOT_NAME} help" for help.', )
def error(event): """ send error message """ s.sendReply( event, f'Sorry, I don\'t know what this means. Reminder: use "@{s.BOT_NAME} help" for help.', )
def show_sma_results(result, invalid, event): """ send sma results and potential issues """ s.sendReply( event, f'Results: {result if result else "none"}\n' f'Invalid: {", ".join(invalid) if invalid else "none"}', )
def show_removed(removed, not_found, invalid, event): """ send removed tickers and potential issues """ s.sendReply( event, f'Removed: {", ".join(removed) if removed else "none"}\n' f'Not found: {", ".join(not_found) if not_found else "none"}\n' f'Invalid: {", ".join(invalid) if invalid else "none"}', )
def show_added(added, existing, invalid, event): """ send added tickers and potential issues """ s.sendReply( event, f'Added: {", ".join(added) if added else "none"}\n' f'Existing: {", ".join(existing) if existing else "none"}\n' f'Invalid: {", ".join(invalid) if invalid else "none"}', )
def show_risk_return(filename, tickers, invalid, event): """ send risk vs return plot and potential issues """ if tickers: r = s.uploadFile(event, filename) url = s.publicURL(r["file"]["id"]) s.sendReply( event, f'Invalid: {", ".join(invalid) if invalid else "none"}', attachments=[{ "fallback": "risk vs return plot", "text": "risk vs return plot: " + ", ".join(tickers), "image_url": url, }] if tickers else None, )
def show_predictions(result, invalid, event): """ send ML predictions for stock prices """ s.sendReply( event, f'Predictions: {result if result else "none"}\n' f'Invalid: {", ".join(invalid) if invalid else "none"}', ) if result: s.sendReply( event, "Note: The models do not take news or current events into account. " "Some models work better for different stocks based on their behaviour, " "try following the predictions for a while to determine which is best.", )
def help(event): """ send help message """ s.sendReply( event, f"Use tickers as they appear on\n" f"Commands:\n" f"Show watchlist: @{s.BOT_NAME} list\n" f"Add to watchlist: @{s.BOT_NAME} add <ticker(s)>\n" f"Remove from watchlist: @{s.BOT_NAME} remove <ticker(s)>\n" f"Get predictions: @{s.BOT_NAME} predict <ticker(s)>\n" f"\tNote: might take some time if many tickers are provided\n" f"Get risk vs return plot: @{s.BOT_NAME} risk-return <ticker(s)>\n" f"Check for SMA crossover: @{s.BOT_NAME} sma <ticker(s)> <short>/<long>\n" f"Help: @{s.BOT_NAME} help", )
def show_watchlist(tickers, event): """ send watchlist """ s.sendReply(event, tickers if tickers else "Your watchlist is empty.")