def main(): print("[INFO] sampling frames...") detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor( 'model/shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat') time.sleep(2.0) stream = WebcamVideoStream(args['src']).start() fps = FPS().start() start = time.time() mot_tracker = Sort() grabbed, frame = while grabbed: frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720)) if fps._numFrames % 3 == 0: rects = detector(frame, 0) dets = np.array([get_pos_from_rect(rect) for rect in rects]) ages = np.empty((len(dets))) genders = np.empty((len(dets))) if len(rects) > 0: shapes = dlib.full_object_detections() for rect in rects: shapes.append(predictor(frame, rect)) faces = dlib.get_face_chips(frame, shapes, size=96, padding=0.4) faces = np.array(faces) faces = model.prep_image(faces) result = get_result(faces) genders, ages = model.decode_prediction(result) mot_tracker.update(dets, genders, ages) for tracker in mot_tracker.trackers: (left, top, right, bottom) = convert_x_to_bbox( tracker.kf.x[:4, :]).astype('int').flatten() cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2) age = tracker.smooth_age() gender = 'M' if tracker.smooth_gender() == 1 else 'F' cv2.putText(frame, "id: {} {} {}".format(, gender, age), (left - 10, top - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.45, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "{:.1f} FPS".format(fps.fps()), (1100, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.namedWindow("Frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF fps.update() grabbed, frame = fps.stop() stream.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def kalman_filter_tracking(det_bb, video_n_frames, model_type): """ This function assigns a track value to an object by using kalman filters. It also adjust bounding box coordinates based on tracking information. """ bb_id_updated = [] tracker = Sort(model_type=model_type) for frame_num in range(1, video_n_frames + 1): #Get only bb of current frame dets_all_info = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == frame_num, det_bb)) dets = np.array([[bb[3], bb[4], bb[5], bb[6]] for bb in dets_all_info]) #[[x1,y1,x2,y2]] #Apply kalman filtering trackers = tracker.update(dets) #Obtain id and bb in correct format for bb_dets, bb_update in zip(dets_all_info, trackers): bb_id_updated.append([ bb_dets[0], bb_dets[1], int(bb_update[4]), bb_update[0], bb_update[1], bb_update[2], bb_update[3], bb_dets[7] ]) # bb_id_updated.append([bb_dets[0], bb_dets[1], int(bb_update[4]), bb_dets[3],bb_dets[4], bb_dets[5], bb_dets[6], bb_dets[7]]) return bb_id_updated
class Ui_MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.tracker = Sort(settings.sort_max_age, settings.sort_min_hit) self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() # self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() # self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() self.CAM_NUM = 0 self.set_ui() self.slot_init() self.__flag_mode = 0 self.fps = 0.00 = {} self.memory = {} self.joints = [] self.current = [] self.previous = [] self.fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc( *'mp4v') # Be sure to use lower case self.out = cv2.VideoWriter('x.mp4', self.fourcc, 1, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) def set_ui(self): self.__layout_main = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.__layout_fun_button = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.__layout_data_show = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.button_open_camera = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Camera OFF') self.button_mode_1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Attitude Estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.button_video = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Load Video") self.button_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Exit') self.button_open_camera.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_1.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_2.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_3.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_video.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.move(10, 100) self.infoBox = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(self) self.infoBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 300, 200, 180)) # 信息显示 self.label_show_camera = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move.setFixedSize(200, 200) self.label_show_camera.setFixedSize(settings.winWidth + 1, settings.winHeight + 1) self.label_show_camera.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_open_camera) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_1) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_2) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_3) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_video) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_close) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.label_move) self.__layout_main.addLayout(self.__layout_fun_button) self.__layout_main.addWidget(self.label_show_camera) self.setLayout(self.__layout_main) self.label_move.raise_() self.setWindowTitle( u'Real-time multi-person attitude estimation and behavior recognition system' ) def slot_init(self): self.button_open_camera.clicked.connect(self.switch_to_camera) self.timer_camera.timeout.connect(self.show_camera) self.button_mode_1.clicked.connect(self.button_event2) self.button_mode_2.clicked.connect(self.button_event2) self.button_mode_3.clicked.connect(self.button_event2) self.button_video.clicked.connect(self.getfile) self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def button_event2(self): sender = self.sender() if sender == self.button_mode_1 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 1: self.__flag_mode = 1 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude Estimation ON') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer Tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior Recognition OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude Estimation OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') elif sender == self.button_mode_2 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 2: self.__flag_mode = 2 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude Estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking ON') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'camera已打开') elif sender == self.button_mode_3 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 3: self.__flag_mode = 3 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude Estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition ON') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'camera已打开') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude Estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') def show_camera(self): start = time.time() ret, frame = # if not ret: # print('this should save the video') # self.timer_camera.stop() # self.out.release() if ret: show_s = cv2.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) show = cv2.cvtColor(show_s, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if self.__flag_mode == 1: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体Attitude Estimation模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) elif self.__flag_mode == 2: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为Multiplayer tracking模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( show, humans, imgcopy=False) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) # This is the part to get the kt points elif self.__flag_mode == 3: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体Behavior recognition模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) ori = np.copy(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( show, humans, imgcopy=False) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) try: j = np.argmin( np.array([ abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter ])) except: j = 0 if joint_filter(joints[j]): joints[j] = joint_completion( joint_completion(joints[j])) if label not in[label] = [joints[j]] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) if len([label]) == settings.L: pred = actionPredictor().move_status([label]) if pred == 0: pred = self.memory[label] else: self.memory[label] = pred[label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) cv2.putText( show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) self.out.write(show_s) # Write out frame to video end = time.time() self.fps = 1. / (end - start) cv2.putText(show, 'FPS: %.2f' % self.fps, (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.label_show_camera.setPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) else: print('this should save the video') self.timer_camera.stop() self.out.release() def closeEvent(self, event): # self.out.release() ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton() cancel = QtWidgets.QPushButton() msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, u"shut down", u"Are you sure you want to quit?") msg.addButton(ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) msg.addButton(cancel, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole) ok.setText(u'Yes') cancel.setText(u'Cancel') if msg.exec_() == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole: event.ignore() else: if self.cap.isOpened(): self.cap.release() if self.timer_camera.isActive(): self.timer_camera.stop() event.accept() print("System exited.") def getfile(self): dlg = QFileDialog() dlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog.AnyFile) fname = dlg.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', 'c:\\') # self.le.setPixmap(QPixmap(fname)) if fname: self.load_video(fname[0]) # def getfiles(self): # dlg = QFileDialog() # dlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog.AnyFile) # dlg.setFilter("Text files (*.txt)") # filenames = QStringList() # if dlg.exec_(): # filenames = dlg.selectedFiles() # f = open(filenames[0], 'r') # with f: # data = # self.contents.setText(data) def load_video(self, name): print(name) self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(name) # self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, settings.winWidth) # self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, settings.winHeight) self.timer_camera.stop() self.timer_camera.start(1) def switch_to_camera(self): indicators['camera'] = not indicators['camera'] [self.stop_camera, self.start_camera][int(indicators['camera'])]() self.button_open_camera.setText(['Camera OFF', 'Camera ON' ][int(indicators['camera'])]) def stop_camera(self): self.out.release() self.cap.release() self.timer_camera.stop() def start_camera(self): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.timer_camera.stop() self.timer_camera.start(1)
class Ui_MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.tracker = Sort(settings.sort_max_age, settings.sort_min_hit) self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() self.CAM_NUM = 0 self.set_ui() self.slot_init() self.__flag_mode = 0 self.fps = 0.00 = {} self.memory = {} self.joints = [] self.current = [] self.previous = [] def set_ui(self): self.__layout_main = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.__layout_fun_button = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.__layout_data_show = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.button_open_camera = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'camera OFF') self.button_mode_1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.button_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Exit') self.button_open_camera.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_1.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_2.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_3.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.move(10, 100) self.infoBox = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(self) self.infoBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 300, 200, 180)) # 信息显示 self.label_show_camera = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move.setFixedSize(200, 200) self.label_show_camera.setFixedSize(settings.winWidth + 1, settings.winHeight + 1) self.label_show_camera.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_open_camera) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_1) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_2) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_3) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_close) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.label_move) self.__layout_main.addLayout(self.__layout_fun_button) self.__layout_main.addWidget(self.label_show_camera) self.setLayout(self.__layout_main) self.label_move.raise_() self.setWindowTitle(u'Real-time multi-person attitude estimation and behavior recognition system') def slot_init(self): self.button_open_camera.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.timer_camera.timeout.connect(self.show_camera) self.button_mode_1.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_2.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_3.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def button_event(self): sender = self.sender() if sender == self.button_mode_1 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 1: self.__flag_mode = 1 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation ON') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') elif sender == self.button_mode_2 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 2: self.__flag_mode = 2 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking ON') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') elif sender == self.button_mode_3 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 3: self.__flag_mode = 3 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognitionON') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') if self.timer_camera.isActive() == False: flag = self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, settings.winWidth) self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, settings.winHeight) if flag == False: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, u"Warning", u"Please check if the camera and computer are connected correctly", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) else: self.timer_camera.start(1) self.button_open_camera.setText(u'camera ON') self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') else: self.timer_camera.stop() self.cap.release() self.label_show_camera.clear() self.button_open_camera.setText(u'camera OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is off') def show_camera(self): start = time.time() ret, frame = show = cv2.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) show = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if ret: if self.__flag_mode == 1: self.infoBox.setText(u'Current pose estimation model') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) elif self.__flag_mode == 2: self.infoBox.setText(u'Currently multiplayer tracking mode') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) elif self.__flag_mode == 3: self.infoBox.setText(u'Current human behavior recognition model') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) ori = np.copy(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk= TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) try: j = np.argmin(np.array([abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter])) except: j = 0 if joint_filter(joints[j]): joints[j] = joint_completion(joint_completion(joints[j])) if label not in[label] = [joints[j]] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) if len([label]) == settings.L: pred = actionPredictor().move_status([label]) if pred == 0: pred = self.memory[label] else: self.memory[label] = pred[label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) cv2.putText(show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) end = time.time() self.fps = 1. / (end - start) cv2.putText(show, 'FPS: %.2f' % self.fps, (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.label_show_camera.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) def closeEvent(self, event): ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton() cancel = QtWidgets.QPushButton() msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, u"Close", u"yes") msg.addButton(ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) msg.addButton(cancel, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole) ok.setText(u'determine') cancel.setText(u'No') if msg.exec_() == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole: event.ignore() else: if self.cap.isOpened(): self.cap.release() if self.timer_camera.isActive(): self.timer_camera.stop() event.accept() print("System exited.")
def main(): # Ground truth file path: if INPUT == 'gt_txt': gt_file = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'data', 'AICity_data', 'train', 'S03', 'c010', 'gt', 'gt.txt') # Get BBox detection from list df = ut.get_bboxes_from_MOTChallenge(gt_file) elif INPUT == 'yolo3': gt_file = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'data', 'AICity_data', 'train', 'S03', 'c010', 'det', 'det_yolo3.txt') # Get BBox detection from list df = ut.get_bboxes_from_MOTChallenge(gt_file) elif INPUT == 'gt_xml': gt_file = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'data', 'AICity_data', 'train', 'S03', 'c010', 'gt', 'm6-full_annotation_crop.xml') # Get BBox detection from list df = ut_xml.get_bboxes_from_aicity_file(gt_file) # Adapt GT to final metric calculation (add bbox and track_id columns): df.loc[:, 'track_id'] = df['id'].values.tolist() df.loc[:, 'img_id'] = df['frame'].values.tolist() boxes = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): #boxes.append([row['ytl'], row['xtl'], row['ybr'], row['xbr']]) boxes.append([row['xtl'], row['ytl'], row['xbr'], row['ybr']]) df['boxes'] = boxes elif INPUT == 'cnn_out': #gt_file = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, # 'data', 'AICity_data', 'train', 'S03', # 'c010', 'det', 'results_cnn.csv') gt_file = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'data', 'AICity_data', 'train', 'S03', 'c010', 'det', 'results_for_map.csv') # Get BBox detection from list df = pd.read_csv(gt_file) # Adapt GT to final metric calculation (add bbox and track_id columns): boxes = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): #boxes.append([row['ytl'], row['xtl'], row['ybr'], row['xbr']]) #boxes.append([row['xtl'], row['ytl'], row['xbr'], row['ybr']]) # Total output from Cnn GOOD ONE! boxes.append([row['xbr'], row['ybr'], row['xtl'], row['ytl']]) # Total output from Cnn TEST df['boxes'] = boxes # Display data: colours = np.random.rand(32, 3) # Used only for display # Sort and group bbox by frame: df.sort_values(by=['frame']) df_grouped = df.groupby('frame') total_time = 0.0 total_frames = 0 out = [] if display: plt.ion() # for iterative display fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 20)) # Create instance of the SORT tracker mot_tracker = Sort() for f, df_group in df_grouped: frame = int(df_group['frame'].values[0]) print(frame) if frame > 220: break if INPUT == 'gt_txt' or INPUT == 'yolo3': df_gt = df_group[['ymin', 'xmin', 'ymax', 'xmax']].values.tolist() elif INPUT == 'gt_xml': df_gt = df_group[['ytl', 'xtl', 'ybr', 'xbr']].values.tolist() elif INPUT == 'cnn_out': #ToDo: When we correct the order of CNN output CHANGE this order to the same as gt_xml!! #df_gt = df_group[['ybr', 'xtl', 'ytl', 'xbr']].values.tolist() df_gt = df_group[['ybr', 'xbr', 'ytl', 'xtl']].values.tolist() # Reshape GT format for Kalman tracking algorithm: # [x1,y1,x2,y2] format for the tracker input: df_gt = np.asarray(df_gt) dets = np.stack([df_gt[:, 1], df_gt[:, 0], df_gt[:, 3], df_gt[:, 2]], axis=1) dets = np.reshape(dets, (len(dets), -1)) dets = np.asarray(dets, dtype=np.float64, order='C') if (display): fn = frames_dir + '/frame_%03d.jpg' % (frame) # read the frame im = io.imread(fn) ax[0].imshow(im) ax[0].axis('off') ax[0].set_title('Original R-CNN detections (untracked)') for j in range(np.shape(dets)[0]): color = 'r' coords = (dets[j, 0].astype(np.float), dets[j, 1].astype(np.float)), dets[j, 2].astype( np.float) - dets[j, 0].astype( np.float), dets[j, 3].astype( np.float) - dets[j, 1].astype(np.float) ax[0].add_patch( plt.Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor=color, lw=3)) total_frames += 1 if (display): ax[1].imshow(im) ax[1].axis('off') ax[1].set_title('Tracked Targets') start_time = time.time() trackers = mot_tracker.update(dets) cycle_time = time.time() - start_time total_time += cycle_time out.append([frame, trackers]) for d in trackers: if (display): d = d.astype(np.uint32) ax[1].add_patch( patches.Rectangle((d[0], d[1]), d[2] - d[0], d[3] - d[1], fill=False, lw=3, ec=colours[d[4] % 32, :])) ax[1].set_adjustable('box-forced') if (save): plt.savefig( os.path.join(results_dir, 'video_kalman_' + str(frame) + '.png')) if (display): dp.clear_output(wait=True) dp.display(plt.gcf()) time.sleep(0.000001) ax[0].cla() ax[1].cla() print("Total Tracking took: %.3f for %d frames or %.1f FPS" % (total_time, total_frames, total_frames / total_time)) ############################################################################################################ # Result of Kalman tracking (pandas format): df_kalman = ut.kalman_out_to_pandas_for_map(out) if INPUT == 'gt_txt' or INPUT == 'yolo3': df_gt = ut.get_bboxes_from_MOTChallenge_for_map(gt_file) elif INPUT == 'gt_xml': df_gt = df elif INPUT == 'cnn_out': df_gt = None # If ground truth was used, save ground truth adapted to if df_gt is not None: ut.save_pkl(df_gt, os.path.join(results_dir, INPUT + '_gt_panda.pkl')) df_gt_corr = ut.panda_to_json_gt(df_gt) ut.save_json( df_gt_corr, os.path.join(results_dir, INPUT + '_gt_ground_truth_boxes.json')) # Save kalman filter output: ut.save_pkl(df_kalman, os.path.join(results_dir, INPUT + '_kalman_predictions.pkl')) df_pred_corr = ut.panda_to_json_predicted(df_kalman) ut.save_json(df_pred_corr, os.path.join(results_dir, INPUT + '_predicted_boxes.json'))
def main(): for CAM in cameras: # Set useful directories frames_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'train', SEQ, CAM, 'frames') results_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, WEEK, TASK) # Create folders if they don't exist if not os.path.isdir(results_dir): os.mkdir(results_dir) tstamp_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'cam_timestamp', SEQ + '.txt') time_offset, fps = ut.obtain_timeoff_fps(tstamp_path, CAM) # Ground truth file path: gt_det = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'train', SEQ, CAM, 'det', INPUT + '.txt') # Save gt file as pkl: if CREATE_GT_PKL == True: gt_txt = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'train', SEQ, CAM, 'gt', 'gt.txt') save_gt_pkl = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'train', SEQ, CAM, 'gt', 'gt.pkl') code_ut.getBBox_from_gt(gt_txt, save_in=save_gt_pkl) # Get BBox detection from list df = ut.get_bboxes_from_MOTChallenge(gt_det) df.loc[:, 'time_stamp'] = df['frame'].values.tolist() # Display data: colours = np.random.rand(32, 3) # Used only for display # Sort and group bbox by frame: df.sort_values(by=['frame']) df_grouped = df.groupby('frame') total_time = 0.0 total_frames = 0 out = [] if display: plt.ion() # for iterative display fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 20)) # Create instance of the SORT tracker mot_tracker = Sort() for f, df_group in df_grouped: frame = int(df_group['frame'].values[0]) time_stamp = ut.timestamp_calc(frame, time_offset, fps) df_gt = df_group[['ymin', 'xmin', 'ymax', 'xmax']].values.tolist() # Reshape GT format for Kalman tracking algorithm: # [x1,y1,x2,y2] format for the tracker input: df_gt = np.asarray(df_gt) dets = np.stack( [df_gt[:, 1], df_gt[:, 0], df_gt[:, 3], df_gt[:, 2]], axis=1) dets = np.reshape(dets, (len(dets), -1)) dets = np.asarray(dets, dtype=np.float64, order='C') if (display): fn = frames_dir + '/frame_%04d.jpg' % (frame) # read the frame im = io.imread(fn) ax[0].imshow(im) ax[0].axis('off') ax[0].set_title('Original R-CNN detections (untracked)') for j in range(np.shape(dets)[0]): color = 'r' coords = (dets[j, 0].astype(np.float), dets[j, 1].astype( np.float)), dets[j, 2].astype( np.float) - dets[j, 0].astype( np.float), dets[j, 3].astype( np.float) - dets[j, 1].astype(np.float) ax[0].add_patch( plt.Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor=color, lw=3)) total_frames += 1 if (display): ax[1].imshow(im) ax[1].axis('off') ax[1].set_title('Tracked Targets') start_time = time.time() trackers = mot_tracker.update(dets) cycle_time = time.time() - start_time total_time += cycle_time out.append([frame, trackers, time_stamp]) for d in trackers: if (display): d = d.astype(np.uint32) ax[1].add_patch( patches.Rectangle((d[0], d[1]), d[2] - d[0], d[3] - d[1], fill=False, lw=3, ec=colours[d[4] % 32, :])) ax[1].set_adjustable('box-forced') if (save): plt.savefig( os.path.join(results_dir, 'video_kalman_' + str(frame) + '.png')) if (display): dp.clear_output(wait=True) dp.display(plt.gcf()) time.sleep(0.000001) ax[0].cla() ax[1].cla() print("Total Tracking took: %.3f for %d frames or %.1f FPS" % (total_time, total_frames, total_frames / total_time)) ############################################################################################################ # Result of Kalman tracking (pandas format): df_kalman = ut.kalman_out_to_pandas_for_map(out) # Save kalman filter output: ut.save_pkl( df_kalman, os.path.join(results_dir, INPUT + SEQ + CAM + '_kalman_predictions.pkl'))
class Ui_MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.tracker = Sort(settings.sort_max_age, settings.sort_min_hit) self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() self.CAM_NUM = 0 self.set_ui() self.slot_init() self.__flag_mode = 0 self.fps = 0.00 = {} self.memory = {} self.joints = [] self.current = [] self.previous = [] self.frames_count = 0 #用于计数每一次预测前摄入的帧数 self.pred_num_frames = 16 #设置多少帧预测一次 self.pred_data = {} #用于存储每一次预测用的数据 self.one_frame = [] def set_ui(self): self.__layout_main = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.__layout_fun_button = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.__layout_data_show = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.button_open_camera = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'相机 OFF') self.button_mode_1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'行为识别 OFF') self.button_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'退出') self.button_open_camera.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_1.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_2.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_3.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.move(10, 100) self.infoBox = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(self) self.infoBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 300, 200, 180)) # 信息显示 self.label_show_camera = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move.setFixedSize(200, 200) self.label_show_camera.setFixedSize(settings.winWidth + 1, settings.winHeight + 1) self.label_show_camera.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_open_camera) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_1) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_2) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_3) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_close) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.label_move) self.__layout_main.addLayout(self.__layout_fun_button) self.__layout_main.addWidget(self.label_show_camera) self.setLayout(self.__layout_main) self.label_move.raise_() self.setWindowTitle(u'实时多人姿态估计与行为识别系统') def slot_init(self): self.button_open_camera.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.timer_camera.timeout.connect(self.show_camera) self.button_mode_1.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_2.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_3.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def button_event(self): sender = self.sender() if sender == self.button_mode_1 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 1: self.__flag_mode = 1 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 ON') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') elif sender == self.button_mode_2 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 2: self.__flag_mode = 2 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 ON') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') elif sender == self.button_mode_3 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 3: self.__flag_mode = 3 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 ON') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') if self.timer_camera.isActive() == False: flag = self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, settings.winWidth) self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, settings.winHeight) if flag == False: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( self, u"Warning", u"请检测相机与电脑是否连接正确", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) else: self.timer_camera.start(1) self.button_open_camera.setText(u'相机 ON') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') else: self.timer_camera.stop() self.cap.release() self.label_show_camera.clear() self.button_open_camera.setText(u'相机 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已关闭') def show_camera(self): start = time.time() ret, frame = show = cv2.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) show = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if ret: if self.__flag_mode == 1: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体姿态估计模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) elif self.__flag_mode == 2: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为多人跟踪模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) elif self.__flag_mode == 3: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体行为识别模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) ori = np.copy(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) #有几个框就生成几个追踪器 self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) try: j = np.argmin( np.array([ abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter ])) except: j = 0 if joint_filter(joints[j]): pred = 0 joints[j] = joint_completion( joint_completion(joints[j])) if len(joints[j]) == 18: if label not in[label] = [ joints[j] ][label]:[{0:(xj1,yj1),1:(xj2,yj2),...,n:(xjn,yjn)},{},{}] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) #print('len([label]):{0}'.format(len([label]))) if len([label] ) == settings.L:[label]:[16,{18,key:(x,y)}] for i in range(settings.L): keys =[label][i].keys() keys = sorted(keys) for key in keys: self.one_frame.append( np.array([label][i][key])) if label not in self.pred_data: self.pred_data[label] = [ np.array(self.one_frame) ] else: self.pred_data[label].append( np.array(self.one_frame) ) #[[[x0 y0],..[x17 y17]],..[]] self.one_frame = [] self.pred_data[label] = np.array( self.pred_data[label]) pred = sk_cnn_actionPredicter.predict( self.pred_data[label]) #print('预测动作下标:{0}'.format(pred)) self.pred_data[label] = [][label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) #print('预测动作类别:{0}'.format(settings.move_status[pred])) cv2.putText(show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) end = time.time() self.fps = 1. / (end - start) cv2.putText(show, 'FPS: %.2f' % self.fps, (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.label_show_camera.setPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) def closeEvent(self, event): ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton() cancel = QtWidgets.QPushButton() msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, u"关闭", u"是否关闭!") msg.addButton(ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) msg.addButton(cancel, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole) ok.setText(u'确定') cancel.setText(u'取消') if msg.exec_() == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole: event.ignore() else: if self.cap.isOpened(): self.cap.release() if self.timer_camera.isActive(): self.timer_camera.stop() event.accept() print("System exited.")
def main(cap_queue): yolo = YOLO(res="1024") sort = Sort(iou_threshold=0.05) whitelist = [ "person", "bicycle", "car", "motorbike", "aeroplane", "bus", "truck", "boat", "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bird", "cat", "dog", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "suitcase", ] frames = 0 while True: frame, original_dim = cap_queue.get(block=True) frames += 1 outputs = yolo.get_results(frame) detections = [] labels = [] for output in outputs: label = yolo.classes[int(output[-1])] if not label in whitelist: del label continue tl = tuple(output[1:3].int()) br = tuple(output[3:5].int()) detections.append( np.array( [tl[0].item(), tl[1].item(), br[0].item(), br[1].item()])) labels.append(label) del tl, br, label del outputs detections = np.array(detections) should_write = False if detections.shape[0] > 0: try: alive, _ = sort.update(detections, labels) except IndexError: del frame, detections, labels continue should_write = False for trk in alive: t = trk.get_state()[0] try: bbox = [int(t[0]), int(t[1]), int(t[2]), int(t[3])] except ValueError: continue cv2.rectangle( frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), trk.color, 2, ) cv2.putText( frame, "{}:id {}".format(trk.get_label(), str(, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) - 12), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.0005 * frame.shape[0], trk.color, 2, ) for location in trk.locations: x1, y1, x2, y2 = location[1], (((int(x1) + int(x2)) // 2), int(y2)), 3, trk.color, -1) del x1, y1, x2, y2 pred_x, pred_y = predict_location(trk, amount_to_predict=10) center_x = (int(bbox[0]) + int(bbox[2])) // 2 center_y = (int(bbox[1]) + int(bbox[3])) // 2 cv2.line( frame, (int(pred_x), int(pred_y)), (center_x, center_y), trk.color, 8, ) # text = "{}".format( # distance_from_xy((center_x, center_y), (int(pred_x), int(pred_y))) # ) # midpoint = ((center_x + pred_x) // 2, (center_y + pred_y) // 2) # cv2.putText(frame, text, (int(midpoint[0]), int(midpoint[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, trk.color) if len(alive) > 1: for trk2 in alive: if == continue ttc = time_til_collision(trk, trk2) ttc_thresh = 5 if ttc > 0 and ttc < ttc_thresh: print( "Potential accident between ID {} and {}.\nTTC:{}s" .format(,, ttc)) cv2.putText( frame, "ID {} and {} have TTC {}".format(,, ttc), (0, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), ) should_write = True del ttc_thresh, ttc del t, bbox, pred_x, pred_y, center_x, center_y # write_queue.put(frame[0 : original_dim[0], 0 : original_dim[1]]) cv2.imshow("Object Tracking", frame[0:original_dim[0], 0:original_dim[1]]) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): raise KeyboardInterrupt del should_write
class Ui_MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.tracker = Sort(settings.sort_max_age, settings.sort_min_hit) self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() self.CAM_NUM = 0 self.set_ui() self.slot_init() self.__flag_mode = 0 self.fps = 0.00 = {} self.memory = {} self.joints = [] self.current = [] self.previous = [] def set_ui(self): self.__layout_main = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.__layout_fun_button = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.__layout_data_show = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.__layout_time_input_from = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.__layout_time_input_to = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.button_open_camera = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Realtime (Camera) OFF') self.button_mode_1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.textbox_from = QLineEdit(self) self.textbox_to = QLineEdit(self) self.nameLabel_from = QLabel(self) self.nameLabel_to = QLabel(self) # self.nameLabel_uploadInfo = QLabel(self) self.button_mode_4 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Upload prerecorded file') self.button_mode_5 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Face recognition OFF') self.button_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'Exit') self.button_open_camera.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_1.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_2.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_3.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_4.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_5.setMinimumHeight(50) self.textbox_from.setMinimumHeight(35) self.textbox_to.setMinimumHeight(35) self.nameLabel_from.setText('FROM: ') self.nameLabel_to.setText('To: ') # self.nameLabel_uploadInfo.setText('For Scanning a prerecorded footage ( insert time period (from and to) to narrow down search):') self.button_close.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.move(10, 100) # self.infoBox = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(self) # self.infoBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 300, 200, 180)) self.label_show_camera = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move.setFixedSize(200,200) self.label_show_camera.setFixedSize(settings.winWidth + 1, settings.winHeight + 1) self.label_show_camera.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.__layout_time_input_from.addWidget(self.nameLabel_from) self.__layout_time_input_from.addWidget(self.textbox_from) self.__layout_time_input_to.addWidget(self.nameLabel_to) self.__layout_time_input_to.addWidget(self.textbox_to) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_open_camera) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_1) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_2) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_3) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_5) #self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.nameLabel_uploadInfo) self.__layout_fun_button.addLayout(self.__layout_time_input_from) self.__layout_fun_button.addLayout(self.__layout_time_input_to) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_4) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_close) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.label_move) self.__layout_main.addLayout(self.__layout_fun_button) self.__layout_main.addWidget(self.label_show_camera) self.setLayout(self.__layout_main) self.label_move.raise_() self.setWindowTitle(u'Anomaly Detection using Action Recognition') def slot_init(self): self.button_open_camera.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.timer_camera.timeout.connect(self.show_camera) self.button_mode_1.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_2.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_3.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_5.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_4.clicked.connect(self.timestamp) # Upload button self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def button_event(self): sender = self.sender() if sender == self.button_mode_1 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 1: self.__flag_mode = 1 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation ON') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') # self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') elif sender == self.button_mode_2 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 2: self.__flag_mode = 2 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking ON') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') # self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') elif sender == self.button_mode_5 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 5: self.__flag_mode = 5 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.button_mode_5.setText(u'Face recognition ON') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_5.setText(u'Face recognition OFF') # self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') elif sender == self.button_mode_3 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 3: self.__flag_mode = 3 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition ON') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') # self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'Attitude estimation OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'Multiplayer tracking OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'Behavior recognition OFF') self.button_mode_5.setText(u'Face recognition OFF') if self.timer_camera.isActive() == False: flag = self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, settings.winWidth) self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, settings.winHeight) if flag == False: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, u"Warning", u"Please check if the camera and computer are connected correctly", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) else: self.timer_camera.start(1) self.button_open_camera.setText(u'Realtime (Camera) ON') # self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is on') else: self.timer_camera.stop() self.cap.release() self.label_show_camera.clear() self.button_open_camera.setText(u'Realtime (Camera) OFF') # self.infoBox.setText(u'Camera is off') def timestamp(self): filePath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,'Single File',"~/",'*.*') print(filePath[0]) prototxt = './weights/deploy.prototxt' # The path to the pretrained Caffe model. model = './weights/weights.caffemodel' # for counting how many images detected in video counter = 0 confidence_thr = 0.5 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(filePath[0]) net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(prototxt, model) ip_time = time.strptime(self.textbox_from.text(), "%H.%M.%S") stop_time = time.strptime(self.textbox_to.text(), "%H.%M.%S") seconds = (ip_time.tm_hour*60*60*1000 + ip_time.tm_min*60*1000 + ip_time.tm_sec*1000)/1000 stop_seconds = (stop_time.tm_hour*60*60*1000 + stop_time.tm_min*60*1000 + stop_time.tm_sec*1000)/1000 cap.set(0,seconds*1000) #print('playing from ' + str(int(seconds)) + ' seconds') #print('till ' + str(int(stop_seconds)) + ' seconds') #print('press q to abort') timestamp = 0 faces = []; #list containing the times at which faces occur in the stream st_time = time.time() while(timestamp<=stop_seconds): ret, frame = timestamp = seconds + time.time() - st_time frame = cv2.putText(frame, "{0:.0f}".format(timestamp), (30,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.45, (0,0,0), 2) if str(type(frame)) == "<class 'NoneType'>": break #kernel = np.array([[0,-1,0], [-1,8,-1], [0,-1,0]]) #frame = cv2.filter2D(frame, -1, kernel) (h, w) = frame.shape[:2] blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(cv2.resize(frame, (300, 300)), 1.0,(300, 300), (104.0, 177.0, 123.0)) net.setInput(blob) detections = net.forward() for i in range(0, detections.shape[2]): confidence = detections[0, 0, i, 2] if confidence < 0.5: continue faces.append(int(timestamp)) box = detections[0, 0, i, 3:7] * np.array([w, h, w, h]) coordinate = (startX, startY, endX, endY) = box.astype("int") detected_face = frame[startY:endY, startX:endX] name_for_face = './Cropped_Faces/face_at_'+str(int(timestamp))+'.jpg' counter += 1 cv2.imwrite(name_for_face, detected_face) text = "{:.2f}%".format(confidence * 100) y = startY - 10 if startY - 10 > 10 else startY + 10 cv2.rectangle(frame, (startX, startY), (endX, endY),(0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, text, (startX, y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.45, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow("Feed", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() faces_unique = []; #list containing the unique times (in seconds) at which faces occured for i in range(1,len(faces)): if(faces[i] != faces[i-1]): faces_unique.append(faces[i]) def show_camera(self): start = time.time() ret, frame = show = cv2.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) show = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if ret: if self.__flag_mode == 1: # self.infoBox.setText(u'Current human body Attitude estimation Mode') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) elif self.__flag_mode == 2: # self.infoBox.setText(u'Currently Multiplayer tracking Mode') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) elif self.__flag_mode == 3: # self.infoBox.setText(u'Current human body Behavior recognition Mode') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) ori = np.copy(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk= TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) try: j = np.argmin(np.array([abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter])) except: j = 0 if joint_filter(joints[j]): joints[j] = joint_completion(joint_completion(joints[j])) if label not in[label] = [joints[j]] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) if len([label]) == settings.L: pred = actionPredictor().move_status([label]) if pred == 0: pred = self.memory[label] else: self.memory[label] = pred[label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) cv2.putText(show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) end = time.time() self.fps = 1. / (end - start) cv2.putText(show, 'FPS: %.2f' % self.fps, (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.label_show_camera.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) def closeEvent(self, event): ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton() cancel = QtWidgets.QPushButton() msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, u"Shut down", u"Confirm Shut down!") msg.addButton(ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) msg.addButton(cancel, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole) ok.setText(u'Yes') cancel.setText(u'No') if msg.exec_() == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole: event.ignore() else: if self.cap.isOpened(): self.cap.release() if self.timer_camera.isActive(): self.timer_camera.stop() event.accept() print("System exited.")
class Ui_MainWindow(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): #super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.tracker = Sort(settings.sort_max_age, settings.sort_min_hit) # self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() #self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture('movie.mp4') self.CAM_NUM = 0 #self.set_ui() #self.slot_init() self.__flag_mode = 3 self.fps = 0.00 = {} self.memory = {} self.joints = [] self.current = [] self.previous = [] self.fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc( *'mp4v') # Be sure to use lower case self.out = cv2.VideoWriter('x.mp4', self.fourcc, 1, (432, 368)) # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object def show_camera(self, frame): start = time.time() # ret, frame = show = cv2.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) show = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if ret: if self.__flag_mode == 1: humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) elif self.__flag_mode == 2: humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) # This is the part to get the kt points elif self.__flag_mode == 3: humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) ori = np.copy(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) try: j = np.argmin( np.array([ abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter ])) except: j = 0 if joint_filter(joints[j]): joints[j] = joint_completion( joint_completion(joints[j])) if label not in[label] = [joints[j]] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) if len([label]) == settings.L: pred = actionPredictor().move_status([label]) if pred == 0: pred = self.memory[label] else: self.memory[label] = pred[label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) cv2.putText( show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) cv2.imshow('window', cv2.resize(show, (432, 368))) self.out.write(show) # Write out frame to video end = time.time() def release(self): self.out.release()
class actions(object): def __init__(self, arguments): self.arguments = arguments # Frame window dim self.winWidth = 640 self.winHeight = 480 actionPredictor_params.__init__(self) self.fps_time = 0 #self.step = 15 self.mode = { 'Pose Estimation': 'estimation', 'Tracking': 'tracking', 'Action Recognition': 'recognition' } w, h = model_wh(self.arguments.resize) if w > 0 and h > 0: self.estimator = TfPoseEstimator(get_graph_path( self.arguments.model), target_size=(w, h)) else: self.estimator = TfPoseEstimator(get_graph_path( self.arguments.model), target_size=(432, 368)) = cv2.VideoCapture( # Tracker based on Sort self.sort_max_age = 20 self.sort_min_hit = 3 self.tracker = Sort(self.sort_max_age, self.sort_min_hit) def proceed(self): self._read_frame_() if self.ret_val and self.arguments.mode == self.mode['Pose Estimation']: self._perform_estimation_() elif self.ret_val and self.arguments.mode == self.mode['Tracking']: self._perform_tracking_() elif self.ret_val and self.arguments.mode == self.mode[ 'Action Recognition']: self._perform_recognition_() else: sys.exit( 'Abort...please choose correct action mode from "estimation" "tracking" "recognition"' ) self._output_() def _joint_filter_(self, joint): if 1 not in joint: return False # Check exist of hip if 8 not in joint and 11 not in joint: return False # Check exist of knee if 9 not in joint and 12 not in joint: return False return True def _joint_complete_(self, joint): if 8 in joint and 11 not in joint: joint[11] = joint[8] elif 8 not in joint and 11 in joint: joint[8] = joint[11] if 9 in joint and 12 not in joint: joint[12] = joint[9] elif 9 not in joint and 12 in joint: joint[9] = joint[12] return joint def _perform_estimation_(self): self.humans = self.estimator.inference(self.image) self.image = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(self.image, self.humans, imgcopy=False) def _perform_tracking_(self): self.humans = self.estimator.inference(self.image) self.image, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( self.image, self.humans, imgcopy=False) height = self.image.shape[0] width = self.image.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle( self.image, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(self.c[label % 32, 0]), int( self.c[label % 32, 1]), int(self.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) def _perform_recognition_(self): self.predictor = actionPredictor() self.humans = self.estimator.inference(self.image) self.image, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton( self.image, self.humans, imgcopy=False) height = self.image.shape[0] width = self.image.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) #logger.debug('label is: %d' % (label)) # Locate the current person object in current frame # Iterated thru xcenter for finding minimum distance between object center coord try: j = np.argmin( np.array( [abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter])) except: j = 0 # Check if major skeleton points are existing if self._joint_filter_(joints[j]): joints[j] = self._joint_complete_( self._joint_complete_(joints[j])) if label not in #logger.debug('label is: %d' % (label))[label] = [joints[j]] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) if len([label]) == self.step: pred = self.predictor.move_status([label]) #logger.debug(len([label])) if pred == 0: pred = self.memory[label] else: self.memory[label] = pred[label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] #location = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,[label][:][1]) / len([label][:][1]) #location = sum([label][:][1]) / float(len([label][:][1])) if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) cv2.putText(self.image, self.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle( self.image, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(self.c[label % 32, 0]), int( self.c[label % 32, 1]), int(self.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) def _read_frame_(self): self.ret_val, self.image = self.image = cv2.resize(self.image, (self.winWidth, self.winHeight)) def _output_(self): # Calculate frame averaging step FPS = float(1.0 / (time.time() - self.fps_time)) #logger.debug('FPS: %f' % FPS) #self.step = int(0.7 * FPS) #logger.debug('step: %d' % self.step) cv2.putText(self.image, "FPS: %f" % (1.0 / (time.time() - self.fps_time)), (10, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('tf-pose-estimation result', self.image) self.fps_time = time.time()
class Ui_MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.tracker = Sort(settings.sort_max_age, settings.sort_min_hit) self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() self.CAM_NUM = 0 self.set_ui() self.slot_init() self.__flag_mode = 0 self.fps = 0.00 = {} self.memory = {} self.joints = [] self.current = [] self.previous = [] self.font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.fontpath, settings.fontsize) def set_ui(self): self.__layout_main = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.__layout_fun_button = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.__layout_data_show = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.button_open_camera = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'相机 OFF') self.button_mode_1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'行为识别 OFF') self.button_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton(u'退出') self.button_open_camera.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_1.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_2.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_mode_3.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.setMinimumHeight(50) self.button_close.move(10, 100) self.infoBox = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(self) self.infoBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 300, 200, 180)) # 信息显示 self.label_show_camera = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.label_move.setFixedSize(200, 200) self.label_show_camera.setFixedSize(settings.winWidth + 1, settings.winHeight + 1) self.label_show_camera.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_open_camera) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_1) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_2) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_mode_3) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_close) self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.label_move) self.__layout_main.addLayout(self.__layout_fun_button) self.__layout_main.addWidget(self.label_show_camera) self.setLayout(self.__layout_main) self.label_move.raise_() self.setWindowTitle(u'实时多人姿态估计与行为识别系统') def slot_init(self): self.button_open_camera.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.timer_camera.timeout.connect(self.show_camera) self.button_mode_1.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_2.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_mode_3.clicked.connect(self.button_event) self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def button_event(self): sender = self.sender() if sender == self.button_mode_1 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 1: self.__flag_mode = 1 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 ON') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') elif sender == self.button_mode_2 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 2: self.__flag_mode = 2 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 ON') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') elif sender == self.button_mode_3 and self.timer_camera.isActive(): if self.__flag_mode != 3: self.__flag_mode = 3 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 ON') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') else: self.__flag_mode = 0 self.button_mode_1.setText(u'姿态估计 OFF') self.button_mode_2.setText(u'多人跟踪 OFF') self.button_mode_3.setText(u'行为识别 OFF') if self.timer_camera.isActive() == False: flag = self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, settings.winWidth) self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, settings.winHeight) if flag == False: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, u"Warning", u"请检测相机与电脑是否连接正确", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) else: self.timer_camera.start(1) self.button_open_camera.setText(u'相机 ON') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已打开') else: self.timer_camera.stop() self.cap.release() self.label_show_camera.clear() self.button_open_camera.setText(u'相机 OFF') self.infoBox.setText(u'相机已关闭') def show_camera(self): start = time.time() ret, frame = show = cv2.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight)) show = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if ret: if self.__flag_mode == 1: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体姿态估计模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) elif self.__flag_mode == 2: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为多人跟踪模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4) elif self.__flag_mode == 3: self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体行为识别模式') humans = poseEstimator.inference(show) show = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(show, humans, imgcopy=False) ori = np.copy(show) show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk= TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False) height = show.shape[0] width = show.shape[1] if bboxes: result = np.array(bboxes) det = result[:, 0:5] det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height trackers = self.tracker.update(det) self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers] if len(self.previous) > 0: for item in self.previous: if item not in self.current and item in del[item] if item not in self.current and item in self.memory: del self.memory[item] self.previous = self.current for d in trackers: xmin = int(d[0]) ymin = int(d[1]) xmax = int(d[2]) ymax = int(d[3]) label = int(d[4]) try: j = np.argmin(np.array([abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter])) except: j = 0 alert = False if joint_filter(joints[j]): joints[j] = joint_completion(joint_completion(joints[j])) if label not in[label] = [joints[j]] self.memory[label] = 0 else:[label].append(joints[j]) if len([label]) == settings.L: pred = actionPredictor().move_status([label]) if pred == 0: pred = self.memory[label] else: self.memory[label] = pred[label].pop(0) location =[label][-1][1] if location[0] <= 30: location = (51, location[1]) if location[1] <= 10: location = (location[0], 31) ## Use simsum.ttc to write Chinese. b, g, r, a = 0, 255, 0, 0 img_pil = Image.fromarray(show) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_pil) # print('pred', pred) if pred == 8: draw.text((location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), settings.move_status[pred], font=self.font, fill=(255, 0, 0, a)) alert = True else: draw.text((location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), settings.move_status[pred], font=self.font, fill=(b, g, r, a)) show = np.array(img_pil) # cv2.putText(show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10), # cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, # (0, 255, 0), 2) if alert: colors = (255, 0, 0) else: colors = (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]), int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])) cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), colors, 4) if alert: cv2.imwrite('files/alerts/fall_' + str(int(time.time())) + '.png', show) end = time.time() self.fps = 1. / (end - start) cv2.putText(show, 'FPS: %.2f' % self.fps, (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.label_show_camera.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) def closeEvent(self, event): ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton() cancel = QtWidgets.QPushButton() msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, u"关闭", u"是否关闭!") msg.addButton(ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) msg.addButton(cancel, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole) ok.setText(u'确定') cancel.setText(u'取消') if msg.exec_() == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.RejectRole: event.ignore() else: if self.cap.isOpened(): self.cap.release() if self.timer_camera.isActive(): self.timer_camera.stop() event.accept() print("System exited.")
def main(cap_queue): yolo = YOLO() sort = Sort(iou_threshold=0.05) whitelist = [ "person", "bicycle", "car", "motorbike", "aeroplane", "bus", "truck", "boat", "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bird", "cat", "dog", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "suitcase", ] tally = 0 while tally < 1332: frame = cap_queue.get(block=True) if type(frame) == int and frame == -1: return outputs = yolo.get_results(frame) detections = [] labels = [] for output in outputs: label = yolo.classes[int(output[-1])] if not label in whitelist: del label continue tl = tuple(output[1:3].int()) br = tuple(output[3:5].int()) detections.append( np.array( [tl[0].item(), tl[1].item(), br[0].item(), br[1].item()])) labels.append(label) del tl, br, label del outputs detections = np.array(detections) if detections.shape[0] > 0: try: alive, _ = sort.update(detections, labels) except IndexError: del frame, detections, labels continue for trk in alive: t = trk.get_state()[0] try: bbox = [int(t[0]), int(t[1]), int(t[2]), int(t[3])] except ValueError: continue cv2.rectangle( frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), trk.color, 2, ) cv2.putText( frame, "{}:id {}".format(trk.get_label(), str(, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) - 12), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.0005 * frame.shape[0], trk.color, 2, ) for location in trk.locations: x1, y1, x2, y2 = location[1], (((int(x1) + int(x2)) // 2), int(y2)), 3, trk.color, -1) del x1, y1, x2, y2 if len(alive) > 1: for trk2 in alive: if trk == trk2: continue t2 = trk2.get_state()[0] try: bbox2 = [ int(t2[0]), int(t2[1]), int(t2[2]), int(t2[3]) ] except ValueError: continue d = distance(bbox, bbox2) color = (255, 255, 255) if d > 50 else (0, 255, 255) cv2.line( frame, ((bbox[0] + bbox[2]) // 2, int(bbox[3])), ((bbox2[0] + bbox2[2]) // 2, int(bbox2[3])), color, 2, ) cv2.putText( frame, str(d), midpoint(bbox, bbox2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.0005 * frame.shape[0], color, 2, ) del d del t, bbox cv2.imshow("Object Tracking", frame) cv2.imwrite("./tracked/{}.png".format(tally), frame) tally += 1 key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): raise KeyboardInterrupt
if confidence > args["confidence"]: rect = [] # compute the (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding box for # the face and extract the face ROI box = detections[0, 0, i, 3:7] * np.array([w, h, w, h]) (startX, startY, endX, endY) = box.astype("int") rect.append(int(detections[0, 0, i, 3] * w)) rect.append(int(detections[0, 0, i, 4] * h)) rect.append(int(detections[0, 0, i, 5] * w)) rect.append(int(detections[0, 0, i, 6] * h)) rect.append(detections[0, 0, i, 2]) rect.append(detections[0, 0, i, 1]) rect.append(detections[0, 0, i, 0]) boxes.append(rect) objects = ct.update(torch.FloatTensor(boxes)) if objects is not None: for x1, y1, x2, y2, obj_id, cls_pred in objects: text = "ID {}".format(obj_id) cv2.putText(frame, text, (int(x1) + 5, int(y1) + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 2) # extract the face ROI and then preproces it in the exact # same manner as our training data face = frame[int(y1):int(y2), int(x1):int(x2)] gray_face = cv2.cvtColor(face, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) face = cv2.resize(face, (32, 32)) face = face.astype("float") / 255.0 face = img_to_array(face) face = np.expand_dims(face, axis=0)