def analyzeHawqTables(master, database, username, password, emailAddress=""): loggerInfo = buildReportLogger("analyze") reportName = loggerInfo[0] report = loggerInfo[1] header = [] startString = "Analyze Database Tables to Generate Statistics" uniInfoLog(startString, report) header = "Analyzing HAWQ Tables" uniInfoLog(header, report) analyzeCMD = "analyzedb -d " + database + " -a -p 10" ssh.exec_command2(master, username, password, analyzeCMD) # hawqURI = queries.uri(master, port=5432, dbname=database, user=username, password=password) # with queries.Session(hawqURI) as session: # uniInfoLog("Analyze Dimension Tables", report) # for table in dimensionTables: # ddlString = "Analyze " + table # startTime = # uniInfoLog("Start " + ddlString + ": " + str(startTime), report) # result = session.query(ddlString) # stopTime = # resultString = "Completed " + ddlString + ": " + str(stopTime) + " Elapsed Time: " + str( # stopTime - startTime) # uniInfoLog(resultString, report) # if emailAddress: # Email.sendEmail(emailAddress, ddlString + " Complete", resultString) # uniInfoLog("Analyze Fact Tables", report) # # for table in factTables: # ddlString = "analyze " + table # startTime = # uniInfoLog("Start " + ddlString + ": " + str(startTime), report) # result = session.query(ddlString) # stopTime = # resultString = "Completed " + ddlString + ": " + str(stopTime) + " Elapsed Time: " + str( # stopTime - startTime) # uniInfoLog(resultString, report) # if emailAddress: # Email.sendEmail(emailAddress, ddlString + " Complete", resultString) # # if (emailAddress): # messageLines = [] # with open(reportName, "r") as reportMsg: # for line in reportMsg.readlines(): # messageLines.append(line) # message = " ".join(messageLines) # Email.sendEmail(emailAddress, "Table Analyze Final Report: " + (reportName.split('/')[2])[:-4], message) if (emailAddress): Email.sendEmail(emailAddress, "Table Analyze Final Report: " + (reportName.split('/')[2])[:-4], "AnalyzeDB Complete")
def getAdminCreds(hostFile, adminUser): password = getpass.getpass("Password for " + adminUser + " (needed for Buffer Clears):") with open(hostFile, "r") as hostsReader: hosts = hostsReader.readlines() for host in hosts: print "Testing access to " + host try: ssh.exec_command2(host.rstrip(), adminUser, password, "touch /.test") except paramiko.AuthenticationException as e: print "Error: Username/password not correct" exit() except Exception as e2: print "Error: Unknown Host" exit() return password
def preAmbariSetup(username,password,hadoopHosts,clusterId,nodeCnt): print "Configuring system for Ambari Install" print "Installing Ambari Agent" for host in hadoopHosts: if "hadoop0" not in host["hostname"]: print "Installing Ambari Agent on " + str(host['fqdn']) + " and Configuring for Server" ssh.exec_command2(host['fqdn'],username,password,"rpm -ivh /mnt/ambari/*agent*") #ssh.exec_command2(host['fqdn'],username,password,"rpm -ivh /mnt/ambari/*log4j*") ssh.exec_command2(host['fqdn'],username,password,"sed -i s/^hostname=.*/hostname="+hadoopHosts[0]['fqdn']+"/ /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini") ssh.exec_command2(host['fqdn'],username,password,"service ambari-agent start") else: ssh.exec_command2(host['fqdn'],username,password,"yum -y install postgresql-server") ssh.exec_command2(host['fqdn'],username,password,"rpm -ivh /mnt/ambari/*server*")
def initializeHAWQ(username,password,hadoopHosts,clusterId,nodeCnt): print "Initializing HAWQ..." #print username # # print password masterNode = clusterLayouts["clusterSize"][int(nodeCnt)][int(nodeCnt)]["hqm"][0] standbyNode = clusterLayouts["clusterSize"][int(nodeCnt)][int(nodeCnt)]["hqm"][1] hawqMaster = hadoopHosts[masterNode]["fqdn"] hawqStandbyMaster = hadoopHosts[standbyNode]["fqdn"] for host in hadoopHosts: ssh.exec_command2(host["ip"],"root","changeme","sysctl -p") print "HAWQ Master: "+hawqMaster print "HAWQ StandbyMaster: "+hawqStandbyMaster ssh.exec_command2(hadoopHosts[masterNode]["ip"],username,password,"source /usr/local/hawq/") ssh.exec_command2(hadoopHosts[masterNode]["ip"],username,password,"/etc/init.d/hawq init")
def create(clusterConfigFilePath, overrideClusterId): ''' return: { "dns": "", "hosts": " master\n172.17.0.3 slave1\n172.17.04 slave2" } ''' if not isInitialized(): print "initialize first" return 1 dnsServerAddress = None hosts = "" with open(clusterConfigFilePath, "r") as conffile: conf = try: clusterConfig = json.loads(conf) except ValueError as e: print "Given cluster config json file " + clusterConfigFilePath + " is invalid " print e.message return 1 # docker build if Dockerfile is specified clusterConfig = _flattenDockerfile(clusterConfig) clusterConfig = _flattenHostname(clusterConfig) if overrideClusterId != None: clusterConfig["id"] = overrideClusterId # Append DNS dnsNode = { "hostname" : "dclouddns", "imageName" : REPO_DNS_BASE, "cmd" : "service sshd start && tail -f /var/log/yum.log" } clusterConfig["nodes"].insert(0, dnsNode) for i in range(len(clusterConfig["nodes"])): # The first iteration is for DNS node = clusterConfig["nodes"][i] container_name = _generateContainerName(clusterConfig["id"], node["hostname"]) cmd = ["docker", "run" , "-d" # daemon , "--privileged"] # DNS cmd.append("--dns") if i == 0: cmd.append("") # localhost else: cmd.append(dnsServerAddress) if "dns" in clusterConfig: for dnsIp in clusterConfig["dns"]: cmd.append("--dns") cmd.append(dnsIp) cmd.append("--name") cmd.append(container_name) fqdn = node["hostname"] + "." + clusterConfig["domain"] cmd.append("-h") cmd.append(fqdn) if "volumes" in node: for volumn in node["volumes"]: cmd.append("-v") cmd.append(volumn) cmd.append(node["imageName"]) cmd.append("bash") cmd.append("-c") cmd.append(node["cmd"]) print "executing: " + ' '.join(cmd) ip = docker.getContainerIpAddress(container_name) if i == 0: dnsServerAddress = ip hosts += ip + " " + fqdn + " " + node["hostname"] + "\n" print "dnsServerAddress: " + dnsServerAddress if(not ssh.connection_check(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme")): print "**** ERROR ****" print "ssh connection to root@" + dnsServerAddress + " could not be established" return 1 ssh.exec_command2(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme", "echo '" + hosts + "' > /etc/dcloud/dnsmasq/hosts") ssh.exec_command2(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme", "service dnsmasq restart") print "hosts:" print hosts result = RunResult() result.dns = dnsServerAddress result.hosts = hosts return 0
def create(clusterConfigFilePath, overrideClusterId): ''' return: { "dns": "", "hosts": " master\n172.17.0.3 slave1\n172.17.04 slave2" } ''' if not isInitialized(): print "initialize first" return 1 dnsServerAddress = None hosts = "" with open(clusterConfigFilePath, "r") as conffile: conf = try: clusterConfig = json.loads(conf) except ValueError as e: print "Given cluster config json file " + clusterConfigFilePath + " is invalid " print e.message return 1 # docker build if Dockerfile is specified clusterConfig = _flattenDockerfile(clusterConfig) clusterConfig = _flattenHostname(clusterConfig) if overrideClusterId != None: clusterConfig["id"] = overrideClusterId # Append DNS dnsNode = { "hostname": "dclouddns", "imageName": REPO_DNS_BASE, "cmd": "service sshd start && tail -f /var/log/yum.log" } clusterConfig["nodes"].insert(0, dnsNode) for i in range(len(clusterConfig["nodes"])): # The first iteration is for DNS node = clusterConfig["nodes"][i] container_name = _generateContainerName(clusterConfig["id"], node["hostname"]) cmd = [ "docker", "run", "-d" # daemon , "--privileged" ] # DNS cmd.append("--dns") if i == 0: cmd.append("") # localhost else: cmd.append(dnsServerAddress) if "dns" in clusterConfig: for dnsIp in clusterConfig["dns"]: cmd.append("--dns") cmd.append(dnsIp) cmd.append("--name") cmd.append(container_name) fqdn = node["hostname"] + "." + clusterConfig["domain"] cmd.append("-h") cmd.append(fqdn) if "volumes" in node: for volumn in node["volumes"]: cmd.append("-v") cmd.append(volumn) cmd.append(node["imageName"]) cmd.append("bash") cmd.append("-c") cmd.append(node["cmd"]) print "executing: " + ' '.join(cmd) ip = docker.getContainerIpAddress(container_name) if i == 0: dnsServerAddress = ip hosts += ip + " " + fqdn + " " + node["hostname"] + "\n" print "dnsServerAddress: " + dnsServerAddress if (not ssh.connection_check(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme")): print "**** ERROR ****" print "ssh connection to root@" + dnsServerAddress + " could not be established" return 1 ssh.exec_command2(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme", "echo '" + hosts + "' > /etc/dcloud/dnsmasq/hosts") ssh.exec_command2(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme", "service dnsmasq restart") print "hosts:" print hosts result = RunResult() result.dns = dnsServerAddress result.hosts = hosts return 0
def ambariBase(clusterConfigFilePath, overrideClusterId,nodeCnt): print "Ambari Cluster Build Start Time: "+str(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))) dnsServerAddress = None hosts = "" hadoopHosts=[] rootPassword = "******" encPassword = crypt.crypt(rootPassword,"salt") with open(clusterConfigFilePath, "r") as conffile: conf = try: clusterConfig = json.loads(conf) clusterConfig["nodes"][0]["hostname"] = str(clusterConfig["nodes"][0]["hostname"]).replace("6",nodeCnt) except ValueError as e: print "Given cluster config json file " + clusterConfigFilePath + " is invalid " print e.message return 1 # docker build if Dockerfile is specified clusterConfig = _flattenDockerfile(clusterConfig) clusterConfig = _flattenHostname(clusterConfig) if overrideClusterId != None: clusterConfig["id"] = overrideClusterId # Append DNS dnsNode = { "hostname" : "dclouddns", "imageName" : REPO_DNS_BASE, "cmd" : "service sshd start && tail -f /var/log/yum.log" } clusterConfig["nodes"].insert(0, dnsNode) clusterConfig = _flattenHostname(clusterConfig) ambariPath = "/root/software" volumes = ['/mnt/ambari'] volumeBinds = { ambariPath : {'bind' : '/mnt/ambari', "ro" : False} } print "Setting Images for Use" pullImages(dnsNode["imageName"]) for i in range(len(clusterConfig["nodes"])): dnsList=[] node = clusterConfig["nodes"][i] containerName = _generateContainerName(clusterConfig["id"], node["hostname"]) #containerName = str(clusterConfig["id"])+"."+str(node["hostname"]) domainName = clusterConfig["domain"] fqdn = node["hostname"] + "." + clusterConfig["domain"] cmdString = "bash -c '"+node["cmd"]+"'" dockerClient=dockerpy.Client() #containerId = dockerClient.create_container(node["imageName"],command=cmdString,hostname=node["hostname"],domainname=domainName,detach=True,name=containerName,volumes=volumes)["Id"] #containerId = dockerClient.create_container(node["imageName"],command=cmdString,hostname=node["hostname"]+"."+domainName,domainname=domainName,detach=True,name=containerName,volumes=volumes)["Id"] containerId = dockerClient.create_container(node["imageName"],command=cmdString,hostname=node["hostname"]+"."+domainName,detach=True,name=containerName,volumes=volumes)["Id"] print containerId if i == 0: dnsList.append("") else: dnsList.append(dnsServerAddress) if "dns" in clusterConfig: for dnsIp in clusterConfig["dns"]: dnsList.append(dnsIp) dockerClient.start(containerId,dns=dnsList,dns_search=domainName,privileged=True,binds=volumeBinds) containerInfo = dockerClient.inspect_container(containerId) containerIP = containerInfo['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] if i == 0: dnsServerAddress = containerIP hosts += containerIP + " " + fqdn + " " + node["hostname"] + "\n" if (node["hostname"] != "dclouddns"): hadoopHosts.append({"hostname":node["hostname"],"ip":containerIP,"fqdn":fqdn,"id":containerId}) print "DNS Server Address: " + dnsServerAddress if(not ssh.connection_check(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme")): print "**** ERROR ****" print "ssh connection to root@" + dnsServerAddress + " could not be established" return 1 ssh.exec_command2(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme", "echo '" + hosts + "' > /etc/dcloud/dnsmasq/hosts") ssh.exec_command2(dnsServerAddress, "root", "changeme", "service dnsmasq restart") print "Cluster Hosts:" print "-----------------------------------------" lines = hosts.split('\n') print "Management Host: " + lines[1] print "Hadoop Nodes:" lineCnt = 0 for line in lines: if lineCnt > 1 : print line lineCnt+=1 result = RunResult() result.dns = dnsServerAddress result.hosts = hosts #print "gpadmin user created on "+host["hostname"] #print "gpadmin users created" #print "Sharing Root SSH Keys Across Cluster" #shareSSHKeys(clusterConfig["id"],"root",rootPassword) #print "Sharing Root SSH Keys Completed" mgmtContainerHostname = dockerDriver.getContainerId(clusterConfig["nodes"][1]["hostname"]) mgmtIPaddress = hadoopHosts[0]["ip"] print "Sharing root keys across Cluster" shareSSHKeys(clusterConfig["id"],"root",rootPassword) print "Sharing root keys Completed" print "Cluster Build End Time: "+str(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))) print "Update Docker Host /etc/hosts for hostname based access" hostsfile(clusterConfig["id"],"/etc/hosts") if (os.path.isfile("/root/.ssh/known_hosts")): os.remove("/root/.ssh/known_hosts") phdDesigner.preAmbariSetup("root","changeme",hadoopHosts,clusterConfig["id"] ,nodeCnt) return 0
def icmInstall(mgmtServer,cfgFile,username,password,hadoopHosts,clusterId): print "ICM Install on "+ str(mgmtServer) #print cfgFile pccPath = configFile.getParam(cfgFile,"PHD","pcc") #filename = ssh.putFile(mgmtServer,pccPath,username,password) fileName = os.path.split(pccPath)[1] print "PCC Filename: "+fileName ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"yum -y install tar") print "Untarring: "+"tar xvfz /mnt/pcc/"+fileName ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"cd /tmp;tar xvfz /mnt/pcc/"+fileName) print "Installing PCC..." #ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"echo \"echo not running.\" > /etc/init.d/iptables") #print ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"/tmp/"+filename[:-7]+"/install") ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"/tmp/PCC*/install") print "Install Complete" print "Transfer Configuration: " # #tar File, send across, untar # basePath = os.path.split(__file__)[0] # tar ="/tmp/clusterConfig.tar","w") # fileList = [] # for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(str(basePath)+"/template/"): # for file in files: # fullPath = os.path.join(root,file) # relativePath = ((root.replace(str(basePath),""))+"/"+file)[1:] # tar.add(fullPath,relativePath) # tar.close() # # # # ssh.putFile(mgmtServer,"/tmp/clusterConfig.tar",username,password) # ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"cd /tmp;tar xvf /tmp/clusterConfig.tar") # ICM Setup phdPath = configFile.getParam(cfgFile,"PHD","phd") #fileName = ssh.putFile(mgmtServer,phdPath,username,password) fileName = os.path.split(phdPath)[1] print "PHD Filename: "+fileName hawqPath = configFile.getParam(cfgFile,"PHD","pads") hawqFileName = os.path.split(hawqPath)[1] print "HAWQ Filename: "+ hawqFileName print "tar xvfz /tmp/"+fileName ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"cd /tmp;tar xvfz /mnt/pcc/"+fileName) print "untar complete" print "tar xvfz /tmp/"+hawqFileName ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"cd /tmp;tar xvfz /mnt/pcc/"+hawqFileName) print "untar complete" #ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,username,password,"echo \"changeme\" | passwd --stdin gpadmin") print "changed GPADMIN password" print "Start Import of /mnt/pcc/"+fileName[:-7] # import stack details stackConfig = { "stack_name": "PHD-", "stack_properties": { "rpm_rel": "46", "hive_package_version": "0.12.0_gphd_3_1_0_0-175", "hadoop_rpm_version": "2.2.0_gphd_3_1_0_0-175", "rpm_label": "gphd", "hbase_package_version": "0.96.0_gphd_3_1_0_0-175", "zookeeper_package_version": "3.4.5_gphd_3_1_0_0-175", "rpm_version": "2_0_2_0", "pig_package_version": "0.12.0_gphd_3_1_0_0-175", "mahout_package_version": "0.7_gphd_3_1_0_0-175" }, "stack_type": "phd" } # apiClient.importStack(stackConfig) ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,"gpadmin","changeme","icm_client import -s /tmp/"+fileName[:-7]) print "Import Complete" print "Start Import of /mnt/pcc/"+hawqFileName[:-7] ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,"gpadmin","changeme","icm_client import -s /tmp/"+hawqFileName[:-7]) print "Starting Cluster Deploy..." # RUN PREPAREHOSTS VIA API inputData={} hostList = [] hostCnt = 0 for host in hadoopHosts: if hostCnt > 0: hostList.append(host["hostname"]) hostCnt+=1 inputData["hosts"] = hostList inputData["jdkPath"] = "" inputData["verbose"] = True inputData["setupNTP"] = False inputData["ntpServer"] = "" inputData["disableSELinux"] = False inputData["disableIPTables"] = False inputData["sysConfigDir"] = "" inputData["skipPasswordlessSSH"] = False inputData["rootPassword"]= password inputData["gpadminPassword"]= password inputData["gphdStackVer"]="PHD-" inputData["clusterId"] = clusterId # Get OAuth file ssh.getFile(mgmtServer,"/etc/gphd/gphdmgr/conf/oauth2-clients.conf","/tmp/oauth2-clients.conf",username,password) apiClient = APIClient (mgmtServer) apiClient.prepareHosts(inputData) # Thread the deploy and then look through install status. #clusterConfigJSON = json.dumps(open(str(basePath)+"/template/clusterConfig.xml","r").readlines()) #print APIClient.deployConfiguration(apiClient,clusterConfigJSON,inputData) #print apiClient.getClusterTemplateJson(inputData) ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,"gpadmin","changeme","icm_client deploy -s -p -c /mnt/config") print "Cluster Deploy Complete: PCC is available at https://"+mgmtServer+":5443" print "Starting Cluster..." ssh.exec_command2(mgmtServer,"gpadmin","changeme","icm_client start -l phdcluster") print "Cluster Started" #print apiClient.getClusterStatus(inputData)