    def _compute_block_id(self, block):
        """ For every block build a Cartesian tree using stack-based approach.
        During the build process encode stack pushes as *1* and stack pops as *0*.
        The generated 2b-bit number is the id of the block.
        @param block (List[int]): An array of integer numbers.
        @return code (int): A 2b-bit integer giving the id of the block,
                            where b is the size of the block.
        binary_code = [0] * (2 * len(block))
        idx = 0
        S = Stack()

        for i in range(len(block)):
            while (not S.is_empty()) and (S.top() > block[i]):
                idx += 1
            binary_code[idx] = 1
            idx += 1

        code = "".join(str(bit) for bit in binary_code)
        return int(code, 2)
文件: parser.py 项目: raki123/Laser
def parse(rule):
    tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(rule)

    primary_stack = Stack()
    args_stack = Stack()

    head = None
    body = None
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(tokens):
        token = tokens[idx]
        # primary_stack.show()
        # open parenthesis always has the highest precedence
        if token["type"] == tokenizer.TOKEN_OPEN_PARA:
        elif token["type"] == tokenizer.TOKEN_OPRT:
            # Since left has higher precedence than right, when we see an operator token,
            # we must try to make sure all previously pushed operators on the stack are
            # fully parsed before we push any new operator on the stack.
            # So, we go through previous operators, and try to parse them if we have enough
            # information now.
            while not primary_stack.empty():
                lastOprt = primary_stack.top()
                # It must never happen that two unary operators come immediately after
                # each other, without any binary operator between them. They can nest
                # inside one another, but they cannot appear in the same level, and immediately
                # after each other. That is a syntax error if happens.
                if (isUnaryOperator(lastOprt["value"])) and (isUnaryOperator(
                    syntax_err("Syntax error near operator " + token["value"])
                # If a binary, or unary operator is already on top of the stack, and another
                # binary operator shows up, we must first finish the parsing of operator on the
                # stack, and then deal with the new operator.
                elif (isOperator(lastOprt["value"])) and (isBinaryOperator(
                    if not args_stack.empty():
                        parse_operator(lastOprt, args_stack)
                # If top of stack is occupied with coma, and/or parenthesis, that means we are
                # still parsing arguments of an operator. In such cases, we cannot empty the stack,
                # because current parsing is not done yet. We need to look into next tokens.
                # So, we break the loop and continue to receive future tokens.
        elif token["type"] == tokenizer.TOKEN_IDENTIFIER:
            nxt = tokens[idx + 1] if idx + 1 != len(tokens) else None
            if (nxt != None) and (nxt["type"] == tokenizer.TOKEN_OPEN_PARA):
                idx, args = parse_predicate_arguments(idx + 2, tokens)
                #formula = Formula()
                pred = token["value"]
                #args_stack.push(LeafNode(formula.getPredicate(), formula))
                if pred == "MATH":
                    assert len(
                    ) == 4, "Expected four parameters for function MATH"
                    args_stack.push(Node(Node.Math, args[0], args[1:]))
                elif pred == "COMP":
                    assert len(
                    ) == 3, "Expected four parameters for function COMP"
                    args_stack.push(Node(Node.Comp, args[0], args[1:]))
                    args_stack.push(Node(Node.Atom, pred, args))
                #formula = Formula()
                pred = token["value"]
                #args_stack.push(LeafNode(formula.getPredicate(), formula))
                args = []
                args_stack.push(Node(Node.Atom, pred, args))
        elif token["type"] == tokenizer.TOKEN_CLOSE_PARA:
            while True:
                if args_stack.empty():
                    syntax_err("Expected operand or '('")
                oprt = primary_stack.pop()
                if oprt["value"] == '(':
                parse_operator(oprt, args_stack)
        elif token["type"] == tokenizer.TOKEN_ENTAILMENT_SIGN:
            # In principal, it is possible that the rule has no head.
            # I am not sure if they are useful or not, but they can
            # exist in theory.
            if args_stack.empty():
                print("No head in the rule")
                # Before parsing the body of the rule
                # we must make sure all operators in the
                # head are dealt with. So, we go through
                # the operator stack, and make sure that
                # all of them are processed.
                while not primary_stack.empty():
                    oprt = primary_stack.pop()
                    parse_operator(oprt, args_stack, True)
                # Pop the head from the operand stack
                head = args_stack.pop()
                head.returnSttt = head.substitutetable
                #if type(head) != list:
                #	head = head
        idx += 1

    while not primary_stack.empty():
        oprt = primary_stack.pop()
        if oprt["value"] == '(':
            syntax_err("Missing ')' in rule ")
        parse_operator(oprt, args_stack)

    body = args_stack.pop()
    if type(body) != list:
        body = [body]

    body = list(reversed(body))
    # By default we only look at the current time point, namely no window
    #registerScopes(body, {"winType": "time_win", "winSize" : 0, "winSizeUnit": 1})
    #body = optimize(body) # Get rid of window operators
    return {"head": head, "body": body}