def POST(self, swarmName, swarmIp): """ add a swarm cluster into current, check, pickle. """ res = {"msg": None, "code": 0} swarmIp = swarmIp.strip() swarmName = swarmName.strip() logger.debug( "post a swarm cluster, name is %s, ip is %s, check ip is %s" % (swarmName, swarmIp, ip_check(swarmIp))) if not swarmName or not swarmIp or not ip_check(swarmIp): res.update(msg="POST: data params error", code=-1020) elif self.isMember(swarmName): res.update(msg="POST: swarm cluster already exists", code=-1021) else: #access node ip's info, and get all remote managers url = Splice(netloc=swarmIp, port=self.port, path='/info').geturl swarm = dict(name=swarmName) "init a swarm cluter named %s, will get swarm ip info, that url is %s" % (swarmName, url)) try: nodeinfo = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify).json() logger.debug("get swarm ip info, response is %s" % nodeinfo) swarm["manager"] = [ nodes["Addr"].split(":")[0] for nodes in nodeinfo["Swarm"]["RemoteManagers"] ] except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update(msg="POST: access the node ip has exception", code=-1022) else:
def signOut(): """ 单点注销流程 1. 根据sid查找注册的clients 2. pop一个client并跳转到其注销页面,携带参数为`NextUrl=当前路由地址`,如果有`ReturnUrl`同样携带。 client处理:检测通过注销局部会话并跳转回当前路由 3. 循环第2步,直到clients为空(所有已注册的局部会话已经注销) 4. 注销本地全局会话,删除相关数据,跳转到登录页面 """ # 最终跳转回地址 ReturnUrl = request.args.get("ReturnUrl") or url_for(".signOut", _external=True) if g.sid: clients = g.api.usersso.ssoGetRegisteredClient(g.sid) logger.debug("has sid, get clients: {}".format(clients)) if clients and isinstance(clients, list) and len(clients) > 0: clientName = clients.pop() clientData = g.api.userapp.getUserApp(clientName) if clientData: if g.api.usersso.clearRegisteredClient(g.sid, clientName): NextUrl = "{}/sso/authorized?{}".format( clientData["app_redirect_url"].strip("/"), urlencode( dict(Action="ssoLogout", ReturnUrl=ReturnUrl, app_name=clientName))) return redirect(NextUrl) return redirect(url_for(".signOut")) # 没有sid时,或者存在sid已经注销到第4步 g.api.usersso.clearRegisteredUserSid(g.uid, g.sid) response = make_response(redirect(ReturnUrl)) response.set_cookie(key='sessionId', value='', expires=0) return response
def InceptionOSC(Action, sqlsha1, inception): """查询pt-osc执行进度""" res = dict(code=1, msg=None) if Action in ("Query", "Stop") and sqlsha1 and inception and check_ipport(inception) and len(sqlsha1) == 41 and sqlsha1.startswith('*'): if Action == "Query": # 通过Inception查询osc sql = 'inception get osc_percent %s;' idb = IncetDB(host=inception.split(":")[0], port=int(inception.split(":")[-1])) result = idb.get(sql, sqlsha1) if not result: res.update(code=2, msg="No query to OSC progress") else: res.update(data=result, code=0) elif Action == "Stop": # 通过Inception中止OSC执行 sql = 'inception stop alter %s;' idb = IncetDB(host=inception.split(":")[0], port=int(inception.split(":")[-1])) try: result = idb.get(sql, sqlsha1) logger.debug("stop osc result " + result) except Exception,e: res.update(msg=str(e)) else: if not result: res.update(code=2, msg="No query to OSC progress") else: res.update(data=result, code=0)
def useruploadpub(): # 通过表单形式上传图片 res = dict(code=1, msg=None) logger.debug(request.files) f = request.files.get('file') callableAction = request.args.get("callableAction") if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = gen_rnd_filename() + "." + secure_filename( f.filename).split('.')[-1] # 随机命名 # 判断是否上传到又拍云还是保存到本地 if Upyun['enable'] in ('true', 'True', True): basedir = Upyun['basedir'] if Upyun['basedir'].startswith( '/') else "/" + Upyun['basedir'] imgUrl = os.path.join(basedir, filename) try: # 又拍云存储封装接口 UploadImage2Upyun(imgUrl, except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update(code=2, msg="System is abnormal") else: imgUrl = Upyun['dn'].strip("/") + imgUrl res.update(data=dict(src=imgUrl), code=0) else: if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER), filename)) imgUrl = request.url_root + IMAGE_FOLDER + filename res.update(data=dict(src=imgUrl), code=0)
def OAuthDirectLogin(): """OAuth2直接登录(首选)""" if request.method == 'POST': sso = request.args.get("sso") or None logger.debug("OAuthDirectLogin, sso type: {}, content: {}".format( type(sso), sso)) openid = request.form.get("openid") if openid: auth = Authentication(g.mysql, g.redis) # 直接注册新账号并设置登录态 res = auth.oauth2_signUp(openid, g.ip) res = dfr(res) if res["success"]: # 记录登录日志 auth.brush_loginlog( res, login_ip=g.ip, user_agent=request.headers.get("User-Agent")) sso_isOk, sso_returnUrl, sso_appName = checkGet_ssoRequest(sso) sessionId, returnUrl = checkSet_ssoTicketSid( sso_isOk, sso_returnUrl, sso_appName, res["uid"], url_for("front.userset", _anchor="bind")) logger.debug( "OAuthDirectLogin post returnUrl: {}".format(returnUrl)) return set_loginstate(sessionId, returnUrl) else: flash(res["msg"]) return redirect( url_for("front.OAuthGuide", openid=openid, sso=sso)) else: return redirect(g.redirect_uri)
def upload_view(): res = dict(code=-1, msg=None) logger.debug(request.files) f = request.files.get('file') if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = secure_filename(gen_rnd_filename() + "." + f.filename.split('.')[-1]) #随机命名 basedir = Upyun['basedir'] if Upyun['basedir'].startswith( '/') else "/" + Upyun['basedir'] imgUrl = os.path.join(basedir, filename) try: upres = api.put(imgUrl, except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update(code=2, msg="Storage failure") else: imgId = md5(filename) imgUrl = Upyun['dn'].strip("/") + imgUrl upres.update(ctime=get_current_timestamp(), imgUrl=imgUrl, imgId=imgId) try: pipe = g.redis.pipeline() pipe.sadd(picKey, imgId) pipe.hmset("{}:{}".format(GLOBAL['ProcessName'], imgId), upres) pipe.execute() except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update( code=0, msg= "It has been uploaded, but the server has encountered an unknown error" ) else:
def GitHub_Login_Page_State(code, GITHUB_APP_ID, GITHUB_APP_KEY, GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI, timeout=5, verify=False): ''' Authorization Code cannot repeat ''' Access_Token_Url = Splice(scheme="https", domain="", path="/login/oauth/access_token", query={ "client_id": GITHUB_APP_ID, "client_secret": GITHUB_APP_KEY, "code": code, "redirect_uri": GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI }).geturl data =, timeout=timeout, verify=verify).text data = Parse_Access_Token(data) if "access_token" in data: access_token = data.get("access_token") User_Info_Url = Splice(scheme="https", domain="", path="/user", query={ "access_token": access_token }).geturl data = requests.get(User_Info_Url, timeout=timeout, verify=verify).json() username = "******" + data.get("login") user_id = data.get("id") user_github = data.get("html_url") user_cname = data.get("name") user_avater = data.get("avatar_url") user_email = data.get("email") user_extra = "blog:%s, company:%s, location:%s" % ( data.get("blog"), data.get("company"), data.get("location")) try: UserSQL = "INSERT INTO User (username, cname, email, avatar, time, github, extra) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" mysql.insert(UserSQL, username, user_cname, user_email, user_avater, How_Much_Time(), user_github, user_extra) OAuthSQL = "INSERT INTO OAuth (oauth_username, oauth_type, oauth_openid, oauth_access_token, oauth_expires) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" mysql.insert(OAuthSQL, username, "GitHub", user_id, access_token, How_Much_Time()) except IntegrityError, e: logger.debug(e, exc_info=True) #Check if it has been registered CheckSQL = "SELECT oauth_username FROM OAuth WHERE oauth_username=%s" if mysql.get(CheckSQL, username): UpdateSQL = "UPDATE OAuth SET oauth_access_token=%s, oauth_expires=%s, oauth_openid=%s WHERE oauth_username=%s" mysql.update(UpdateSQL, access_token, How_Much_Time(), user_id, username) #update user profile UpdateUserSQL = "UPDATE User SET cname=%s, avatar=%s, extra=%s WHERE username=%s" mysql.update(UpdateUserSQL, user_cname, user_avater, user_extra, username) return {"username": username, "uid": user_id} except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) return False
def before_request(): sessionId = request.cookies.get("sessionId", request.headers.get("sessionId")) g.startTime = time.time() g.redis = create_redis_engine() g.mysql = create_mysql_engine() g.signin = verify_sessionId(sessionId) g.sid, g.uid = analysis_sessionId(sessionId, "tuple") if g.signin else (None, None) logger.debug("uid: {}, sid: {}".format(g.uid, g.sid)) g.api = api g.ip = request.headers.get('X-Real-Ip', request.remote_addr) g.agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent") # 仅是重定向页面快捷定义 g.redirect_uri = get_redirect_url() # 上下文扩展点之请求后(返回前) before_request_hook = plugin.get_all_cep.get("before_request_hook") for cep_func in before_request_hook(): cep_func(request=request, g=g) before_request_return = plugin.get_all_cep.get("before_request_return") for cep_func in before_request_return(): resp = cep_func(request=request, g=g) try: success = resp.is_before_request_return except: logger.warn( "Plugin returns abnormalities when before_request_return") else: if success is True: return resp
def GET(self, node=None): """ 查询所有可用的节点群,并组织返回节点信息 """ res = {"code": 0, "msg": None, "data": []} if self.leader: #format (host, id, role, status, availability, reachability, containers, cpu, mem, label, UpdatedAt, DockerVersion). req_data = self._checkSwarmNode(self.leader, node) req_data = req_data if isinstance(req_data, (list, tuple)) else (req_data, ) node_data = [] for i in req_data: try: node_id = i['ID'] node_role = 'Leader' if i.get( 'ManagerStatus', {}).get('Leader') else i['Spec'].get('Role') node_host = i['Spec'].get('Labels', {}).get( 'ipaddr', i['Description']['Hostname']) or i.get( 'ManagerStatus', {}).get('Addr', '').split(':')[0] node_status = i['Status']['State'] node_availability = i['Spec'].get('Availability') node_reachability = i.get('ManagerStatus', {}).get('Reachability') node_containers = self._checkSwarmNodeinfo(node_host).get( "ContainersRunning" ) if ip_check( node_host ) and node_status == "ready" and node_availability == "active" else 'Unknown' node_cpu = int(i['Description']['Resources']['NanoCPUs'] / 1e9) node_mem = int( i['Description']['Resources']['MemoryBytes'] / 1e6 / 1024) #bytes to G node_label = i['Spec'].get('Labels') if isinstance(node_label, dict): _node_label = '' for k, v in node_label.iteritems(): _node_label += '%s=%s, ' % (k, v) node_label = _node_label.strip(' ,') node_CreatedAt = timeChange(i['CreatedAt']) node_UpdatedAt = timeChange(i['UpdatedAt']) node_dockerVersion = i['Description']['Engine'][ 'EngineVersion'] node_indexVersion = i.get("Version", {}).get("Index") except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) logger.debug(i) node_host = i['Spec'].get('Labels', {}).get( 'ipaddr', i['Description']['Hostname']) or i.get( 'ManagerStatus', {}).get('Addr', '').split(':')[0] node_data.append((node_host, i.get("ID"))) else: node_data.append( (node_host, node_id, node_role, node_status, node_availability, node_reachability, node_containers, node_cpu, node_mem, node_label, node_CreatedAt, node_UpdatedAt, node_dockerVersion)) res.update(data=node_data)
def __signUp_transacion(self, guid, identifier, identity_type, certificate, verified, register_ip="", expire_time=0, use_profile_sql=True, define_profile_sql=None): ''' begin的方式使用事务注册账号, 参数: @param guid str: 系统账号唯一标识 @param identifier str: 手机号、邮箱或第三方openid @param identity_type int: 账号类型,参见`oauth2_name2type`函数 @param certificate str: 加盐密码或第三方access_token @param verified int: 是否已验证 0-未验证 1-已验证 @param register_ip str: 注册IP地址 @param expire_time int: 特指OAuth过期时间戳,暂时保留 @param use_profile_sql bool: 定义是否执行define_profile_sql @param define_profile_sql str: 自定义写入`user_profile`表的sql(需要完整可直接执行SQL) 流程: 1、写入`user_auth`表 2、写入`user_profile`表 返回字典: success bool 表示注册是否成功; msg str 表示提示信息。 ''' res = dict(success=False, msg=None) # 校验 if guid and identifier and \ identity_type and \ certificate and \ verified and \ isinstance(guid, (str, unicode)) and \ len(guid) == 22 and \ identity_type in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and \ verified in (1, 0): ctime = get_current_timestamp() try: logger.debug("transaction, start") self.db._db.begin() try: sql_1 = "INSERT INTO user_auth (uid, identity_type, identifier, certificate, verified, status, ctime, etime) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" info = self.db.insert(sql_1, guid, identity_type, identifier, certificate, verified, 1, ctime, expire_time) except IntegrityError: res.update(msg="Account already exists") except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update(msg="System is abnormal") else: if use_profile_sql is True: if define_profile_sql: sql_2 = define_profile_sql"execute define_profile_sql: {}".format(sql_2)) try: info = self.db.execute(sql_2) except: raise else: sql_2 = "INSERT INTO user_profile (uid, register_source, register_ip, ctime, is_realname, is_admin) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" try: info = self.db.insert(sql_2, guid, identity_type, register_ip, ctime, 0, 0) except: raise logger.debug('transaction, commit') self.db._db.commit()
def ssoRegisterUserSid(self, uid, sid): """记录uid已登录的sso应用的sid""" logger.debug("ssoRegisterUserSid for uid: {}, with sid: {}".format(uid, sid)) if uid and sid: try: ukey = "passport:user:sid:{}".format(uid) self.redis.sadd(ukey, sid) except Exception,e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) else: return True
def put(self): """ 更新节点信息(Labels、Role等) """ node_id = request.form.get("node_id") node_role = request.form.get("node_role") node_labels = request.form.get("node_labels") logger.debug("{}, {}, {}".format(node_id, node_role, node_labels)) return g.node.PUT(node_id=node_id, node_role=node_role, node_labels=node_labels)
def UserAuth_Login(username, password): sql = " SELECT lauth_username, lauth_password FROM user_lauth WHERE lauth_username=%s" data= mysql.get(sql, username) logger.debug("mysql data is %s, request %s:%s" %(data, username, md5(password))) if data and username == data.get("lauth_username") and md5(password) == data.get("lauth_password"):"%s Sign in successfully" %username) return True else:"%s Sign in failed" %username) return False
def _checkSwarmManager(self, ip): """ 查询节点的Manager """ url = Splice(netloc=ip, port=self.port, path='/info').geturl"Get or Update swarm manager, that url is %s" %url) try: nodeinfo = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify).json() logger.debug("Get or Update swarm manager, response is %s" %nodeinfo) managers = [ nodes["Addr"].split(":")[0] for nodes in nodeinfo["Swarm"]["RemoteManagers"] ] except Exception,e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) return []
def __check_hasUser(self, uid): """检查是否存在账号""" if uid and len(uid) == 22: sql = "SELECT count(uid) FROM user_auth WHERE uid=%s" try: data = self.db.get(sql, uid) except Exception, e: logger.warn(e, exc_info=True) else: logger.debug(data) if data and isinstance(data, dict): return True if data.get('count(uid)', 0) > 0 else False
def validate(): res = dict(msg=None, success=False) Action = request.args.get("Action") if request.method == "POST": if Action == "validate_ticket": ticket = request.form.get("ticket") app_name = request.form.get("app_name") get_userinfo = True if request.form.get("get_userinfo") in ( 1, True, "1", "True", "true", "on") else False get_userbind = True if request.form.get("get_userbind") in ( 1, True, "1", "True", "true", "on") else False if ticket and app_name: resp = g.api.usersso.ssoGetWithTicket(ticket) logger.debug("sso validate ticket resp: {}".format(resp)) if resp and isinstance(resp, dict): # 此时表明ticket验证通过,应当返回如下信息: # dict(uid=所需, sid=所需,source=xx) if g.api.userapp.getUserApp(app_name): # app_name有效,验证全部通过 res.update(success=True, uid=resp["uid"], sid=resp["sid"], expire=SYSTEM["SESSION_EXPIRE"]) # 有效,此sid已登录客户端中注册app_name且向uid中注册已登录的sid res.update(register=dict( Client=g.api.usersso.ssoRegisterClient( sid=resp["sid"], app_name=app_name), UserSid=g.api.usersso.ssoRegisterUserSid( uid=resp["uid"], sid=resp["sid"]))) if get_userinfo is True: userinfo = g.api.userprofile.getUserProfile( uid=resp["uid"], getBind=get_userbind) res.update(userinfo=userinfo) else: res.update(msg="No such app_name") else: res.update(msg="Invaild ticket or expired") else: res.update(msg="Empty ticket or app_name") elif Action == "validate_sync": token = request.form.get("token") uid = request.form.get("uid") if uid and token and len(uid) == 22 and len(token) == 32: syncToken = g.api.usersso.ssoGetUidCronSyncToken(uid) if syncToken and syncToken == token: res.update(success=True) else: res.update(msg="Invaild token") else: res.update(msg="Invaild uid or token") else: res.update(msg="Invaild Action") return jsonify(res)
def __check_hasEmail(self, email): """检查是否存在邮箱账号""" if email_check(email): sql = "SELECT uid FROM user_auth WHERE identity_type=%s AND identifier=%s" try: data = self.db.get(sql, 2, email) except Exception, e: logger.warn(e, exc_info=True) else: logger.debug(data) if data and isinstance(data, dict): return "uid" in data
def __check_hasEmail(self, email, getUid=False): """检查是否存在邮箱账号,不检测账号状态""" if email_check(email): sql = "SELECT uid FROM user_auth WHERE identity_type=2 AND identifier=%s" try: data = self.db.get(sql, email) except Exception, e: logger.warn(e, exc_info=True) else: logger.debug(data) if data and isinstance(data, dict): success = "uid" in data return data["uid"] if success and getUid else success
def ssoRegisterClient(self, sid, app_name): """ticket验证通过,向相应sid中注册app_name""" logger.debug("ssoRegisterClient for {}, with {}".format(sid, app_name)) if sid and app_name: try: skey = "passport:sso:sid:{}:clients".format(sid) pipe = self.redis.pipeline() pipe.sadd(skey, app_name) pipe.expire(skey, SYSTEM["SESSION_EXPIRE"]) pipe.execute() except Exception,e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) else: return True
def useruploadpub(): # 通过表单形式上传图片 res = dict(code=1, msg=None) logger.debug(request.files) f = request.files.get('file') callableAction = request.args.get("callableAction") if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = gen_rnd_filename() + "." + secure_filename( f.filename).split('.')[-1] # 随机命名 # 判断是否上传到又拍云还是保存到本地 if PICBED['enable'] in ('true', 'True', True): try: files = { 'picbed': (filename,, 'image/%s' % filename.split(".")[-1]) } resp = PICBED["api"], files=files, data=dict(album="passport"), headers=dict(Authorization="LinkToken %s" % PICBED["LinkToken"]), timeout=5).json() if not isinstance(resp, dict): raise except Exception as e: res.update(code=4, msg=e) else: if resp.get('code') == 0: res.update(data=dict(src=resp['src']), code=0) else: res.update(resp) elif Upyun['enable'] in ('true', 'True', True): basedir = Upyun['basedir'] if Upyun['basedir'].startswith( '/') else "/" + Upyun['basedir'] imgUrl = os.path.join(basedir, filename) try: # 又拍云存储封装接口 UploadImage2Upyun(imgUrl, except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update(code=2, msg="System is abnormal") else: imgUrl = Upyun['dn'].strip("/") + imgUrl res.update(data=dict(src=imgUrl), code=0) else: if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER), filename)) imgUrl = request.url_root + IMAGE_FOLDER + filename res.update(data=dict(src=imgUrl), code=0)
def authorized(): """ Client SSO 单点登录、注销入口, 根据`Action`参数判断是`ssoLogin`还是`ssoLogout` """ Action = request.args.get("Action") if Action == "ssoLogin": # 单点登录 ticket = request.args.get("ticket") if request.method == "GET" and ticket and g.signin == False: resp = sso_request("{}/sso/validate".format(sso_server), dict(Action="validate_ticket"), dict(ticket=ticket, app_name=SSO["app_name"], get_userinfo=False, get_userbind=False)) logger.debug("SSO check ticket resp: {}".format(resp)) if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and "success" in resp and "uid" in resp: if resp["success"] is True: uid = resp["uid"] sid = resp["sid"] expire = int(resp["expire"]) #userinfo = resp["userinfo"] #logger.debug(userinfo) # 授权令牌验证通过,设置局部会话,允许登录 sessionId = set_sessionId(uid=uid, seconds=expire, sid=sid) response = make_response(redirect(get_redirect_url("front.index"))) response.set_cookie(key="sessionId", value=sessionId, max_age=expire, httponly=True, secure=False if request.url_root.split("://")[0] == "http" else True) return response elif Action == "ssoLogout": # 单点注销 ReturnUrl = request.args.get("ReturnUrl") or get_referrer_url() or url_for("front.index", _external=True) NextUrl = "{}/signOut?ReturnUrl={}".format(sso_server, ReturnUrl) app_name = request.args.get("app_name") if request.method == "GET" and NextUrl and app_name and g.signin == True and app_name == SSO["app_name"]: response = make_response(redirect(NextUrl)) response.set_cookie(key="sessionId", value="", expires=0) return response elif Action == "ssoConSync": # 数据同步:参数中必须包含大写的hmac_sha256(app_name:app_id:app_secret)的signature值 signature = request.args.get("signature") if request.method == "POST" and signature and signature == hmac_sha256("{}:{}:{}".format(SSO["app_name"], SSO["app_id"], SSO["app_secret"])).upper(): try: data = json.loads(request.form.get("data")) ct = data["CallbackType"] cd = data["CallbackData"] uid = data["uid"] token = data["token"] except Exception,e: logger.warning(e) else:"ssoConSync with uid: {} -> {}: {}".format(uid, ct, cd)) resp = sso_request("{}/sso/validate".format(sso_server), dict(Action="validate_sync"), dict(token=token, uid=uid)) if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and resp.get("success") is True: # 之后根据不同类型的ct处理cd logger.debug("ssoConSync is ok") return jsonify(msg="Synchronization completed", success=True, app_name=SSO["app_name"])
def before_request(): sessionId = request.cookies.get("sessionId", request.headers.get("sessionId")) g.startTime = time.time() g.redis = create_redis_engine() g.mysql = create_mysql_engine() g.signin = verify_sessionId(sessionId) g.sid, g.uid = analysis_sessionId(sessionId, "tuple") if g.signin else (None, None) logger.debug("uid: {}, sid: {}".format(g.uid, g.sid)) g.api = api g.ip = request.headers.get('X-Real-Ip', request.remote_addr) g.agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent") # 仅是重定向页面快捷定义 g.redirect_uri = get_redirect_url()
def verify_rule(Ld): """根据er、ir规则判断是否放行请求""" allow = Attribution( dict( ip=Attribution( dict(access=get_ip(), secure=parse_valid_comma(Ld["allow_ip"]) or []) ), origin=Attribution( dict( access=get_origin(), secure=parse_valid_comma(Ld["allow_origin"]) or [], ) ), ep=Attribution( dict( access=request.endpoint, secure=parse_valid_comma(Ld["allow_ep"]) + ["api.index"], ) ), method=Attribution( dict( access=request.method, secure=[ m.upper() for m in parse_valid_comma(Ld["allow_method"]) or [] if m ], ) ), ) ) #: 参数 逻辑运算符 参数 逻辑运算符 参数... #: 参数: origin and ip and ep and method #: 逻辑运算符: and or not in not in #: er控制的是参与逻辑运算的参数及之间的逻辑运算符 #: ir控制的是参数如何返回True er = Ld["exterior_relation"] ir = Ld["interior_relation"] if not er: er = "origin and ip and ep and method" #: ir定义的最终规则 ir_cmd = _allow_ir(ir, allow) #: 综合er、ir构建最终执行的命令字符串 for opt in ALLOWED_RULES: er = er.replace(opt, ir_cmd[opt]) logger.debug("last er: %s" % er) return eval(er)
def _checkSwarmHealth(self, leader): """ 根据Leader查询某swarm集群是否健康 """ state = [] mnum = 0"To determine whether the cluster is healthy, starting, swarm leader is %s" %leader) try: nodes = requests.get(Splice(netloc=leader, port=self.port, path='/nodes').geturl, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify).json() logger.debug("check swarm health, swarm nodes length is %d" % len(nodes)) for node in nodes: if node['Spec'].get('Role') == 'manager': mnum += 1 isHealth = True if node['Status']['State'] == 'ready' and node['Spec'].get('Availability') == 'active' and node.get('ManagerStatus', {}).get('Reachability') == 'reachable' else False if isHealth: state.append(isHealth) except Exception,e: logger.warn(e, exc_info=True) return "ERROR"
def get(self): if g.signin: return redirect(url_for("uc")) else: SSOLoginURL = "%s?%s" % ( PLUGINS['thirdLogin']['WEIBO']['REDIRECT_URI'], urlencode({ "sso": request.args.get('sso'), "sso_r": request.args.get('sso_r'), "sso_p": request.args.get('sso_p'), "sso_t": request.args.get('sso_t') })) logger.debug(SSOLoginURL) if PLUGINS['thirdLogin']['WEIBO']['ENABLE']: return redirect( Weibo_Login_Page_Url( PLUGINS['thirdLogin']['WEIBO']['APP_ID'], SSOLoginURL)) else: return redirect(url_for("login"))
def useruploadpub(): # 通过表单形式上传图片 res = dict(code=1, msg=None) logger.debug(request.files) f = request.files.get('file') callableAction = request.args.get("callableAction") if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = secure_filename(gen_rnd_filename() + "." + f.filename.split('.')[-1]) # 随机命名 basedir = Upyun['basedir'] if Upyun['basedir'].startswith('/') else "/" + Upyun['basedir'] imgUrl = os.path.join(basedir, filename) try: # 又拍云存储封装接口 upyunapi = CloudStorage(timeout=15) upyunapi.put(imgUrl, except Exception, e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) res.update(code=2, msg="System is abnormal") else: imgUrl = Upyun['dn'].strip("/") + imgUrl res.update(data=dict(src=imgUrl), code=0)
def oauth2_signUp(self, openid, register_ip): """OAuth直接登录时注册入系统 @param openid str: 加密的openid,用以获取缓存中数据userinfo,格式是: userinfo dict: 用户信息,必须包含`openid`,`identity_type`,`avatar`,`nick_name` @param register_ip str: 注册IP地址 """ res = dict(msg=None, success=False) userinfo = self.__oauth2_getUserinfo(openid) logger.debug(userinfo) logger.debug(type(userinfo)) if userinfo and isinstance(userinfo, dict) and "avatar" in userinfo and "nick_name" in userinfo and "openid" in userinfo and "access_token" in userinfo and "identity_type" in userinfo: openid = userinfo["openid"] access_token = userinfo["access_token"] identity_type = int(userinfo["identity_type"]) avatar = userinfo["avatar"] nick_name = userinfo["nick_name"] gender = int(userinfo.get("gender") or 2) signature = userinfo.get("signature") or "" location = userinfo.get("location") or "" expire_time = userinfo.get("expire_time") or 0 guid = gen_uniqueId() logger.debug("check test: guid length: {}, identifier: {}, identity_type:{}, identity_type: {}, certificate: {}".format(len(guid), openid, identity_type, type(identity_type), access_token)) define_profile_sql = "INSERT INTO user_profile (uid, register_source, register_ip, nick_name, gender, signature, avatar, location, ctime, is_realname, is_admin) VALUES ('%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)" % (guid, identity_type, register_ip, nick_name, gender, signature, avatar, location, get_current_timestamp(), 0, 0) upts = self.__signUp_transacion(guid=guid, identifier=openid, identity_type=identity_type, certificate=access_token, verified=1, register_ip=register_ip, expire_time=expire_time, define_profile_sql=define_profile_sql) res.update(upts) if res["success"]: self.__oauth2_delUserinfo(openid) res.update(identity_type=identity_type, uid=guid) else: res.update(msg="Check failed") return res
def OAuthBindAccount(): """OAuth2绑定已有账号登录""" if request.method == 'POST': sso = request.args.get("sso") or None logger.debug("OAuthBindAccount, sso type: {}, content: {}".format( type(sso), sso)) openid = request.form.get("openid") if vaptcha.validate: account = request.form.get("account") password = request.form.get("password") auth = Authentication(g.mysql, g.redis) res = auth.oauth2_bindLogin(openid=openid, account=account, password=password) res = dfr(res) if res["success"]: # 记录登录日志 auth.brush_loginlog( res, login_ip=g.ip, user_agent=request.headers.get("User-Agent")) sso_isOk, sso_returnUrl, sso_appName = checkGet_ssoRequest(sso) sessionId, returnUrl = checkSet_ssoTicketSid( sso_isOk, sso_returnUrl, sso_appName, res["uid"], url_for("front.userset", _anchor="bind")) logger.debug( "OAuthBindAccount post returnUrl: {}".format(returnUrl)) return set_loginstate(sessionId, returnUrl) else: flash(res["msg"]) else: flash(u"人机验证失败") return redirect(url_for('.OAuthBindAccount', openid=openid, sso=sso)) else: openid = request.args.get("openid") if openid: return render_template("auth/OAuthBindAccount.html", vaptcha=vaptcha.getChallenge) else: return redirect(g.redirect_uri)
def oauth2_bindLogin(self, openid, account, password): """OAuth绑定账号并登录系统 @param openid str: 加密的openid @param account str: 同`signIn`中account @param password str: 同`signIn`中password """ res = dict(msg=None, success=False) userinfo = self.__oauth2_getUserinfo(openid) logger.debug(userinfo) logger.debug(type(userinfo)) if userinfo and isinstance(userinfo, dict) and "avatar" in userinfo and "nick_name" in userinfo and "openid" in userinfo and "access_token" in userinfo and "identity_type" in userinfo: res = self.signIn(account, password) openid = userinfo["openid"] logger.debug(res) if res["success"] is True: # 登录成功,即可绑定openid到uid,无需校验(goto_signUp已经校验) uid = res["uid"] access_token = userinfo["access_token"] identity_type = int(userinfo["identity_type"]) expire_time = userinfo.get("expire_time") or 0 upts = self.__signUp_transacion(guid=uid, identifier=openid, identity_type=identity_type, certificate=access_token, verified=1, expire_time=expire_time, use_profile_sql=False) res.update(upts) if res["success"] is True: self.__oauth2_delUserinfo(openid) else: res.update(msg="Check failed") return res
def __checkUsersetLock(self, etime): """检查用户某项是否加锁 参数: @param etime str: 有效期,见"规则" 规则: 1. 10位UNIX时间戳,小于当前时间即锁失效,可以修改 2. 结果为0表示加锁,不可以修改;结果为1表示无锁 返回: True -> 加锁 -> 不可以修改(默认) False -> 无锁 -> 可修改 """ logger.debug(etime) logger.debug(type(etime)) if etime and isinstance(etime, int): if abs(etime) == 1: return False elif etime == 0: return True else: if 1 < etime < get_current_timestamp(): return False return True