def search_for(self, topic: str) \ -> List[Profile.Console.PopupConsole.Users.Result]: r"""Use the pop up console to search for a given string. :param str topic: the search string :return: the list of users matching the search string :rtype: list(:py:class:`~pages.accounts.profile. \ Profile.Console.PopupConsole. \ Users.Result`) """ results_list = self.find_element( *self._results_list_root_locator) self.find_element(*self._search_bar_locator) \ .send_keys(topic) search_button = self.find_element( *self._search_button_locator) Utility.click_option(self.driver, element=search_button) try: self.wait.until( lambda _: Utility.has_children(results_list)) except TimeoutException: raise AccountsException('search not completed') return [ self.Result(self, line) for line in self.find_elements( *self._search_result_row_locator) ]
def loaded(self): """Wait for the page loader and table data. If there isn't data (eg a new book), sleep 3 seconds then return. """ return (super().loaded and (Utility.has_children(self.find_element(*self._table_locator)) or (sleep(3) or True)))
def loaded(self): """Override the loaded property.""" try: main = self.find_element(*self._main_locator) images = self.find_elements(*self._image_locator) return (Utility.has_children(main) and Utility.is_image_visible(self.driver, image=images)) except WebDriverException: return False
def is_displayed(self): """Return True if the tile has children. :return: ``True`` if the tile is displayed and the tile has loaded child elements (it entered the viewable window for at least 0.1 seconds) :rtype: bool """ return (self.root.is_displayed() and Utility.has_children(self.root))
def clear_training_wheels(self) -> None: """Clear any joyride modals. :return: None """ try: while Utility.has_children( self.find_element(*self._joyride_root_selector)): tooltip = Tooltip( self, self.find_element(*self._joyride_root_selector)) sleep(1) except NoSuchElementException: sleep(0.5)
def is_displayed(self) -> bool: """Return True if the pop up box is displayed. :return: ``True`` if the pop up box exists, has content and is not hidden :rtype: bool """ exists = bool(self.root) if not exists: return False has_content = Utility.has_children(self.root) is_not_hidden = self.driver.execute_script( 'return arguments[0].hidden != true' ' && arguments[0].style.display != "none";', self.root) return has_content and is_not_hidden
def panel(self): """Return the correct subclass panel. :return: the subpanel according to the course settings :rtype: :py:class:`~CourseSettings.StudentAccess.DirectAccess` or :py:class:`~CourseSettings.StudentAccess.DirectLinksOnly` or :py:class:`~CourseSettings.StudentAccess.Enrolled` or :py:class:`~CourseSettings.StudentAccess.LMS` """ try: self.find_element(*self._lms_disabled_locator) return self.DirectLinksOnly(self, self.root) except NoSuchElementException: try: self.find_element(*self._lms_enabled_with_enrolled_locator) return self.Enrolled(self, self.root) except NoSuchElementException: enabled = self.find_elements( *self._lms_enabled_without_enrolled_locator) if Utility.has_children(enabled[1]): return self.LMS(self, self.root) else: return self.DirectAccess(self, self.root)
def survey_available(self): """Return True if a survey is available.""" return Utility.has_children(self.find_element(*self._survey_locator))
def loaded(self): """Return True when the content is available.""" return sleep(1) or Utility.has_children(self.content)