def addGroup(self,rlz):
      Function to add a group into the database
      @ In, groupName, string, group name
      @ In, attributes, dict, dictionary of attributes that must be added as metadata
      @ In, source, File object, data source (for example, csv file)
      @ Out, None
    parentID  = rlz.get("RAVEN_parentID",[None])[0]
    prefix    = rlz.get("prefix")

    groupName = str(prefix if utils.isSingleValued(prefix) else prefix[0])
    if parentID:
      #If Hierarchical structure, firstly add the root group
      if not self.firstRootGroup or parentID == "None":
        self.firstRootGroup = True
        self.type = 'DET'
        # Add sub group in the Hierarchical structure
      # Parallel structure (always root level)
      self.firstRootGroup = True
      self.type = 'MC'
 def _selectiveRealization(self, rlz):
   Uses "options" parameters from input to select part of the collected data
   @ In, rlz, dict, {var:val} format (see addRealization)
   @ Out, rlz, dict, {var:val} modified
     # TODO this could be much more efficient on the parallel (finalizeCodeOutput) than on serial
     # TODO someday needs to be implemented for when ND data is collected!  For now, use base class.
     # TODO externalize it in the DataObject base class
     toRemove = []
     for var, val in rlz.items():
         if var in self.protectedTags:
         # only modify it if it is not already scalar
         if not utils.isSingleValued(val):
             # treat inputs, outputs differently TODO this should extend to per-variable someday
             ## inputs
             if var in self._inputs:
                 method, indic = self._selectInput
             # pivot variables are included here in "else"; remove them after they're used in operators
             if method in ['inputRow']:
                 # zero-d xarrays give false behavior sometimes
                 # TODO formatting should not be necessary once standardized history,float realizations are established
                 if type(val) == list:
                     val = np.array(val)
                 elif type(val).__name__ == 'DataArray':
                     val = val.values
                 # FIXME this is largely a biproduct of old length-one-vector approaches in the deprecataed data objects
                 if val.size == 1:
                     rlz[var] = float(val)
                     rlz[var] = float(val[indic])
             elif method in ['inputPivotValue']:
                 pivotParam = self.getDimensions(var)
                 assert (len(pivotParam) == 1
                         )  # TODO only handle History for now
                 pivotParam = pivotParam[var][0]
                 idx = (np.abs(rlz[pivotParam] - indic)).argmin()
                 rlz[var] = rlz[var][idx]
             elif method == 'operator':
                 if indic == 'max':
                     rlz[var] = float(val.max())
                 elif indic == 'min':
                     rlz[var] = float(val.min())
                 elif indic in ['mean', 'expectedValue', 'average']:
                     rlz[var] = float(val.mean())
         # otherwise, leave it alone
     return rlz
#populating these in this order tests adding new entries to the front (0.0003), back (0.9), and middle (0.85),
#  as well as adding matches in the front (0.00029...), back (0.90...1), and middle (0.79...)
desired = [0.0003, 0.002, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9]
sortedList = []
for x in toPopulate:
    sortedList, index, match = utils.getRelativeSortedListEntry(sortedList,
checkArray('Maintaining sorted list', sortedList, desired)

#      TYPE CHECKING     #
# isSingleValued
checkAnswer('isSingleValued -1', utils.isSingleValued(-1), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued 0', utils.isSingleValued(0), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued 1', utils.isSingleValued(1), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued 1e200', utils.isSingleValued(1e200), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued 1e-200', utils.isSingleValued(1e-200), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued -1e200', utils.isSingleValued(-1e200), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued 3.14', utils.isSingleValued(3.14), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued "hombre"', utils.isSingleValued('hombre'), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued None', utils.isSingleValued(None), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued True', utils.isSingleValued(True), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued False', utils.isSingleValued(False), True)
checkAnswer('isSingleValued long',
            utils.isSingleValued(123456789012345678901234567890), True)

checkAnswer('isSingleValued inf notok',
            utils.isSingleValued(np.inf, nanOk=False), False)
  def modifyOrAdd(self,modiDictionary={},save=True, allowAdd = False):
      modiDictionary a dict of dictionaries of the required addition or modification
      {"variableToChange":value }
      @ In, modiDictionary, dict, dictionary of variables to modify
             TODO: handle added XML nodes
      @ In, save, bool, optional, True if the original tree needs to be saved
      @ In, allowAdd, bool, optional, True if the nodes that are not found should be added (additional piece of input)
      @ Out, returnElement, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the tree that got modified
    if save:
      returnElement = copy.deepcopy(self.tree)            #make a copy if save is requested
      returnElement = self.tree                           #otherwise return the original modified

    for fullNode, val in modiDictionary.items():
      # might be comma-separated ("fully correlated") variables
      nodes = [x.strip() for x in fullNode.split(',')]
      for node in nodes:
        # make sure node is XML-tree-parsable
        if "|" not in node:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: the variable '+node.strip()+' does not contain "|" separator and can not be handled!!')
        changeTheNode = True
        allowAddNodes, allowAddNodesPath = [], OrderedDict()
        if "@" in node:
          # there are attributes that are needed to locate the node
          splittedComponents = node.split("|")
          # check the first
          pathNode = './'
          attribName = ''
          for cnt, subNode in enumerate(splittedComponents):
            splittedComp = subNode.split("@")
            component = splittedComp[0]
            attribPath = ""
            attribConstruct = OrderedDict()
            if "@" in subNode:
              # more than an attribute locator
              for attribComp in splittedComp[1:]:
                attribValue = None
                if ":" in attribComp.strip():
                  # it is a locator
                  attribName  = attribComp.split(":")[0].strip()
                  attribValue = attribComp.split(":")[1].strip()
                  attribPath +='[@'+attribName+('="'+attribValue+'"]')
                  # it is actually the attribute that needs to be changed
                  # check if it is the last component
                  if cnt+1 != len(splittedComponents):
                    raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: the variable '+node.strip()+' follows the syntax "Node|SubNode|SubSubNode@attribute"'+
                                                ' but the attribute is not the last component. Please check your input!')
                  attribName = attribComp.strip()
                  attribPath +='[@'+attribName+']'
                if allowAdd:
                  attribConstruct[attribName]  = attribValue
            pathNode += "/" + component.strip()+attribPath
            if allowAdd:
              if len(returnElement.findall(pathNode)) > 0:
              allowAddNodesPath[component.strip()] = attribConstruct
          if pathNode.endswith("]") and list(attribConstruct.values())[-1] is None:
            changeTheNode = False
            changeTheNode = True
          # there are no attributes that are needed to track down the node to change
          pathNode = './/' + node.replace("|","/").strip()
          if allowAdd:
            pathNodeTemp = './'
            for component in node.replace("|","/").split("/"):
              pathNodeTemp += '/'+component
              if len(returnElement.findall(pathNodeTemp)) > 0:
              allowAddNodesPath[component.strip()] = None
        # look for the node with XPath directives
        foundNodes = returnElement.findall(pathNode)
        if len(foundNodes) > 1:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: multiple nodes have been found corresponding to path -> '+node.strip()+'. Please use the attribute identifier "@" to nail down to a specific node !!')
        if len(foundNodes) == 0 and not allowAdd:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: no node has been found corresponding to path -> '+node.strip()+'. Please check the input!!')
        if len(foundNodes) == 0:
          # this means that the allowAdd is true (=> no error message has been raised)
          indexFirstUnknownNode = allowAddNodes.index(None)
          if indexFirstUnknownNode == 0:
            raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: at least the main XML node should be present in the RAVEN template input -> '+node.strip()+'. Please check the input!!')
          getFirstElement = returnElement.findall(allowAddNodes[indexFirstUnknownNode-1])[0]
          for i in range(indexFirstUnknownNode,len(allowAddNodes)):
            nodeWithAttributeName = list(allowAddNodesPath.keys())[i]
            if not allowAddNodesPath[nodeWithAttributeName]:
              subElement =  ET.Element(nodeWithAttributeName)
              subElement =  ET.Element(nodeWithAttributeName, attrib=allowAddNodesPath[nodeWithAttributeName])
            getFirstElement = subElement
          # in the event of vector entries, handle those here
          if utils.isSingleValued(val):
            val = str(val).strip()
            if len(val.shape) > 1:
              raise IOError(self.printTag+'ERROR: RAVEN interface is not prepared to handle matrix value passing yet!')
            val = ','.join(str(i) for i in val)
          if changeTheNode:
            subElement.text = val
            subElement.attrib[attribConstruct.keys()[-1]] = val

          nodeToChange = foundNodes[0]
          pathNode     = './/'
          # in the event of vector entries, handle those here
          if utils.isSingleValued(val):
            val = str(val).strip()
            if len(val.shape) > 1:
              raise IOError(self.printTag+'ERROR: RAVEN interface is not prepared to handle matrix value passing yet!')
            val = ','.join(str(i) for i in val)
          if changeTheNode:
            nodeToChange.text = val
            nodeToChange.attrib[attribName] = val
    return returnElement
 def _selectiveRealization(self, rlz):
   Uses "options" parameters from input to select part of the collected data
   @ In, rlz, dict, {var:val} format (see addRealization)
   @ Out, rlz, dict, {var:val} modified
     # TODO this could be much more efficient on the parallel (finalizeCodeOutput) than on serial
     # TODO costly for loop
     # TODO overwrites rlz by reference; is this okay?
     # data was previously formatted by _formatRealization
     # then select the point we want
     toRemove = []
     for var, val in rlz.items():
         if var in self.protectedTags:
         # only modify it if it is not already scalar
         if not utils.isSingleValued(val):
             # treat inputs, outputs differently TODO this should extend to per-variable someday
             ## inputs
             if var in self._inputs:
                 method, indic = self._selectInput
             elif var in self._outputs or var in self._metavars:
                 # TODO where does metadata get picked from?  Seems like output fits best?
                 method, indic = self._selectOutput
             # pivot variables are included here in "else"; remove them after they're used in operators
             if method in ['inputRow', 'outputRow']:
                 # zero-d xarrays give false behavior sometimes
                 # TODO formatting should not be necessary once standardized history,float realizations are established
                 if type(val) == list:
                     val = np.array(val)
                 elif type(val).__name__ == 'DataArray':
                     val = val.values
                 # FIXME this is largely a biproduct of old length-one-vector approaches in the deprecataed data objects
                 if val.size == 1:
                     rlz[var] = float(val)
                     rlz[var] = float(val[indic])
             elif method in ['inputPivotValue', 'outputPivotValue']:
                 pivotParam = self.getDimensions(var)
                 assert (len(pivotParam) == 1
                         )  # TODO only handle History for now
                 pivotParam = pivotParam[var][0]
                 idx = (np.abs(rlz[pivotParam] - indic)).argmin()
                 rlz[var] = rlz[var][idx]
                 # if history is dataarray -> not currently possible, but keep for when it's needed
                 #if type(rlz[var]).__name__ == 'DataArray':
                 #  rlz[var] = float(val.sel(**{pivotParam:indic, 'method':b'nearest'})) #casting as str not unicode
                 # TODO allowing inexact matches; it's finding the nearest
             elif method == 'operator':
                 if indic == 'max':
                     rlz[var] = float(val.max())
                 elif indic == 'min':
                     rlz[var] = float(val.min())
                 elif indic in ['mean', 'expectedValue', 'average']:
                     rlz[var] = float(val.mean())
         # otherwise, leave it alone
     for var in toRemove:
         del rlz[var]
     return rlz