def fnn_deconvolution(F, C0=None, theta0=None, dt=0.02, learn_theta=(0, 0, 0, 0), params_tol=1E-3, spikes_tol=1E-3, params_maxiter=10, spikes_maxiter=100, verbosity=1, plot=False): """ Infer spike trains from fluorescence using Fast Non-Negative Deconvolution --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function uses an interior point method to solve the following optimization problem: n_best = argmax_{n >= 0} P(n | F) where n_best is a maximum a posteriori estimate for the most likely spike train, given the fluorescence signal F, and the model: C_{t} = gamma * C_{t-1} + n_t, n_t ~ Poisson(lambda * dt) F_{t} = C_t + beta + epsilon, epsilon ~ N(0, sigma) It is also possible to estimate the model parameters sigma, beta and lambda from the data using pseudo-EM updates. Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F: ndarray, [nt] measured fluorescence values C0: ndarray, [nt] initial estimate of the calcium concentration for each time bin. theta0: len(4) sequence initial estimates of the model parameters (sigma, beta, lambda, gamma). dt: float scalar duration of each time bin (s) learn_theta: len(4) bool sequence specifies which of the model parameters to attempt learn via pseudo-EM iterations. currently gamma cannot be learned, and will raise an error. spikes_tol: float scalar termination condition for interior point spike train estimation: params_tol > abs((LL_prev - LL) / LL) params_tol: float scalar as above, but for the model parameter pseudo-EM estimation spikes_maxiter: int scalar maximum number of interior point iterations to estimate MAP spike train params_maxiter: int scalar maximum number of pseudo-EM iterations to estimate model parameters verbosity: int scalar 0: no convergence messages (default) 1: convergence messages for model parameters 2: convergence messages for model parameters & MAP spike train plot: bool scalar live plot of n and (C + beta), updated during parameter estimation Returns: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_best: ndarray, [nt] MAP estimate of the most likely spike train C_best: ndarray, [nt] estimated intracellular calcium concentration (A.U.) LL_best: float scalar posterior log-likelihood of F given n_best and theta_best theta_best: len(4) tuple model parameters, updated according to learn_theta Reference: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vogelstein, J. T., Packer, A. M., Machado, T. a, Sippy, T., Babadi, B., Yuste, R., & Paninski, L. (2010). Fast nonnegative deconvolution for spike train inference from population calcium imaging. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(6), 3691-704. doi:10.1152/jn.01073.2009 """ tstart = time.time() nt = F.shape[0] if theta0 is None: theta_best = _init_theta(F, dt, hz=0.3, tau=0.5) else: theta_best = theta0 # scale F to be between 0 and 1 offset = F.min() scale = F.max() - offset F = (F - offset) / scale sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta_best # apply scale and offset to beta and sigma beta = (beta - offset) / scale sigma = sigma / scale theta_best = np.vstack((sigma, beta, lamb, gamma)) if C0 is None: C = _init_C(F, dt) else: C = C0 if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 10)) xmax = min(2000, nt) fr_t = np.arange(xmax) * dt ax[0].set_ylim(F.min(), F.max()) ax[0].set_xlim(0, fr_t[-1]) ax[0].hold(True) ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1) fig.canvas.draw() C_bg = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax[0].bbox) nt_bg = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax[1].bbox) F_line, = ax[0].plot(fr_t, F[:xmax], '-b') C_line, = ax[0].plot(fr_t, C[:xmax] + beta[0], '-r', scalex=False, scaley=False) nt_line, = ax[1].plot(fr_t[1:xmax], np.ones(xmax - 1) * lamb * dt, '-r', scalex=False, scaley=False) fig.canvas.draw() time.sleep(0.1) # if we're not learning the parameters, this step is all we need to do n_best, C_best, LL_best = estimate_MAP_spikes( F, C, theta_best, dt, spikes_tol, spikes_maxiter, verbosity ) if plot: F_line.set_data(fr_t, F[:xmax]) C_line.set_data(fr_t, C_best[:xmax] + theta_best[1]) nt_line.set_data(fr_t[1:], n_best[:xmax - 1]) fig.canvas.restore_region(C_bg) fig.canvas.restore_region(nt_bg) ax[0].draw_artist(C_line) ax[0].draw_artist(F_line) ax[1].draw_artist(nt_line) fig.canvas.blit(ax[0].bbox) fig.canvas.blit(ax[1].bbox) # pseudo-EM iterations to optimize the model parameters if np.any(learn_theta): if verbosity >= 1: sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta_best print('Params: iter=%3i; sigma=%6.4f, beta=%6.4f, ' 'lambda=%6.4f, gamma=%6.4f; LL=%12.2f; delta_LL= N/A' % (0, sigma, beta, lamb, gamma, LL_best)) n = n_best C = C_best LL = LL_best theta = theta_best nloop_params = 1 done = False while not done: # update the parameter estimates theta1 = _update_theta(n, C, F, theta, dt, learn_theta) # get the new n, C, and LL n1, C1, LL1 = estimate_MAP_spikes( F, C, theta1, dt, spikes_tol, spikes_maxiter, verbosity ) # test for convergence delta_LL = -((LL1 - LL) / LL) if verbosity >= 1: sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta1 print('Params: iter=%3i; sigma=%6.4f, beta=%6.4f, ' 'lambda=%6.4f, gamma=%6.4f; LL=%12.2f; delta_LL= %8.4g' % (nloop_params, sigma, beta, lamb, gamma, LL1, delta_LL)) if plot: C_line.set_data(fr_t, C1[:xmax] + theta1[1]) nt_line.set_data(fr_t[1:xmax], n1[:xmax - 1]) fig.canvas.restore_region(C_bg) fig.canvas.restore_region(nt_bg) ax[0].draw_artist(F_line) ax[0].draw_artist(C_line) ax[1].draw_artist(nt_line) fig.canvas.blit(ax[0].bbox) fig.canvas.blit(ax[1].bbox) time.sleep(0.1) # if the LL improved, keep these parameters if LL1 > LL_best: n_best, C_best, LL_best, theta_best = ( n1, C1, LL1, theta1) if (np.abs(delta_LL) < params_tol): if verbosity >= 1: print("Parameters converged after %i iterations" % (nloop_params)) print "Last delta log-likelihood:\t%8.4g" % delta_LL print "Best posterior log-likelihood:\t%11.4f" % ( LL_best) done = True elif delta_LL < 0: if verbosity >= 1: print 'Terminating because solution is diverging' done = True elif nloop_params > params_maxiter: if verbosity >= 1: print 'Solution failed to converge before maxiter' done = True n, C, LL, theta = n1, C1, LL1, theta1 nloop_params += 1 if verbosity >= 1: time_taken = time.time() - tstart print "Completed: %s" % s2h(time_taken) sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta_best # correct for the offset and scaling we originally applied to F C_best *= scale beta *= scale beta += offset sigma *= scale # since we can't use FNND to estimate the spike probabilities in the 0th # timebin, for convenience we just concatenate (lamb * dt) to the start of # n so that it has the same shape as F and C n_best = np.concatenate((lamb * dt, n_best), axis=0) theta_best = np.hstack((sigma, beta, lamb, gamma)) return n_best, C_best, LL_best, theta_best
def fnn_deconvolution(F, C0=None, theta0=None, dt=0.02, learn_theta=(0, 0, 0, 0), params_tol=1E-3, spikes_tol=1E-3, params_maxiter=10, spikes_maxiter=100, verbosity=1, plot=False): """ Infer spike trains from fluorescence using Fast Non-Negative Deconvolution --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function uses an interior point method to solve the following optimization problem: n_best = argmax_{n >= 0} P(n | F) where n_best is a maximum a posteriori estimate for the most likely spike train, given the fluorescence signal F, and the model: C_{t} = gamma * C_{t-1} + n_t, n_t ~ Poisson(lambda * dt) F_{t} = C_t + beta + epsilon, epsilon ~ N(0, sigma) It is also possible to estimate the model parameters sigma, beta and lambda from the data using pseudo-EM updates. Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F: ndarray, [nt] measured fluorescence values C0: ndarray, [nt] initial estimate of the calcium concentration for each time bin. theta0: len(4) sequence initial estimates of the model parameters (sigma, beta, lambda, gamma). dt: float scalar duration of each time bin (s) learn_theta: len(4) bool sequence specifies which of the model parameters to attempt learn via pseudo-EM iterations. currently gamma cannot be learned, and will raise an error. spikes_tol: float scalar termination condition for interior point spike train estimation: params_tol > abs((LL_prev - LL) / LL) params_tol: float scalar as above, but for the model parameter pseudo-EM estimation spikes_maxiter: int scalar maximum number of interior point iterations to estimate MAP spike train params_maxiter: int scalar maximum number of pseudo-EM iterations to estimate model parameters verbosity: int scalar 0: no convergence messages (default) 1: convergence messages for model parameters 2: convergence messages for model parameters & MAP spike train plot: bool scalar live plot of n and (C + beta), updated during parameter estimation Returns: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_best: ndarray, [nt] MAP estimate of the most likely spike train C_best: ndarray, [nt] estimated intracellular calcium concentration (A.U.) LL_best: float scalar posterior log-likelihood of F given n_best and theta_best theta_best: len(4) tuple model parameters, updated according to learn_theta Reference: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vogelstein, J. T., Packer, A. M., Machado, T. a, Sippy, T., Babadi, B., Yuste, R., & Paninski, L. (2010). Fast nonnegative deconvolution for spike train inference from population calcium imaging. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(6), 3691-704. doi:10.1152/jn.01073.2009 """ tstart = time.time() nt = F.shape[0] if theta0 is None: theta_best = _init_theta(F, dt, hz=0.3, tau=0.5) else: theta_best = theta0 # scale F to be between 0 and 1 offset = F.min() scale = F.max() - offset F = (F - offset) / scale sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta_best # apply scale and offset to beta and sigma beta = (beta - offset) / scale sigma = sigma / scale theta_best = np.vstack((sigma, beta, lamb, gamma)) if C0 is None: C = _init_C(F, dt) else: C = C0 if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 10)) xmax = min(2000, nt) fr_t = np.arange(xmax) * dt ax[0].set_ylim(F.min(), F.max()) ax[0].set_xlim(0, fr_t[-1]) ax[0].hold(True) ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1) fig.canvas.draw() C_bg = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax[0].bbox) nt_bg = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax[1].bbox) F_line, = ax[0].plot(fr_t, F[:xmax], '-b') C_line, = ax[0].plot(fr_t, C[:xmax] + beta[0], '-r', scalex=False, scaley=False) nt_line, = ax[1].plot(fr_t[1:xmax], np.ones(xmax - 1) * lamb * dt, '-r', scalex=False, scaley=False) fig.canvas.draw() time.sleep(0.1) # if we're not learning the parameters, this step is all we need to do n_best, C_best, LL_best = estimate_MAP_spikes(F, C, theta_best, dt, spikes_tol, spikes_maxiter, verbosity) if plot: F_line.set_data(fr_t, F[:xmax]) C_line.set_data(fr_t, C_best[:xmax] + theta_best[1]) nt_line.set_data(fr_t[1:], n_best[:xmax - 1]) fig.canvas.restore_region(C_bg) fig.canvas.restore_region(nt_bg) ax[0].draw_artist(C_line) ax[0].draw_artist(F_line) ax[1].draw_artist(nt_line) fig.canvas.blit(ax[0].bbox) fig.canvas.blit(ax[1].bbox) # pseudo-EM iterations to optimize the model parameters if np.any(learn_theta): if verbosity >= 1: sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta_best print( 'Params: iter=%3i; sigma=%6.4f, beta=%6.4f, ' 'lambda=%6.4f, gamma=%6.4f; LL=%12.2f; delta_LL= N/A' % (0, sigma, beta, lamb, gamma, LL_best)) n = n_best C = C_best LL = LL_best theta = theta_best nloop_params = 1 done = False while not done: # update the parameter estimates theta1 = _update_theta(n, C, F, theta, dt, learn_theta) # get the new n, C, and LL n1, C1, LL1 = estimate_MAP_spikes(F, C, theta1, dt, spikes_tol, spikes_maxiter, verbosity) # test for convergence delta_LL = -((LL1 - LL) / LL) if verbosity >= 1: sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta1 print( 'Params: iter=%3i; sigma=%6.4f, beta=%6.4f, ' 'lambda=%6.4f, gamma=%6.4f; LL=%12.2f; delta_LL= %8.4g' % (nloop_params, sigma, beta, lamb, gamma, LL1, delta_LL)) if plot: C_line.set_data(fr_t, C1[:xmax] + theta1[1]) nt_line.set_data(fr_t[1:xmax], n1[:xmax - 1]) fig.canvas.restore_region(C_bg) fig.canvas.restore_region(nt_bg) ax[0].draw_artist(F_line) ax[0].draw_artist(C_line) ax[1].draw_artist(nt_line) fig.canvas.blit(ax[0].bbox) fig.canvas.blit(ax[1].bbox) time.sleep(0.1) # if the LL improved, keep these parameters if LL1 > LL_best: n_best, C_best, LL_best, theta_best = (n1, C1, LL1, theta1) if (np.abs(delta_LL) < params_tol): if verbosity >= 1: print("Parameters converged after %i iterations" % (nloop_params)) print "Last delta log-likelihood:\t%8.4g" % delta_LL print "Best posterior log-likelihood:\t%11.4f" % (LL_best) done = True elif delta_LL < 0: if verbosity >= 1: print 'Terminating because solution is diverging' done = True elif nloop_params > params_maxiter: if verbosity >= 1: print 'Solution failed to converge before maxiter' done = True n, C, LL, theta = n1, C1, LL1, theta1 nloop_params += 1 if verbosity >= 1: time_taken = time.time() - tstart print "Completed: %s" % s2h(time_taken) sigma, beta, lamb, gamma = theta_best # correct for the offset and scaling we originally applied to F C_best *= scale beta *= scale beta += offset sigma *= scale # since we can't use FNND to estimate the spike probabilities in the 0th # timebin, for convenience we just concatenate (lamb * dt) to the start of # n so that it has the same shape as F and C n_best = np.concatenate((lamb * dt, n_best), axis=0) theta_best = np.hstack((sigma, beta, lamb, gamma)) return n_best, C_best, LL_best, theta_best
def run_simulation(adjacency_matrix=None, weight=None, noise_rate=NOISE_RATE, noise_weight=NOISE_WEIGHT, resolution=RESOLUTION, simtime=SIMTIME_RUN, save=False, output_path='data/', basename='nest_sim_', overwrite=False, verbose=True, print_time=False): if adjacency_matrix is None: # construct a network according to defaults adjacency_matrix = fake_network.construct_network() if weight is None: # if unspecified, find the weight automatically according to defaults weight, _ = adjust_weight(adjacency_matrix, noise_weight=noise_weight, noise_rate=noise_rate, resolution=resolution, verbose=verbose, print_time=print_time) # convert into network_object network_obj = adjacency2netobj(adjacency_matrix) ncells, ncons, neuronsE, espikes, noise, GIDoffset = create_network( network_obj, weight, noise_weight, noise_rate, resolution=resolution, verbose=verbose, print_time=print_time, ) if verbose: print 'Simulating %s of activity for %i neurons' % ( s2h(simtime / 1000.), ncells) startsimulate = time.time() nest.Simulate(simtime) endsimulate = time.time() sim_elapsed = endsimulate - startsimulate totalspikes = nest.GetStatus(espikes, "n_events")[0] events = nest.GetStatus(espikes, "events")[0] # NEST increments the GID whenever a new node is created. we therefore # subtract the GID offset, so that the output cell indices are correct # regardless of when the corresponding nodes were created in NEST cell_indices = events["senders"] - GIDoffset spike_times = events["times"] burst_rate = determine_burst_rate(spike_times, simtime, ncells) if verbose: print "\n" + "-" * 60 print "Number of neurons: ", ncells print "Number of spikes recorded: ", totalspikes print "Avg. spike rate of neurons: %.2f Hz" % ( totalspikes / (ncells * simtime / 1000.)) print "Network burst rate: %.2f Hz" % burst_rate print "Simulation time: %s" % s2h(sim_elapsed) print "-" * 60 # resample at 50Hz to make an [ncells, ntimesteps] array of bin counts resampled = resample_spikes(spike_times, cell_indices, output_resolution=20, simtime=simtime, ncells=ncells) if save: today = str( fname = basename + today if os.path.exists(fname) & ~overwrite: suffix = 0 while os.path.exists(fname): suffix += 1 fname = '%s%s_%i.npz' % (basename, today, suffix) fullpath = os.path.join(output_path, fname) np.savez(fullpath, spike_times=spike_times, cell_indices=cell_indices, resampled=resampled) if verbose: print "Saved output in '%s'" % fullpath return spike_times, cell_indices, resampled