def _selection_helper(self, modifier): """Return a list of books for a modified collection.""" library = Library() collection = library.get_titles(modifier) return [ book for book in self._active_books if book.title in collection ]
def test_page_links_to_the_interest_form(web_base_url, selenium): """Test the interest form link.""" # GIVEN: a user viewing the book details page home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.AVAILABLE) # WHEN: they click on the "Sign up to learn more" link library = Library() passed_title = library.get(book.title, Library.INTEREST) interest = book.is_interested() # THEN: the interest form is displayed # AND: the book title is passed in the URL assert(interest.is_displayed()) assert('interest' in interest.location) assert(passed_title in interest.location)
def test_page_links_to_the_adoption_form(web_base_url, selenium): """Test the adoption form link.""" # GIVEN: a user viewing the book details page home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.AVAILABLE) # WHEN: they click on the "Using this book? Let us know." link library = Library() passed_title = library.get(book.title, Library.ADOPTION) adoption = book.is_using() # THEN: the adoption form is displayed # AND: the book title is passed in the URL assert(adoption.is_displayed()) assert('adoption' in adoption.location) assert(passed_title in adoption.location)
def test_non_student_users_submit_the_adoption_form(web_base_url, selenium): """Test that a non-student user is able to submit the adoption form. Salesforce verification of the form is not tested. """ # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(3)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' book_list = Library().random_book() books = {} for book in book_list: books[book] = { 'status': Web.USING_STATUS[Utility.random(0, len(Web.USING_STATUS) - 1)], 'students': Utility.random(Web.STUDENT_MIN, Web.STUDENT_MAX) } tech_providers = TechProviders.get_tech(Utility.random(0, 3)) if TechProviders.OTHER in tech_providers: other = 'Another product provider' else: other = None # GIVEN: a user viewing the adoption page home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() initial_book = choice(list(books.keys())) book = subjects.select_book(initial_book) adoption = book.is_using() # WHEN: they select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: select a book subject # AND: select a radio option from "How are you using <book>?" # AND: enter a number of students # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: select a technology provider # AND: click on the "Submit" button book = adoption.submit_adoption(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books, tech_providers=tech_providers, other_provider=other) # THEN: the book's instructor resources page is displayed assert (book.is_displayed()) assert ('books' in book.location)
def test_a_book_is_preselected_when_a_book_details_adoption_link_is_used( web_base_url, selenium): """Test using a book details page adoption link prefills the book.""" # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(4)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' book, short, full, detail_append = Library().get_name_set() books = { short: { 'status': '', 'students': '', } } # GIVEN: a user viewing a book page home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.AVAILABLE) adoption = book.is_using() # WHEN: they click on the "Using this book? Let us know." link # AND: select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button with pytest.raises(WebException) as error: adoption.submit_adoption(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books) # THEN: the book is selected # AND: the using questions for the book are displayed assert(short in Utility.get_error_information(error)), \ '{book} ({short}) not preselected'.format(book=full, short=short)
def test_non_students_may_fill_out_the_form(web_base_url, selenium): """Test non-students may fill out and submit the interest form. Salesforce verification of the form is not tested. """ # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail( f'{first_name}.{last_name}.{Utility.random_hex(3)}'.lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' books = Library().random_book(Utility.random(start=2, end=5)) students = Utility.random(Web.STUDENT_MIN, Web.STUDENT_MAX) tech_providers = TechProviders.get_tech(Utility.random(0, 3)) other = 'Another product provider' \ if TechProviders.OTHER in tech_providers else None # GIVEN: a user viewing the interest page interest = Interest(selenium, web_base_url).open() if interest.survey.is_displayed(): interest.survey.close() if interest.privacy_notice.is_displayed(): interest.privacy_notice.got_it() # WHEN: they select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: select a book subject # AND: enter a number of students # AND: select zero to three partner options # AND: select zero to eight "How did you hear?" options # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: select zero or more technology options # AND: click on the "Submit" button partners = interest.submit_interest(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books, students=students, additional_resources=Web.resources(), heard_on=Web.heard_by(), tech_providers=tech_providers, other_provider=other) # THEN: the partners page is displayed assert(partners.is_displayed()), \ 'Partners page not displayed' assert('partners' in partners.location), \ f'Not at the interest confirmation page ({partners.location})'
def select_book(self, book_title): """Return the book page for a specific title. :param str book_title: the full book title found in the alt field :return: the book page for the selected title :rtype: :py:class:`` """ field = Library.SHORT_NAME if 'calculus' in book_title \ else Library.DETAILS append = Library().get(book_title, field=field) selector = '[href$="{book_details}"]'.format(book_details=append) book = self.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, selector) Utility.click_option(self.driver, element=book) from import Book as Details return go_to_(Details(self.driver, book_name=append))
def test_a_book_is_preselected_when_a_book_details_interest_link_is_used( web_base_url, selenium): """Test the book is already selected when passed in the URL.""" # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(4)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' book, short, full, detail_append = Library().get_name_set() books = [short] students = '' # GIVEN: a user viewing a book page book_details = Book(selenium, web_base_url, book_name=detail_append).open() # WHEN: they click on the "Sign up to learn more" link # AND: select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button interest = book_details.is_interested() if interest.survey.is_displayed(): interest.survey.close() if interest.privacy_notice.is_displayed(): interest.privacy_notice.got_it() with pytest.raises(WebException) as error: interest.submit_interest(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books, students=students, additional_resources=Web.resources(), heard_on=Web.heard_by()) # THEN: the book is selected selection = interest.form.selection assert(short in selection), \ f'{short} not in the current selection ({selection})' assert('Using error' in Utility.get_error_information(error)), \ 'No book is preselected'
def select_book(self, book): """Select a book from the proxy menu.""" menu = self.find_element(*self._proxy_select_locator) options = self.find_element(*self._option_list_locator) details = Library().get(book, Library.DETAILS) option = self.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, f'[data-value={details}]') offset = self.driver.execute_script( 'return arguments[0].offsetTop;', option) if 'open' not in menu.get_attribute('class'): Utility.click_option(self.driver, element=menu) self.driver.execute_script( 'arguments[0].scrollTop = {offset};'.format(offset=offset), options) sleep(0.2) Utility.click_option(self.driver, element=option, force_js_click=True) return
def bookshare_books(self): """Select active books available through Bookshare.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().bookshare)
def available_books(self): """Select active books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().available)
def comp_copy(self): """Select the current editions of each book.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().comp_copy)
def business_books(self): """Select active business books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().business)
def unlocked_instructor(self): """Select active books with unlocked instructor resources.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().unlocked_instructor)
def unlocked_student(self): """Select active books with unlocked student resources.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().unlocked_student)
def science_books(self): """Select active science books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().science)
def humanities_books(self): """Select active humanities books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().humanities)
def old_book_editions(self): """Select the books with a newer editions available.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().superseded)
def print_books(self): """Select the books with a current print edition available.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().print)
def current_books(self): """Select the current editions of each book.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().current)
def itunes_books(self): """Select active books with an iBook eddition available.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().itunes)
def kindle_books(self): """Select active books with a Kindle edition available.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().kindle)
def ap_books(self): """Select active AP books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().ap)
def social_sciences_books(self): """Select active social science books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().social_sciences)
def math_books(self): """Select active math books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().math)
def essentials_books(self): """Select active essentials books.""" return self._selection_helper(Library().essentials)