def test_regimen_crud(self): data = { "animalname": "Testio", "estimatedage": "1", "animaltype": "1", "entryreason": "1", "species": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") aid, code = animal.insert_animal_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test") data = { "startdate": base.today_display(), "treatmentname": "Test", "dosage": "Test", "timingrule": "1", "timingrulenofrequencies": "1", "timingrulefrequency": "1", "totalnumberoftreatments": "1", "treatmentrule": "1", "singlemulti": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") mid = medical.insert_regimen_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) medical.update_regimen_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) medical.delete_regimen(base.get_dbo(), "test", mid) animal.delete_animal(base.get_dbo(), "test", aid)
def setUp(self): data = { "datelost": base.today_display(), "datereported": base.today_display(), "owner": "1", "species": "1", "sex": "1", "breed": "1", "colour": "1", "markings": "Test", "arealost": "Test", "areapostcode": "Test" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.laid = lostfound.insert_lostanimal_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test") data = { "datefound": base.today_display(), "datereported": base.today_display(), "owner": "1", "species": "1", "sex": "1", "breed": "1", "colour": "1", "markings": "Test", "areafound": "Test", "areapostcode": "Test" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.faid = lostfound.insert_foundanimal_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test")
def test_transport_crud(self): data = { "animalname": "Testio", "estimatedage": "1", "animaltype": "1", "entryreason": "1", "species": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") aid, code = animal.insert_animal_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test") data = { "animal": "1", "driver": "1", "pickup": "1", "dropoff": "1", "pickupdate": base.today_display(), "dropoffdate": base.today_display(), "status": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") tid = movement.insert_transport_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)["transportid"] = str(tid) movement.update_transport_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) movement.delete_transport(base.get_dbo(), "test", tid) animal.delete_animal(base.get_dbo(), "test", aid)
def insert_retailer_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Inserts a retailer from the workflow move to retailer screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None is"retailerdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Retailer movements must have a valid movement date.", l)) # Is this animal already at a foster? If so, return that foster first fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, post.integer("animal")) for m in fm: if m.MOVEMENTTYPE == FOSTER and m.RETURNDATE is None: return_movement(dbo, m.ID, post.integer("animal"),"retailerdate")) # Create the retailer movement move_dict = { "person" : post["person"], "animal" : post["animal"], "movementdate" : post["retailerdate"], "adoptionno" : post["movementnumber"], "type" : str(RETAILER), "donation" : post["amount"], "returncategory" : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l)) return movementid
def insert_reserve_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Inserts a movement from the workflow reserve an animal screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None is"reservationdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Reservations must have a valid reservation date.", l)) # Do the movement itself first move_dict = { "person" : post["person"], "animal" : post["animal"], "reservationdate" : post["reservationdate"], "reservationstatus" : post["reservationstatus"], "adoptionno" : post["movementnumber"], "movementdate" : "", "type" : str(NO_MOVEMENT), "donation" : post["amount"], "returncategory" : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l)) # Create any payments financial.insert_donations_from_form(dbo, username, post, post["reservationdate"], False, post["person"], post["animal"], movementid) return movementid
def test_stock_take_from_mobile_form(self): data = { "sl%d" % self.nid: "5", "usagetype": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") stock.stock_take_from_mobile_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def create_animalcontrol(dbo, username, collationid): """ Creates a animal control/incident record from the incoming form data with collationid. Also, attaches the form to the incident as media. """ l = dbo.locale fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid) d = {} d["incidentdate"] = i18n.python2display(l, d["incidenttime"] = i18n.format_time_now(dbo.timezone) d["calldate"] = d["incidentdate"] d["calltime"] = d["incidenttime"] d["incidenttype"] = 1 for f in fields: if f["FIELDNAME"] == "callnotes": d["callnotes"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchaddress": d["dispatchaddress"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchcity": d["dispatchtown"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchstate": d["dispatchcounty"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchzipcode": d["dispatchpostcode"] = f["VALUE"] # Have we got enough info to create the animal control record? We need notes and dispatchaddress if not d.has_key("callnotes") or not d.has_key("dispatchaddress"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create an incident record (need call notes and dispatch address).", l)) # We need the person/caller record before we create the incident collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username, collationid) d["caller"] = personid # Create the incident incidentid = animalcontrol.insert_animalcontrol_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale), username) # Attach the form to the incident formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid) formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid) media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.ANIMALCONTROL, incidentid, formname, formhtml ) return (collationid, incidentid, utils.padleft(incidentid, 6) + " - " + personname)
def insert_transfer_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Inserts a movement from the workflow transfer an animal screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None =="transferdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError( i18n._("Transfers must have a valid transfer date.", l)) # Is this animal already on foster? If so, return that foster first fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, post.integer("animal")) for m in fm: if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == FOSTER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None: return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], post.integer("animal"),"transferdate")) # Create the transfer movement move_dict = { "person": post["person"], "animal": post["animal"], "adoptionno": post["movementnumber"], "movementdate": post["transferdate"], "type": str(TRANSFER), "donation": post["amount"], "returncategory": configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l)) return movementid
def insert_payment_from_appointment(dbo, username, appointmentid, post): """ Creates a payment record from an appointment via the create payment dialog. """ l = dbo.locale c = get_appointment(dbo, appointmentid) d = { "person": str(c.OwnerID), "animal": str(c.AnimalID), "type": post["paymenttype"], "payment": post["paymentmethod"], "amount": str(c.Amount), "due": post["due"], "received": post["received"], "vat": utils.iif(c.IsVAT == 1, "on", ""), "vatrate": str(c.VATRate), "vatamount": str(c.VATAmount), "comments": i18n._("Appointment {0}. {1} on {2} for {3}").format( utils.padleft(c.ID, 6), c.OWNERNAME, i18n.python2display(l, c.DATETIME), c.ANIMALNAME) } return financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(d, l))
def insert_reserve_for_animal_name(dbo, username, personid, animalname): """ Creates a reservation for the animal with animalname to personid. animalname can either be just the name of a shelter animal, or it can be in the form name::code. If a code is present, that will be used to locate the animal. If the person is banned from adopting animals, an exception is raised. """ l = dbo.locale if animalname.find("::") != -1: animalcode = animalname.split("::")[1] aid = dbo.query_int("SELECT ID FROM animal WHERE ShelterCode = ? ORDER BY ID DESC", [animalcode]) else: aid = dbo.query_int("SELECT ID FROM animal WHERE LOWER(AnimalName) LIKE ? ORDER BY ID DESC", [animalname.lower()]) if 1 == dbo.query_int("SELECT IsBanned FROM owner WHERE ID=?", [personid]): raise utils.ASMValidationError("owner %s is banned from adopting animals - not creating reserve") if aid == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError("could not find an animal for '%s' - not creating reserve" % animalname) move_dict = { "person" : str(personid), "animal" : str(aid), "reservationdate" : i18n.python2display(l,, "reservationstatus" : configuration.default_reservation_status(dbo), "movementdate" : "", "type" : str(NO_MOVEMENT), "returncategory" : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } return insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l))
def create_animal_from_found(dbo, username, aid): """ Creates an animal record from a found animal with the id given """ a = dbo.first_row( dbo.query("SELECT * FROM animalfound WHERE ID = %d" % int(aid)) ) l = dbo.locale data = { "animalname": _("Found Animal {0}", l).format(aid), "markings": str(a["DISTFEAT"]), "species": str(a["ANIMALTYPEID"]), "comments": str(a["COMMENTS"]), "broughtinby": str(a["OWNERID"]), "originalowner": str(a["OWNERID"]), "animaltype": configuration.default_type(dbo), "breed1": a["BREEDID"], "breed2": a["BREEDID"], "basecolour": str(a["BASECOLOURID"]), "size": configuration.default_size(dbo), "internallocation": configuration.default_location(dbo), "dateofbirth": python2display(l, subtract_years(now(dbo.timezone))), "estimateddob": "1", } # If we're creating shelter codes manually, we need to put something unique # in there for now. Use the id if configuration.manual_codes(dbo): data["sheltercode"] = "FA" + str(aid) data["shortcode"] = "FA" + str(aid) nextid, code = animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(data, l), username) return nextid
def test_update_animalcontrol_from_form(self): data = { "incidentdate": "01/01/2014", "incidenttime": "00:00:00" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") animalcontrol.update_animalcontrol_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test")
def create_waitinglist(dbo, username, collationid): """ Creates a waitinglist record from the incoming form data with collationid. Also, attaches the form to the waiting list as media. """ l = dbo.locale fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid) d = {} d["dateputon"] = i18n.python2display(l, d["urgency"] = "5" for f in fields: if f["FIELDNAME"] == "species": d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, f["VALUE"]) if f["FIELDNAME"] == "description": d["description"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "reason": d["reasonforwantingtopart"] = f["VALUE"] if not d.has_key("species"): d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, "") # Have we got enough info to create the waiting list record? We need a description if not d.has_key("description"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create a waiting list record (need a description).", l)) # We need the person record before we create the waiting list collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username, collationid) d["owner"] = personid # Create the waiting list wlid = waitinglist.insert_waitinglist_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale), username) # Attach the form to the waiting list formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid) formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid) media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.WAITINGLIST, wlid, formname, formhtml ) return (collationid, wlid, utils.padleft(wlid, 6) + " - " + personname)
def test_insert_animalcontrol_from_form(self): data = { "incidentdate": "01/01/2014", "incidenttime": "00:00:00" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") nid = animalcontrol.insert_animalcontrol_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test") animalcontrol.delete_animalcontrol(base.get_dbo(), "test", nid)
def test_update_traploan_from_form(self): data = { "person": "2", "type": "2", "loandate": "01/01/2014" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") animalcontrol.update_traploan_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def setUp(self): data = { "animal": "1", "person": "1", "apptdate": base.today_display(), "appttime": "12:00:00", "status": "1", } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.anid = clinic.insert_appointment_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) data = { "appointmentid": str(self.anid), "description": "foo", "amount": "50" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.inid = clinic.insert_invoice_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def test_update_diet_from_form(self): data = { "animalid": self.nid, "type": "1", "startdate": base.today_display() } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") animal.update_diet_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def test_update_litter_from_form(self): data = { "animal": self.nid, "species": "1", "startdate": base.today_display(), "litterref": "RUBBISH" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") animal.update_litter_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def test_insert_traploan_from_form(self): data = { "person": "1", "type": "1", "loandate": "01/01/2014" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") tid = animalcontrol.insert_traploan_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) animalcontrol.delete_traploan(base.get_dbo(), "test", tid)
def test_insert_cost_from_form(self): data = { "animalid": self.nid, "type": "1", "costdate": base.today_display(), "cost": "2000" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") nid = animal.insert_cost_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) animal.delete_cost(base.get_dbo(), "test", nid)
def test_crud(self): data = { "logdate": base.today_display(), "type": "1", "entry": "Test entry" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") nid = log.insert_log_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", 0, 1, post) log.update_log_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) log.delete_log(base.get_dbo(), "test", nid)
def test_deduct_stocklevel_from_form(self): data = { "item": str(self.nid), "quantity": "1", "usagetype": "1", "usagedate": base.today_display(), "comments": "test" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") stock.deduct_stocklevel_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def test_insert_payment_from_appointment(self): data = { "due": "01/01/2018", "received": "", "paymenttype": "1", "paymentmethod": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") pid = clinic.insert_payment_from_appointment(base.get_dbo(), "test", self.anid, post) financial.delete_donation(base.get_dbo(), "test", pid)
def setUp(self): data = { "title": "Mr", "forenames": "Test", "surname": "Testing", "ownertype": "1", "address": "123 test street" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.nid = person.insert_person_from_form(base.get_dbo(), post, "test")
def test_investigation_crud(self): data = { "personid": str(self.nid), "date": base.today_display(), "notes": "Test" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") iid = person.insert_investigation_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) data["investigationid"] = str(iid) person.update_investigation_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) person.delete_investigation(base.get_dbo(), "test", iid)
def setUp(self): data = { "animalname": "Testio", "estimatedage": "1", "animaltype": "1", "entryreason": "1", "species": "1" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.nid, self.code = animal.insert_animal_from_form( base.get_dbo(), post, "test")
def test_invoice_crud(self): data = { "appointmentid": self.anid, "description": "bar", "amount": "1500" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") nid = clinic.insert_invoice_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) data["itemid"] = nid clinic.update_invoice_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post) clinic.delete_invoice(base.get_dbo(), "test", nid)
def setUp(self): data = { "title": "Test Report", "category": "Test", "sql": TEST_QUERY, "html": "$$HEADER HEADER$$ $$BODY <p>$ID</p> BODY$$ $$FOOTER FOOTER$$" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.nid = reports.insert_report_from_form(base.get_dbo(), "test", post)
def create_person(dbo, username, collationid): """ Creates a person record from the incoming form data with collationid. Also, attaches the form to the person as media. The return value is tuple of collationid, personid, personname """ l = dbo.locale fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid) d = {} flags = None for f in fields: if flags is None: flags = f["FLAGS"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "title": d["title"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "forenames": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "firstname": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "surname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "lastname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "address": d["address"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "town": d["town"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "city": d["town"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "county": d["county"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "state": d["county"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "postcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "zipcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "hometelephone": d["hometelephone"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "worktelephone": d["worktelephone"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "mobiletelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "celltelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "emailaddress": d["emailaddress"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"].startswith("reserveanimalname"): d[f["FIELDNAME"]] = f["VALUE"] d["flags"] = flags # Have we got enough info to create the person record? We just need a surname if not d.has_key("surname"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create a person record (need a surname).", l)) # Does this person already exist? personid = 0 if d.has_key("surname") and d.has_key("forenames") and d.has_key("address"): similar = person.get_person_similar(dbo, d["surname"], d["forenames"], d["address"]) if len(similar) > 0: personid = similar[0]["ID"] # Create the person record if we didn't find one if personid == 0: personid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale), username) personname = person.get_person_name_code(dbo, personid) # Attach the form to the person formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid) formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html_print(dbo, [collationid,]) media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.PERSON, personid, formname, formhtml ) # Was there a reserveanimalname field? If so, create reservation(s) to the person if possible for k, v in d.iteritems(): if k.startswith("reserveanimalname"): movement.insert_reserve_for_animal_name(dbo, username, personid, v) return (collationid, personid, personname)
def setUp(self): data = { "dateputon": base.today_display(), "description": "Test", "species": "1", "size": "1", "owner": "1", "urgency": "5" } post = utils.PostedData(data, "en") self.wlid = waitinglist.insert_waitinglist_from_form( base.get_dbo(), post, "test")