def get_segment_plan(self, start_pose, waypoint_pose, time_stamp): start_x, start_y, start_theta = start_pose[0], start_pose[ 1], start_pose[2] wp_x, wp_y, wp_theta = waypoint_pose[0], waypoint_pose[ 1], waypoint_pose[2] # set up and publish the start pose startMsg startMsg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() quaternion = utils.angle_to_quaternion(start_theta) startMsg.header.stamp = time_stamp startMsg.header.frame_id = "/map" startMsg.pose.pose.position.x = start_x startMsg.pose.pose.position.y = start_y startMsg.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion # set up and publish the goal pose goalMsg goalMsg = PoseStamped() quaternion = utils.angle_to_quaternion(wp_theta) goalMsg.header.stamp = time_stamp goalMsg.header.frame_id = "/map" goalMsg.pose.position.x = wp_x goalMsg.pose.position.y = wp_y goalMsg.pose.orientation = quaternion self.initial_pub.publish(startMsg) self.goal_pub.publish(goalMsg)
def visualize(self): ''' Publish various visualization messages. ''' if not self.DO_VIZ: return if self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray): # Publish the inferred pose for visualization ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = Utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1] ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.inferred_pose[2]) self.pose_pub.publish(ps) if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: # publish a downsampled version of the particle distribution to avoid a lot of latency if self.MAX_PARTICLES > self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES: # randomly downsample particles proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights) # proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES) self.publish_particles(self.particles[proposal_indices,:]) else: self.publish_particles(self.particles) if self.pub_fake_scan.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.ranges, np.ndarray): # generate the scan from the point of view of the inferred position for visualization self.viz_queries[:,0] = self.inferred_pose[0] self.viz_queries[:,1] = self.inferred_pose[1] self.viz_queries[:,2] = self.downsampled_angles + self.inferred_pose[2] self.range_method.calc_range_many(self.viz_queries, self.viz_ranges) self.publish_scan(self.downsampled_angles, self.viz_ranges)
def visualize(self): #print 'Visualizing...' self.state_lock.acquire() self.inferred_pose = self.expected_pose() if isinstance(self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray): self.publish_tf(self.inferred_pose) ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = Utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1] ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.inferred_pose[2]) if(self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0): self.pose_pub.publish(ps) if(self.pub_odom.get_num_connections() > 0): odom = Odometry() odom.header = ps.header odom.pose.pose = ps.pose self.pub_odom.publish(odom) if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: if self.particles.shape[0] > self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES: # randomly downsample particles proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights) # proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES) self.publish_particles(self.particles[proposal_indices,:]) else: self.publish_particles(self.particles) if self.pub_laser.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.sensor_model.last_laser, LaserScan): self.sensor_model.last_laser.header.frame_id = "/laser" self.sensor_model.last_laser.header.stamp = self.pub_laser.publish(self.sensor_model.last_laser) self.state_lock.release()
def visualize(self, path, start, goal): ''' Publish various visualization messages. ''' #rospy.loginfo('visualizing start') s = PointStamped() s.header = Utils.make_header("/map") s.point.x = start[0] s.point.y = start[1] s.point.z = 0 self.start_pub.publish(s) #rospy.loginfo('visualizing goal') g = PointStamped() g.header = Utils.make_header("/map") g.point.x = goal[0] g.point.y = goal[1] g.point.z = 0 self.goal_pub.publish(g) #rospy.loginfo('visualizing path') p = Path() p.header = Utils.make_header("/map") for point in path: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header = Utils.make_header("/map") pose.pose.position.x = point[0] pose.pose.position.y = point[1] pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(0) p.poses.append(pose) self.path_pub.publish(p)
def publish_tf(self, pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """ if stamp == None: stamp = # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code. # self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0],pose[1],0),tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), # stamp , "/laser", "/map") # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp) odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) # return # below this line is disabled """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform. However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link" frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree. """ # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array((pose[0], pose[1], 0)) map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2])) # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> base_link transform laser_base_link_offset = (0.265, 0, 0) map_laser_pos -= tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix( tf.transformations.unit_vector(map_laser_rotation))[:3, :3], laser_base_link_offset).T map_laser_pos[0] -= self.position[0] map_laser_pos[1] -= self.position[1] orientation_list = [ self.odom_orientation.x, self.odom_orientation.y, self.odom_orientation.z, self.odom_orientation.w ] (roll, pitch, odom_base_link_yaw ) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) map_odom_yaw = pose[2] - odom_base_link_yaw map_odom_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, map_odom_yaw)) # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_odom_rotation, stamp, "/odom", "/map")
def main(): rospy.init_node('line_follower', anonymous=True) # Initialize the node plan_relative_path = "/saved_plans/plan2" # load plan_array # load raw_plan msg (PoseArray) loaded_vars = pickle.load(open(CURRENT_PKG_PATH + plan_relative_path, "r")) plan_array = loaded_vars[0] # raw_plan = loaded_vars[1] plan_array_new = [] total_distance = 0.0 for i in range(len(plan_array) - 1): total_distance += np.sqrt( np.square(plan_array[i][0] - plan_array[i + 1][0]) + np.square(plan_array[i][1] - plan_array[i + 1][1])) avg_distance = total_distance / len(plan_array) array_len = len(plan_array) i = 0 while i < array_len - 1: current_distance = np.sqrt( np.square(plan_array[i][0] - plan_array[i + 1][0]) + np.square(plan_array[i][1] - plan_array[i + 1][1])) if current_distance < avg_distance * 0.5: plan_array_new.append(plan_array.pop(i + 1)) i -= 1 array_len -= 1 i += 1 PA = PoseArray() # create a PoseArray() msg PA.header.stamp = # set header timestamp value PA.header.frame_id = "map" # set header frame id value PA.poses = [] for pose in plan_array: P = Pose() P.position.x = float(pose[0]) P.position.y = float(pose[1]) P.position.z = 0 P.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(float(pose[2])) PA.poses.append(P) # visualize edited loaded plan PA_pub = rospy.Publisher("/LoadedPlan", PoseArray, queue_size=1) for i in range(0, 5): rospy.sleep(0.5) PA_pub.publish(PA) # save plan_array to file # save plan PoseArray msg to file file_temp = open(CURRENT_PKG_PATH + plan_relative_path + "_clean", 'w') pickle.dump([plan_array_new, PA], file_temp) file_temp.close()
def init_callback(self, init): rospy.loginfo("Receiving init pose: " + init_data =',') init_msg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() init_msg.header.stamp = init_msg.header.frame_id = "/map" init_msg.pose.pose.position.x = float(init_data[0]) init_msg.pose.pose.position.y = float(init_data[1]) init_msg.pose.pose.orientation = angle_to_quaternion(float(init_data[2])) self.pub_init.publish(init_msg)
def _simulate_odom(self, evt): # print "Simulate odometery..." pose = self.odom_msg.header.stamp = self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion( pose[2]) self.odom_pub.publish(self.odom_msg) self.odom_timer.tick()
def _cb_init(self, data): rospy.loginfo('Receiving init pose: ' + data =',') init_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() init_pose.header.stamp = init_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' init_pose.pose.pose.position.x = float(data[0]) init_pose.pose.pose.position.y = float(data[1]) init_pose.pose.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion( float(data[2])) self.p_initpose.publish(init_pose)
def inferred_pose_map(self): # Publishing inferred_pose in map/pixel coordinatess if self.map_pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray): map_inferred_pose = Utils.world_to_map_slow(self.inferred_pose[0],self.inferred_pose[1],self.inferred_pose[2],self.map_info) ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = Utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = map_inferred_pose[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.map_info.height - map_inferred_pose[1] ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(map_inferred_pose[2]) self.map_pose_pub.publish(ps)
def publish_plan(self, plan): pa = PoseArray() pa.header.frame_id = "/map" for i in xrange(len(plan)): config = plan[i] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = config[0] pose.position.y = config[1] pose.position.z = 0.0 pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(config[2]) pa.poses.append(pose) self.plan_pub.publish(pa)
def publish_tf(self, pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """ if stamp == None: stamp = # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code. self.pub_tf.sendTransform( (pose[0], pose[1], 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp, "/laser", "/map") # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp) odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) cov_mat = np.cov(self.particles, rowvar=False, ddof=0, aweights=self.weights).flatten() odom.pose.covariance[:cov_mat.shape[0]] = cov_mat odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.current_speed self.odom_pub.publish(odom) return # below this line is disabled """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform. However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link" frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree. """ # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array((pose[0], pose[1], 0)) map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2])) # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> base_link transform laser_base_link_offset = (0.265, 0, 0) map_laser_pos -= tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix( tf.transformations.unit_vector(map_laser_rotation))[:3, :3], laser_base_link_offset).T # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp, "/base_link", "/map")
def print_waypoints(self, waypoints): WpMsg = PoseArray() WpMsg.header.frame_id = "/map" wp_plan = [] for waypoint in waypoints: x = waypoints[0] y = waypoints[1] quaternion = utils.angle_to_quaternion(waypoints[2]) wp_plan.poses.orientation = quaternion wp_plan.poses.pose.x = x wp_plan.poses.pose.y = y wp_plan.extend(wp_plan.poses) WpMsg.poses = wp_plan waypoint_sub.publish(WpMsg)
def update(self): ''' Apply the MCL function to update particle filter state. Ensures the state is correctly initialized, and acquires the state lock before proceeding. ''' if self.lidar_initialized and self.odom_initialized and self.map_initialized: self.timer.tick() self.iters += 1 t1 = time.time() with self.state_lock: scans = np.copy(self.downsampled_ranges).astype(np.float32) odom = np.copy(self.odometry_data) self.odometry_data = np.zeros(3) # run the MCL update algorithm if not self.MCL(odom, scans): rospy.logwarn("skipped update") return if np.isnan(self.weights).any(): rospy.logwarn( "something weird happened to the particle distribution" ) ps = Pose() ps.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0] ps.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1] ps.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion( self.inferred_pose[2]) self.initialize_particles_pose(ps) return # compute the expected value of the robot pose self.inferred_pose = self.expected_pose(self.particles) #rospy.loginfo(self.inferred_pose) t2 = time.time() # publish transformation frame based on inferred pose #rospy.loginfo("update") self.publish_tf(self.inferred_pose, self.last_stamp) # this is for tracking particle filter speed ips = 1.0 / (t2 - t1) self.smoothing.append(ips) #if self.iters % 10 == 0: # print "iters per sec:", int(self.timer.fps()), " possible:", int(self.smoothing.mean()) self.visualize()
def visualize(self): """ Visualize the current state of the filter (1) Publishes a tf between the map and the laser. Necessary for visualizing the laser scan in the map (2) Publishes the most recent laser measurement. Note that the frame_id of this message should be '/laser' (3) Publishes a PoseStamped message indicating the expected pose of the car (4) Publishes a subsample of the particles (use self.N_VIZ_PARTICLES). Sample so that particles with higher weights are more likely to be sampled. """ self.state_lock.acquire() self.inferred_pose = self.expected_pose() if isinstance(self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray): if self.PUBLISH_TF: self.publish_tf(self.inferred_pose) ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1] ps.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion( self.inferred_pose[2]) if self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: self.pose_pub.publish(ps) if self.pub_odom.get_num_connections() > 0: odom = Odometry() odom.header = ps.header odom.pose.pose = ps.pose self.pub_odom.publish(odom) if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: if self.particles.shape[0] > self.N_VIZ_PARTICLES: # randomly downsample particles proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.N_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights) self.publish_particles(self.particles[proposal_indices, :]) else: self.publish_particles(self.particles) if self.pub_laser.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance( self.sensor_model.last_laser, LaserScan): self.sensor_model.last_laser.header.frame_id = "/laser" self.sensor_model.last_laser.header.stamp = self.pub_laser.publish(self.sensor_model.last_laser) self.state_lock.release()
def goal_point_pub(self, pose): # Publishing goal_point in map/pixel coordinatess # if self.map_goal_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and not self.goal_set: if self.map_goal_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: map_goal_point = Utils.world_to_map_slow(pose.position.x,pose.position.y,Utils.quaternion_to_angle(pose.orientation),self.map_info) ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = Utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = map_goal_point[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.map_info.height - map_goal_point[1] ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(map_goal_point[2]) # ps1 = PoseStamped() # ps1.header = Utils.make_header("map") # ps1.pose.position.x = pose.position.x # ps1.pose.position.y = pose.position.y # ps1.pose.orientation = pose.orientation self.map_goal_pub.publish(ps) # self.goal_set = True print "goal point printed", map_goal_point
def viz_sub_cb(self, msg): # Create the PoseArray to publish. Will contain N poses, where the n-th pose # represents the last pose in the n-th trajectory pa = PoseArray() pa.header.frame_id = '/small_basement' pa.header.stamp = # Transform the last pose of each trajectory to be w.r.t the world and insert into # the pose array for i in xrange(self.rollouts.shape[0]): newPose = Pose() newPose.position.x = self.rollouts[i, 299, 0] newPose.position.y = self.rollouts[i, 299, 1] newPose.position.z = 0.0 newPose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.rollouts[i, 299, 2]) pa.poses.append(newPose) self.viz_pub.publish(pa)
def publish_tf(self,pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """ if stamp == None: stamp = # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code. self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0],pose[1],0),tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp , "/laser", "/map") # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp) odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) return # below this line is disabled """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform. However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link" frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree. """ # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array( (pose[0],pose[1],0) ) map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]) ) # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> base_link transform laser_base_link_offset = (0.265, 0, 0) map_laser_pos -=[:3,:3], laser_base_link_offset).T # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp , "/base_link", "/map")
def viz_sub_cb(self, msg): # Create the PoseArray to publish. Will contain N poses, where the n-th pose # represents the last pose in the n-th trajectory # PP - get current pose from mgs cur_pose = np.array([ msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y, utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.orientation) ]) pa = PoseArray() pa.header.frame_id = '/map' pa.header.stamp = # Transform the last pose of each trajectory to be w.r.t the world and insert into for i in range(self.rollouts.shape[0]): # PP - below code is similar to code in line_follower for transformation trans_mat = [cur_pose[0], cur_pose[1]] rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(cur_pose[2]) arrow_pose = (self.rollouts[i][-1][0], self.rollouts[i][-1][1]) arrow_pose = np.reshape(arrow_pose, (2, 1)) trans_mat = np.reshape(trans_mat, (2, 1)) arrow_wrt_cur_pose = rot_mat * arrow_pose + trans_mat # co ordinate transformation # create Pose to add in PoseArray pose = Pose() pose.position.x = arrow_wrt_cur_pose[0] pose.position.y = arrow_wrt_cur_pose[1] pose.position.z = 0 pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion( self.rollouts[i][-1][2] + cur_pose[2]) # PP - is ths correct? verify with Patrick #print last_pose_in_traj pa.poses.append(pose) self.viz_pub.publish(pa)
def viz_sub_cb(self, msg): pa = PoseArray() pa.header.frame_id = '/map' pa.header.stamp = trans = np.array([msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y]).reshape( (2, 1)) car_yaw = utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.orientation) rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(car_yaw) for i in xrange(self.rollouts.shape[0]): robot_config = self.rollouts[i, -1, 0:2].reshape(2, 1) map_config = rot_mat * robot_config + trans map_config.flatten() pose = Pose() pose.position.x = map_config[0] pose.position.y = map_config[1] pose.position.z = 0.0 pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.rollouts[i, -1, 2] + car_yaw) pa.poses.append(pose) self.viz_pub.publish(pa)
def visualize(self): ''' Publish various visualization messages. ''' if not self.DO_VIZ: return if self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance( self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray): ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = Utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1] ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion( self.inferred_pose[2]) self.pose_pub.publish(ps) if self.iters % 10 == 0: self.path.header = ps.header self.path.poses.append(ps) self.path_pub.publish(self.path) if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: if self.MAX_PARTICLES > self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES: # randomly downsample particles proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights) # proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES) self.publish_particles(self.particles[proposal_indices, :]) else: self.publish_particles(self.particles) if self.pub_fake_scan.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance( self.sensor_model.particle_scans, np.ndarray): # generate the scan from the point of view of the inferred position for visualization inferred_scans = self.sensor_model.get_scans( self.inferred_pose[None, :]) self.publish_scan(self.downsampled_angles, inferred_scans[0, :])
def publish_tf(self, pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf from map to inferred_scan_frame. """ # Publish the tf from map to inferred_scan_frame. self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0], pose[1], 0.0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp, "inferred_scan_frame", "map") # Need to account for constant offset from laser frame to base_link. self.pub_tf.sendTransform((-0.265, 0.0, 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0), stamp, "inferred_base_link", "inferred_scan_frame") self.pub_tf.sendTransform((0, 0, 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0), stamp, "base_link", "inferred_base_link") # Also publish the inferred pose as an odometry message in the map frame. odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp) odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) ground_truth_x = self.rel_odom_pose.pose.position.x ground_truth_y = self.rel_odom_pose.pose.position.y delta = ((pose[0]-ground_truth_x - math.cos(pose[2]) * 0.265)**2 + (pose[1]-ground_truth_y - math.sin(pose[2]) * 0.265)**2)**0.5 self.odom_pub.publish(odom) self.ground_truth_delta.publish(delta)
def timer_cb(self, event): now = # Publish a tf between map and odom if one does not already exist # Otherwise, get the most recent tf between map and odom self.cur_map_to_odom_lock.acquire() try: tmp_trans, tmp_rot = self.transformer.lookupTransform( "/odom", "/map", rospy.Time(0)) self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[0] = tmp_trans[0] self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[1] = tmp_trans[1] self.cur_map_to_odom_rot = ( tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(tmp_rot))[2] if tmp_trans[2] == -0.0001: ( self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[0], self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[1], 0.0001, ), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.cur_map_to_odom_rot), now, "/odom", "/map", ) except Exception: (self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[0], self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[1], 0.0001), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.cur_map_to_odom_rot), now, "/odom", "/map", ) self.cur_map_to_odom_lock.release() # Get the time since the last update if self.last_stamp is None: self.last_stamp = now dt = (now - self.last_stamp).to_sec() # Add noise to the speed self.last_speed_lock.acquire() v = self.last_speed + np.random.normal( loc=self.SPEED_OFFSET * self.last_speed, scale=self.SPEED_NOISE, size=1) self.last_speed_lock.release() # Add noise to the steering angle self.last_steering_angle_lock.acquire() delta = self.last_steering_angle + np.random.normal( loc=self.STEERING_ANGLE_OFFSET * self.last_steering_angle, scale=self.STEERING_ANGLE_NOISE, size=1, ) self.last_steering_angle_lock.release() self.cur_odom_to_base_lock.acquire() # Apply kinematic car model to the previous pose new_pose = np.array( [ self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[0], self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[1], self.cur_odom_to_base_rot, ], dtype=np.float, ) if np.abs(delta) < 1e-2: # Changes in x, y, and theta dtheta = 0 dx = v * np.cos(self.cur_odom_to_base_rot) * dt dy = v * np.sin(self.cur_odom_to_base_rot) * dt # New joint values joint_left_throttle = v * dt / self.CAR_WHEEL_RADIUS joint_right_throttle = v * dt / self.CAR_WHEEL_RADIUS joint_left_steer = 0.0 joint_right_steer = 0.0 else: # Changes in x, y, and theta tan_delta = np.tan(delta) dtheta = ((v / self.CAR_LENGTH) * tan_delta) * dt dx = (self.CAR_LENGTH / tan_delta) * (np.sin(self.cur_odom_to_base_rot + dtheta) - np.sin(self.cur_odom_to_base_rot)) dy = (self.CAR_LENGTH / tan_delta) * ( -1 * np.cos(self.cur_odom_to_base_rot + dtheta) + np.cos(self.cur_odom_to_base_rot)) # New joint values # Applt kinematic car model to compute wheel deltas h_val = (self.CAR_LENGTH / tan_delta) - (self.CAR_WIDTH / 2.0) joint_outer_throttle = (((self.CAR_WIDTH + h_val) / (0.5 * self.CAR_WIDTH + h_val)) * v * dt / self.CAR_WHEEL_RADIUS) joint_inner_throttle = (((h_val) / (0.5 * self.CAR_WIDTH + h_val)) * v * dt / self.CAR_WHEEL_RADIUS) joint_outer_steer = np.arctan2(self.CAR_LENGTH, self.CAR_WIDTH + h_val) joint_inner_steer = np.arctan2(self.CAR_LENGTH, h_val) # Assign joint values according to whether we are turning left or right if (delta) > 0.0: joint_left_throttle = joint_inner_throttle joint_right_throttle = joint_outer_throttle joint_left_steer = joint_inner_steer joint_right_steer = joint_outer_steer else: joint_left_throttle = joint_outer_throttle joint_right_throttle = joint_inner_throttle joint_left_steer = joint_outer_steer - np.pi joint_right_steer = joint_inner_steer - np.pi # Apply kinematic model updates and noise to the new pose new_pose[0] += (dx + np.random.normal( loc=self.FORWARD_OFFSET, scale=self.FORWARD_FIX_NOISE, size=1) + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=np.abs(v) * self.FORWARD_SCALE_NOISE, size=1)) new_pose[1] += ( dy + np.random.normal( loc=self.SIDE_OFFSET, scale=self.SIDE_FIX_NOISE, size=1) + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=np.abs(v) * self.SIDE_SCALE_NOISE, size=1)) new_pose[2] += dtheta + np.random.normal( loc=self.THETA_OFFSET, scale=self.THETA_FIX_NOISE, size=1) new_pose[2] = self.clip_angle(new_pose[2]) # Compute the new pose w.r.t the map in meters new_map_pose = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float) new_map_pose[0] = self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[0] + ( new_pose[0] * np.cos(self.cur_map_to_odom_rot) - new_pose[1] * np.sin(self.cur_map_to_odom_rot)) new_map_pose[1] = self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[1] + ( new_pose[0] * np.sin(self.cur_map_to_odom_rot) + new_pose[1] * np.cos(self.cur_map_to_odom_rot)) new_map_pose[2] = self.cur_map_to_odom_rot + new_pose[2] # Get the new pose w.r.t the map in pixels if self.map_info is not None: new_map_pose = utils.world_to_map(new_map_pose, self.map_info) # Update the pose of the car if either bounds checking is not enabled, # or bounds checking is enabled but the car is in-bounds new_map_pose_x = int(new_map_pose[0] + 0.5) new_map_pose_y = int(new_map_pose[1] + 0.5) if self.permissible_region is None or ( new_map_pose_x >= 0 and new_map_pose_x < self.permissible_region.shape[1] and new_map_pose_y >= 0 and new_map_pose_y < self.permissible_region.shape[0] and self.permissible_region[new_map_pose_y, new_map_pose_x] == 1): # Update pose of base_footprint w.r.t odom self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[0] = new_pose[0] self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[1] = new_pose[1] self.cur_odom_to_base_rot = new_pose[2] # Update joint values self.joint_msg.position[0] += joint_left_throttle self.joint_msg.position[1] += joint_right_throttle self.joint_msg.position[2] += joint_left_throttle self.joint_msg.position[3] += joint_right_throttle self.joint_msg.position[4] = joint_left_steer self.joint_msg.position[5] = joint_right_steer # Clip all joint angles for i in range(len(self.joint_msg.position)): self.joint_msg.position[i] = self.clip_angle( self.joint_msg.position[i]) # Publish the tf from odom to base_footprint (self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[0], self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[1], 0.0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.cur_odom_to_base_rot), now, "base_footprint", "odom", ) # Publish the joint states self.joint_msg.header.stamp = now self.cur_joints_pub.publish(self.joint_msg) self.last_stamp = now self.cur_odom_to_base_lock.release() # Publish current state as a PoseStamped topic cur_pose = PoseStamped() cur_pose.header.frame_id = "map" cur_pose.header.stamp = now cur_pose.pose.position.x = (self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[0] + self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[0]) cur_pose.pose.position.y = (self.cur_odom_to_base_trans[1] + self.cur_map_to_odom_trans[1]) cur_pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 rot = self.cur_odom_to_base_rot + self.cur_map_to_odom_rot cur_pose.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(rot) self.state_pub.publish(cur_pose)
def publish_waypoints_viz(self): green_color = ColorRGBA() green_color.r = 0.0 green_color.g = 1.0 #or 1.0 green_color.b = 0.0 green_color.a = 1.0 blue_color = ColorRGBA() blue_color.r = 0 blue_color.g = 0 blue_color.b = 1.0 blue_color.a = 1.0 red_color = ColorRGBA() red_color.r = 1.0 red_color.g = 0 red_color.b = 0 red_color.a = 1.0 w_id = 0 p_start = Marker() p_good = MarkerArray() p_bad = MarkerArray() p_start.header.frame_id = "map" #start: is a single waypoint config = self.start_waypoint_pose[:] p_start.ns = 'start_waypoint' = w_id w_id += 1 p_start.header.stamp = rospy.Time() p_start.action = p_start.ADD p_start.scale.x = 0.35 p_start.scale.y = 0.35 p_start.scale.z = 0.1 p_start.pose.position.x = config[0] p_start.pose.position.y = config[1] p_start.pose.position.z = 0.0 p_start.type = p_start.SPHERE p_start.color = green_color p_start.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(0.0) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.start_waypoint_pub.publish(p_start) #good points: an array of waypoints for i in xrange(len(self.good_waypoint_pose)): config = self.good_waypoint_pose[i] marker = Marker() marker.ns = 'good_waypoint' = w_id w_id += 1 marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() marker.action = marker.ADD marker.scale.x = 0.35 marker.scale.y = 0.35 marker.scale.z = 0.1 marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.pose.position.x = config[0] marker.pose.position.y = config[1] marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.color = blue_color marker.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(0.0) p_good.markers.append(marker) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.good_waypoint_pub.publish(p_good) #bad points for i in xrange(len(self.bad_waypoint_pose)): config = self.bad_waypoint_pose[i] marker = Marker() marker.ns = 'bad_waypoint' = w_id w_id += 1 marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() marker.action = marker.ADD marker.scale.x = 0.35 marker.scale.y = 0.35 marker.scale.z = 0.1 marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.pose.position.x = config[0] marker.pose.position.y = config[1] marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.color = red_color marker.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(0.0) p_bad.markers.append(marker) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.bad_waypoint_pub.publish(p_bad)
queue_size=1) pub_init = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=1) # set initial pose init_x = 0.0 init_y = 0.0 init_heading = 0.0 rospy.loginfo("Setting init pose: " + str((init_x, init_y, init_heading))) init_msg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() init_msg.header.stamp = init_msg.header.frame_id = "/map" init_msg.pose.pose.position.x = init_x init_msg.pose.pose.position.y = init_y init_msg.pose.pose.orientation = angle_to_quaternion(init_heading) rospy.sleep(1.0) pub_init.publish(init_msg) cmdcnt = 0 rate = rospy.Rate(20) phase = 1 period = 2 * np.pi / (np.tan(steering_angle) * velocity / tires_dist) print "period =", period, "secs" period = rospy.Duration(period) start_time = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): t =
def rawPathCB(self, msg): ''' 1. Save raw path to raw_path_. 2. Smooth path by gradient descending. 3. Remove point from smoothed path which is too close to its neighborhood points ,or its neighborhood points is too close(which means there is probably a peak in path). 4. Publish the result path ''' self.raw_path_ = msg if not isinstance(self.map_data_, OccupancyGrid): print 'Received raw path, but cannot smooth when map data not received.' return diff = self.param_tolerance_ + 1 step = 0 np_path = self.makeNpArray(self.raw_path_) if not isinstance(np_path, object): return new_path = deepcopy(np_path) while step < self.param_iterations_: if diff < self.param_tolerance_: break step += 1 diff = 0. pre_path = deepcopy(new_path) i = 1 while i != new_path.shape[0] - 2: new_path[i] += self.param_alpha_ * ( pre_path[i] - new_path[i]) + self.param_beta_ * ( new_path[i - 1] + new_path[i + 1] - 2 * new_path[i]) if self.isCollision(new_path[i], self.map_data_, self.param_margin_): new_path[i] = deepcopy(pre_path[i]) i += 1 continue # if np.sum((new_path[i] - new_path[i - 1])** # 2) < self.param_min_point_dist_ or np.sum( # (new_path[i] - new_path[i + 1])** # 2) < self.param_min_point_dist_ or np.sum( # (new_path[i - 1] - new_path[i + 1])** # 2) < self.param_min_point_dist_: if np.sum((new_path[i - 1] - new_path[i + 1])** 2) < self.param_min_point_dist_: new_path = np.delete(new_path, i, axis=0) pre_path = np.delete(pre_path, i, axis=0) i -= 1 i += 1 diff += np.sum((new_path - pre_path)**2) print 'round: ', step, '; diff: ', diff, '; origin # of points: ', len( self.raw_path_.poses ), '; result # of points: ', new_path.shape[ 0], '; # of deleted points: ', np_path.shape[0] - new_path.shape[0] smoothed_path = Path() smoothed_path.header = make_header(self.param_map_frame_) for i in xrange(new_path.shape[0]): pose = PoseStamped() pose.pose.position.x = new_path[i][0] pose.pose.position.y = new_path[i][1] pose.pose.position.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation = angle_to_quaternion(0) smoothed_path.poses.append(pose) self.pub_smoothed_path_.publish(smoothed_path)
def get_plan(initial_pose, goal_pose, counter): # Create a publisher to publish the initial pose init_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher( INIT_POSE_TOPIC, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=1) # to publish init position x=2500, y=640 # Create a publisher to publish the goal pose goal_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher( GOAL_POSE_TOPIC, PoseStamped, queue_size=1) # create a publisher for goal pose map_img, map_info = utils.get_map(MAP_TOPIC) # Get and store the map PWCS = PoseWithCovarianceStamped( ) # create a PoseWithCovarianceStamped() msg PWCS.header.stamp = # set header timestamp value PWCS.header.frame_id = "map" # set header frame id value temp_pose = utils.map_to_world(initial_pose, map_info) # init pose PWCS.pose.pose.position.x = temp_pose[0] PWCS.pose.pose.position.y = temp_pose[1] PWCS.pose.pose.position.z = 0 PWCS.pose.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion( temp_pose[2] ) # set msg orientation to [converted to queternion] value of the yaw angle in the look ahead pose from the path print "Pubplishing Initial Pose to topic", INIT_POSE_TOPIC print "Initial ", PWCS.pose init_pose_pub.publish( PWCS ) # publish initial pose, now you can add a PoseWithCovariance with topic of "/initialpose" in rviz if counter == 0: for i in range(0, 5): init_pose_pub.publish(PWCS) rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Initial Pose Set." # raw_input("Press Enter") PS = PoseStamped() # create a PoseStamped() msg PS.header.stamp = # set header timestamp value PS.header.frame_id = "map" # set header frame id value temp_pose = utils.map_to_world(goal_pose, map_info) # init pose PS.pose.position.x = temp_pose[ 0] # set msg x position to value of the x position in the look ahead pose from the path PS.pose.position.y = temp_pose[ 1] # set msg y position to value of the y position in the look ahead pose from the path PS.pose.position.z = 0 # set msg z position to 0 since robot is on the ground PS.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(temp_pose[2]) print "Pubplishing Goal Pose to topic", GOAL_POSE_TOPIC print "\nGoal ", PS.pose goal_pose_pub.publish(PS) print "Goal Pose Set" # raw_input("Press Enter") print "\nwaiting for plan ", str(counter), "\n" raw_plan = rospy.wait_for_message(PLAN_POSE_ARRAY_TOPIC, PoseArray) print "\nPLAN COMPUTED! of type:", type(raw_plan) path_part_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/CoolPlan/plan" + str(counter), PoseArray, queue_size=1) # create a publisher for plan lookahead follower for i in range(0, 4): path_part_pub.publish(raw_plan) rospy.sleep(0.4) return raw_plan
def publish_tf(self,pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """ if stamp == None: stamp = # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code. if not self.PUBLISH_MAP_TO_ODOM: self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0],pose[1],0),tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp , "/laser", "/map") # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp) odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, it provides the "map" -> "laser" transform. However, to make this compatible with libraries such as move_base in the ROS navigation stack, we need to publish a "map" -> "odom" transform. """ if self.PUBLISH_MAP_TO_ODOM: # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array((pose[0], pose[1], 0)) map_laser_rotation = np.array(tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2])) # Get laser -> odom transform. t = self.tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime("/laser", "/odom") laser_odom_pos, laser_odom_quaternion = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform("/laser", "/odom", t) # Apply laser -> odom transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> odom transform map_laser_matrix = self.tf_listener.fromTranslationRotation(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation) laser_odom_matrix = self.tf_listener.fromTranslationRotation(laser_odom_pos, laser_odom_quaternion) map_odom_matrix =, laser_odom_matrix) map_odom_pos = map_odom_matrix[:3, 3] map_odom_rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(map_odom_matrix) # Transform tolerance is the time with which to post-date the transform that is published # to indicate that this transform is valid into the future stamp = stamp + rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.TRANSFORM_TOLERANCE) # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_odom_pos, map_odom_rotation, stamp, "/odom", "/map") return # below this line is disabled """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform. However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link" frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree. """ # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array( (pose[0],pose[1],0) ) map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]) ) # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> base_link transform laser_base_link_offset = (0.265, 0, 0) map_laser_pos -=[:3,:3], laser_base_link_offset).T # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp , "/base_link", "/map")
def publish_tf(self, pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """ if stamp == None: stamp = # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("map", stamp) odom.child_frame_id = "base_link" odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) #-------------------------- SAMUEL - added - Publish PoseWithCovariance Msg --------------------------------- if self.PUBLISH_POSE_COVARIANCE: pose_covariance = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() pose_covariance.header = Utils.make_header("map", stamp) pose_covariance.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] pose_covariance.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] pose_covariance.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion( pose[2]) # Copy in the Covariance Matrix, Converting from 3-D to 6-D temp_covariance = self.covariance_generator( self.expected_square_pose(), self.square_expected_pose()) for i in range(0, 2): for j in range(0, 2): pose_covariance.pose.covariance[6 * i + j] = temp_covariance[i][j] pose_covariance.pose.covariance[6 * 5 + 5] = temp_covariance[2][2] self.pose_covariance_pub.publish(pose_covariance) # Publishing "map -> laser" TF Transform if self.TF_MODE == 1: self.pub_tf.sendTransform( (pose[0], pose[1], 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp, "laser", "map") # Publishing "map -> base_link" TF Transform elif self.TF_MODE == 2: self.pub_tf.sendTransform( (pose[0], pose[1], 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp, "base_link", "map") # Publishing "map -> odom" TF Transform elif self.TF_MODE == 3: try: # "odom -> base" transform (odom_base_trans, odom_base_rot) = self.tfTL.lookupTransform( "odom", "base_link", rospy.Time(0)) odom_base_trans_mat = tf.transformations.translation_matrix( odom_base_trans) odom_base_rot_mat = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix( odom_base_rot) odom_base_mat =, odom_base_rot_mat) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): return # "map -> base" transform map_base_trans = [pose[0], pose[1], 0] map_base_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, pose[2]) map_base_trans_mat = tf.transformations.translation_matrix( map_base_trans) map_base_rot_mat = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix( map_base_rot) map_base_mat =, map_base_rot_mat) # "base -> map" transform base_map_mat = tf.transformations.inverse_matrix(map_base_mat) base_map_trans = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix( base_map_mat) base_map_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix( base_map_mat) # "odom -> map" transform odom_map_mat =, base_map_mat) # "map -> odom" transform map_odom_mat = tf.transformations.inverse_matrix(odom_map_mat) map_odom_trans = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix( map_odom_mat) map_odom_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix( map_odom_mat) self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_odom_trans, map_odom_rot, stamp, "odom", "map") else: print "--------------- WARNING : TF_MODE was wrongly selected ---------------" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ return # below this line is disabled """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform. However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link" frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree. """ # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array((pose[0], pose[1], 0)) map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2])) # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> base_link transform laser_base_link_offset = (0, 0, 0) map_laser_pos -= tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix( tf.transformations.unit_vector(map_laser_rotation))[:3, :3], laser_base_link_offset).T # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp, "base_link", "map")
def measurement(self, pid, pose, pub, best_err=100000.): ''' Calculate the error in path pursuit, given the PID params. In other words, check the smoothness of the pursuit process. ''' if self.trajectory.empty(): print 'no trajectory found' return self.stop() # print "Start measurement:", pid # this instructs the trajectory to convert the list of waypoints into a numpy matrix if self.trajectory.dirty(): self.trajectory.make_np_array() lookahead_point = np.ndarray(1) current_pose = deepcopy(pose) first_angle = True prev_angle = 0. int_cte = 0. diff_cte = 0. err = 0. pa = PoseArray() pa.header = utils.make_header("/map") step = 0 while isinstance(lookahead_point, np.ndarray) and err < best_err: pre_pose = current_pose # step 1 nearest_point, nearest_dist, t, i = utils.nearest_point_on_trajectory( current_pose[:2], self.trajectory.np_points) if nearest_dist < self.lookahead: # step 2 lookahead_point, i2, t2 = \ utils.first_point_on_trajectory_intersecting_circle(current_pose[:2], self.lookahead, self.trajectory.np_points, i+t, wrap=self.wrap) if i2 == None: lookahead_point = None elif nearest_dist < self.max_reacquire: lookahead_point = nearest_point else: lookahead_point = None if not isinstance(lookahead_point, np.ndarray): dist = (current_pose[0] - self.trajectory.points[-1][0])**2 + ( current_pose[1] - self.trajectory.points[-1][1])**2 if dist > self.max_reacquire**2: err += best_err + 1 # print "Cannot get the end, stopping Car" else: # print "move_point: ", current_pose steering_angle = self.determine_steering_angle( current_pose, lookahead_point) if first_angle: prev_angle = steering_angle int_cte = 0. first_angle = False diff_cte = steering_angle - prev_angle pid_angle = pid[0] * steering_angle + pid[2] * diff_cte + pid[ 1] * int_cte if np.abs(pid_angle) > self.max_angle: pid_angle = self.max_angle * np.sign(pid_angle) # TODO: Wrong! # err += np.abs(pid_angle - prev_angle) err += nearest_dist + np.abs(prev_angle - pid_angle) # print "err", err, "; angle", pid_angle, "; current_pose", current_pose int_cte += pid_angle prev_angle = pid_angle current_pose = self.move(current_pose, self.speed, pid_angle, duration=1.0) dist = (current_pose[0] - pre_pose[0])**2 + (current_pose[1] - pre_pose[1])**2 if dist < 0.001: err += (self.lookahead + 1) / (dist + 0.1) if self.isCollision(current_pose, self.map_data, self.margin): # print "collision!" err += best_err + 1 if self.viz: tmp = Pose() tmp.position.x = current_pose[0] tmp.position.y = current_pose[1] tmp.position.z = 0. tmp.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion( current_pose[2]) pa.poses.append(tmp) # if step % 30 == 0: # pub.publish(pa) if self.viz and err <= best_err: print 'Better pid params found.' pub.publish(pa) time.sleep(0.1) # print "End measurement: err", err return err
AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=1) bag_file = rospy.get_param('~bag_file') rospy.loginfo('Bag file: ' + str(bag_file)) reverse = rospy.get_param('~reverse') rospy.loginfo('Reverse: ' + str(reverse)) # Publish initial position init_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() init_pose.header.stamp = init_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' init_pose.pose.pose.position.x = 0.0 init_pose.pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 init_pose.pose.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(0.0) rospy.sleep(1) # publisher needs some time before it can publish rospy.loginfo('Publish initialpose') p_initpose.publish(init_pose) # Publish drive info r = rospy.Rate(20) bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_file) for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages( topics=['/vesc/low_level/ackermann_cmd_mux/input/teleop']): if reverse: = p_nav0.publish(msg) r.sleep() bag.close()