 def test_deposit_shock(self):
     for b, d, c, f in zip(range(5), [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], [50, 20, 15, 10, 5], [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5]):
         bank = self.banks[b]
         bank.parameters.set('depositShockFactor', f)
         assert approx_equal(d, bank.deposits, 0.0000001), "expected bank %s to have %r deposits but got %r" % (b, d, bank.deposits)
         assert approx_equal(c, bank.cash, 0.0000001), "expected bank %s to have %r cash but got %r" % (b, c, bank.cash)
     for b, d, c in zip(range(5), [9, 16, 21, 24, 25], [49, 16, 6, -6, -20]):
         bank = self.banks[b]
         assert approx_equal(d, bank.deposits, 0.0000001), "expected bank %s to have %r deposits but got %r" % (b, d, bank.deposits)
         assert approx_equal(c, bank.cash, 0.0000001), "expected bank %s to have %r cash but got %r" % (b, c, bank.cash)
 def test_banks_assets(self):
     simulator.do_economy_parameters(self.simInfo, self.pList, self.parameterDefs)
     simulator.do_bank_parameters(self.simInfo, self.pList, self.parameterDefs)
     eq_(len(self.simInfo.bankDirectory), 3, "Expected 3 banks but got %r" % len(self.simInfo.bankDirectory))
     b1 = self.simInfo.bankDirectory["bank1"]
     b2 = self.simInfo.bankDirectory["bank2"]
     e1 = self.simInfo.economyDirectory["econ1"]
     e2 = self.simInfo.economyDirectory["econ2"]
     eq_(b1.economy, e1, "expected bank1's economy to be econ1 but is %r" % b1.economy)
     eq_(b2.economy, e2, "expected bank2's economy to be econ2 but is %r" % b2.economy)
     assert simulator.check_bank_nodes(self.simInfo)
     # expect the following bank loans to be in place:
     # bank1 -> bank2, mean size 10
     # bank2 -> bank1, mean size 20
     # bank2 -> bank3, mean size 20
     # bank3 -> bank1, mean size 30
     b3 = self.simInfo.bankDirectory["bank3"]
     for bFrom, bTo, bl in zip([b1, b2, b2, b3], [b2, b1, b3, b1], [10, 20, 20, 30]):
         lending = network.bank_lending(self.simInfo, bFrom, bTo)
         assert abs(bl - lending) < 10, ("expected lending from %s to %s to be roughly %r but is %r" %
                                         (bFrom.id_, bTo.id_, bl, lending))
         borrowing = network.bank_borrowing(self.simInfo, bTo, bFrom)
         assert abs(bl - borrowing) < 10, ("expected borrowing to %s from %s to be roughly %r but is %r" %
                                           (bTo.id_, bFrom.id_, bl, borrowing))
     for b, far, cr, capR in zip([b1, b2, b3], [0.30, 0.40, 0.25], [0.1, 0.15, 0.15], [0.15, .2, .125]):
         assert approx_equal(b.total_assets(), b.total_liabilities() + b.equity_value(), .0000001), \
             "Expected %s balance sheet to balance: assets %f, liabilities %f, capital %f" % (
                 b.id_, b.total_assets(), b.total_liabilities(), b.equity_value())
         thisFar = b.financial_asset_ratio()
         thisCr = b.cash / b.total_assets()
         thisCapR = b.equity_value() / b.total_assets()
         if b.deposits > 0:   # there was no hanky panky
             assert approx_equal(far, thisFar, .0000001), ("Expected %s financial asset ratio to be %f but is %f" %
                                                         (b.id_, far, thisFar))
             assert approx_equal(cr, thisCr, .0000001), ("Expected %s cash ratio to be %f but is %f" % (b.id_, cr, thisCr))
             assert approx_equal(capR, thisCapR, .0000001), ("Expected %s capital ratio to be %f but is %f" %
                                                             (b.id_, capR, thisCapR))
             assert thisFar < far, ("Expected %s financial asset ratio to be less than %f but is %f" %  (b.id_, far, thisFar))
             assert thisCr > cr, ("Expected %s cash ratio to be greater than %f but is %f" % (b.id_, cr, thisCr))
             assert thisCapR < capR, ("Expected %s capital ratio to be less than %f but is %f" %
                                      (b.id_, capR, thisCapR))
    def test_firesale(self):
        parameterDefs = simulator.define_parameters()
        eParams = Parameters(parameterDefs)
        simInfo = SimulationInfo()

        econ = Economy(simInfo, "Economy1", eParams)
        inv = []
        holders = []
        for i in range(5):
            holders.append("holder%s" % i)
        econ.params.set('fireSaleFactor', 1.0)  # price is affected by sales
        simInfo.updateCount = 1
        for i in range(5):
            inv[0].buy(5, holders[i])
            inv[1].buy(5, holders[i])

        # one holder sells a bit of the investment
        simInfo.updateCount = 2
        q, v = inv[0].sell(1, holders[0])
        assert v < 1, "expected consideration < 1 but is %f" % v
        eq_(v, inv[0].currentPrice,
            "expected consideration equal to price but they are %f, %f" % (v, inv[0].currentPrice))
        check_asset_holding(inv[0], holders[0], quantity=4, value=4 * v, tag="fs1")
        check_asset_holding(inv[0], holders[1], quantity=5, value=5 * v, tag="fs1")
        price1 = inv[0].currentPrice

        simInfo.updateCount = 3
        q, v = inv[0].sell(3, holders[2])  # a total of 4 has now been sold
        price2 = inv[0].currentPrice
        assert price2 < price1, "expected price < %f but is %f (fs2)" % (price1, price2)
        assert approx_equal(v, price2 * q, 0.00001), "expected consideration %f but is %f (fs2)" % (price2 * q, v)

        simInfo.updateCount = 4
        inv[1].sell(4, holders[3])  # sell 4, so price should be same as inv0
        price3 = inv[1].currentPrice
        assert approx_equal(price2, price3, 0.00001), "expected price to be %f but is %f (fs3)" % (price2, price3)

        pHistory = inv[1].priceHistory
        when, price = pHistory[-1]
        eq_(4, when, "expected last item in price history to be at time 4 but got %r" % when)
        eq_(price3, price, "expected last item in price history to be price %f but got %f" % (price3, price))
    def test_reduce_inv(self):
        self.econ.params.set('fireSaleFactor', 0.0)

        investments = self.banks[0].get_investments()
        eq_(1, len(investments), "expected bank 0 to have one investment but has %r" % investments)
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 1
        # no other banks have investments in common with bank 0
        affected = self.banks[0].get_sharing_banks()
        eq_(0, len(affected), "Expected no banks to be affected but found %r (1)" % len(affected))
        iVal = self.banks[0].investment_value()
        assert approx_equal(25, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 0 to have investments of 25 but has %r (2)" % iVal

        investments = self.banks[1].get_investments()
        eq_(2, len(investments), "expected bank 1 to have 2 investments but has %r" % investments)
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 2
        affected = self.banks[1].get_sharing_banks()
        eq_(3, len(affected), "expected bank 1 to affect 3 banks but affects %r" % len(affected))
        iVal = self.banks[1].investment_value()
        assert approx_equal(10, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 1 to have investments of 10 but has %r (2)" % iVal
    def test_banks_liabilities(self):
        simulator.do_economy_parameters(self.simInfo, self.pList, self.parameterDefs)
        simulator.do_bank_parameters(self.simInfo, self.pList, self.parameterDefs)
        self.simInfo.theParameters.set('balanceSheetMethod', 'liabilities')
        b1 = self.simInfo.bankDirectory["bank1"]
        b2 = self.simInfo.bankDirectory["bank2"]
        # expect the following bank loans to be in place:
        # bank1 -> bank2, mean size 10
        # bank2 -> bank1, mean size 20
        # bank2 -> bank3, mean size 20
        # bank3 -> bank1, mean size 30
        b3 = self.simInfo.bankDirectory["bank3"]

        for b, capR, flr, cr in zip([b1, b2, b3], [0.15, .2, .125], [0.7, 0.2, 0.7],
                                    [0.1, 0.15, 0.15]):
            assert approx_equal(b.total_assets(), b.total_liabilities() + b.equity_value(), .0000001), \
                "Expected %s balance sheet to balance: assets %f, liabilities %f, capital %f" % (
                    b.id_, b.total_assets(), b.total_liabilities(), b.equity_value())
            thisCapR = b.equity_value() / b.total_assets()
            thisFlr = b.financial_liability_ratio()
            thisCr = b.cash / b.total_assets()
            thisInv = b.investment_value()
            if thisInv > 0:  # no hanky panky
                assert approx_equal(capR, thisCapR, .0000001), ("Expected %s capital ratio to be %f but is %f" %
                                                                                                        (b.id_, capR, thisCapR))
                assert approx_equal(flr, thisFlr, .0000001), ("Expected %s financial liability ratio to be %f but is %f" %
                                                              (b.id_, flr, thisFlr))
                assert approx_equal(cr, thisCr, .0000001), ("Expected %s cash ratio to be %f but is %f" % (b.id_, cr, thisCr))
                assert thisCapR < capR, ("Expected %s capital ratio to be less than %f but is %f" %
                                         (b.id_, capR, thisCapR))
                assert thisFlr < flr, ("Expected %s financial liability ratio to be less than %f but is %f" %
                                       (b.id_, flr, thisFlr))
                assert thisCr < cr, ("Expected %s cash ratio to be less than %f but is %f" % (b.id_, cr, thisCr))
    def test_default_bank(self):

        self.banks[1].cash = -10
        # this sends it insolvent
        # with assets 20 and liabilities 21
        prop = 20.0 / 21.0

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 2
        affected = network.do_default_loans(self.simInfo, self.banks[1], prop)

        eq_(1, len(affected), "1 bank should be affected, but %r are" % len(affected))
        assert self.banks[0] in affected, "Bank 0 should be affected but isn't"
        # 0 had lent 1 1, and borrowed 10
        # orig bank lending and borrowing:
        # lending:   0  10, 1 10, 2 20, 3 30, 4 40
        # borrowing: 0 100, 1  1, 2  2, 3  3, 4  4
        bl = network.bank_lending(self.simInfo, self.banks[1])
        assert approx_equal(10, bl, 0.0000001), "Bank %r lending should be %r but is %r (def1)" % (0, 10, bl)
        # the lending has been netted off...
        bl = network.bank_borrowing(self.simInfo, (self.banks[1]))
        assert approx_equal(prop, bl, 0.0000001), "Bank %r lending should be %r but is %r (def2)" % (0, prop, bl)

        eq_(1, len(affected), "1 banks should be affected, but %r are" % len(affected))
    def test_update1(self):
        self.econ.params.set('targetCashProportion', 0.0)
        self.econ.params.set('assetSalesFactor', 1.0)

        self.banks[0].cash = -10
        assert not self.banks[0].solvent, "expected bank to be insolvent!! (up1)"
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 1
        affected, ratio = self.banks[0].update()
        # assets = 50 (with -10 cash), liabilities 110
        # so liabilities reduced to 5/11 of original
        prop = 5.0 / 11.0

        # it has borrowed from 4 other banks...
        eq_(4, len(affected), "Expected 4 banks to be affected but found %r (up1)" % len(affected))
        for b, bl in zip([1, 2, 3, 4], [10, 20, 30, 40]):
            lHistory = self.banks[0].borrowingHistory[self.banks[b]]
            thisB = self.banks[b].id_
            # expect 2 entries in each history, one from when the loan was set up and one from the update
            eq_(2, len(lHistory), "expected 2 entries in the loan history for %s but got %r" % (thisB, len(lHistory)))
            when, amount = lHistory[1]  # last entry
            eq_(1, when, "expected last entry in loan history for %s to be 1, but was %r" % (thisB, when))
            assert approx_equal(amount, prop * bl,
                                0.0000001), "expected last loan history amount for %s to be %f, but got %f" % (
                thisB, prop * bl, amount)
            when, amount = lHistory[0]  # first entry
            eq_(0, when, "expected first entry in loan history for %s to be 0, but was %r" % (thisB, when))
            assert approx_equal(amount, bl,
                                0.00000001), "expected first loan history amount for %s to be %f, but got %f" % (
                thisB, bl, amount)

        # Insolvent, so nothing is done about its liquidity
        iVal = self.banks[0].investment_value()
        assert approx_equal(50, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 0 to have investments of 50 but has %r (up1)" % iVal
        assert approx_equal(-10, self.banks[0].cash,
                            "expected bank 0 to have -10 cash but has %f (up1)" % self.banks[0].cash)
        # but it should have defaulted on its liabilities
        dHistory = self.banks[0].defaultHistory
        eq_(len(dHistory), 1, "expected an entry in the default history but got %r" % len(dHistory))

        liabilities = self.banks[0].total_liabilities()
        assert approx_equal(50, liabilities, .0000001), "Expected total liabilities to be 50 but got %f" % liabilities
        deposits = self.banks[0].deposits
        assert approx_equal(prop * 10, deposits, .00000001), "Expected deposits to be %f but got %f" % (prop * 10, deposits)
        capital = self.banks[0].equity_value()
        assert approx_equal(0, capital, 0.00000001), "Expected zero capital but got %f" % capital

        # it has been updated, so should have a history entry
        hLen = len(self.banks[0].stateHistory)
        eq_(hLen, 1, "expected 1 entry in state history but got %r" % hLen)
文件: base.py 项目: wmdydxr/FAU
    def train(self):

        # saver
        self.logger.info('Initialize saver ...')
        train_saver = Saver(self.sess, tf.global_variables(),
        merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.cfg.log_dir, self.sess.graph)
        # initialize weights
        self.logger.info('Initialize all variables ...')
            tf.variables_initializer(tf.global_variables(), name='init'))

        self.logger.info('Start training ...')
        start_itr = self.cur_epoch * self.itr_per_epoch + 1
        end_itr = self.itr_per_epoch * self.cfg.end_epoch + 1
        for itr in range(start_itr, end_itr):

            self.cur_epoch = itr // self.itr_per_epoch
            setproctitle.setproctitle('train epoch:' + str(self.cur_epoch))

            cur_lr = get_lr(self.cur_epoch)
            if not approx_equal(cur_lr, self.lr_eval):
                print(self.lr_eval, cur_lr)
                self.sess.run(tf.assign(self.lr, cur_lr))

            # input data
            feed_dict = self.next_feed()

            # train one step
            _, self.lr_eval, *summary_res = self.sess.run(
                [self.graph_ops[0], self.lr, *self.summary_dict.values()],

            if (itr % 1 == 0):
                result = self.sess.run(merged, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                writer.add_summary(result, itr)

            itr_summary = dict()
            for i, k in enumerate(self.summary_dict.keys()):
                itr_summary[k] = summary_res[i]

            screen = [
                'Epoch %d itr %d/%d:' %
                (self.cur_epoch, itr, self.itr_per_epoch),
                'lr: %g' % (self.lr_eval),
                'speed: %.2f(%.2fs r%.2f)s/itr' %
                (self.tot_timer.average_time, self.gpu_timer.average_time,
                '%.2fh/epoch' %
                (self.tot_timer.average_time / 3600. * self.itr_per_epoch),
                ' '.join(
                    map(lambda x: '%s: %.4f' % (x[0], x[1]),

            if itr % self.cfg.display == 0:
                self.logger.info(' '.join(screen))

            if itr % self.itr_per_epoch == 0:

    def test_lending(self):

        #  check individual loans between the banks in both directions
        for b, l, factor in zip(range(5), [10, 10, 20, 30, 40], [.5, 0, .1, .6, .8]):
            thisBank = self.banks[b]
            thisBank.parameters.set('loanShockFactor', factor)
            # used later...

            bl = network.bank_lending(self.simInfo, self.banks[b])
            eq_(l, bl, "Bank %r lending should be %r but is %r (mat1)" % (b, l, bl))
            if b != 0:
                lHistory0 = self.banks[0].borrowingHistory[thisBank]
                # should have only initial setup in
                eq_(len(lHistory0), 1,
                    "expected loan history from %r to 0 to have 1 entry but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory0)))
                when, amount = lHistory0[0]
                eq_(when, 0, "expected last loan history item from %r to 0 to be at time 0 but got %r" % (b, when))
                eq_(amount, l,
                    "expected last loan history item from %r to 0 to be amount %r but got %r" % (b, l, amount))
        for b, l in zip(range(5), [100, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
            thisBank = self.banks[b]
            bl = network.bank_borrowing(self.simInfo, self.banks[b])
            eq_(l, bl, "Bank %r borrowing should be %r but is %r (mat2)" % (b, l, bl))
            lHistory = thisBank.borrowingHistory
            if b == 0:
                eq_(len(lHistory), 4, "expected loan history for %r to have length 4 but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory)))
                eq_(len(lHistory), 1, "expected loan history for %r to have length 1 but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory)))
                lHistory0 = lHistory[self.banks[0]]
                eq_(len(lHistory0), 1,
                    "expected loan history from 0 to %r to have 1 entry but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory0)))
                when, amount = lHistory0[0]
                eq_(when, 0, "expected last loan history item from 0 to %r to be at time 0 but got %r" % (b, when))
                eq_(amount, l,
                    "expected last loan history item from 0 to %r to be amount %r but got %r" % (b, l, amount))

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 2
        for bank in self.banks:

        for b, l in zip(range(5), [4.8, 5, 10, 15, 20]):
            thisBank = self.banks[b]
            bl = network.bank_lending(self.simInfo, self.banks[b])
            assert approx_equal(l, bl, 0.000001), "Bank %r lending should be %r but is %r (mat3)" % (b, l, bl)
            if b != 0:
                lHistory0 = self.banks[0].borrowingHistory[thisBank]
                # should have initial setup plus loan maturities
                eq_(len(lHistory0), 2,
                    "expected loan history from %r to 0 to have 2 entries but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory0)))
                when, amount = lHistory0[1]
                eq_(when, 2, "expected last loan history item from %r to 0 to be at time 2 but got %r" % (b, when))
                eq_(amount, l,
                    "expected last loan history item from %r to 0 to be amount %r but got %r" % (b, l, amount))

        for b, l in zip(range(5), [50, 1, 1.8, 1.2, .8]):
            thisBank = self.banks[b]
            bl = network.bank_borrowing(self.simInfo, self.banks[b])
            assert approx_equal(l, bl, 0.0000001), "Bank %r borrowing should be %r but is %r (mat4)" % (b, l, bl)
            lHistory = thisBank.borrowingHistory
            if b == 0:
                eq_(len(lHistory), 4, "expected loan history for %r to have length 4 but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory)))
                eq_(len(lHistory), 1, "expected loan history for %r to have length 1 but got %r" % (b, len(lHistory)))
                lHistory0 = lHistory[self.banks[0]]  # history of borrowing from bank0
                if b == 1:
                    # factor for bank 1 is 0, so nothing happens
                    lhLen = 1
                    lhWhen = 0
                    lhLen = 2
                    lhWhen = 2
                eq_(len(lHistory0), lhLen,
                    "expected loan history from 0 to %r to have %r entries but got %r" % (b, lhLen, len(lHistory0)))
                when, amount = lHistory0[lhLen - 1]
                eq_(when, lhWhen,
                    "expected last loan history item from 0 to %r to be at time %s but got %r" % (b, lhWhen, when))
                assert approx_equal(amount, l, 0.0000001), (
                    "expected last loan history item from 0 to %r to be amount %r but got %r" % (
                    b, l, amount))

        # orig cash: 50 20 15 10 5
        for b, l in zip(range(5), [5.2, 25, 24.8, 23.2, 21.8]):
            bank = self.banks[b]
            bl = bank.cash
            assert approx_equal(l, bl, 0.0000001), "Bank %r cash should be %r but is %r (mat5)" % (b, l, bl)

        # orig liabilities: 110, 21, 32, 43, 54
        for b, l in zip(range(5), [60, 21, 31.8, 41.2, 50.8]):
            bank = self.banks[b]
            bl = bank.total_liabilities()
            eq_(l, bl, "Bank %r liabilities should be %r but is %r (mat6)" % (b, l, bl))

        # orig assets: 110, 50, 75, 70, 125
        for b, l in zip(range(5), [60, 50, 74.8, 68.2, 121.8]):
            bank = self.banks[b]
            bl = bank.total_assets()
            eq_(l, bl, "Bank %r assets should be %r but is %r (mat7)" % (b, l, bl))

        # equity value hasn't changed, as loans have just been swapped for cash
        for b, l in zip(range(5), [0, 29, 43, 27, 71]):
            bank = self.banks[b]
            bl = bank.equity_value()
            eq_(l, bl, "Bank %r equity should be %r but is %r (mat8)" % (b, l, bl))
    def test_liquidise(self):
        self.econ.params.set('fireSaleFactor', 0.0)

        self.banks[0].cash = -10
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 3
        affected = self.banks[0].liquidise(0.0, 1.0)
        # Should have needed to sell off 10 in investments
        eq_(0, len(affected), "Expected no banks to be affected but found %r (liq1)" % len(affected))
        iVal = self.banks[0].investment_value()
        bCash = self.banks[0].cash
        assert approx_equal(40, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 0 to have investments of 40 but has %r (liq1)" % iVal
        assert approx_equal(0, bCash, 0.000001), "expected bank 0 to have zero cash but has %f (liq1)" % bCash

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 5
        affected = self.banks[4].liquidise(.1, 1.0)
        # should take investments down to 72.5
        eq_(3, len(affected), "Expected 3 banks to be affected but found %r (liq2)" % len(affected))
        iVal = self.banks[4].investment_value()
        bCash = self.banks[4].cash
        assert approx_equal(72.5, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 4 to have investments of 72.5 but has %r (liq2)" % iVal
        assert approx_equal(12.5, bCash, 0.000001), "expected bank 4 to have 12.5 cash but has %f (liq2)" % bCash

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 6
        affected = self.banks[2].liquidise(0, 1.0)
        # should have no effect
        eq_(0, len(affected), "Expected no banks to be affected but found %r (liq3)" % len(affected))
        iVal = self.banks[2].investment_value()
        bCash = self.banks[2].cash
        assert approx_equal(40, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 2 to have investments of 40 but has %r (liq3)" % iVal
        assert approx_equal(15, bCash, 0.000001), "expected bank 2 to have 15 cash but has %f (liq3)" % bCash

        self.banks[2].cash = -10  # takes actual assets to 60, net assets to 50
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 7
        affected = self.banks[2].liquidise(0.1, 1.0)
        # should end up with 6 cash, having sold 16 investments
        eq_(3, len(affected), "Expected 3 banks to be affected but found %r (liq4)" % len(affected))
        iVal = self.banks[2].investment_value()
        bCash = self.banks[2].cash
        assert approx_equal(24, iVal, 0.00001), "expected bank 2 to have investments of 24 but has %r (liq4)" % iVal
        assert approx_equal(6, bCash, 0.0000001), "expected bank 2 to have 6 cash but has %f (liq4)" % bCash

        # we expect to run out of investments on this one
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 8
        affected = self.banks[1].liquidise(0.9, 1.0)
        ta = self.banks[1].total_assets()
        iv = self.banks[1].investment_value()
        bCash = self.banks[1].cash
        assert bCash < 0.9 * ta, "expected less than %f cash, but got %f" % (0.9 * ta, bCash)
        assert approx_equal(0, iv, 0.00001), "expected zero investments but got %f" % iv
        eq_(3, len(affected), "expected 3 banks to be affected but got %r (liq4.5)" % len(affected))
        affected = self.banks[1].get_sharing_banks()
        eq_(0, len(affected), "expected 0 sharing banks  but got %r (liq4.5)" % len(affected))

        self.econ.params.set('fireSaleFactor', 1.0)  # price falls on sales
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 9
        self.banks[3].liquidise(0.2, 1.1)
        # total assets will fall, because of sales
        ta = self.banks[3].total_assets()
        bCash = self.banks[3].cash
        assert ta < 70, "expected total assets < 70 but is %f (liq5)" % ta
        assert bCash >= 0.2 * ta, "expected cash >= %f but is %f (liq5)" % (0.2 * ta, bCash)