def line_up_colinears(lines):
	Makes lines that are approximately colinear, colinear
	:param lines: list of lines
	#TODO: this only handles the case of two colinear lines.  It could occur with more
	if not lines:
	o = lines[0].orien
	_range = lines[-1].pos[o] - lines[0].pos[o]
	thresh = _range / 500.0 + 5  # TODO: play with this.  depends on skew estimate
	for idx in xrange(len(lines) - 1):
		cur_line = lines[idx]
		next_line = lines[idx + 1]
		diff = next_line.pos[o] - cur_line.pos[o] 
		if diff < thresh:
			# check that they don't overlap
			if not utils.are_overlapping([cur_line.length_range(), next_line.length_range()]):
				# average the positions
				#print "Colinear"
				#print cur_line
				#print next_line
				val = (next_line.pos[o] + cur_line.pos[o]) / 2
				tmp = list(next_line.pos)
				tmp[o] = val
				next_line.pos = tuple(tmp)
				tmp = list(cur_line.pos)
				tmp[o] = val
				cur_line.pos = tuple(tmp)
        def test():
                bbox = generate_background_bbox(image_shape, bbox_shape,
            except RuntimeError:

            for existing_bbox in existing_bboxes:
                self.assertFalse(are_overlapping(bbox, existing_bbox))
	def match_cost_type(self, i, j):
		line1 = self.lines1[i-1]
		line2 = self.lines2[j-1]
		o = line1.orien
		pos_offset = self.global_offsets[i-1][j-1]
		len_ratio = max(line1.length / float(line2.length), line2.length / float(line1.length))

		# calculate distance and offset
		if pos_offset:
			dist = abs(line1.pos[o] - line2.pos[o] - pos_offset[o])
			offset = abs(line1.pos[1-o] - line2.pos[1-o] - pos_offset[1-o])
			dist = abs(line1.pos[o] - line2.pos[o])
			offset = abs(line1.pos[1-o] - line2.pos[1-o])
			if len_ratio < self.LEN_RATIO_THRESH:
				# small penaly for large divergence
				return (dist + offset) * line1.count, self.PERFECT
				return self.NO_MATCH_COST, self.NO_MATCH

		# anything not the proper distance away is not considered
		if dist > self.dist_thresh:
			return self.NO_MATCH_COST, self.NO_MATCH

		if offset < self.offset_thresh and len_ratio < self.LEN_RATIO_THRESH:
			return 0, self.PERFECT

		line1_range = line1.length_range()
		line2_range = line2.length_range(offset=pos_offset[1-o])
		if utils.range_contains(line1_range, line2_range):
			return self.contains_cost(line2, line1), self.CONTAINS2

		if utils.range_contains(line2_range, line1_range):
			return self.contains_cost(line1, line2), self.CONTAINS1

		if utils.are_overlapping([line1_range, line2_range]):
			return self.overlap_cost(line1, line2, pos_offset), self.OVERLAP

		# in the case of similarly spaced lines, slight bias toward COFRAG over DEL1/DEL2 pair
		return self.cofrag_cost(line1, line2), self.COFRAG
	def connect1_cost(self, i, j):
		Assumes line i and line j are labeled as overlapping by self.match_cost_type(i, j)
		:return: marginal cost of assuming that line i connects line j and line j-1
		if j == 1:
			return self.NO_MATCH_COST, self.NO_MATCH
		line1 = self.lines1[i-1]
		line21 = self.lines2[j-1]
		line22 = self.lines2[j-2]

		offset = self.global_offsets[i-1][j-2]
		if offset is None:
			offset = (0, 0)
		o = line1.orien
		r1 = line1.length_range()
		r21 = line21.length_range(offset=offset[1-o])
		r22 = line22.length_range(offset=offset[1-o])
		if self.are_colinear(line21, line22) and utils.are_overlapping([r1, r21, r22]):
			return self.connect_cost(line1, line21, line22, offset), self.CONNECT1
			return self.NO_MATCH_COST, self.NO_MATCH
	def connect2_cost(self, i, j):
		Assumes line i and line j are labeled as overlapping by self.match_cost_type(i, j)
		:return: marginal cost of assuming that line j connects line i and line i-1
		if i == 1:
			return self.NO_MATCH_COST, self.NO_MATCH
		line2 = self.lines2[j-1]
		line11 = self.lines1[i-1]
		line12 = self.lines1[i-2]

		offset = self.global_offsets[i-2][j-1]
		if offset is None:
			offset = (0, 0)
		o = line2.orien

		r2 = line2.length_range(offset=offset[1-o])
		r11 = line11.length_range()
		r12 = line12.length_range()

		if self.are_colinear(line11, line12) and utils.are_overlapping([r2, r11, r12]):
			return self.connect_cost(line2, line11, line12, utils.tup_scale(offset, -1)), self.CONNECT2
			return self.NO_MATCH_COST, self.NO_MATCH
 def test_are_overlapping(self):
     # Bounding box is represented by a list
     # in the form [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]
     self.assertTrue(are_overlapping([2, 1, 7, 6], [5, 4, 11, 8]))
     self.assertFalse(are_overlapping([2, 1, 7, 6], [8, 6, 13, 9]))