def Session_factory(): engine = models.create_engine_from_config( utils.balaio_config_from_env()) models.Session.configure(bind=engine) return models.Session
All filenames prefixed with `_` are identified as special packages and are ignored by the system. """ filepath = event.pathname if not os.path.basename(filepath).startswith("_"): if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filepath):"Invalid zipfile: %s" % filepath) return None self.monitor.trigger_event(filepath) if __name__ == "__main__": # App bootstrapping: # Setting up the app configuration, logging and SqlAlchemy Session. config = utils.balaio_config_from_env() utils.setup_logging() models.Session.configure(bind=models.create_engine_from_config(config)) # Setting up PyInotify event watcher. wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() handler = EventHandler(config=config) notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, handler) wm.add_watch( config.get("monitor", "watch_path").split(","), mask, rec=config.getboolean("monitor", "recursive"), auto_add=config.getboolean("monitor", "recursive"), )
# setting up the required environment variables setenv('BALAIO_SETTINGS_FILE', args.configfile) if args.alembic_configfile: setenv('BALAIO_ALEMBIC_SETTINGS_FILE', args.alembic_configfile) activity = args.activity if activity == 'syncdb': # Creates all database basic structure including # Alembic's migration bootstrapping. if not args.alembic_configfile: sys.exit('%s: error: argument --alembic-config is required' % __file__)'The database infrastructure will be created') config = utils.balaio_config_from_env() engine = models.create_engine_from_config(config) models.init_database(engine) print 'Done. All databases had been created' sys.exit(0) elif activity == 'shell': # Places de user on an interactive shell, with a # pre-configured Session object. local_scope = {} def Session_factory(): engine = models.create_engine_from_config( utils.balaio_config_from_env()) models.Session.configure(bind=engine)