def detect_api(): print('detect Called') msg = 'Sucess' queue = -1 try: JOIN = JOIN_ if request.method == 'POST': global jsons queue = str(getqueue()) addr = request.remote_addr print("[{}] Remote addr: {}, Queue: {}".format(NOW(), addr, queue)) upload_path = os.path.join(config.upload_path, addr) utils.checkDir(upload_path) for f in request.files.getlist('files'): print("[{}] HANDLING IMAGE: {}".format(NOW(), f.filename)) filename = JOIN(upload_path, secure_filename(f.filename)) timer = time() h, w, dets = detect_by_path(filename) check_results(h, w, dets, queue) print("[+] SSD Detection time: {}".format(time() - timer)) print("[{}] Save result of {}".format(NOW(), f.filename)) except Exception as e: print(e) msg = 'INTERNAL ERROR' return jsonify({'queue': queue})
def generate(request): catalogs=Catalogs.objects.all() lastExcutetime=ExcuteTime.objects.get(pk=1) xmlfileList=[] patents=Patent.objects.filter(updateTime__gt=lastExcutetime.excuteTime).values() # patents=Patent.objects.values() impl=xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() i=0 for patent in patents: dom=impl.createDocument(None,'patent',None) root=dom.documentElement filename=os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,'output',now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H'),'p'+str(i)+'.xml') d=checkDir(filename) for k,v in patent.iteritems(): if k == 'updateTime' or k == 'id' : continue if k == 'classid_id': v=Catalogs.objects.get(pk=v).name k=u'classid' if k in ('patent_pic2file','patent_pic1file'): if v: shutil.copy(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,v),d) v=os.path.basename(v) item=makeEasyTag(dom,k,v) root.appendChild(item) i=i+1 f=file(filename,'w') writer=codecs.lookup('utf8')[3](f) dom.writexml(writer,encoding='utf-8',newl='\r\n') xmlfileList.append(filename) lastExcutetime.excuteTime=now return render_to_response("input/gen.html",add_csrf(request,xmls=xmlfileList,catalogs=catalogs))
def main(species, abundances={}, out_pref=None, constraints='european', diet="HighFiber", max_iters=10, cobraonly=False, with_essential=False): #model_file_template = "%s/%%s.xml" % (SBML_DIR) # start with the default 0.01 for all species for s in species: if s not in abundances: abundances[s] = 0.01 #count = 0.0 SpeciesDict = {} for s in species: #model_file = model_file_template % (s) model_file = "%s/%s.xml" % (SBML_Dict[constraints], s) if not os.path.isfile(model_file): #print("%s doesn't exist. copying it from %s" % (model_file, ALL_SBML_DIR)) print("%s doesn't exist. using it from %s" % (model_file, ALL_SBML_DIR[constraints])) model_file = "%s/%s.xml" % (ALL_SBML_DIR[constraints], s) SpeciesDict[s] = { 'File': model_file, 'initAbundance': abundances[s], 'orig_name': s } #count += 1 out_file_pref = "%s%dmodels-%s-%s-%diters-" % ( out_pref, len(species), constraints, diet, max_iters) out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file_pref) utils.checkDir(out_dir) simulate_models(species, SpeciesDict, diet=diet, out_file_pref=out_file_pref, max_iters=max_iters, cobraonly=cobraonly, with_essential=with_essential)
def main(verbose): samples = ['mg_pp_hh', 'py8_pp_minbias'] samples += ['mg_pp_tth'] #samples = ['py8_pp_minbias'] pileups = [0, 200, 1000] pileups = [0, 1000] trackBranchNames = [ "TruthTrack", "Track", "PBMatchedTracks", "TracksFromHit30", "SmearedTracksFromHits", "PBMatchedHitTracks", ] trackPlots = [ "track1Pt", "track2Pt", "track3Pt", "track4Pt", "electron1Pt", "muon1Pt", "lepton1Pt", ] jetBranchNames = [ 'TruthTrackJets', 'SmearedTrackJets', 'PBMatchedTrackJets', 'TruthHitTrackJets', 'SmearedHitTrackJets', 'PBMatchedHitTrackJets', ] jetPlots = [ "jet1Pt", "jet2Pt", "jet3Pt", "jet4Pt", "jet5Pt", "jet6Pt", ] # signal acceptances for things from hits plotSignalAcceptances(1000, ['SmearedTracksFromHits', 'PBMatchedHitTracks'], True) plotSignalAcceptances(1000, ['SmearedHitTrackJets', 'PBMatchedHitTrackJets'], False) # signal acceptances for things from delphes objects plotSignalAcceptances(1000, ['Track', 'PBMatchedTracks'], True) plotSignalAcceptances(1000, ['SmearedTrackJets', 'PBMatchedTrackJets'], False) #return # signal acceptances for things from hits plotSignalAcceptances(0, ['SmearedTracksFromHits', 'PBMatchedHitTracks'], True) plotSignalAcceptances(0, ['SmearedHitTrackJets', 'PBMatchedHitTrackJets'], False) # signal acceptances for things from delphes objects plotSignalAcceptances(0, ['TruthTrack', 'Track'], True) plotSignalAcceptances(0, ['Track', 'PBMatchedTracks'], True) plotSignalAcceptances(0, ['SmearedTrackJets', 'PBMatchedTrackJets'], False) can = TCanvas("can", "can", 500, 500) for sample in samples: print 'Plotting for sample', sample for pileup in pileups: print '\tPlotting for pileup', pileup iFileName = INPUT_DIR + '{0}_pu{1}.root'.format(sample, pileup) iFile = TFile.Open(iFileName) plotDict = {} outputBaseDir = OUTPUD_BASE_DIR + '/{0}_pu{1}/'.format( sample, pileup) checkDir(outputBaseDir) for branch in trackBranchNames + jetBranchNames: print '\t\tPlotting for branch', branch outputDir = outputBaseDir + appendSlash(branch) checkDir(outputDir) plotDict[branch] = {} if branch in trackBranchNames: plotList = trackPlots else: plotList = jetPlots for plot in plotList: histoName = branch + "_" + plot print 'plotting', histoName h0 = iFile.Get(histoName) xTitle = plot.replace('track', 'Track ').replace( 'jet', 'Track Jet ').replace('Pt', ' p_{T}') #print xTitle h0.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle + " [GeV]") h0.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of events") h0.Draw() nbins = h0.GetNbinsX() #print h0.Integral() #print h0.Integral(1, nbins) #print h0.Integral(1, nbins+1) # should include overflow #print '' # plot acceptance can.SaveAs(outputDir + plot + ".pdf") #acceptance = h0.GetCumulative(False) acceptance = getReverseCumulativeHisto(h0) xaxis = acceptance.GetXaxis() yaxis = acceptance.GetYaxis() xaxis.SetTitle(xTitle + " [GeV]") yaxis.SetTitle("Acceptance") if 'jet' in branch.lower(): xaxis.SetRangeUser(200, 600) else: xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 100) #acceptance.DrawNormalized() acceptance.Draw() can.SaveAs(outputDir + "acceptance_" + plot + ".pdf") efficiency = h0.GetCumulative(True) #efficiency.DrawNormalized() #efficiency.DrawNormalized() #can.SaveAs(outputDir+"efficiency_"+plot+".pdf") plotDict[branch][plot] = { 'efficiency': efficiency, 'acceptance': acceptance } #print plotDict # plot trigger rates (for minbias) in the different scenarios s1 = { #"TruthTrack", "Track": { 'marker': 20, 'colour':, 'leg': 'All tracks' }, "PBMatchedTracks": { 'marker': 23, 'colour':, 'leg': 'Tracks from PB' } } s2 = { 'SmearedTrackJets': { 'marker': 20, 'colour':, 'leg': 'All tracks' }, 'PBMatchedTrackJets': { 'marker': 23, 'colour':, 'leg': 'Tracks from PB' } } s3 = { 'SmearedHitTrackJets': { 'marker': 20, 'colour':, 'leg': 'All tracks' }, 'PBMatchedHitTrackJets': { 'marker': 23, 'colour':, 'leg': 'Tracks from PB' } } s4 = { 'SmearedTracksFromHits': { 'marker': 20, 'colour':, 'leg': 'All tracks' }, 'PBMatchedHitTracks': { 'marker': 23, 'colour':, 'leg': 'Tracks from PB' } } s00 = [ "TracksFromHit30", "SmearedTracksFromHits", "PBMatchedHitTracks", ] ############################ # Make plots of trigger rate ############################ makeRatePlot(s1, True, outputBaseDir, plotDict, sample, pileup) makeRatePlot(s2, False, outputBaseDir, plotDict, sample, pileup) makeRatePlot(s3, False, outputBaseDir, plotDict, sample, pileup) makeRatePlot(s4, True, outputBaseDir, plotDict, sample, pileup)
def makeRatePlot(scenarioSet, doTrack, outputBaseDir, plotDict, sample, pileup): gStyle.SetGridStyle(3) gStyle.SetGridColor(kGray) can = TCanvas("can3", "", 500, 500) can.SetGrid() can.SetLogy() #can.SetLogx() # scenario set contains the "nominal" objects and the PB matched objects outputDir = outputBaseDir + "Rates/" checkDir(outputDir) outputDir = outputDir + scenarioSet.keys()[0] + '/' checkDir(outputDir) plots = plotDict[scenarioSet.keys()[0]].keys() for plot in plots: pCounter = 0 #leg = prepareLegend('topRight') if doTrack: #leg = TLegend(0.55, 0.55, 0.8, 0.70) # legend for modified boarders leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.65, 0.9, 0.80) else: leg = TLegend(0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.70) leg.SetTextSize(TEXT_SIZE) for scenario in scenarioSet.keys(): # get style dict style = scenarioSet[scenario] # scale to trigger rate rate = plotDict[scenario][plot]['acceptance'] titleInfo = sampleInfo[sample] rate.Scale( 40 * 1e3 ) # scale to 40 MHz (appropriate for minbias, not for other samples) rate.SetTitleSize(TITLE_SIZE, 'X') rate.SetLabelSize(TITLE_SIZE, 'X') rate.SetTitleSize(TITLE_SIZE, 'Y') rate.SetLabelSize(TITLE_SIZE, 'Y') # style #rate.SetTitle("{0} #LT#mu#GT = {1}".format(titleInfo['title'], pileup)) xaxis = rate.GetXaxis() yaxis = rate.GetYaxis() yaxis.SetTitle('Rate [kHz]') rate.SetMinimum(300) # settings for larger font xaxis.SetNdivisions(5, 5, 0) xaxis.SetTitleOffset(X_AXIS_OFFSET) yaxis.SetTitleOffset(Y_AXIS_OFFSET) if doTrack: xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 175) if '1Pt' in plot: xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 175) if '2Pt' in plot: xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 150) if '3Pt' in plot: xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 70) if '4Pt' in plot: xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 50) myText(0.65, 0.90, '#sqrt{s} = 100 TeV', TEXT_SIZE) myText(0.65, 0.85, '{0}'.format(titleInfo['title']), TEXT_SIZE) myText(0.65, 0.80, "#LT#mu#GT = {0}".format(pileup), TEXT_SIZE) else: myText(0.3, 0.80, '#sqrt{s} = 100 TeV', TEXT_SIZE) myText(0.3, 0.75, '{0}'.format(titleInfo['title']), TEXT_SIZE) myText(0.3, 0.70, "#LT#mu#GT = {0}".format(pileup), TEXT_SIZE) xaxis.SetRangeUser(X_MIN, 300) rate.SetMarkerStyle(style['marker']) rate.SetMarkerColor(style['colour']) rate.SetLineColor(style['colour']) if pCounter == 0: rate.Draw() #elif 'jet' in plot: # only draw PU supressed for jet histograms else: rate.Draw('same') pCounter += 1 leg.AddEntry(rate, style['leg'], 'lp') leg.Draw() can.SaveAs(outputDir + 'rate_{0}.pdf'.format(plot))
def main(inputFile, outputDirBase): outputDirBase = appendSlash(outputDirBase) checkDir(outputDirBase) # open file iFile = TFile.Open(inputFile) ptRanges = [ #[0,2], [2, 5], [6, 10], [11, 30], [31, 50] ] etaRanges = [[0, 0.2], [0.2, 0.4], [0.4, 0.8], [0.8, 1.0], [1.0, 1.2], [1.2, 1.4], [1.4, 1.6], [1.6, 1.8], [1.8, 2.0]] parameters = { 'ptRes': { 'title': 'p_{T} resolution', 'units': '', 'label': '#deltap_{T}/p_{T}' }, 'z0Res': { 'title': 'z0 resolution', 'units': '[mm]', 'label': '#deltaz_{0}' }, 'ptResRaw': { 'title': 'p_{T} resolution', 'units': '[GeV]', 'label': '#deltap_{T}' }, #'d0Res' : {'title' : 'd0 resolution' , 'units' : '[mm]', 'label': '#deltad_{0}'}, ##'phiRes' : {'title' : '#phi resolution', 'units' : '[deg]', 'label' : '#delta#phi'}, ##'CtgThetaRes': {'title' : 'cot(#theta) resolution', 'units' : '', 'label' : '#deltacot(#theta)'}, } branchNames = [ #"TruthTrack", "Track", #"PBMatchedTracks", "TracksFromHit30", "SmearedTracksFromHits", #"PBMatchedHitTracks", ] for branch in branchNames: outputDir = appendSlash(outputDirBase + branch) checkDir(outputDir) for par in parameters.keys(): ############################################## # Make 1d resolution plot across all eta range ############################################## basicCan = TCanvas(branch + par + "basicCan", "", 500, 500) basicRes = iFile.Get(branch + '_' + par) basicRes.Fit( "gaus", "MQ" ) # M: "improve fit", Q: "quiet" (no printing), O: "Don't draw fit or histo theFit = basicRes.GetFunction("gaus") basicCan.SetLogy() basicRes.Draw() theFit.Draw('same') basicCan.SaveAs(outputDir + par + '_basic.pdf') ########################################################## # Make proper resolution plots in pT and eta slices from 3D plot ########################################################## plotName = branch + '_' + par + '_pt_eta' resPlot = iFile.Get(plotName) if not is_TH3(resPlot): print plotName print 'ERROR, {0} is not of type TH3, it is {1}'.format( resPlot.GetName(), type(resPlot)) sys.exit() # Create legend #leg = prepareLegend('bottomRight') leg = prepareLegend('topLeft') leg.SetHeader('Track p_{T} [GeV]') # Fit resolution, extract sigma graphs = [] for n, ptRange in enumerate(ptRanges): graphs.append(TGraphErrors()) for i, etaRange in enumerate(etaRanges): xposition = (etaRange[0] + etaRange[1]) / 2.0 fitResults = extractResolution(resPlot, ptRange, etaRange, par, outputDir) yVal = fitResults['Sigma'][0] yErr = fitResults['Sigma'][1] if par == "phiRes": # want phi resolution to be in degrees (to compare with tkLayout) yVal *= 180.0 / PI yErr *= 180.0 / PI graphs[n].SetPoint(i, xposition, yVal) graphs[n].SetPointError(i, 0, yErr) graphs[n].SetMarkerColor(colours[n]) graphs[n].SetLineColor(colours[n]) graphs[n].SetMarkerStyle(markers[n]) leg.AddEntry(graphs[n], '{0} < pT < {1}'.format(ptRange[0], ptRange[1]), 'lp') # Draw graphs can = TCanvas(branch + par + 'can', 'can', 500, 500) can.SetGrid() can.SetLogy() mg = TMultiGraph() for g in graphs: mg.Add(g, 'p') # set plot title plotHeader = '{0} from Delphes'.format(parameters[par]['title']) plotHeader = '' xTitle = '#eta' yTitle = '{0} {1}'.format(parameters[par]['label'], parameters[par]['units']) mg.SetTitle('{0};{1};{2}'.format(plotHeader, xTitle, yTitle)) mg.Draw('a') leg.Draw() # Change the axis limits mg.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(5, 5, 0) mgMin = mg.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().GetXmin() mgMax = mg.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().GetXmax() if mgMax / 10 < mgMin or True: mg.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( mgMin * 0.5, mgMax * 5) # make space for legend can.SaveAs(outputDir + par + '_graphs.pdf')
import os import cv2 import json import utils import requests from config import * from time import time if __name__ == '__main__': JOIN = os.path.join images = [ img for img in os.listdir(image_dir) if img.upper().endswith('.JPG') ] utils.checkDir(output_dir) timer = time() for image in images: print('image: {}'.format(image)) # detect url = base_url + '/detect' img = cv2.imread(JOIN(image_dir, image)) files = [('files', open(JOIN(image_dir, image), 'rb'))] # For Object ret =, files=files).json() queue = ret['queue'] # askResult url = base_url + '/askResult' files = {'data': json.dumps({'queue': queue})} ret =, files=files) results = ret.json()['result'] for r in results:
import theano import theano.tensor as T import theano.tensor.nlinalg as nlinalg import nodes.iaf2 as iaf import model.mars1 as M from optimisor.adagrad import opt as adagrad from optimisor.sgd import opt as sgd from optimisor.sgdMom import opt as sgdMom f32 = theano.config.floatX SAMPLING = int(10) DECAY = 1e-3 LR0 = 0.05 MAXITER = 3000 VISUAL = True utils.checkDir('./tmp', build=True) print('... constructing model') VALX = -1.2 x = utils.sharedf([VALX, VALX]) model = M.banana() print('... variational distribution and symbol flows') lr = T.fscalar() qiaf = iaf.experiment(lr, 2) e = qiaf.getNoise(SAMPLING) z = qiaf.forward(e, interout=False) logqz = qiaf.mcLogQZ(e) logpz = T.mean(model.logPrior(z)) logpxz = T.mean(model.logLik(x, z))
def do_process(data, settings): # Preparing directories utils.checkDir(utils.GET("object_dir"), "Object") if utils.GET("toposort_verbose_logging_dir") is not None and utils.GET( "toposort_verbose_logging_dir") != "": utils.checkDir(utils.GET("toposort_verbose_logging_dir"), "Toposort verbose logging") originalCXX = utils.GET("original_cxx_executable") originalCC = utils.GET("original_cc_executable") finishedList = Manager().list() totalLength = len(data["compile"]) compileTaskPool = Pool() console.log("Compiling .o (total: {})".format(totalLength)) for r in range(totalLength): i = data["compile"][r] execname = "(unknown)" cmdline = list(filter(lambda x: x != "", i.split(" "))) filehashpath = ["0" for i in range(0, 40)] for argnum in range(len(cmdline)): if cmdline[argnum] == originalCXX: cmdline[argnum] = utils.GET("targeted_cxx_executable") cmdline[argnum] += " -emit-llvm" elif cmdline[argnum] == originalCC: cmdline[argnum] = utils.GET("targeted_cc_executable") cmdline[argnum] += " -emit-llvm" elif cmdline[argnum] == "-o": filepath = realpath(cmdline[argnum + 1]) filehashpath = utils.sha1sum(filepath) sha1Table[filehashpath] = filepath cmdline[argnum + 1] = realpath( utils.GET("object_dir") + "/" + filehashpath) execname = utils.findName(filepath) elif cmdline[argnum] == "-c": cmdline[argnum] = "-S" elif cmdline[argnum] == "-g": cmdline[argnum] = "" command = " ".join(cmdline) compileTaskPool.apply_async(single_compile, args=(command, filehashpath, execname, r, totalLength, finishedList, settings.clean), error_callback=console_error_and_exit) compileTaskPool.close() compileTaskPool.join() # Construct the graph console.success("All object files are compiled.")"Preparing linking relationships") graphData = data["scripts"] for i in graphData: itemPath = i["target"]["abs_path"] hashedItemPath = utils.sha1sum(itemPath) sha1Table[hashedItemPath] = itemPath itemDependencies = i["target"]["dependencies"] dependencyList[hashedItemPath] = utils.deduplicate( utils.pathToSha1(itemDependencies, sha1Table)) if hashedItemPath in dependencyList[hashedItemPath]: console.warn("Self-circle found. Ignoring.") dependencyList[hashedItemPath].remove(hashedItemPath) preserveProcess = utils.GET("preserve_process") if preserveProcess != None and preserveProcess != "":"Saving metadata") sha1FilePath = utils.GET("object_dir") + "/" + preserveProcess try: json.dump( sha1Table, open(utils.GET("object_dir") + "/" + preserveProcess, "w")) console.success("Metadata saved.") except PermissionError: console.warn( "Process file {} is not writable, while preseve_process is on." .format(sha1FilePath))"Calculating linking sequence") try: currList = utils.topoSort(dependencyList, finishedList, sha1Table) except ValueError: console.error("Topo sort failed to complete. Please check your data.") sys.exit(1) console.success("Linking sequence calculated.") if settings.clean or settings.clean_linking:"Cleaning linking targets") for i in dependencyList.keys(): if os.access(utils.GET("object_dir") + "/" + i, os.W_OK): os.unlink(utils.GET("object_dir") + "/" + i) console.success("Linking targets cleaned.") if len(currList) != len(graphData): console.warn("Bad consistance on linking recipe") console.debug("Linking sequence:", currList, "or", list(map(lambda x: sha1Table[x], currList)))"Start linking") ctrLen = len(currList) p = Pool() for idx, obj in enumerate(currList):"Linking {} ({}) [{}/{}]".format(sha1Table[obj], obj, idx + 1, ctrLen)) p.apply_async(single_linking, args=(obj, finishedList), error_callback=console_error_and_exit) p.close() p.join() console.success("All targets are linked.") console.success("Finished.")
#outputDir = "FakeRate_phiEta_tolerance1mm_phi2GeV/" #outputDir = "FakeRate_phiEta_tolerance01mm_phi2GeV/" #outputDir = "FakeRate_phiEta_tolerance01mm_phi2GeV_curvature0005/" #outputDir = "FakeRate_phiEta_tolerance05mm_phi2GeV_curvature0005/" #outputDir = "FakeRate_phiEta_tolerance05mm_phi2GeV_curvature0005_nVertexSigma5/" #outputDir = "processedTracks/" ##outputDir = "FakeRate_tolerance05mm_phi2GeV_multiCurvature_nVertexSigma5/" #outputDir = "processedTracks_kappa_deltaPhi/" #outputDir = "FakeRate_phiEta_tolerance01mm_phi2GeV_curvature001/" #outputDir = "processedTracks_kappa_deltaPhi_zresiduum_BDT/" #outputDir = "processedTracks_kappa_deltaPhi_zresiduum/" outputDir = path.split('/')[-2] + '/' print outputDir, path checkDir(outputDir) cols = { 10:, 20:, 30:, 40:, 50: colours.grey } binslist = range(0, 21) + range(22, 31, 2) + [35.0, 40.0, 50.0, 100.0] print binslist # binslist for CDR binslist = [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 30.0, 40.0, 60.0, 100.0] binsarray = array('d', binslist)
def extractTagForStudy(study, data_folder, out_images_dir, tag_list, non_tag_us, tag_bounding_box, server_path, greedy=False):"=========== PROCESSING SUBJECT: {} ===============".format( out_dir = getStudyOutputFolder(study, data_folder, out_images_dir) utils.checkDir(out_dir, delete = (not greedy)) # look for the info.csv file in the output folder. # if exists, read the file names and the tags i=1 file_paths = list( study.glob('**/*.dcm') ) csvrows=[] unknown = 0 tag_manager = taginfo.TagInfoFile(out_dir) tag_statistic = {} prev_tags = {} if greedy and tag_manager.exists(): # If this is in greedy mode, try to get the names of the files # that have an undecided tag: # get a copy of the previously created tags for all files prev_tags = tag_manager.getDictWithNameKeys() # clear the tags stored in the file. (This does not delete the file, just empties the data structure) tag_manager.clear() tag_manager.deleteTagFile() for file_path in file_paths: logging.debug("FILE {}: {}".format(i, str(file_path))) # Make sure path exists if not file_path.exists(): logging.warning('File: {} does not exist, skipping'.format(file_path)) continue # if in greedy mode, look at the tag, look at the tag and decide if we wamt to extract tag getTag = True tag = None us_type = None if greedy and len(prev_tags) > 0: name = if name in prev_tags: tag = prev_tags[name][1] us_type = prev_tags[name][0] if tag in ['Unknown', 'Undecided', 'No tag']: getTag = True else: getTag = False if getTag: start = time.time() # Get the representative frame np_frame, us_type, capture_model = extractImageArrayFromUS(file_path, out_dir=out_dir) end = time.time() logging.debug('Preprocessing took : {} seconds'.format(end-start)) if len(capture_model)>0 and capture_model not in tag_bounding_box.keys(): logging.warning('US Model: {} not supported for file: {}'.format(capture_model, file_path)) del np_frame continue # Extract the tag start = time.time() tag = 'Unknown' if np_frame is not None and \ us_type not in non_tag_us and \ capture_model in tag_bounding_box.keys(): # Run tag extraction tag = tess.extractTagFromFrame(np_frame, tag_bounding_box[capture_model], tag_list) end = time.time() logging.debug('Tag extraction took : {} seconds'.format(end-start)) del np_frame if tag in ['Unknown', 'Undecided', 'No tag']: unknown += 1 else: logging.debug('Skipping the file: {}, tag: {}, type: {}, because it was known'.format(file_path, tag, us_type)) tag_manager.addTag(file_path.parent, server_path,, us_type, tag, write=True) i+=1 gc.collect() tag_statistic = tag_manager.tag_statistic # If all unknown, delete the tag file. if unknown == len(file_paths): tag_manager.deleteTagFile() tag_manager.clear() return tag_statistic
def main(args): data_folder = Path(args.dir) out_images_dir = Path(args.out_dir) utils.checkDir(out_images_dir, False) utils.setupLogFile(out_images_dir, args.debug) studies = [] for dirname, dirnames, __ in os.walk(str(data_folder)): if len(dirnames) == 0: studies.append(Path(dirname))'Found {} studies '.format(len(studies))) print('Found {} studies '.format(len(studies))) # read the list of acceptable tags in the ultrasound file tag_list = utils.getTagsList() tag_statistic = dict.fromkeys(tag_list, 0) tag_statistic['Unknown'] = 0 tag_statistic['Undecided'] = 0 tag_statistic['No tag'] = 0 # Approximate bounding box of where the tag is written acoording to the # us model tag_bounding_box = { 'V830':[[40,75], [255,190]], 'LOGIQe': [[0,55], [200,160]], 'Voluson S': [[40,75], [255,190]], 'LOGIQeCine': [[0,0],[135,90]], 'Turbo': [[75,20,],[230,80]], 'Voluson E8': [[40,75], [255,250]] } # list of ultrasound image types whose tags we do not care about right now. non_tag_us = ['Unknown', 'Secondary capture image report', 'Comprehensive SR', '3D Dicom Volume'] # Also read in study directories that might have been finished by a previous run - do not want to rerun them again finished_study_file = out_images_dir/'finished_studies.txt' finished_studies = None if finished_study_file.exists(): with open(finished_study_file) as f: finished_studies = finished_studies = [study for study in finished_studies if study.strip()] if finished_studies is not None:'Found {} finished studies'.format(len(finished_studies))) cleaned_studies = [study for study in studies if str(study) not in finished_studies] # Get statistics for the finished studies for study in finished_studies:'Will skip: {}'.format(study)) try: infocsv_dir = getStudyOutputFolder(Path(study), data_folder, out_images_dir)'Opening: {}'.format(infocsv_dir)) tag_file_man =taginfo.TagInfoFile(infocsv_dir) if tag_file_man.getNumFiles() > 0: for tag in tag_file_man.tag_statistic: if tag not in tag_statistic: tag_statistic[tag] = 0 tag_statistic[tag] += tag_file_man.tag_statistic[tag] except (OSError, ValueError) as err: logging.warning('Error reading previously created tags.csv for subject: {}: {}'.format(study, err)) except: logging.warning('Error reading previously created tags.csv for subject: {}'.format(study)) logging.warning('Unknown except while reading csvt: {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[0])) else: cleaned_studies = studies del studies if args.use_threads: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: # Start the load operations and mark each future with its URL future_tags = {executor.submit(extractTagForStudy, study, data_folder, out_images_dir, tag_list, non_tag_us, tag_bounding_box, Path(args.server_path), args.greedy ): study for study in cleaned_studies} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_tags): d = future_tags[future]'Finished processing: {}'.format(d)) this_tag_statistic = future.result() for key, value in this_tag_statistic.items(): tag_statistic[key] += value with open(finished_study_file, "a+") as f: f.write(str(d)+os.linesep) else: i=1 for study in cleaned_studies: this_tag_statistic = extractTagForStudy(study, data_folder, out_images_dir, tag_list, non_tag_us, tag_bounding_box, Path(args.server_path), args.greedy)'Finished processing: {}'.format(study)) for key, value in this_tag_statistic.items(): tag_statistic[key] += value endstr = "\n" if i%50 == 0 else "." print("",end=endstr) with open(finished_study_file, "a+") as f: f.write(str(study)+os.linesep) i+=1 pprint(tag_statistic) with open(out_images_dir/"NumberOfTags.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(tag_statistic, outfile, indent=4)'---- DONE ----') print('------DONE-----------')
def main(args): data_folder = Path(args.dir) out_folder = Path(args.out_dir) utils.checkDir(out_folder, False) # Setup logging: utils.setupLogFile(out_folder, args.debug) if args.cine_mode: tags = utils.getCineTagsList(args.tags) else: tags = utils.getTagsList(args.tags) print('Tags: {}'.format(tags)) try: for tag in tags: out_folder_tag, out_tag_list_file_path, out_tag = getTagDirPathListFile( out_folder, tag) utils.checkDir(out_folder_tag, args.delete_existing) except Exception as e: logging.error("Couldn't split the tags string: {}".format(e)) return gt_ga = {} if args.gt_ga_list: try: with open(args.gt_ga_list) as f: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f) for line in csv_reader: gt_ga[line['StudyID']] = {} if line['ga_boe'] != ".": gt_ga[line['StudyID']]['ga_boe'] = int(line['ga_boe']) else: gt_ga[line['StudyID']]['ga_boe'] = -1 if line['ga_avua'] != ".": gt_ga[line['StudyID']]['ga_avua'] = int( line['ga_avua']) else: gt_ga[line['StudyID']]['ga_avua'] = -1 except OSError as e: logging.error( 'Error reading the gt ga file {} \n Error: {}'.format( args.gt_ga_list, e)) gt_ga = {} print('Found {} studies with GT Ga'.format(len(gt_ga))) bounding_box = [[0, 0], [255, 250]] # Find all the info.csv files: tag_file_names = list( data_folder.glob('**/' + taginfo.TagInfoFile.file_name)) tag_file_list_rows = [] for tag_file in tag_file_names:'--- PROCESSING: {}'.format(tag_file)) files_to_copy = [] tag_file_info = taginfo.TagInfoFile(tag_file.parent) file_tag_pairs = tag_file_info.getFileNamesWithTags(tags) if len(file_tag_pairs) == 0: continue # print(file_tag_pairs[0]) for file_tag_dict in file_tag_pairs: file_name = Path(file_tag_dict['File']).name name_no_suffix = Path(file_name).stem jpg_file_name = tag_file.parent / (name_no_suffix + '.jpg') cropped = None if jpg_file_name.exists(): simage = sitk.ReadImage(str(jpg_file_name)) if args.crop_images: size = simage.GetSize() cropped = sitk.Crop( simage, bounding_box[0], [size[i] - bounding_box[1][i] for i in range(2)]) else: cropped = simage tag = file_tag_dict['tag'] tag_folder, out_tag_list_file_path, out_tag = getTagDirPathListFile( out_folder, tag) target_simlink_name = tag_folder / file_name # Get the data for the global list if args.create_global_list: if target_simlink_name.exists(): tag_file_row = {} study_name = (tag_file.parent).name pos = study_name.find('_') if pos == -1: logging.warning( "Study name in path {} not in the correct format for a valid study" .format(study_path)) continue study_id = study_name[:pos] study_date = study_name[pos + 1:pos + 9] tag_file_row['study_id'] = study_id tag_file_row['study_date'] = study_date if len(gt_ga) > 0 and study_id in gt_ga: tag_file_row['ga_boe'] = str( gt_ga[study_id]['ga_boe'] ) if gt_ga[study_id]['ga_boe'] > 0 else '' tag_file_row['ga_avua'] = str( gt_ga[study_id]['ga_avua'] ) if gt_ga[study_id]['ga_avua'] > 0 else '' else: tag_file_row['ga_boe'] = '' tag_file_row['ga_avua'] = '' tag_file_row['file_path'] = target_simlink_name tag_file_row['tag'] = out_tag tag_file_list_rows.append(tag_file_row) else: 'The file: {}, study id: {} does not exist'.format( target_simlink_name, (tag_file.parent).name)) continue # If not in global list generation mode, deal with the file based on what has been requested. out_jpg_name = tag_folder / (name_no_suffix + '.jpg') if os.path.exists(target_simlink_name): # count all files with that link'<---Found duplicates! ----> ') ext = Path(file_name).suffix all_target_simlink_files = list( Path(tag_folder).glob(stem + '*' + ext)) new_name = stem + '_' + str( len(all_target_simlink_files)) + ext target_simlink_name = tag_folder / new_name new_name = stem + '_' + str( len(all_target_simlink_files)) + '.jpg' out_jpg_name = tag_folder / (new_name + '.jpg') if cropped is not None:'Writing jpg image: {}'.format(out_jpg_name)) sitk.WriteImage(cropped, str(out_jpg_name)) source_file = Path(args.som_home_dir) / Path(file_tag_dict['File']) if not args.create_only_lists:'Copying file: {} -> {}, study:{}'.format( file_name, target_simlink_name, (tag_file.parent).stem)) try: shutil.copyfile(source_file, target_simlink_name) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning("Couldn't find file: {}".format(file)) continue except PermissionError: logging.warning( "Didn't have enough permissions to copy to target: {}". format(target_simlink_name)) continue else: with open(out_tag_list_file_path, "a") as fh: fh.write(str(source_file) + "\n") if args.create_global_list and len(tag_file_list_rows) > 0:'Number of tag file rows: {}, writing'.format( len(tag_file_list_rows))) outfilepath = out_folder / 'all_files_gt_ga.csv' try: csvwrap.CSVWrap.writeCSV(tag_file_list_rows, outfilepath) except IOError as e: logging.error( 'Error writing the output file: {} \n Error: {}'.format( outfilepath, e))'----- DONE -----')