def compute_next_pose(self):
        # init_pose (3,) [x, y, theta]
        # init_input (8,):
        #   0    1       2          3           4        5      6   7
        # xdot, ydot, thetadot, sin(theta), cos(theta), vel, delta, dt

        torch.normal(0, self.sigma, out=self.noise)
        # Create nn_input
        self.nn_input[:, 0:3] = self.pose_dot
        self.nn_input[:, 5:7] = self.ctrl  # TODO: Add noise?
        self.nn_input[:, 5:7].add_(self.noise)  # (K,2) + (K,2) # Add noise
        self.nn_input[:, 5].clamp_(self.MIN_VEL, self.MAX_VEL)
        self.nn_input[:, 6].clamp_(self.MIN_DEL, self.MAX_DEL)
        torch.sin(self.pose[:, 2], out=self.nn_input[:, 3])  # sin(theta)
        torch.cos(self.pose[:, 2], out=self.nn_input[:, 4])  # cos(theta)
        # pose_dot = model(nn_input)
        # Call model to learn new pose_dot
        pose_dot = self.model(Variable(self.nn_input,
                                       requires_grad=False))  # (K, 3)
        self.pose_dot =
        # pose += pose_dot
        # update pose
        self.pose.add_(self.pose_dot)  # Update pose
        Utils.clamp_angle_tensor_(self.pose[:, 2])
    def cost(self, pose, goal, ctrl, noise, t):
        #           (K,3), (3,), (2,), (K,2), 1
        # input shapes
        # This cost function drives the behavior of the car. You want to specify a
        # cost function that penalizes behavior that is bad with high cost, and
        # encourages good behavior with low cost.
        # We have split up the cost function for you to a) get the car to the goal
        # b) avoid driving into walls and c) the MPPI control penalty to stay
        # smooth
        # You should feel free to explore other terms to get better or unique
        # behavior


        # TODO: threshold the cost to 0 we are close enough
        ## FIRST - get the pose cost
        self.dist_to_goal.copy_(self.cur_pose).sub_(goal)  # (K,3)
        xy_to_goal = self.dist_to_goal[:, :2]  # (K,2)
        xy_to_goal.norm(p=2, dim=1, out=self.euclidian_distance)
        self.euclidian_distance.pow(2, out=self.euclidian_distance).mul_(1.2)

        theta_distance = self.dist_to_goal[:, 2]
        theta_distance.abs_().mul_(0.8 * (1.2**(t * 0.5)))

        ## SECOND - get the control cost, taking the abs

            dim=1, out=self.running_cost)  # (K,) copied into running_cost

        ## THIRD - do a bounds check
        Utils.world_to_map_torch(self.cur_pose, self.map_info, self.map_angle,
                                 self.map_s)  # cur pose is now in pixels

        xs = self.cur_pose[:, 0]
        ys = self.cur_pose[:, 1]

        # scary bounds
        # bad_ks  = (xs < 0)
        # bad_ks |= (xs >= self.map_width)  # byte tensors, NOT indices
        # bad_ks |= (ys < 0)
        # bad_ks |= (ys >= self.map_height) # byte tensors, NOT indices
        # xs *= (~bad_ks).float() # (K,) modified bad coords to be in range, so we can index the map
        # ys *= (~bad_ks).float() # (K,) modified bad coords to be in range, so we can index the map

                                    xs.long()])  # (K,) with map value 0 or 1

        BOUNDS_COST = 10000
        self.bounds_check.mul_(BOUNDS_COST * t)

        # running cost already contains ctrl_cost
    def cost(self, pose, goal, ctrl, noise, t):
        # input shapes: (K,3), (3,), (2,), (K,2)
        # This cost function drives the behavior of the car. You want to specify a
        # cost function that penalizes behavior that is bad with high cost, and
        # encourages good behavior with low cost.
        # We have split up the cost function for you to a) get the car to the goal
        # b) avoid driving into walls and c) the MPPI control penalty to stay
        # smooth
        # You should feel free to explore other terms to get better or unique
        # behavior

        cur_pose = pose.clone()

        # TODO: threshold the cost to 0 we are close enough
        ## FIRST - get the pose cost
        dist_to_goal = cur_pose - goal  # (K,3)
        euclidian_distance = dist_to_goal[:, :2].norm(p=2,
                                                      dim=1).pow(2)  # (K,)

        theta_distance = dist_to_goal[:, 2]
        #self.pose_cost = euclidian_distance * 1.7 + theta_distance * 1.1 * (1.2 ** (t * 0.5))
        self.pose_cost = euclidian_distance * 1.2 + theta_distance * 0.8 * (
            1.2**(t * 0.5))

        ## SECOND - get the control cost, taking the abs
        ctrl_cost = self._lambda * ctrl * self.inv_sigma * noise  # (K,2)
        ctrl_cost = ctrl_cost.abs().sum(dim=1)  # (K,)

        ## THIRD - do a bounds check
        Utils.world_to_map_torch(cur_pose, self.map_info, self.map_angle,
                                 self.map_s)  # cur pose is now in pixels

        xs = cur_pose[:, 0]
        ys = cur_pose[:, 1]
        # bad_ks  = (xs < 0)
        # bad_ks |= (xs >= self.map_width)  # byte tensors, NOT indices
        # bad_ks |= (ys < 0)
        # bad_ks |= (ys >= self.map_height) # byte tensors, NOT indices
        # xs *= (~bad_ks).float() # (K,) modified bad coords to be in range, so we can index the map
        # ys *= (~bad_ks).float() # (K,) modified bad coords to be in range, so we can index the map

        self.bad_ks[:] = self.permissible_region[
            ys.long(), xs.long()]  # (K,) with map value 0 or 1

        BOUNDS_COST = 10000
        bounds_check = self.bad_ks * BOUNDS_COST * t

        self.pose_cost *= 2.5
        ctrl_cost *= 1.9
        self.running_cost += self.pose_cost
        self.running_cost += ctrl_cost
        self.running_cost += bounds_check
    def mppi(self, init_pose, init_input):
        # init_pose (3,) [x, y, theta]
        # init_input (8,):
        #   0    1       2          3           4        5      6   7
        # xdot, ydot, thetadot, sin(theta), cos(theta), vel, delta, dt
        t0 = time.time()
        dt = 0.1


        # convert pose into torch and one for each trajectory
        pose = init_pose.repeat(self.K, 1)  # pose (K, 3)

        # create one input for each trajectory
        init_input[2] = Utils.clamp_angle(init_input[2])
        nn_input = init_input.repeat(self.K, 1)  # nn_input (K, 8)

        pose_dot = nn_input[:, :3]  # pose_dot (K, 3)

        # MPPI should generate noise according to sigma
        torch.normal(0, self.sigma, out=self.noise)

        # Perform rollouts with those controls from your current pose
        for t in xrange(self.T):

            # Update nn_inputs with new pose information
            nn_input[:, 0:3] = pose_dot  # xdot, ydot, thetadot
            nn_input[:, 7] = dt  # dt
            torch.sin(pose[:, 2], out=nn_input[:, 3])  # sin(theta)
            torch.cos(pose[:, 2], out=nn_input[:, 4])  # cos(theta)

            # combine noise with central control sequence
            nn_input[:, 5:7] = self.ctrl[t] + self.noise[t]  # (2,) + (K,2)
            nn_input[:, 5].clamp_(self.MIN_VEL, self.MAX_VEL)
            nn_input[:, 6].clamp_(self.MIN_DEL, self.MAX_DEL)

            # Call model to learn new pose_dot
            pose_dot = self.model(Variable(nn_input,
                                           requires_grad=False))  # (K, 3)
            pose_dot =
            Utils.clamp_angle_tensor_(pose_dot[:, 2])
            pose += pose_dot  # Update pose
            Utils.clamp_angle_tensor_(pose[:, 2])

            # add new pose into poses
                       t, :] = pose.clone()  # poses[:,t,:] (K,3) = pose (K,3)

            self.cost(pose, self.goal_tensor, self.ctrl[t], self.noise[t],
                      t)  # (K,3), (3,), (2,), (K,2) => (K,)

        # Perform the MPPI weighting on your calculatd costs
        # Scale the added noise by the weighting and add to your control sequence
        beta = torch.min(self.running_cost)
        self.running_cost -= beta
        self.running_cost /= -self._lambda
        torch.exp(self.running_cost, out=self.running_cost)
        weights = self.running_cost
        weights /= torch.sum(weights)  # weights (K,)

        # apply weights to noise through time for each trajectory
        weights = weights.expand(self.T, self.K)  # weights (T,K)
        weighted_vel_noise = weights * self.noise[:, :,
                                                  0]  # (T,K) * (T,K) = (T,K)
        weighted_delta_noise = weights * self.noise[:, :,
                                                    1]  # (T,K) * (T,K) = (T,K)

        # sum the weighted noise over all trajectories for each time step
        vel_noise_sum = torch.sum(weighted_vel_noise, dim=1)  # (T,)
        delta_noise_sum = torch.sum(weighted_delta_noise, dim=1)  # (T,)

        # update central control through time for vel and delta separately
        # self.ctrl # (T,2)
        self.ctrl[:, 0] += vel_noise_sum  # (T,) += (T,)
        self.ctrl[:, 1] += delta_noise_sum  # (T,) += (T,)
        self.ctrl[:, 0].clamp_(self.MIN_VEL, self.MAX_VEL)
        self.ctrl[:, 1].clamp_(self.MIN_DEL, self.MAX_DEL)

        # Notes: TODO
        # MPPI can be assisted by carefully choosing lambda, and sigma
        # It is advisable to clamp the control values to be within the feasible range
        # of controls sent to the Vesc
        # Your code should account for theta being between -pi and pi. This is
        # important.
        # The more code that uses pytorch's cuda abilities, the better; every line in
        # python will slow down the control calculations. You should be able to keep a
        # reasonable amount of calculations done (T = 40, K = 2000) within the 100ms
        # between inferred-poses from the particle filter.

        print("MPPI: %4.5f ms" % ((time.time() - t0) * 1000.0))
        return self.poses
    def cost(self, pose, goal, ctrl, noise, t):
        # input shapes: (K,3), (3,), (2,), (K,2)
        # This cost function drives the behavior of the car. You want to specify a
        # cost function that penalizes behavior that is bad with high cost, and
        # encourages good behavior with low cost.
        # We have split up the cost function for you to a) get the car to the goal
        # b) avoid driving into walls and c) the MPPI control penalty to stay
        # smooth
        # You should feel free to explore other terms to get better or unique
        # behavior

        cur_pose = pose.clone()

        # TODO: threshold the cost to 0 we are close enough
        ## FIRST - get the pose cost
        dist_to_goal = cur_pose - goal  # (K,3)
        euclidian_distance = dist_to_goal[:, :2].norm(p=2,
                                                      dim=1).pow(2)  # (K,)

        theta_distance = dist_to_goal[:, 2]
        mean_dist = torch.mean(euclidian_distance)
        if mean_dist < 0.4 and mean_dist > 0.2:
            theta_weight = 5.0
            pose_cost = 1.0 / (
                5 * euclidian_distance) + theta_distance * theta_weight * (
                    1.2**t)  # (K,)
        elif mean_dist < 0.2:
            theta_weight = 4.8
            eucl_weight = 1.0
            pose_cost = euclidian_distance * eucl_weight + theta_distance * theta_weight / (
                t + 1)  # (K,)
            theta_weight = 2.8
            eucl_weight = 1.0
            pose_cost = euclidian_distance * eucl_weight + theta_distance * theta_weight / (
                t + 1)  # (K,)

        ## SECOND - get the control cost, taking the abs
        ctrl_cost = self._lambda * ctrl * self.inv_sigma * noise  # (K,2)
        ctrl_cost = ctrl_cost.abs().sum(dim=1)  # (K,)

        ## THIRD - do a bounds check
        Utils.world_to_map_torch(cur_pose, self.map_info, self.map_angle,
                                 self.map_s)  # cur pose is now in pixels

        xs = cur_pose[:, 0]
        ys = cur_pose[:, 1]
        bad_ks = (xs < 0)
        bad_ks |= (xs >= self.map_width)  # byte tensors, NOT indices
        bad_ks |= (ys < 0)
        bad_ks |= (ys >= self.map_height)  # byte tensors, NOT indices
        xs *= (~bad_ks).float(
        )  # (K,) modified bad coords to be in range, so we can index the map
        ys *= (~bad_ks).float(
        )  # (K,) modified bad coords to be in range, so we can index the map

        map_values = self.permissible_region[
            ys.long(), xs.long()]  # (K,) with map value 0 or 1
        bad_ks |= map_values

        BOUNDS_COST = 10000
        bounds_check = bad_ks.type(self.dtype) * BOUNDS_COST

        return pose_cost * 2.5 + ctrl_cost * 2.3 + bounds_check