def __gen_hist__(plot_details,verbose=False): ''' generate single histogram only runs on samples with an input file defined, ie. does not loop through daughters not really designed to be called by analysers ''' log.debug( 'in get_hist for %s' % ) ## add the details from the sample #plot_details += plot_details.sample.plot_details s = plot_details.sample vd = plot_details.var_details sel = plot_details.get_selector() weights = plot_details.get_weights() target_lumi = plot_details.target_lumi if not s.is_active(): log.warn('failed to gen hist %s for sample: %s' % (, ) return None ## create hist h = plot_details.new_hist(s) h.samples = s ## initialise sample s.initialise() ## return empty hist if no events if not s.tree.GetEntries(): return h s.switch_on_branches() ## selection event_list = if sel else None ## initialise variables s.prepare( plot_details ) ## process events entries = event_list.GetN() if sel else s.tree.GetEntries() for i in xrange(entries): ientry = event_list.GetEntry(i) if sel else i s.tree.GetEntry(ientry) ## calculate event weight weight = weights.weight() if weights else 1. ## fill hists val = vd.var.calc_vals()[0] h.Fill(val,weight) frac = float(i)/float(entries) if entries else 0.0 if verbose: utils.print_progress(frac,title = '%s: ' if verbose: utils.clear_progress() #s.style_hist(h) if target_lumi: s.scale_hist(h,target_lumi) return h
def __gen_hist__(plot_details, verbose=False): ''' generate single histogram only runs on samples with an input file defined, ie. does not loop through daughters not really designed to be called by analysers ''' log.debug('in get_hist for %s' % ## add the details from the sample #plot_details += plot_details.sample.plot_details s = plot_details.sample vd = plot_details.var_details sel = plot_details.get_selector() weights = plot_details.get_weights() target_lumi = plot_details.target_lumi if not s.is_active(): log.warn('failed to gen hist %s for sample: %s' % (, return None ## create hist h = plot_details.new_hist(s) h.samples = s ## initialise sample s.initialise() ## return empty hist if no events if not s.tree.GetEntries(): return h s.switch_on_branches() ## selection event_list = if sel else None ## initialise variables s.prepare(plot_details) ## process events entries = event_list.GetN() if sel else s.tree.GetEntries() for i in xrange(entries): ientry = event_list.GetEntry(i) if sel else i s.tree.GetEntry(ientry) ## calculate event weight weight = weights.weight() if weights else 1. ## fill hists val = vd.var.calc_vals()[0] h.Fill(val, weight) frac = float(i) / float(entries) if entries else 0.0 if verbose: utils.print_progress(frac, title='%s: ' % if verbose: utils.clear_progress() #s.style_hist(h) if target_lumi: s.scale_hist(h, target_lumi) return h
for layer in manifest['fsLayers']: if expire <= time.time(): request_auth_token() if layer['blobSum'] in dled: continue dled.add(layer['blobSum']) print('%s[*]%s Downloading layer %s%s%s...' % (Fore.GREEN, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, layer['blobSum'], Fore.RESET)) try: r = urllib.request.Request('' % (fimage, layer['blobSum'])) r.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token) with urllib.request.urlopen(r) as u, open(fname, 'ab') as f: chunked_copy(fname, u, f) except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: clear_progress() print('%s[!]%s Failed to download layer %s%s%s: %s' % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, layer['blobSum'], Fore.RESET, err)) sys.exit(-1) except OSError as err: clear_progress() print('%s[!]%s Failed to open file %s%s%s for writing: %s' % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, fname, Fore.RESET, err)) sys.exit(-1) print('%s[*]%s Rootfs archive for %s%s%s:%s%s%s saved to %s%s%s.' % (Fore.GREEN, Fore.RESET, Fore.YELLOW, image, Fore.RESET, Fore.YELLOW, tag, Fore.RESET, Fore.GREEN, fname, Fore.RESET))
# otherwise, fail miserably if not tgurl: print('%s[!]%s Failed to find a suitable rootfs specification in Dockerfile.' % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET)) sys.exit(-1) except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: print('%s[!]%s Failed to fetch Dockerfile from %s%s%s: %s' % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, dfurl, Fore.RESET, err)) sys.exit(-1) # download rootfs archive print('%s[*]%s Downloading archive %s%s%s...' % (Fore.GREEN, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, tgurl, Fore.RESET)) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(tgurl) as u, open(fname, 'wb') as f: chunked_copy(fname, u, f) except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: clear_progress() print('%s[!]%s Failed to download archive from %s%s%s: %s' % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, tgurl, Fore.RESET, err)) sys.exit(-1) except OSError as err: clear_progress() print('%s[!]%s Failed to open file %s%s%s for writing: %s' % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, Fore.BLUE, fname, Fore.RESET, err)) sys.exit(-1) print('%s[*]%s Rootfs archive for %s%s%s:%s%s%s saved to %s%s%s.' % (Fore.GREEN, Fore.RESET, Fore.YELLOW, image, Fore.RESET, Fore.YELLOW, tag, Fore.RESET, Fore.GREEN, fname, Fore.RESET))