def select_filters(filters, level):
    """Return from the list in ``filters`` those filters which indicate that
    they should run for the given debug level.
    return filter(
        lambda f: f.max_debug_level is None or cmp_debug_levels(
            level, f.max_debug_level) <= 0, filters)
def select_filters(filters, level):
    """Return from the list in ``filters`` those filters which indicate that
    they should run for the given debug level.
    return filter(
        lambda f: f.max_debug_level is None or
                  cmp_debug_levels(level, f.max_debug_level) <= 0, filters)
def _effective_debug_level(env, bundle, extra_filters=None, default=None):
    """This is a helper used both in the urls() and the build() recursions.

    It returns the debug level that this bundle, in a tree structure
    of bundles, should use. It looks at any bundle-specific ``debug``
    attribute, considers an automatic upgrade to "merge" due to filters that
    are present, and will finally use the value in the ``default`` argument,
    which in turn defaults to ``env.debug``.

    It also ensures our rule that in a bundle hierarchy, the debug level may
    only ever be lowered. Nested bundle may lower the level from ``True`` to
    ``"merge"`` to ``False``, but never in the other direction. Which makes
    sense: If a bundle is already being merged, we cannot start exposing the
    source urls a child bundle, not if the correct order should be maintained.

    And while in theory it would seem possible to switch between full-out
    production (debug=False) and ``"merge"``, the complexity there, in
    particular with view as to how certain filter types like input() and
    open() need to be applied to child bundles, is just not worth it.
    if default is None:
        default = env.debug

    if bundle.debug is not None:
        level = bundle.debug
        # If bundle doesn't force a level, then the presence of filters which
        # declare they should always run puts the bundle automatically in
        # merge mode.
        filters = merge_filters(bundle.filters, extra_filters)
        level = 'merge' if select_filters(filters, True) else None

    if level is not None:
        # The new level must be lower than the older one. We do not thrown an
        # error if this is NOT the case, but silently ignore it. This is so
        # that a debug=True can be used to overwrite auto_debug_upgrade.
        # Otherwise debug=True would always fail.
        if cmp_debug_levels(default, level) > 0:
            return level
    return default
def _effective_debug_level(env, bundle, extra_filters=None, default=None):
    """This is a helper used both in the urls() and the build() recursions.

    It returns the debug level that this bundle, in a tree structure
    of bundles, should use. It looks at any bundle-specific ``debug``
    attribute, considers an automatic upgrade to "merge" due to filters that
    are present, and will finally use the value in the ``default`` argument,
    which in turn defaults to ``env.debug``.

    It also ensures our rule that in a bundle hierarchy, the debug level may
    only ever be lowered. Nested bundle may lower the level from ``True`` to
    ``"merge"`` to ``False``, but never in the other direction. Which makes
    sense: If a bundle is already being merged, we cannot start exposing the
    source urls a child bundle, not if the correct order should be maintained.

    And while in theory it would seem possible to switch between full-out
    production (debug=False) and ``"merge"``, the complexity there, in
    particular with view as to how certain filter types like input() and
    open() need to be applied to child bundles, is just not worth it.
    if default is None:
        default = env.debug

    if bundle.debug is not None:
        level = bundle.debug
        # If bundle doesn't force a level, then the presence of filters which
        # declare they should always run puts the bundle automatically in
        # merge mode.
        filters = merge_filters(bundle.filters, extra_filters)
        level = 'merge' if select_filters(filters, True) else None

    if level is not None:
        # The new level must be lower than the older one. We do not thrown an
        # error if this is NOT the case, but silently ignore it. This is so
        # that a debug=True can be used to overwrite auto_debug_upgrade.
        # Otherwise debug=True would always fail.
        if cmp_debug_levels(default, level) > 0:
            return level
    return default