文件: core.py 项目: mardix/Webmaster
    def init(cls, flask_or_import_name, project=None, directory=None,
             config=None, exceptions=None, compress_html=True):
        Allow to register all subclasses of Webmaster at once

        If a class doesn't have a route base, it will create a dasherize version
        of the class name.

        So we call it once initiating
        :param flask_or_import_name: Flask instance or import name -> __name__
        :param project: name of the project. If the directory and config is empty, it will guess them from here
        :param directory: The directory containing your project's Views, Templates and Static
        :param config: string of config object. ie: "app.config.Dev"
        :param exceptions: The exceptions path to load
        :param compress_html: bool - If true it will use the plugin "jinja2htmlcompress"
                to remove white spaces off the html resul

        if isinstance(flask_or_import_name, Flask):
            app = flask_or_import_name
            app = Flask(flask_or_import_name)

        app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)

        app.url_map.converters['regex'] = RegexConverter

        if not directory:
            directory = "application/%s" % project if project else "."

        if not config:
            config = "application.config.%s" % get_env()


        # Extensions to remove extra white spaces in html
        if compress_html:

        if directory:
            app.template_folder = directory + "/templates"
            app.static_folder = directory + "/static"

        # Setup map base exceptions to abort()

        cls._app = app



        # Flask Assets
        cls.assets = Environment(cls._app)

        # Register templates
        if cls._template_paths:
            loader = [cls._app.jinja_loader] + list(cls._template_paths)
            cls._app.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(loader)

        # Register static
        if cls._static_paths:
            loader = [cls._app.static_folder] + list(cls._static_paths)
            cls.assets.load_path = loader

        # init_app
        [_app(cls._app) for _app in cls._init_apps]

        # Register all views
        for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
            base_route = subcls.base_route
            if not base_route:
                base_route = utils.dasherize(utils.underscore(subcls.__name__))
                if subcls.__name__.lower() == "index":
                    base_route = "/"
            subcls.register(cls._app, base_route=base_route)

        # Load all bundles
        [cls.assets.from_yaml(a) for a in cls._asset_bundles]

        def _after_request_cleanup(response):
            cls._global["__META__"] = cls._default_page_meta
            return response

        return cls._app
文件: core.py 项目: mardix/Webmaster
    def register(cls, app, base_route=None, subdomain=None, route_prefix=None,
        """Registers a FlaskView class for use with a specific instance of a
        Flask app. Any methods not prefixes with an underscore are candidates
        to be routed and will have routes registered when this method is

        :param app: an instance of a Flask application

        :param base_route: The base path to use for all routes registered for
                           this class. Overrides the base_route attribute if
                           it has been set.

        :param subdomain:  A subdomain that this registration should use when
                           configuring routes.

        :param route_prefix: A prefix to be applied to all routes registered
                             for this class. Precedes base_route. Overrides
                             the class' route_prefix if it has been set.

        if cls is FlaskView:
            raise TypeError("cls must be a subclass of FlaskView, not FlaskView itself")

        if base_route:
            cls.orig_base_route = cls.base_route
            cls.base_route = base_route

        if route_prefix:
            cls.orig_route_prefix = cls.route_prefix
            cls.route_prefix = route_prefix

        if not subdomain:
            if hasattr(app, "subdomain") and app.subdomain is not None:
                subdomain = app.subdomain
            elif hasattr(cls, "subdomain"):
                subdomain = cls.subdomain

        if trailing_slash is not None:
            cls.orig_trailing_slash = cls.trailing_slash
            cls.trailing_slash = trailing_slash

        members = get_interesting_members(FlaskView, cls)
        special_methods = ["get", "put", "patch", "post", "delete", "index"]

        for name, value in members:
            proxy = cls.make_proxy_method(name)
            route_name = cls.build_route_name(name)
                if hasattr(value, "_rule_cache") and name in value._rule_cache:
                    for idx, cached_rule in enumerate(value._rule_cache[name]):
                        rule, options = cached_rule
                        rule = cls.build_rule(rule)
                        sub, ep, options = cls.parse_options(options)

                        if not subdomain and sub:
                            subdomain = sub

                        if ep:
                            endpoint = ep
                        elif len(value._rule_cache[name]) == 1:
                            endpoint = route_name
                            endpoint = "%s_%d" % (route_name, idx,)

                        app.add_url_rule(rule, endpoint, proxy,
                elif name in special_methods:
                    if name in ["get", "index"]:
                        methods = ["GET"]
                        if name == "index":
                            if hasattr(value, "_methods_cache"):
                                methods = value._methods_cache
                        methods = [name.upper()]

                    rule = cls.build_rule("/", value)
                    if not cls.trailing_slash:
                        rule = rule.rstrip("/")
                    app.add_url_rule(rule, route_name, proxy,

                    methods = value._methods_cache \
                        if hasattr(value, "_methods_cache") \
                        else ["GET"]

                    name = utils.dasherize(name)
                    route_str = '/%s/' % name
                    if not cls.trailing_slash:
                        route_str = route_str.rstrip('/')
                    rule = cls.build_rule(route_str, value)
                    app.add_url_rule(rule, route_name, proxy,
            except DecoratorCompatibilityError:
                raise DecoratorCompatibilityError("Incompatible decorator detected on %s in class %s" % (name, cls.__name__))

        if hasattr(cls, "orig_base_route"):
            cls.base_route = cls.orig_base_route
            del cls.orig_base_route

        if hasattr(cls, "orig_route_prefix"):
            cls.route_prefix = cls.orig_route_prefix
            del cls.orig_route_prefix

        if hasattr(cls, "orig_trailing_slash"):
            cls.trailing_slash = cls.orig_trailing_slash
            del cls.orig_trailing_slash