def crossingParallels(self, other, lat, wrap=False):
        '''Return the pair of meridians at which a great circle defined
           by this and an other point crosses the given latitude.

           @param other: The other point defining great circle (L{LatLon}).
           @param lat: Latitude at the crossing (degrees).
           @keyword wrap: Wrap and unroll longitudes (bool).

           @return: 2-Tuple (lon1, lon2) in (degrees180) or None if the
                    great circle doesn't reach the given I{lat}.

        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()
        a2, b2 = other.to2ab()

        a = radians(lat)
        db, b2 = unrollPI(b1, b2, wrap=wrap)

        ca, ca1, ca2, cdb = map1(cos, a, a1, a2, db)
        sa, sa1, sa2, sdb = map1(sin, a, a1, a2, db)

        x = sa1 * ca2 * ca * sdb
        y = sa1 * ca2 * ca * cdb - ca1 * sa2 * ca
        z = ca1 * ca2 * sa * sdb

        h = hypot(x, y)
        if h < EPS or abs(z) > h:
            return None  # great circle doesn't reach latitude

        m = atan2(-y, x) + b1  # longitude at max latitude
        d = acos(z / h)  # delta longitude to intersections

        return degrees180(m - d), degrees180(m + d)
    def to3llh(self, datum=Datums.WGS84):
        '''Convert this (geocentric) Cartesian (x/y/z) point to
           (ellipsoidal) geodetic lat-, longitude and height on
           the given datum.

           Uses Bowring’s (1985) formulation for μm precision in concise
           form: U{'The accuracy of geodetic latitude and height equations'
           B. R. Bowring, Survey Review, Vol 28, 218, Oct 1985.

           See also Ralph M. Toms U{'An Efficient Algorithm for Geocentric
           to Geodetic Coordinate Conversion'
           <>}, Sept 1995 and
           U{'An Improved Algorithm for Geocentric to Geodetic Coordinate
           Apr 1996, from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use (L{Datum}).

           @return: 3-Tuple (lat, lon, heigth) in (degrees90,
                    degrees180, meter).
        E = datum.ellipsoid
        x, y, z = self.to3xyz()

        p = hypot(x, y)  # distance from minor axis
        r = hypot(p, z)  # polar radius

        if min(p, r) > EPS:
            # parametric latitude (Bowring eqn 17, replaced)
            t = (E.b * z) / (E.a * p) * (1 + E.e22 * E.b / r)
            c = 1 / hypot1(t)
            s = t * c

            # geodetic latitude (Bowring eqn 18)
            a = atan2(z + E.e22 * E.b * s**3,
                      p - E.e2  * E.a * c**3)
            b = atan2(y, x)  # ... and longitude

            # height above ellipsoid (Bowring eqn 7)
            ca, sa = cos(a), sin(a)
#           r = E.a / E.e2s(sa)  # length of normal terminated by minor axis
#           h = p * ca + z * sa - (E.a * E.a / r)
            h = fsum_(p * ca, z * sa, -E.a * E.e2s(sa))

            a, b = degrees90(a), degrees180(b)

        # see <>
        elif p > EPS:  # latitude arbitrarily zero
            a, b, h = 0.0, degrees180(atan2(y, x)), p - E.a
        else:  # polar latitude, longitude arbitrarily zero
            a, b, h = copysign(90.0, z), 0.0, abs(z) - E.b

        return a, b, h
    def to3lld(self, datum=None):
        '''Convert this L{Lcc} to a geodetic lat- and longitude.

           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use, otherwise use this
                           I{Lcc}'s conic.datum (I{Datum}).

           @return: 3-Tuple (lat, lon, datum) in (degrees90,
                    degrees180, datum).

           @raise TypeError: If I{datum} is not ellipsoidal.
        c = self.conic
        if datum:
            c = c.toDatum(datum)

        e =         self.easting  - c._E0
        n = c._r0 - self.northing + c._N0

        r_ = copysign(hypot(e, n), c._n)
        t_ = pow(r_ / c._aF, c._n_)

        x = c._xdef(t_)  # XXX c._lon0
        while True:
            p, x = x, c._xdef(t_ * c._pdef(x))
            if abs(x - p) < 1e-9:  # XXX EPS too small?
        y = (atan(e / n) + c._opt3) * c._n_ + c._lon0

        return degrees90(x), degrees180(y), c.datum
    def to2ll(self, datum=None):
        '''Convert this WM coordinate to a geodetic lat- and longitude.

           @keyword datum: Optional datum (I{Datum}).

           @return: 2-Tuple (lat, lon) in (degrees90, degrees180).

           @raise TypeError: If I{datum} is not ellipsoidal.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid I{radius}.
        r = self.radius
        x = self._x / r
        y = 2 * atan(exp(self._y / r)) - PI_2
        if datum:
            E = datum.ellipsoid
            if not E.isEllipsoidal:
                raise TypeError('%s not %s: %r' %
                                ('datum', 'ellipsoidal', datum))
            # <
            #         %28U%29%20NGA_SIG_0011_1.0.0_WEBMERC.pdf>
            y = y / r
            if E.e:
                y -= E.e * atanh(E.e * tanh(y))
            y *= E.a
            x *= E.a / r
        return degrees90(y), degrees180(x)
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=_LL, datum=None):
        '''Convert this Lcc to a lat-/longitude instance.

           @keyword LatLon: LatLon (sub-)class to instantiate.
           @keyword datum: Datum to use, otherwise use this Lcc's
                           conic.datum (L{Datum}).

           @return: The position (L{LatLon}).
        if not issubclass(LatLon, _LL):
            raise TypeError('%s not %s: %r' %
                            ('LatLon', 'ellipsoidal', LatLon))

        c = self.conic
        if datum:
            c = c.toDatum(datum)

        e = self.easting - c._E0
        n = c._r0 - self.northing + c._N0

        r_ = copysign(hypot(e, n), c._n)
        t_ = pow(r_ / c._aF, c._n_)

        x = c._xdef(t_)  # XXX c._lon0
        while True:
            p, x = x, c._xdef(t_ * c._pdef(x))
            if abs(x - p) < 1e-9:  # XXX EPS too small?
        y = (atan(e / n) + c._opt3) * c._n_ + c._lon0

        return LatLon(degrees90(x),
    def intermediateTo(self, other, fraction, height=None, wrap=False):
        '''Locate the point at given fraction between this and an
           other point.

           @param other: The other point (L{LatLon}).
           @param fraction: Fraction between both points (float, 0.0 =
                            this point, 1.0 = the other point).
           @keyword height: Optional height, overriding the fractional
                            height (meter).
           @keyword wrap: Wrap and unroll longitudes (bool).

           @return: Intermediate point (L{LatLon}).

           @raise TypeError: The I{other} point is not L{LatLon}.


           >>> p1 = LatLon(52.205, 0.119)
           >>> p2 = LatLon(48.857, 2.351)
           >>> p = p1.intermediateTo(p2, 0.25)  # 51.3721°N, 000.7073°E

           @JSname: I{intermediatePointTo}.

        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()
        a2, b2 = other.to2ab()

        db, b2 = unrollPI(b1, b2, wrap=wrap)
        r = haversine_(a2, a1, db)
        if r > EPS:
            cb1, cb2, ca1, ca2 = map1(cos, b1, b2, a1, a2)
            sb1, sb2, sa1, sa2, sr = map1(sin, b1, b2, a1, a2, r)

            A = sin((1 - fraction) * r) / sr
            B = sin(fraction * r) / sr

            x = A * ca1 * cb1 + B * ca2 * cb2
            y = A * ca1 * sb1 + B * ca2 * sb2
            z = A * sa1 + B * sa2

            a = atan2(z, hypot(x, y))
            b = atan2(y, x)

        else:  # points too close
            a = favg(a1, a2, f=fraction)
            b = favg(b1, b2, f=fraction)

        if height is None:
            h = self._havg(other, f=fraction)
            h = height
        return self.classof(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), height=h)
    def to2ll(self):
        '''Convert this vector to (geodetic) lat- and longitude.

           @return: 2-Tuple (lat, lon) in (degrees90, degrees180).


           >>> v = Vector3d(0.500, 0.500, 0.707)
           >>> a, b = v.to2ll()  # 45.0, 45.0
        a = atan2(self.z, hypot(self.x, self.y))
        b = atan2(self.y, self.x)
        return degrees90(a), degrees180(b)
    def rhumbDestination(self, distance, bearing, radius=R_M, height=None):
        '''Return the destination point having travelled along
           a rhumb (loxodrome) line from this point the given
           distance on the given bearing.

           @param distance: Distance travelled (same units as radius).
           @param bearing: Bearing from this point (compass degrees).
           @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (meter).
           @keyword height: Optional height, overriding the default
                            height (meter or same unit as radius).

           @return: The destination point (spherical LatLon).


           >>> p = LatLon(51.127, 1.338)
           >>> q = p.rhumbDestination(40300, 116.7)  # 50.9642°N, 001.8530°E

           @JSname: I{rhumbDestinationPoint}
        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()

        r = float(distance) / float(radius)  # angular distance in radians
        t = radians(bearing)

        da = r * cos(t)
        a2 = a1 + da
        # normalize latitude if past pole
        if a2 > PI_2:
            a2 = PI - a2
        elif a2 < -PI_2:
            a2 = -PI - a2

        dp = log(tanPI_2_2(a2) / tanPI_2_2(a1))
        # E-W course becomes ill-conditioned with 0/0
        if abs(dp) > EPS:
            q = da / dp
            q = cos(a1)

        if abs(q) > EPS:
            b2 = b1 + r * sin(t) / q
            b2 = b1

        h = self.height if height is None else height
        return self.classof(degrees90(a2), degrees180(b2), height=h)
    def _direct(self, distance, bearing, llr, height=None):
        '''(INTERNAL) Direct Vincenty method.

           @raise VincentyError: Vincenty fails to converge for the current
                                 L{LatLon.epsilon} and L{LatLon.iterations}
        E = self.ellipsoid()

        c1, s1, t1 = _r3(, E.f)

        i = radians(bearing)  # initial bearing (forward azimuth)
        ci, si = cos(i), sin(i)
        s12 = atan2(t1, ci) * 2

        sa = c1 * si
        c2a = 1 - sa**2
        if c2a < EPS:
            c2a = 0
            A, B = 1, 0
        else:  # e22 == (a / b)**2 - 1
            A, B = _p2(c2a * E.e22)

        s = d = distance / (E.b * A)
        for _ in range(self._iterations):
            cs, ss, c2sm = cos(s), sin(s), cos(s12 + s)
            s_, s = s, d + _ds(B, cs, ss, c2sm)
            if abs(s - s_) < self._epsilon:
            raise VincentyError('no convergence %r' % (self, ))

        t = s1 * ss - c1 * cs * ci
        # final bearing (reverse azimuth +/- 180)
        r = degrees360(atan2(sa, -t))
        if llr:
            # destination latitude in [-270, 90)
            a = degrees90(
                atan2(s1 * cs + c1 * ss * ci, (1 - E.f) * hypot(sa, t)))
            # destination longitude in [-180, 180)
            b = degrees180(
                atan2(ss * si, c1 * cs - s1 * ss * ci) -
                _dl(E.f, c2a, sa, s, cs, ss, c2sm) + radians(self.lon))
            h = self.height if height is None else height
            r = self.classof(a, b, height=h, datum=self.datum), r
        return r
    def rhumbMidpointTo(self, other, height=None):
        '''Return the (loxodromic) midpoint between this and
           an other point.

           @param other: The other point (spherical LatLon).
           @keyword height: Optional height, overriding the mean height
                            (meter or same unit as radius).

           @return: The midpoint (spherical LatLon).

           @raise TypeError: The other point is not spherical.


           >>> p = LatLon(51.127, 1.338)
           >>> q = LatLon(50.964, 1.853)
           >>> m = p.rhumb_midpointTo(q)
           >>> m.toStr()  # '51.0455°N, 001.5957°E'

        # see <>
        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()
        a2, b2 = other.to2ab()
        if abs(b2 - b1) > PI:
            b1 += PI2  # crossing anti-meridian

        a3 = favg(a1, a2)
        b3 = favg(b1, b2)

        f1 = tanPI_2_2(a1)
        if abs(f1) > EPS:
            f2 = tanPI_2_2(a2)
            f = f2 / f1
            if abs(f) > EPS:
                f = log(f)
                if abs(f) > EPS:
                    f3 = tanPI_2_2(a3)
                    b3 = fsum_(b1 * log(f2), -b2 * log(f1),
                               (b2 - b1) * log(f3)) / f

        h = self._havg(other) if height is None else height
        return self.classof(degrees90(a3), degrees180(b3), height=h)
def _destination2(a, b, r, t):
    '''(INTERNAL) Computes destination lat-/longitude.

       @param a: Latitude (radians).
       @param b: Longitude (radians).
       @param r: Angular distance (radians).
       @param t: Bearing (compass radians).

       @return: 2-Tuple (lat, lon) of (degrees90, degrees180).
    # see <>
    ca, cr, ct = map1(cos, a, r, t)
    sa, sr, st = map1(sin, a, r, t)

    a = asin(ct * sr * ca + cr * sa)
    d = atan2(st * sr * ca, cr - sa * sin(a))
    # note, use addition, not subtraction of d (since
    # in W is + and E is -)
    return degrees90(a), degrees180(b + d)
    def rhumbMidpointTo(self, other):
        '''Return the loxodromic midpoint between this and an
           other point.

           @param other: The other point (spherical LatLon).

           @return: The midpoint (spherical LatLon).

           @raise TypeError: The other point is not spherical.


           >>> p = LatLon(51.127, 1.338)
           >>> q = LatLon(50.964, 1.853)
           >>> m = p.rhumb_midpointTo(q)
           >>> m.toStr()  # '51.0455°N, 001.5957°E'

        # see
        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()
        a2, b2 = other.to2ab()
        if abs(b2 - b1) > PI:
            b1 += PI2  # crossing anti-meridian

        a3 = (a1 + a2) * 0.5
        b3 = (b1 + b2) * 0.5

        f1 = tanPI_2_2(a1)
        if abs(f1) > EPS:
            f2 = tanPI_2_2(a2)
            f = f2 / f1
            if abs(f) > EPS:
                f = log(f)
                if abs(f) > EPS:
                    f3 = tanPI_2_2(a3)
                    b3 = (b1 * log(f2) - b2 * log(f1) +
                          (b2 - b1) * log(f3)) / f

        return self.topsub(degrees90(a3),
    def midpointTo(self, other, height=None, wrap=False):
        '''Find the midpoint between this and an other point.

           @param other: The other point (L{LatLon}).
           @keyword height: Optional height for midpoint, overriding
                            the mean height (meter).
           @keyword wrap: Wrap and unroll longitudes (bool).

           @return: Midpoint (L{LatLon}).

           @raise TypeError: The I{other} point is not L{LatLon}.


           >>> p1 = LatLon(52.205, 0.119)
           >>> p2 = LatLon(48.857, 2.351)
           >>> m = p1.midpointTo(p2)  # '50.5363°N, 001.2746°E'

        # see <>
        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()
        a2, b2 = other.to2ab()

        db, b2 = unrollPI(b1, b2, wrap=wrap)

        ca1, ca2, cdb = map1(cos, a1, a2, db)
        sa1, sa2, sdb = map1(sin, a1, a2, db)

        x = ca2 * cdb + ca1
        y = ca2 * sdb

        a = atan2(sa1 + sa2, hypot(x, y))
        b = atan2(y, x) + b1

        if height is None:
            h = self._havg(other)
            h = height
        return self.classof(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), height=h)
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, datum=Datums.WGS84):
        '''Convert this OSGR coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic

           I{Note formulation implemented here due to Thomas, Redfearn,
           etc. is as published by OS, but is inferior to Krüger as
           used by e.g. Karney 2011.}

           @keyword LatLon: Optional ellipsoidal LatLon class to use
                            for the point (I{LatLon}).
           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use (I{Datum}).

           @return: The geodetic point (I{LatLon}) or 3-tuple (lat,
                    lon, datum) if I{LatLon} is None.

           @raise TypeError: If I{LatLon} is not ellipsoidal or if
                             I{datum} conversion failed.


           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV
           >>> g = Osgr(651409.903, 313177.270)
           >>> p = g.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)  # 52°39′28.723″N, 001°42′57.787″E
           >>> # to obtain (historical) OSGB36 lat-/longitude point
           >>> p = g.toLatLon(eV.LatLon, datum=Datums.OSGB36)  # 52°39′27.253″N, 001°43′04.518″E
        if self._latlon:
            return self._latlon3(LatLon, datum)

        E = _OSGB36.ellipsoid  # Airy130
        a_F0 = E.a * _F0
        b_F0 = E.b * _F0

        e, n = self._easting, self._northing
        n_N0 = n - _N0

        a, M = _A0, 0
        sa = Fsum(a)
        while True:
            t = n_N0 - M
            if t < _10um:
            sa.fadd(t / a_F0)
            a = sa.fsum()
            M = b_F0 * _M(E.Mabcd, a)

        ca, sa, ta = cos(a), sin(a), tan(a)

        s = E.e2s2(sa)
        v = a_F0 / sqrt(s)  # nu
        r = v * E.e12 / s  # rho

        vr = v / r  # == s / E.e12
        x2 = vr - 1  # η2

        v3, v5, v7 = fpowers(v, 7, 3)  # PYCHOK false!
        ta2, ta4, ta6 = fpowers(ta**2, 3)  # PYCHOK false!

        tar = ta / r
        V4 = (a, tar / (2 * v), tar / (24 * v3) * fdot(
            (1, 3, -9), 5 + x2, ta2, ta2 * x2), tar / (720 * v5) * fdot(
                (61, 90, 45), 1, ta2, ta4))

        csa = 1.0 / ca
        X5 = (_B0, csa / v, csa / (6 * v3) * fsum_(vr, ta, ta),
              csa / (120 * v5) * fdot(
                  (5, 28, 24), 1, ta2, ta4), csa / (5040 * v7) * fdot(
                      (61, 662, 1320, 720), ta, ta2, ta4, ta6))

        d, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = fpowers(e - _E0, 7)  # PYCHOK false!
        a = fdot(V4, 1, -d2, d4, -d6)
        b = fdot(X5, 1, d, -d3, d5, -d7)

        self._latlon = _eLLb(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=_OSGB36)
        return self._latlon3(LatLon, datum)
 def opt3(self):
     '''Get the optional meridian (degrees180).
     return degrees180(self._opt3)
 def lon0(self):
     '''Get the central meridian (degrees180).
     return degrees180(self._lon0)
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon, datum=Datums.WGS84):
        '''Convert this OSGR coordinate to an ellipsoidal lat-/longitude

           Note formulation implemented here due to Thomas, Redfearn, etc.
           is as published by OS, but is inferior to Krüger as used by
           e.g. Karney 2011.

           @param LatLon: Ellipsoidal LatLon class to use (L{LatLon}).
           @param datum: Darum to use (L{Datum}).

           @return: The elliposoidal point (L{LatLon}).

           @raise TypeError: If L{LatLon} is not ellipsoidal.


           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV
           >>> g = Osgr(651409.903, 313177.270)
           >>> p = g.toLatLon(ev.LatLon)  # 52°39′28.723″N, 001°42′57.787″E
           >>> # to obtain (historical) OSGB36 lat-/longitude point
           >>> p = g.toLatLon(ev.LatLon, datum=Datums.OSGB36)  # 52°39′27.253″N, 001°43′04.518″E
        if self._latlon and self._latlon.__class__ is LatLon \
                        and self._latlon.datum == datum:
            return self._latlon  # set below

        if not issubclass(LatLon, LatLonEllipsoidalBase):
            raise TypeError('%s not %s: %r' % ('LatLon', 'ellipsoidal', LatLon))

        E = _OSGB36.ellipsoid  # Airy130
        Mabcd = E.Mabcd

        e, n = self._easting, self._northing

        a, M = _A0, 0
        while True:
            t = n - _N0 - M
            if t < _10um:
            a += t / (E.a * _F0)
            M = E.b * _M(Mabcd, a)

        ca, sa, ta = cos(a), sin(a), tan(a)

        s = 1 - E.e2 * sa * sa
        v = E.a * _F0 / sqrt(s)
        r = v * E.e12 / s

        x2 = v / r - 1  # η

        v3 = v * v * v
        v5 = v * v * v3
        v7 = v * v * v5

        ta2 = ta  * ta
        ta4 = ta2 * ta2
        ta6 = ta4 * ta2

        V4 = (a,
              ta / (  2 * r * v),
              ta / ( 24 * r * v3) * fdot((5, 3, 1, -9), 1, ta2, x2, x2 * ta2),
              ta / (720 * r * v5) * fdot((61, 90, 45), 1, ta2, ta4))

        sca = 1 / ca
        X5 = (_B0,
              sca / v,
              sca / (   6 * v3) * (v / r + 2 * ta),
              sca / ( 120 * v5) * fdot((5, 28, 24), 1, ta2, ta4),
              sca / (5040 * v7) * fdot((61, 662, 1320, 720), ta, ta2, ta4, ta6))

        d  = e - _E0
        d2 = d  * d
        d4 = d2 * d2
        d6 = d2 * d4

        a = fdot(V4, 1,    -d2,     d4,     -d6)
        b = fdot(X5, 1, d, -d2 * d, d4 * d, -d6 * d)

        ll = LatLon(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=_OSGB36)
        if datum != _OSGB36:
            ll = ll.convertDatum(datum)
            ll = LatLon(, ll.lon, datum=datum)

        self._latlon = ll
        return ll
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon):
        '''Convert this UTM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @param LatLon: The I{LatLon} class to use for the point
                          (I{LatLon}) or None.

           @return: Point of this UTM coordinate (I{LatLon}) or 5-tuple
                    (lat, lon, datum, convergence, scale) if I{LatLon}
                    is None.

           @raise TypeError: If I{LatLon} is not ellipsoidal.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid meridional radius or H-value.


           >>> u = Utm(31, 'N', 448251.795, 5411932.678)
           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV
           >>> ll = u.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)  # 48°51′29.52″N, 002°17′40.20″E
        if self._latlon:
            return self._latlon5(LatLon)

        E = self._datum.ellipsoid  # XXX vs LatLon.datum.ellipsoid

        x = self._easting - _FalseEasting  # relative to central meridian
        y = self._northing
        if self._hemi == 'S':  # relative to equator
            y -= _FalseNorthing

        # from Karney 2011 Eq 15-22, 36
        A0 = _K0 * E.A
        if A0 < EPS:
            raise ValueError('%s invalid: %r' % ('meridional', E.A))
        x /= A0  # η eta
        y /= A0  # ξ ksi

        B6 = _K6s(E.Beta6, x, y)  # 6th-order Krüger series, 1-origin
        y = -B6.ys(-y)  # ξ'
        x = -B6.xs(-x)  # η'

        shx = sinh(x)
        cy, sy = cos(y), sin(y)

        H = hypot(shx, cy)
        if H < EPS:
            raise ValueError('%s invalid: %r' % ('H', H))

        T = t0 = sy / H  # τʹ
        q = 1.0 / E.e12
        d = 1
        sd = Fsum(T)
        # toggles on +/-1.12e-16 eg. 31 N 400000 5000000
        while abs(d) > EPS:  # 1e-12
            h = hypot1(T)
            s = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / h))
            t = T * hypot1(s) - s * h
            d = (t0 - t) / hypot1(t) * (q + T**2) / h
            T = sd.fsum()  # τi

        a = atan(T)  # lat
        b = atan2(shx, cy) + radians(_cmlon(self._zone))
        ll = _eLLb(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=self._datum)

        # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
        p =
        q = B6.qs(0)
        ll._convergence = degrees(atan(tan(y) * tanh(x)) + atan2(q, p))

        # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 28
        ll._scale = E.e2s(sin(a)) * hypot1(T) * H * (A0 / E.a / hypot(p, q))

        self._latlon = ll
        return self._latlon5(LatLon)