def get_relative_rotation_y(agent, player): """ Returns the relative rotation of the agent to the camera in yaw The relative rotation is the difference between the camera rotation (on car) and the agent rotation""" # We only car about the rotation for the classes we do detection on if agent.get_transform(): rot_agent = agent.get_transform().rotation.yaw rot_car = player.get_transform().rotation.yaw return degrees_to_radians(rot_agent - rot_car)
def get_relative_rotation_y(agent, player_measurements): """ Returns the relative rotation of the agent to the camera in yaw The relative rotation is the difference between the camera rotation (on car) and the agent rotation""" # We only car about the rotation for the classes we do detection on if agent.vehicle.transform: rot_agent = agent.vehicle.transform.rotation.yaw rot_car = player_measurements.transform.rotation.yaw # print("=========================================", rot_agent, rot_car) return degrees_to_radians(rot_agent - rot_car)
def save_groundplanes(planes_fname, player_measurements, lidar_height): from math import cos, sin """ Saves the groundplane vector of the current frame. The format of the ground plane file is first three lines describing the file (number of parameters). The next line is the three parameters of the normal vector, and the last is the height of the normal vector, which is the same as the distance to the camera in meters. """ rotation = player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) # Rotate normal vector (y) wrt. pitch and yaw normal_vector = [ cos(pitch) * sin(roll), -cos(pitch) * cos(roll), sin(pitch) ] normal_vector = map(str, normal_vector) with open(planes_fname, 'w') as f: f.write("# Plane\n") f.write("Width 4\n") f.write("Height 1\n") f.write("{} {}\n".format(" ".join(normal_vector), lidar_height))"Wrote plane data to %s", planes_fname)
def processing(world, image_rgb, image_depth, image_lidar, intrinsic, player, agents, camera_to_car_transform, lidar_to_car_transform, gen_time): if image_rgb is not None and image_depth is not None: # Convert main image image = to_rgb_array(image_rgb) extrinsic = get_matrix( player.get_transform()) * camera_to_car_transform # Retrieve and draw datapoints #IMAGE IS AN ARRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! image, datapoints = generate_datapoints(world, image, intrinsic, extrinsic, image_depth, player, agents, gen_time) #Lidar signal processing # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = player.get_transform().rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) #print('pitch: ', pitch) #print('roll: ', roll) #print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space pc_arr_cpy = np.frombuffer(image_lidar.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) #print(pc_arr.shape) pc_arr = np.reshape(pc_arr_cpy, (int(pc_arr_cpy.shape[0] / 4), 4))[:, :3].copy() #print(pc_arr.shape) pc_arr[:, [0, 2]] = -pc_arr[:, [0, 2]] pc_arr[:, [0, 1]] = pc_arr[:, [1, 0]] #print(pc_arr.shape) point_cloud = np.array(transform_points(pc_arr, lidar_to_car_transform)) #print(lidar_to_car_transform) point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS #print(point_cloud.shape) point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T # print(self._lidar_to_car_transform.matrix) # print(self._camera_to_car_transform.matrix) # Draw lidar # Camera coordinate system is left, up, forwards if VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Transform to camera space by the inverse of camera_to_car transform point_cloud_cam = transform_points( point_cloud, np.linalg.inv(camera_to_car_transform)) point_cloud_cam[:, 1] += LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS image = lidar_utils.project_point_cloud(image, point_cloud_cam, intrinsic, 1) #determine whether to save data #TO_DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if image is not None: return image, datapoints, point_cloud, extrinsic else: logging.debug("Image is None")
def __init__(self, tcp_host_ip, tcp_port, rtc_host_ip, rtc_port, camera_calibration_file=''): # Connect to robot client self.tcp_host_ip = tcp_host_ip self.tcp_port = tcp_port # Connect as real-time client to parse state data self.rtc_host_ip = rtc_host_ip self.rtc_port = rtc_port # Default home joint configuration self.home_joint_config = [ utils.degrees_to_radians(90), #BASE utils.degrees_to_radians(-135), #HOMBRO utils.degrees_to_radians(145), #CODO utils.degrees_to_radians(-100), #MUÑ1 utils.degrees_to_radians(270), #MUÑ2 utils.degrees_to_radians(0), #MUÑ3 ] # Default photo joint configuration self.photo_joint_config = [ utils.degrees_to_radians(115.60), #BASE utils.degrees_to_radians(-57.30), #HOMBRO utils.degrees_to_radians(8.65), #CODO utils.degrees_to_radians(-40.91), #MUÑ1 utils.degrees_to_radians(273.94), #MUÑ2 utils.degrees_to_radians(-65.93), #MUÑ3 ] # Default joint speed configuration self.JOINT_ACC_DEFAULT = 8 self.JOINT_VEL_DEFAULT = 3 self.JOINT_ACC_SAFE = 1.4 self.JOINT_VEL_SAFE = 1.05 self.joint_acc = self.JOINT_ACC_DEFAULT # default: 8, safe: 1.4 m/s^2 self.joint_vel = self.JOINT_VEL_DEFAULT # default: 3, safe: 1.05 m/s # Joint tolerance for blocking calls self.joint_tolerance = 0.1 # Default tool speed configuration self.TOOL_ACC_DEFAULT = 1.2 self.TOOL_VEL_DEFAULT = 0.25 self.TOOL_ACC_SAFE = 0.5 self.TOOL_VEL_SAFE = 0.2 self.tool_acc = self.TOOL_ACC_DEFAULT # default: 1.2, safe: 0.5 self.tool_vel = self.TOOL_VEL_DEFAULT # default: 0.25, safe: 0.2 # Tool pose tolerance for blocking calls self.tool_pose_tolerance = [0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01] # Fetch RGB-D data from RealSense camera = Camera() # Load camera pose (from running, intrinsics and depth scale self.cam_pose = np.loadtxt('camera_pose.txt', delimiter=' ') self.cam_depth_scale = np.loadtxt('camera_depth_scale.txt', delimiter=' ')
def _generate_datapoints(self, image): """ Returns a list of datapoints (labels and such) that are generated this frame together with the main image image """ datapoints = {} # print('{0:06}.jpg'.format(self.captured_frame_no)) imgNameFmt = os.path.join("{0}", "{1:06}.jpg") datapoints['name'] = imgNameFmt.format(TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, self.captured_frame_no) datapoints['videoName'] = TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE # datapoints.append(imgNameFmt.format(TIME_ON_NEW_EPISODE, self.captured_frame_no)) datapoints['resolution'] = {'width': 1920, 'height': 1080} datapoints['attributes'] = { "weather": "clouds", "scene": "undefined", "timeofday": "noon" } datapoints['intrinsics'] = { "focal": [960.0000000000001, 960.0000000000001], "center": [960, 540], "fov": 90.0, "nearClip": 0.15, "cali": [[960.0000000000001, 0, 960, 0], [0, 960.0000000000001, 540, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]] } rot = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation loc = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.location datapoints['extrinsics'] = { "location": [-loc.x, -loc.y, loc.z], "rotation": [ degrees_to_radians(rot.pitch), degrees_to_radians(rot.roll), degrees_to_radians(rot.yaw) ] } datapoints['timestamp'] = int(time.time()) datapoints['frameIndex'] = self.captured_frame_no image = image.copy() # Remove this rotRP = np.identity(3) datapoints['labels'] = [] # Stores all datapoints for the current frames for agent in self._measurements.non_player_agents: if should_detect_class(agent) and GEN_DATA: image, kitti_datapoint = create_kitti_datapoint( agent, self._intrinsic, self._extrinsic.matrix, image, self._depth_image, self._measurements.player_measurements, rotRP) if kitti_datapoint: orientation = degrees_to_radians( agent.vehicle.transform.rotation.yaw) ob_center_x = (kitti_datapoint.bbox[2] + kitti_datapoint.bbox[0]) / 2 rotation_y2alpha = orientation - np.arctan2( 960.0000000000001, (ob_center_x - 960)) rotation_y2alpha = rotation_y2alpha % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # print(kitti_datapoint) datapoints['labels'].append({ 'id': int(, 'category': kitti_datapoint.type, 'manualShape': False, 'manualAttributes': False, 'attributes': { "occluded": kitti_datapoint.occluded, "truncated": kitti_datapoint.truncated, "ignore": False }, 'box2d': { 'x1': kitti_datapoint.bbox[0], 'y1': kitti_datapoint.bbox[1], 'x2': kitti_datapoint.bbox[2], 'y2': kitti_datapoint.bbox[3], 'confidence': 1.0 }, 'box3d': { "alpha": rotation_y2alpha, "orientation": orientation, "location": kitti_datapoint.location, "dimension": kitti_datapoint.dimensions } }) return image, datapoints
def _on_render(self): datapoints = [] if self._main_image is not None and self._depth_image is not None: # Convert main image image = image_converter.to_rgb_array(self._main_image) # Retrieve and draw datapoints image, datapoints = self._generate_datapoints(image) # Draw lidar # Camera coordinate system is left, up, forwards if VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) print('pitch: ', pitch) print('roll: ', roll) print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space point_cloud = np.array( self._lidar_to_car_transform.transform_points( point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T # print(self._lidar_to_car_transform.matrix) # print(self._camera_to_car_transform.matrix) # Transform to camera space by the inverse of camera_to_car transform point_cloud_cam = self._camera_to_car_transform.inverse( ).transform_points(point_cloud) point_cloud_cam[:, 1] += LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS image = lidar_utils.project_point_cloud( image, point_cloud_cam, self._intrinsic, 1) # Display image surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(image.swapaxes(0, 1)) self._display.blit(surface, (0, 0)) if self._map_view is not None: self._display_agents(self._map_view) pygame.display.flip() # Determine whether to save files distance_driven = self._distance_since_last_recording() #print("Distance driven since last recording: {}".format(distance_driven)) has_driven_long_enough = distance_driven is None or distance_driven > DISTANCE_SINCE_LAST_RECORDING if (self._timer.step + 1) % STEPS_BETWEEN_RECORDINGS == 0: if has_driven_long_enough and datapoints: # Avoid doing this twice or unnecessarily often if not VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) print('pitch: ', pitch) print('roll: ', roll) print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space point_cloud = np.array( self._lidar_to_car_transform.transform_points( point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T self._update_agent_location() # Save screen, lidar and kitti training labels together with calibration and groundplane files self._save_training_files(datapoints, point_cloud) self.captured_frame_no += 1 self._captured_frames_since_restart += 1 self._frames_since_last_capture = 0 else: logging.debug( "Could save datapoint, but agent has not driven {} meters since last recording (Currently {} meters)" .format(DISTANCE_SINCE_LAST_RECORDING, distance_driven)) else: self._frames_since_last_capture += 1 logging.debug( "Could not save training data - no visible agents of selected classes in scene" )
def _on_render(self): datapoints = [] if self._main_image is not None and self._depth_image is not None: # Convert main image image = image_converter.to_rgb_array(self._main_image) # Retrieve and draw datapoints image, datapoints = self._generate_datapoints(image) # Draw lidar # Camera coordinate system is left, up, forwards if VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) print('pitch: ', pitch) print('roll: ', roll) print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space point_cloud = np.array( self._lidar_to_car_transform.transform_points( point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T # Transform to camera space by the inverse of camera_to_car transform point_cloud_cam = self._camera_to_car_transform.inverse( ).transform_points(point_cloud) point_cloud_cam[:, 1] += LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS image = lidar_utils.project_point_cloud( image, point_cloud_cam, self._intrinsic, 1) # Display image surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(image.swapaxes(0, 1)) self._display.blit(surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() if (self._timer.step + 1) % STEPS_BETWEEN_RECORDINGS == 0: if datapoints: # Avoid doing this twice or unnecessarily often if not VISUALIZE_LIDAR: # Calculation to shift bboxes relative to pitch and roll of player rotation = self._measurements.player_measurements.transform.rotation pitch, roll, yaw = rotation.pitch, rotation.roll, rotation.yaw # Since measurements are in degrees, convert to radians pitch = degrees_to_radians(pitch) roll = degrees_to_radians(roll) yaw = degrees_to_radians(yaw) print('pitch: ', pitch) print('roll: ', roll) print('yaw: ', yaw) # Rotation matrix for pitch rotP = np.array([[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]) # Rotation matrix for roll rotR = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll)], [0, sin(roll), cos(roll)]]) # combined rotation matrix, must be in order roll, pitch, yaw rotRP = np.matmul(rotR, rotP) # Take the points from the point cloud and transform to car space point_cloud = np.array( self._lidar_to_car_transform.transform_points( point_cloud[:, 2] -= LIDAR_HEIGHT_POS point_cloud = np.matmul(rotRP, point_cloud.T).T self._update_agent_location() # Save screen, lidar and kitti training labels together with calibration and groundplane files # self._save_training_files(datapoints, point_cloud) img = get_image_data( image_converter.to_rgb_array(self._main_image)) lid = get_lidar_data(point_cloud) calib = get_calibration_matrices(self._intrinsic, self._extrinsic) mess = { "idx": self.captured_frame_no, "image_2": img, "velodyne": lid, "calib": calib } annos = self.evaluator.predict(mess) # annos = self.evaluator.evaluate(self.captured_frame_no) print(annos) scores = annos["score"] vertices = annos["vertices"] bbox = annos["bbox"] for i, score in enumerate(scores): if score * 100 > 35: # draw 3D image = draw_projected_box3d(image, vertices[i], color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=1) image = cv2.putText( image, str(round(score * 100, 2)), (int(bbox[i][0]), int(bbox[i][1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (255, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # draw 2D # bbox = annos["bbox"] # x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox[i] # cv2.rectangle(image, pt1=(x1, y1), pt2=(x2, y2), color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2) # Display image surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface( image.swapaxes(0, 1)) self._display.blit(surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() self.captured_frame_no += 1 self._captured_frames_since_restart += 1 self._frames_since_last_capture = 0 time.sleep(0.5) else: logging.debug("Could save datapoint".format( DISTANCE_SINCE_LAST_RECORDING)) else: self._frames_since_last_capture += 1 logging.debug( "Could not save training data - no visible agents of selected classes in scene" )