async def profile_info(self, ctx, profile: str): # self.update_responses() responses = self.responses['profile']['profile_info'] guild_id = str( profiles = get_servers_data()[guild_id]['profiles'] if profile in profiles: profile_roles = profiles[profile] embed = embed_template( title=responses['embed_data']['title'].format(profile=profile), description=responses['embed_data']['description'].format( number=format(len(profile_roles), "bold"))) content = responses['content'] field = "" for role_id in profile_roles: role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is None: self.remove_profile_role(guild_id, role_id, profile) else: field += f"{role.mention}, " field = field.rstrip(', ') embed.add_field(name="Roles:", value=field) await ctx.send(content=content, embed=embed) else: raise commands.BadArgument(profile, "invalid_profile")
async def predicate(ctx): guild_id = str( guild_data = get_servers_data()[guild_id] permission_type = guild_data["permission_type"] author_perms = if == ctx.guild.owner_id or in get_config( )['has_access'] or permission_type == "everyone": return True elif permission_type == "administrator" or permission_type == "manage_server": if getattr(author_perms, permission_type, False): return True elif permission_type == "custom" and guild_data[ "custom_has_permission"]: if in guild_data[ "custom_has_permission"]: return True # if the check has gone this far and returned nothing, then the check has failed and permission is denied with open("info/responses.json", "r") as f: responses = json.load(f)['fail_check']['perms'] embed = embed_template( title=responses['embed_data']['title'].format( command=ctx.invoked_with), description=responses['embed_data']['description'].format( permission_type=permission_type)) embed.color = 15138816 await ctx.send(content=responses['content'], embed=embed)
async def permission_type(self, ctx): self.update_response() responses = self.responses['permissions']['permission_type'] data = get_servers_data() guild_id = str( guild_exists(guild_id) permission_type = data[guild_id]["permission_type"] embed = embed_template( title=responses["embed_data"]["title"].format(, description=responses["embed_data"]["description"]) embed.add_field(name=f"Permission type:", value=permission_type) if permission_type == "custom": user_ids = data[guild_id]['custom_has_permission'] users = [] for user_id in user_ids: user_obj = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.members, id=user_id) users.append(f"{}#{user_obj.discriminator}") users.append( f"{}#{ctx.guild.owner.discriminator} (server owner)" ) embed.add_field(name="Custom permission access", value=', '.join(users)) await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed)
async def help(self, ctx, specific=None): self.update_response() guild_exists(str( if specific is not None: specific = specific.lower() embed = embed_template() content = None # dictionary of lower cog name: cog cogs = {cog.qualified_name.lower(): cog for cog in self.client.cogs.values()} # dictionary of all lower command name: command # commands = { command for cog in self.client.cogs.values() for command in cog.get_commands() } # have to include command aliases commands = {} for cog in self.client.cogs.values(): for command in cog.get_commands(): commands[] = command for alias in command.aliases: commands[alias.lower()] = command if specific is None: content = self.help_embed(ctx, embed) elif specific in cogs: content = self.module_help_embed(ctx, cogs[specific], embed) elif specific in commands: self.command_help_embed(commands[specific], embed) else: # print(f"{specific} not found") self.help_embed(ctx, embed) content = f"Specific command or module \"{specific}\" was not found. Here is the main help page." await ctx.send(content=content, embed=embed)
async def server_config(self, ctx): self.update_response() responses = self.responses['settings']['server_config'] guild_exists(str( guild_id = str( guild_data = get_servers_data()[guild_id] prefix = ctx.prefix number_of_profiles = len(guild_data["profiles"]) permission_type = guild_data["permission_type"] jail_role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=guild_data["jail_role"]) jail_role = jail_role.mention if jail_role is not None else jail_role jail_channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.text_channels, id=guild_data["jail_channel"]) jail_channel = jail_channel.mention if jail_channel is not None else jail_channel embed = embed_template( title=responses["embed_data"]["title"].format(, description=responses["embed_data"]["description"]) embed.add_field(name="Bot prefix", value=f'`{prefix}`', inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Number of profiles", value=number_of_profiles, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Permission type", value=permission_type, inline=True) if permission_type == "custom": user_ids = guild_data['custom_has_permission'] users = [] for user_id in user_ids: user_obj = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.members, id=user_id) if user_obj is not None: users.append(f"{}#{user_obj.discriminator}") else: users.append(str(user_id)) users.append( f"{}#{ctx.guild.owner.discriminator} (server owner)" ) embed.add_field(name="Custom permission access", value=', '.join(users)) embed.add_field(name="Jail role", value=jail_role) embed.add_field(name="Jail channel", value=jail_channel) await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed)
async def list_profiles(self, ctx): # self.update_responses() responses = self.responses['profile']['list_profiles'] guild_id = str( profiles = get_servers_data()[guild_id]['profiles'] fields = [] for profile_name, profile_roles in profiles.items(): fields.append({'name': profile_name, 'value': len(profile_roles)}) fields.sort(key=lambda f: f['name']) num_profiles = len(fields) num_embeds = num_profiles // 25 # 25 is the max num fields per embed slices = [] if num_embeds != 0: leftover = len(fields) - (num_embeds * 25) for i in range(num_embeds): start = i * 25 stop = (i + 1) * 25 slices.append(slice(start, stop)) if leftover: slices.append(slice(stop, stop + leftover)) else: slices.append(slice(0, len(fields))) for slice_ in slices: embed = embed_template( title=responses['embed_data']['title'].format(, description=responses['embed_data']['description'].format(, number=format(num_profiles, "bold"), prefix=ctx.prefix)) embed_fields = fields[slice_] if embed_fields: for field in embed_fields: embed.add_field( name=field['name'], value=f"{format(field['value'], 'bold')} total roles.", inline=True) else: embed.add_field(name="\a", value='There are no responders') await ctx.send(embed=embed) # BUG: if there's more than 25, than it isn't shown, loop through yk the drill plsz '''
async def predicate(ctx): guild_id = str( guild_data = get_servers_data()[guild_id] if ("jail_role" in guild_data and guild_data["jail_role"] is not None) and ("jail_channel" in guild_data and guild_data["jail_channel"] is not None): return True # if the check has gone this far and returned nothing, then the check has failed with open("info/responses.json", "r") as f: responses = json.load(f)['fail_check']['jail_exists'] embed = embed_template( title=responses['embed_data']['title'].format( command=ctx.invoked_with), description=responses['embed_data']['description'].format( command=ctx.invoked_with, prefix=ctx.prefix)) embed.color = 15138816 await ctx.send(content=responses['content'], embed=embed)
async def predicate(ctx): guild_id = str( guild_data = get_servers_data()[guild_id] permission_type = guild_data["permission_type"] if guild_data["permission_type"] == "custom": return True # if the check has gone this far and returned nothing, then the check has failed with open("info/responses.json", "r") as f: responses = json.load(f)['fail_check']['custom_perms_enabled'] embed = embed_template( title=responses['embed_data']['title'].format( command=ctx.invoked_with), description=responses['embed_data']['description'].format( command=ctx.invoked_with, permission_type=permission_type, prefix=ctx.prefix)) embed.color = 15138816 await ctx.send(content=responses['content'], embed=embed)
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): """The event triggered when an error is raised while invoking a command. ctx : Context error : Exception edited from """ # if hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'): # return ignored = (commands.CommandNotFound, commands.CheckFailure) error = getattr(error, 'original', error) if isinstance(error, ignored): return elif isinstance(error, KeyError): command = self.client.get_command(ctx.invoked_with) responses = get_responses()[command.cog.qualified_name.lower()][] embed = embed_template( title="An internal responder message error has occured", description= f"Missing responder `{error.args[0]}` for command ``" ) embed.color = 15138816 await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed) else: try: command = self.client.get_command(ctx.invoked_with) responses = get_responses()[ command.cog.qualified_name.lower()][] message = "" if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): message = responses["error"][f"missing_{}"] elif isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): if len(error.args) == 1: message = responses["error"][error.args[0]] elif len(error.args) == 2: message = responses["error"][error.args[1]].format( profile=format(error.args[0], 'single_code')) elif isinstance(error, discord.Forbidden): message = responses["error"]['forbidden'] embed = embed_template(title="An error has occured", description=message) embed.color = 15138816 await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed) except KeyError: command = self.client.get_command(ctx.invoked_with) responses = get_responses()[ command.cog.qualified_name.lower()][] embed = embed_template( title="An internal responder message error has occured", description= f"Missing responder `{error.args[0]}` for command `{}`" ) embed.color = 15138816 await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed) raise error